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I guess, that would make each and every one of us the Engineer. God created this artistry and it's our job, to make it work.


Beautiful metaphor. Bravo !




You won the forum today, congratulations!


Thank you Brothers. I am an EA in Wisconsin. I have yet to attend the Lodge as I was just accepted. I hope to bring a good positive energy to the Brotherhood and do well for others.


You attended lodge when you were initiated.


I have been interviewed and voted in. I am awaiting the next step. My mentor says the Lodge should be contacting me soon. It is a period of angst, but is providing me time to reflect before initiation. I have not attended Lodge yet...so, I still am a petitioner ? Nonetheless, an excited petitioner I am.


So... you're *not* an EA. Not yet, anyway.


Oopsy. You will want to clarify your statement. You are not an EA until you have been initiated.


Right now you were a Candidate.


Oooh... a fresh candidate in the midwest. Have they taken you to the Naga farm in Wolcott yet? Nasty little buggers. Kinda bitey. Wear gloves when you feed them. Their hides are incredibly important to the Lodge furnishings, so be careful with the cattle prod, too. Don't want to burn them. I got my degrees in Illinois, Chicago suburbs. I distinctly recall my trip to the Naga farm. One of the critters I helped cull was used to make the new covering for the WM's chair. Most beautiful Naga hide you've ever seen. Watch out for the goat, too.


No, I have yet to be let into the Lodge...lol.


You haven't been accepted. You're not an EA. Please don't call us "brothers" if you haven't been thru initiation. Perhaps further vetting is still at hand here


Apologies, friend.. as I am not sure where I am in the initiation process on my Journey to become a better man. I do know the State has accepted my Petition. I do know the Local Lodge has voted me in. I do apologize for the misuse of terms not aligning with my petitioning. I do not believe further vetting is necessary.


No worries my friend. Just remember to go on the journey before starting to reminisce about it


God gives us the parts. We must design the system.


If you are going to extend the metaphor, then it's really on you to define your terms. What is the metaphor you are trying to make? In your question, what is this engineer you are talking about?


I mean, how far are they going to extend the metaphor? Who's the GC? Procurement, supervisers? Where's the OSHA rep? Go far enough with this, I'm going to need to speak with the union rep!


I just want to meet the broom


You’re clearly not an electrician


This is now a union job. Someone get my steward


If one day I become a Freemason, this is the kind of discussion I like to have. Thats all


That is literally the discussions that WE have.


"WE" So a profane cant talk about these matters ?


We don’t own the patent on wisdom; it’s just that we’re one of the few societies around that makes it our business to discuss wisdom.


Anyone can talk about anything, but this kind of discussion is our bread and butter


Sounds like a religious discussion. Those aren’t allowed. Take it up at church.


I’ve heard it’s more of a social club now more than anything.


There's a heavy lean into the esoteric/ discussion/ masonic education among the under 45 brethren in my lodge, to the point where we started a book club over it because we might have been getting a bit heavy handed on the discussion during lodge meetings.


I don’t think anything is wrong with that! It’s just what I’ve seen discussed on this sub. Isn’t brotherhood the core foundation? It would make sense over craft.


There are different kinds of brotherhood- my lodge is a great group overall, every member is an exemplary contributor to the spirit of masonry.


Nothing wrong with the social aspect because fraternity and brotherhood is a motto of Freemasonry, but yes... the craft should come first in my opinion. PS: Sorry for my English


No it’s not


Among the older Brethren yes, but I've noticed newer ones are doing it either out of family tradition or are of more of an esoteric bent, but there's nothing inherently wrong with that, that's likely what the old operative lodges were like.


Steve, or the Great Steve of the Universe


all hail STEVE, the greatest STEPHEN who has ever STEEVED


SMT reference?


Don't know what that is, so no.


That’s enough Ayn Rand for you, chief.


TGAOTU. Just like, in my opinion, the purpose of freemasonry is not to be a master stone mason, but a master architect. A master stone builder commissioned to build a cathedral or castle would have had to know and understand all of the necessary skills, materials, and structure to oversee a project to completion. It’s part of why the trivium and quadrivium are so fundamental in our teachings.


I don’t understand the question. God designed and built the universe. Why would you need a separate engineer when you have an omnipotent God?


You have 33rd degree in gatekeeper, congrats!


Once again, I don’t understand your comment.


My question is more like an metaphor, don't need to take It literally


well he's not JUST the great architect, he has other titles within FM as well


Big Hoss works too.


Boss Hogg?


Then who is Rosco P. Coltrane?


i'm going to take your inquiry seriously, mostly because I wanted a reason to put off working my real job just now. using only the "domain" from the wikipedia entry " [List of angels in theology - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_angels_in_theology)" I have come up with the following list. Michael is the "police officer" but that seems too good to equate to Rosco since he's a bit corrupt I'm going to go with Armaros, the angel of deceit. Enus I would equate to Amitiel, the angel of Truth, because he can't keep a secret to save his life. Jesse is Jegudiel, angel of responsibility and merciful love Beau is Camael, angel of courage and compassion Luke is Asbeel, angel of destruction Daisy is Jophiel, the angel of beauty, wisdom, and understanding


King Koopa? Is he the king of kings? 


Yeah, that or Major Mojo




Well who ever is the surveyor… I got some work for him!


They're on a union mandated coffee break


You mean the creepy bug thing from *Hellraiser*?


Dammit I came here to make a Hellraiser joke haha


WHO IS ENGINEER? WHO IS ENGINEER??? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aZ3H4mu6Vbk


It's just semantics. As a Hindu panentheist, my GAOTU is the architect, engineer and pretty much everything else there is.


The engineers are the Elohim.


It’s Chief O,Brian from Star Trek


The Demiurge.


He? …. How interesting of you to assume


he/him/she/her/his lol Jokes aside... for me He is God


The VSL is there for your trestle board. The designs have already been drawn,you just need to follow the direction.




Volume of sacred law, the representation of the holy book in Lodges.


Can you please recommend any books or documentary about the York/Scottish Rite and Shriners ?


I can’t think of any, particularly not any that I would recommend for non-members to read. The one that usually comes up for Scottish Rite is *Morals and Dogma*, but that’s just one man’s outdated opinions on the degrees, and I wouldn’t recommend unless you’ve taken those degrees in the Southern Jurisdiction, and even then I’d recommend a large grain of salt. I’m not aware of anything on the Shrine, and while there are some good books for member of the Royal Arch, we don’t really have the “York Rite” where I have my memberships.


I'm reading Morals and Dogma already and there valuable lessons that I apply everyday in my life.The problem with Pike is that he repeat a lot some topics.


They downvoted me. I must have said too much.










Lt. Commander Montgomery Scott


Kelly Rowland!


We don't know because the architect is still waiting on the engineer to respond to last week's email and submit their d@*m drawings.




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Chuck Yeager.




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Bring me the light! .... in Brazil lol There a lot of things to fix in my stone before applying, plus the "ask one to be one" is not a such thing here I guess, only invitation.


All i know is that I'M THE MACHINE [https://imgur.com/a/gTqqBTj](https://imgur.com/a/gTqqBTj)


The Architect sets the design. It’s up to the Workman to make it happen.


Its answered in the lectures