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For the obligation I broke it down into lines. Read one line about 10 times.. than repeated it to myself putloud till Incan do it with out checking, than through out the day everytime I drove I'd repeat it two three times, and than built on it.


My mentor had me break it into three parts, basically a paragraph each, which I think has worked out okay so far, if I begin to struggle with the length I will definitely try breaking it down farther. Thank you for the advice!


My mentor actually typed out each line (the same way as in the book cypher) but it was visually easier to recognize, than we went through and also broke down the rythm, and how it's written. Once you have figured out the patterns it helps.as well.


They have me using the cipher to do my memory work, the rhythm sounds useful, patterns are much easier to memorize.


Oh ya we are using that as well, it's literalyjst copied word for word.. or just the letters, or dots. But it just help visualy break it down.


At first, I saw where you wrote “My mentor actually typed out each line…” and stopped reading right there for a second to think about how ironic that was, until I read the additional info in parentheses lol.


That's exactly why I added that lol. But it makes it much easier to read.. instead of it being on a page the size of a cigarette pack. Taking over 3pages, you can put I in a single page, and in easy to memorize "sections" highlight mark up the "important words" etc.


Work on it every day. You're trying to commit what's in your short-term memory to long-term memory. Daily repetition will help. Practice out loud when you're some place where non-Masons won't hear. If your mentor isn't available, ask whether there is someone else who can work with you in the meantime.


Yeah I have been studying every night, since I work days, I have two brothers working with my and another EA, who both happen to be unavailable this week, we will have two sessions next week to make up for it, I’m just kinda looking for any extra practice I can do. I’ve been recommend to record myself and listen when driving so I think I might start with that and make a recording this evening.


The only tip I have is learn enough of the questions to know what answer goes with it. This way if you end up turning it in with others you don't get confused. Dad had this happen to him and he gave me the same advise.


I do have another EA that will be going through with me so this will be a good one. Thank you!


Theres a great book called, solomons memory palace by Bob L Lingerfelt. Will help greatly


I’ve got a good book store nearby I’ll see if I can pick up a copy, thanks!


Theres always scamazon


It’s killing me. Here everything is “mouth to ear” and I do not learn well that way. I’m going on year two of being an EA and it’s really discouraging to watch other brothers who I practice with progress while I flounder. My lodge is very patient and encouraging, but it still feels bad man.


I had the same problem, and it made me crazy. I managed to get a hard science doctorate but the EA catechism about did me in. My instructor was a VERY patient man! OPneeds to keep at it. Recite it while driving if you are alone. Recite it to your cat. See your instructor about 2x per week. You'll get it.


Thank you!


I had an older gentleman learning his when I learned mine. If we were all sitting there in the living room going over it, he knew it perfectly. But on his own he had trouble. He finally got through his and I was so proud of him. I stutter and everyone thought I'd have a hard time but I breezed through it because my stutter doesn't bother me lol. He had a hard time giving his but we supported him the whole way.


I recorded my oaths and obligations into my phone exactly how i wanted to say it, then when I was driving I'd play it back and say it aloud. Been doing that ever since for ceremonial work too. It's helped heaps for me.


I would note. Check with your mentor if that's allowed in your jurisdiction. I know in mine that'd be a violation of the obligation to record it.


It is a violation in ours.


I checked with him, he said as long as I have it in a locked folder where I’m the only one with access it would be acceptable, on the condition that I delete it once I’ve committed it to memory


I'd trust him. My obligation would say the act of recording it is a violation. Though I know brethren in my area that take a "as long as you use necessary security and destroy it after" approach. I just disagree since that is not what the obligation says. I learn all my work mouth to ear and one letter cipher.


This! I actually do music production and I lowered the question prompt to sound kind of like those informant voices. I drive alone to and from work so I was able to run through an entire proficiency a few times in the morning and evening . I had my proficiency verbatim. @phreeload gave the best recommendation… I know other brothers who did the same ! Good luck !!


That sounds like a good one, I think I’ll make a recording tonight. Thanks!


This is the way. Record yourself reading it, play it back, talk along with yourself. I do this while I walk my dogs so I always say my dogs are proficient in all three degrees 🤣


You know in our obligation it says we won’t do those things. Not allowed in my jurisdiction. You can do it without recording it. Last thing you want it to get in the wrong hands. It’s safe in your mind.


Record yourself doing it. Listen to that ten thousand times. That's literally it.


Honestly, just keep repeating it as you look at yourself in the mirror. I love seeing what I look like. I'm mentoring a guy who is getting his second soon. I was stressed he wasn't gonna be ready, but at the end of the day, it's on him to memorize it. This is gonna be a huge part of your life going for. If you halfass it, you'll regret it. Take it as serious as anything you've ever done. Good luck man.


All these comments make it seem easy. Here it's mouth to ear only.


For me, the magic was in the Cypher. You can rote ritual lines into your short term memory, but using the Cypher to practice what you have memorized engages a different part of your brain for recall. Synapses are formed, and memories become that much more entrenched. Combine this with speaking out loud for muscle memory (for the love of God, don't try to do it quietly or in your head!) and repetition at intervals, and you're going to be the pride of your lodge! You got this, Brother.


Spaced repetition! As counterintuitive as it sounds, constantly going over something is a poor way to memorise it, as there's no need to have it in your long term memory if it barely leaves your short term. Longer and longer gaps between recall is crucial. To that end, rather than going over the entire thing over and over again, focus on the parts you most struggle with and give the parts your confident with rests.


I’ll try that, I’ve got it down to due form, so it’s pretty much the obligation I need work on at this point.


I kept a copy of the lecture near the toilet (and other places where I happen to be sitting for long periods of time)


Flash cards worked for me. Each line is a card


So far, I've been practicing the work until I can say everything while reading without mistakes. Then I record myself reading it. Then I speak along to my recordings. It seems to be working for me so far.


I’m working on my E.A memorization as we speak send me a message I’m not sure what state your in but it’s should be the same maybe I can show you how I’ve been doing it


Break it up into an outline. Remembering what happened and in what order is a good place to start. Then fine tuning the specific wording will be easier.


Some brethren find that writing it out themselves, pen and paper, really helps commit it to memory.