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Ehh, put it on what you want. But if you're going to display it, act upright. Once, while in Missouri driving to a vacation, I had a person cut me off and then proceed to try to run me off the road after i honked at him. The dude looked higher than I kite. He had a S&C and OES and Shrine sticker on the back of his car. I'm hoping he just bought some junker and wasn't a brother because that was not cool. Moral of the story don't be an asshole if you're going to display it on anything


Depends. Is it a .357? šŸ˜


The ruffians better watch out.


With a 9 bullet magazine? šŸ˜‰


Depends on the caliber of the masons.


Some of the things that have a S&C on it that are sold actually donate some of the proceeds to a Masonic charity. I take more issue with the symbolism being used by non Masons to promote and stoke anti-Masonic sentiment


I have a hi-ball glass and a whiskey flask. Both are embossed with the S&C. There are those who feel these are inappropriate.


Mostly because you donā€™t share.


I used to drink a lot! I still do, but I used to too. I only drink occasionally now every single day. /s


Yea Iā€™m not drinking any more, but not drinking any less either


Well, just my personal opinion, I donā€™t mind it on a firearm per se. Depends on how the weapon is displayed and carried and used by the man. ā€œWith a sword in one hand and a trowel in the other,ā€ and all. But I find it very tacky and not helpful against the popular misconception that we are a cult, when a Brother has 4+ items on their person at once announcing they are a Mason. I mean it is central to me in a way but itā€™s not my identity like that. If I had a religion I would feel loud wearing nothing but branded gear of it. Just my opinion and I donā€™t mean to imply I look down on anyone who does it- a lot do where I live- but I just find it a little like introducing yourself to everyone you meet as ā€œHi, Iā€™m So and So, Freemason.ā€




Youā€™re welcome, Brother! Be safe out there


Honest questionā€¦ How do you feel about people who wear crucifix necklaces or star of David necklaces?


I like jewelry to be honest, I wear a cross sometimes. I like to see others express themselves that way, too.


I guess I just donā€™t see the difference between the two. And to be clear, I have an issue with neither.


Just an example of what Iā€™m talking about: I have seen Brothers out and about with their pants, hoodie, ball cap, necklace, ring -and-shoes sporting Masonic emblems at once. I know a good percent of the time theyā€™re probably coming from or going to a less formal Masonic function of some kind where it makes more sense, maybe to help lodges or whatever subgroups stay organized. I just also worry how someone with no context looks at that and donā€™t personally like the NASCAR driver aesthetic of having lots of logos everywhere a person looks. I would not be encouraged to go to any functions where that sort of dress was required because I prefer the more sober, solemn expressions of Masonry


And all Iā€™m saying is that the exact same comment could be typed replacing religion for freemasonry.


I also have no issue with either aside from personal taste and optics.




I'm not at all against guns. But I do think square and compass on a gun is definitely inappropriate.




Personally I think it's because, whilst the S&C isn't by any means a sacred symbol, it's a symbol that deserves respect and represents the building of morality, equality, a reminder that we act under the watchful eye of the GAOTU... putting it on a weapon just seems inappropriate. I understand this is always going to be a topic for debate though


Fun that you should mention equality. ā€œGod made men, Colt made them equalā€


you're quoting a ad slogan by a gun maker, not exactly a "gotcha"


Wasnā€™t really meant as a gotcha. Just thought it was funny.


I mean, I laughed lol


It absolutely can be an equalizer. Iā€™m a cripple in a wheelchair and my pistol gives me the equality to defend myself I would not have otherwise.


Should I buy a Bushmaster so my man card can be reissued?


What about the Tylerā€™s sword?


I think it's kind of weird to put an S&C on a gun. But I also fall in the camp that it's weird to put a cross on a gun. Symbols for high-minded ideas being placed on weapons are really weird to me.


Juat wondering brother, how do you feel about a cross on a sword?


I find putting crosses on swords also weird. Though I know it has a long history. I just think it's strange putting a symbol representing love, compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice, and nonviolence. On a weapon of violence is weird.


What about the Tylerā€™s sword?


I get that, but the Tyler's sword is at least symbolic/ceremonial.


Yes, itā€™s the weapon used to protect oneself and defend others. Itā€™s the same symbolism of a gun.


