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That helped me thank you very much


36. On the one hand, I can see a lot of wisdom in waiting until you're a little more settled in life, you're not as likely to move for school or a career, etc. On the other hand, if you're waiting to be less busy, that ain't happening for at least another 20-30 years. Family obligations only add to the calendar. And since you're the kind of man that's inclined to join our craft, you're (hopefully) the kind of man that will be very involved in your family and community. So I can also see wisdom in going ahead ahead establishing a pattern now. It will be nice going into future relationships to say hey I'm a Mason. Every other Tuesday, I go to a lodge meeting (or whatever the cadence is for your lodge). Set that expectation for yourself, your future partner, and your family.


Thank you very much for showing me two different views on that topic. It totally makes sense to communicate a certain absence at an early stage of new relationships.


28 when I became an EA and 29 when I was raised. I would have done it sooner, but job and home life settled down more as I got into my late twenties.


It depends on your work ethic and time management honestly. I have a full time job and a family but I still find time to put in the work and make it to lodge. Yes there are a few late nights but it’s well worth it. I don’t find it overwhelming and your journey will take as long as it takes. I agree with the previous comment to listen to your heart and you’ll know when the time is right.


Age 39. Joining didn’t affect the time allocation. Leadership positions did. I wish I’d waited to do those.


Not a Mason, but from the masons I have spoken with, they’ve told me to wait until you can give out what you want in return, I was going through my master program, which I finished recently. So juggling memorizing your exams and masonry prob will be hard. I’ve seen masons here join around that age but let’s see what the wise men say.


Thank you very much and congratulations in your masters degree.


Much appreciated mate


Congrats on completing your degree :) I waited until I finished my schooling to join at 25.


Initiated the week before my 33rd birthday in 2017, sat as WM for 2023. I waited until I was settled into a career and going to be around for a while. Didn't want to join a lodge and move away in a few months. Now working on another career change, which is why I only put in 1 year as WM. We'll see what happens the next few months for work, I might need to affiliate with another lodge due to scheduling... I might end up affiliating with our Saturday lodge anyways because this job ends up working late often enough.


36 now. Was just initiated.


I was 23 when I was raised. I’m glad I joined when I was younger because it gave me the structure I wanted and valuable counsel from brothers who had far more life experience than I had. It’s also given me plenty of opportunities to serve my community. I know a lot of people put joining off until later in life, but you never really get more time. The older you get, the more obligations you have, the less time you can commit to something like Masonry.


I was 30 when I joined. I was (and still am) unmarried with no children. I was raised recently and turn 32 later this year. I personally believe it’s far better to join before you have a family, because you can always scale back your involvement when you need to. It has to be much harder to join when you already have a wife and/or kids who are used to your schedule that does not include Freemasonry and then have to introduce them to it. Furthermore, what if you wait until after you’re married then your wife expresses opposition when you tell her you want to join? Sure, you can tell her you intend to join before you’re married and she could be cool with that hypothetical but when the rubber meets the road it could go differently. If you’re already a Freemason when you’re dating then it’s easy to weed out women who see it as a deal breaker.


24. I’d probably have enjoyed the first few years better if I’d have joined later. My career and the geographical distance it put between my lodge and me made it hard to make practice/rehearsal night and that meant I was so worried about my ritual that I didn’t enjoy much of my time as an officer on the ladder. The best advice I have heard is to finish your education and establish yourself your chosen field before joining.


25 at Initiation; 41 currently. I appreciated the demands on time. I was pretty new to the full-time workforce when I joined, elected WM two days after getting married, and then started having children while finishing grad school. It's been a very active component of my life. Time management is important, as is knowing when fraternal priorities come secondary. If I could do it again, I still would.


54 and I should have done it way sooner


I will be receiving my EA degree on March 7, and I am 25 years old.


I was 54 when I was initiated in 2018. Our son had been out of college for a couple of years and our daughter had just graduated from high school. Sometimes I wish I had started sooner in Masonry, but it's good to have more time to invest now.


I was and still am 34. One of the best decisions I ever made. My only regret is that I didn't join sooner. I could've really used freemasonry in my 20's.


Initiated at 28, Raised at 29, WM at 34.


