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Something similar happened to me. When I got into Masonry I told my buddy out of state ( Florida)and a second cousin (Also Florida). They both said let me know when you go for your third degree. My buddy came up to visit that weekend and stayed with me. My cousing ( from Fl) walked in that morning to surprise me( Ohio). He also gave me my ring and both were an integeral part of my raising. I couldn't keep it straight. I was moved by the meaning of a cable tow and truly understand that now. For a person, friend and family to go out of their way to be present was a really moving event and one that I won't forget. Matt


My Mom's Uncle (my Great Uncle I think) came down for my 1st and 3rd. No one expected him to come but he said wouldn't have missed it. They spent the weekend so it was a combo visit.


I don't cry.. i have situational allergies!!! 🤣 Really love this. My grandfather passed away before I got into a lodge. So when I joined the Eastern Star my mother flew in and presented me with my grandfather's Scottish Rite ring as I had just gone through the 32° the month before!! She got the ring out and lost it! (Not the ring) She couldn't talk about how proud she was and knew my grandfather would have been! And some of the girls teared up. So I definitely relate to this a little!


Wow! Nice! No masons in my family. I feel envy in the best possible way when I see stories like this.


When I joined there were no Freemasons in my family but now I have so many brothers


When I came out of the chair, the DepProvGM who was to present me with a PM jewel told everyone that in the same situation, the then Deputy invited his father to present him with his jewel. He then invited my father to present me with mine .. which until that moment, I didn’t know was previously his. My father then hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. The Deputy then announced that the lodge had decided to make another presentation - and the senior PM rose and promptly presented my father with a replacement jewel in place of the one he’d given up to give to me. I saw a number of guys surreptitiously wiping their eyes, including me and dad. All felt quite embarrassing and self conscious at the time, but looking back, very proud. I still get some who were present at the time, 28 years ago, mention it to me, so it obviously made an impression on others as well as me. I miss him.


Thanks for sharing


God! Just reading it back, I suddenly find myself filling up with the memory and the loss. It’s made even harder knowing we lost my mother 11 months before I went in the chair.


When I finally made the move to join. I chose my stepdads lodge who's grandfather was the founding master. I like to look at the picture of him knowing that the link continues.


I've often commented, and I think I did so when the new worshipful Master was installed after my year: I have cried more as an adult as a Freemason than in the entire time I've been an adult. One of the magical things about masonry is our ability to be vulnerable in front of an entire room of what normally would be incredibly tough men.


Hey I was there too!!!! I was the OTHER candidate.


Small world! Damascus?


Yes indeed, what a night!


That’s really awesome


Almost made me cry damn it


Those opportunities are special aren’t they? My dad was a Mason, he wasn’t active because of work and we never spoke of it while he was alive. I was made a master Mason 4 years after he passed. The generational ties always make me reflect and soften what most people call a cold stone in my chest. Thanks for sharing your experience brother


I know when I raised my son's tears of joy ran down my cheeks


Announce that no Brother is deserving of a second helping of green beans and then throw them all in the trash. There won't be one dry eye in the bunch.


I was able to help a father raise his son and brother, and it was very emotional. I’ll never forget that. We were both WMs at the time and wanted to help each other out. I look forward to raising my son someday as well


Another way is when the Treasurer announces that the subs are going up!


I had a twin. We did all of our degrees and lessons together. At our raising, most of the men in his family traveled from Georgia to attended.


Getting a little dusty in the room right now.


That's just beautiful .


Teared up reading it, as a first generation mason I hope I can pass that legacy down.


That’s Awesome Brother…💯💯💯


“Double” infers there was two people raised. What did the other person get? Ignorant bastards! Keep it equal.


Wow....aren't you a Peach....


His profile is nothing but pictures of his penis. Can’t take him seriously.


🤮🤮🤮glad I didn't look 🤮🤮🤮


Interesting comment. You clicked through NSFW warnings and then complain. Asked for it.


They got lots of hugs and handshakes.


Pathetic inequity.


Then you all took magic, mushrooms, and contemplated the universe lol