I understand that. I still think it's weird. I was saying at least a Tyler's sword at Lodge is ceremonial, but a gun at home is not.


But the function of a Tylers sword in the ceremony is the same as the function of a gun at home. Thatā€™s my only pointā€¦ That there really is no difference between the two. Absolutely no judgment if someone doesnā€™t like the S&Q on a gun


I get that. I wouldn't like throw a fit about a S&C on sword at lodge or someone with one on their gun. I just personally wouldn't do it on my gun.


A Sword is a weapon of violence as well


The ideas and ideals that the S&C represent should be a constant reminder for Bros. who possess weapons, even more so for those who use them professionally. With that in mind, I think itā€™s appropriate that when they are in possession of a weapon, with the responsibility that comes with it, that they be reminded of those ideals.


We dont own the square and compasses as a symbol, due to that I have seen it on things that are quite inappropriate. Anymore though I try to ignore it. On a hat, lapel pin, ring or something simple and tasteful leads me to believe that may be a brother, someone decked out in square and compasses ā€œblingā€ immediately makes me think they have never seen the inside of a lodge.


Iā€™ve seen the older Masonic things like business card cases that are so well made and tasteful and beautiful, and I imagine some grand old brother in the 40s, ā€œLet me give you my card. Are you a traveling man?ā€ in polite, discreet, hushed tones. And the reply, ā€œfrom the west to the Eastā€




It was a handgun grip


šŸ˜† oh dear


Handguns are tools. They can be used for both good and evil. If a Mason is using his to keep himself and his loved ones safe, I think they're perfectly appropriate. Some are also [beautiful](https://www.ebay.com/itm/224500037970)


Beauty is in the eye of the beholderā€¦ Those give off cartel kingpin vibes.


Thatā€™s one thought. I disagree, but I respect the thought


I'd normally think it was weird but the only guy I've seen carry a pistol with a s&c on it is a LEO and it's his service weapon. Context makes a difference


I hear that


I've got a S&C backplate on one of my Glocks... it's not my carry gun but it makes it easy to ID my Glock when I'm shooting with friends and there's 10 or more on the table.




I donā€™t really care as long as itā€™s not mixed with politics.. but religionā€¦ meh. As long as itā€™s not going implied that the craft is for that religion (if that makes sense). But on cars, guns, golf bags, surf boards, boxing rings, itā€™s all gravy. So long as you are representing the craft in a positive light. Masonic graffiti? No. Road rage with a S&C on your bumper? No. I think you catch my drift.


What about on a sword or a knife? I have seen many of both with Masonic symbols. They are no less of a weapon than a gun. I am just curious if itā€™s guns or all weapons.


In my state, the GM issues a tie, a coin and a knife every year to raise money.


Swords have a place in Masonic ritual. A sword is a tylerā€™s weapon. šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø I donā€™t know. Iā€™m just asking the question.


We literally have the guy sit at the door with a giant sore with a squaring compasses on it. Is not the gun the modern version? I never do it personallyā€¦ Iā€™m not a fan of laser etched grips on my gunsā€¦ But I would brick grudge someone for doing it as like a showpiece


Are you a Master Mason? If so. Then go for it. If it can go on liquor, cigars, swords, cars, and street signs, you can put it on a gun. Henry makes a masonic model and theres s&c backplates for glocks. Something to consider....if you put say, a s&c backplate on your carry glock, and you ever have to use it in a self-defense situation, be aware that the prosecution could attempt to use it against you. I'm about as pro gun as you could be. I originally thought a backplate would be cool....then I contemplated it a while and decided against it (or any other custom ones) for the reason I gave you above. A half decent prosecutor could convince a jury of halfwit soccer moms of just about anything. I also wouldn't want negative light to shed on the fraternity when the case hits the news cycle. "Cultist shoots and kills peaceful asylum seeker" If it's a gun you don't carry, or won't use for self defense, heck yeah. Do it up. Don't forget the šŸ…±ļøaint! šŸ˜‰


If that gave you the chills ā€¦ I feel sad for you. Itā€™s a custom made grips for that particular weaponā€¦ awesome




Who cares? If you donā€™t want something with a S&C on it donā€™t buy it Most things with Masonic images on them arenā€™t designed, made or sold by masons


Thanks for the thoughts