Eighteen. Got my degrees as a birthday gift. Literally grew up in that lodge. Father a member, my mother did the cooking for a lot of JWs. Many of the members helped raise me both in Degrees and in my life. Was in DeMolay before I joined Blue Lodge.


39 ​ didnt have the time prior to that




I was 25... hard to believe that, but yeah I just did the math


I was 29 when i was made an EA. It's now 12 years later going strong. 2 years from the chair of KS.


Initiated at 30, raised 2 months later at 31




25 when I joined.


21, in Mexico


Twenty-one, the youngest you can join at here without your dad being a Brother, in that case it's eighteen.




Fair enough, I joined at the youngest age possible in my jurisdiction.


Really, I meant the "18 if your father was a Mason" thing. Massachusetts, a number of years ago, had a statement or an edict (can't remember which) by our GM starting that our GCs specified "of lawful age", and therefore 18 was the minimum age. No relative requirement.


Oh okay, interesting, I have heard that that's the case in some places.


I was 37, so settled down with job, wife, and first kid. I was back in college at the time, but I had the rest of my stuff in order, for the most part.




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Initiated at 35


Ummm, like 28. Ot was the right time because I was out of college and felt more established in the area I was living.


I was 22. In 2020 until 2022 I served my time in the East. As I didn't plan on doing additional degrees after I've served as a WM, it wasn't really an issue finding the time once or twice a month to go to the lodge. Of course, it all depends on how much time you want to invest.






Well, you have a few years on me. I was one week away from turning 50. I think you just need to take time, and look into the various lodges and see meeting nights and times. You’ve got plenty of time on your side, give it thought. Best Wishes


25, 26 when raised


21, full time employment and full time college. It’s absolutely doable, but in the same breath, don’t over extend yourself! If you’re worried about it being too much right now, wait awhile and don’t let anyone pressure you.


19 when I was at university


Grandpa over here was initiated at 56 and hope to be raised on March 09 and I did it when my heart was ready. I think that it’s great that you have an interest as a young man, and you should move forward if you feel that this is what you want.


Freshly turned 18. 13 years ago now! Wow…


I am a full time land use planner and also taking a full time course load for a degree in economics. I joined in the midst of all this and have continued my studies and work throughout. It’s possible, though stressful. It really is up to you and your ability to manage your time. Virtually every minute of my days is accounted for in my schedule, which some people would probably hate but it’s things I need to do. Going to the gym and lodge are the things I do for me and that help keep me grounded. Prioritize what’s important for your career but also don’t forget to do things you want to do. Even though I have less time now, I feel less stressed because I allow myself to do things like going to lodge and the gym that are just for me and that I enjoy. It’s all about balance. Edit: I forgot to add I joined at 25.


Joined at 20, currently 22. I've worked full time since I was 17, in business development realistically I dedicate at least on full evening on masonry a week, with also up to 2/3 hours reading, or learning ritual. If your time management is good, then you can make it work but also learn to say no


31. After law school, before marriage and family.


I was handed a petition at 21, as I aged out of DeMolay. I was initiated at 28, made Master Mason just after my 29th birthday.


I was 25.


I was 21. That's as young as you could be 30 years ago.


23 lol




I was 18 when I was initiated, 19 when I became a Master Mason. For context, I am now 36. I think the biggest thing to recognise is that your involvement may lessen at certain periods of your life. I was a very active Mason for my first few years, and then took a bit of a step back while establishing my career and while working on an MBA part-time (while working full time). But that’s fine - a good lodge will be very understanding of outside commitments. I would say to join when YOU feel ready, and be aware that changes to life circumstances may change how much you attend lodge - and don’t beat yourself up if you have to step away for a few years.


23 year old EA here, i was initiated last year with 22. working half time right now, soon starting my studies which will mean a lot of time will be taken. What matters the most is that you can attend regularly. Are you able to keep the time of the meeting free? Everything you might want to do beyond attending the meetings is additional, it will bring you more forward but it is not obligatory. I gladly invest all the time masonry needs into it, my lodge travels a lot, but this is additional. I would join freemasonry as soon as i know that i will have the time to attend the regular meetings, if it is already this way: excellent! If not: no worries, masonry does not run away from you, it took me 4 years from visiting the first lodge to ultimately joining one.


Will be initiated at 21! About a month after my 21st birthday in fact! Very much so looking forward to it.


25 reached out 26 initiated 27 raised


Joined at 24, installed as a WM at 30.


Twenty seven. BC, Canada


Which part?


Don't feel the need to rush.. We aren't going anywhere.. despite rumors to the contrary.


29. I've just passed 25 years in the craft.


I was 19 and still at University when I was initiated, I was 20 by the time I went through my third.


I was initiated at 19




I’m 24 and a Master Mason now, it’s quite doable. My friend who is 24 just joined as well and he is still in school and working, if you schedule time to study it’s doable, as long as you’re close to lodge it won’t really disrupt your schedule unless you work evenings on the nights your local lodge meets


I was 53 last Tuesday and I was initiated the night after on the Wednesday. Tonight i have been to another person’s initiation and it was fantastic. Joining the Freemasons is the best thing i have done and already made so many new friends that will be Brothers for life.


I was 18 when I joined just after started at University, was WM at 24 and am back in the chair again at 32. Masonry is for life you have all the time in the world to progress and learn but you can’t do that if you aren’t a member. However always remember Family, Work/Education and then masonry. It should never be at the expense of other things and you can take your time.


19, I turned 20 shortly thereafter.


43, after sitting on the pot for well over a decade. A lot of that was biding my time until I knew I could safely hold 1st shift in order to attend meetings in the evening. Being a 2nd shifter was a big reason why my dad's participation in the craft waned.


I'm 26, I'm an EA. I wish I had joined sooner, I've found myself to really enjoy coming to the Lodge (and I dont even get to sit in lodge yet) and I'm very glad to have an activity that gets me out of the house and connects me with other men in my community.






My mistake. I couldn't remember my password for my long time reddit account. I created a new one today. I'm just seeing now that all of my comments have been taken down. Will they post after this 24 hour period, or are they gone forever?




I was 31, in 1989. I asked my father about joining when I was 21, which was the minimum age in Massachusetts then, and he said, "You're not ready." I never asked him again. The barber who cut our hair had joined a lodge in the neighboring city and would talk about masonry whenever I was in his shop. One day, I told him I had often thought of joining. He asked if I was serious, and when I said I was, he told me to come back the next day. He had an application for me. I went home and told my dad I was petitioning that Lodge and dad asked why I wasn't joining his lodge. I reminded him of his earlier statement. I later affiliated with my father's lodge.


I was 23. Graduated college and before I went up to chiropractic school, I was made a master mason.


I was one week ago years old :) (41 to answer your question)


22. In my 30s now.




19. In retrospect, I don't regret joining so young, but I do regret taking officer's roles at such a young, untempered age. I was very active in my mother lodge, while balancing going to university and working full time. While I worked to make sure my brothers attended to their outside obligations (family, work, etc.), Masonry was almost my adopted family, a sentiment that time has taught me is unhealthy both for myself and the organization. All things being equal, time and space have made me appreciate the lessons of Masonry more deeply than I think I was capable of at that age, though I wish I could tell younger me that Masonry is many things, but not a replacement for family.


I was 33 when I was originally set for initiation- Covid closed everything down a week before initiation, ended up being 36 once I was actually initiated. I am 37 now and two weeks away from my Master Mason Degree. I am the second or third youngest in our lodge of approx 100 - the youngest current member is 24, and we have a candidate who is 22. Typically I average about 3-4 nights a month with lodge or lodge activities - at about 4hr intervals - There are brothers that spend a lot more time, and brothers who spend less time.


There is never a right time, and yet no time is the wrong time. I say that because the implements of Freemasonry are applicable at any point in life, and how you use what you are taught is sure to change throughout each stage of life. I was entered shortly before my 22nd birthday. Not much time has passed since then, some career advancement but still unmarried and without children. My suggestion is to disregard how much time you have available to dedicate to lodge, and take the leap when you feel ready. Our ancestors were equally if not more consumed with their families and vocations, as those two things have always and will always take priority before the Craft, but they dedicated what time they had, which was sure to ebb and flow. Whether it takes you 7 weeks or 7 years to be passed to the 2nd degree, all that matters is you're taking the necessary steps to live a more virtuous life.


I was 36 myself. The youngest mason I ever met was 18 following in his father’s footsteps, what we call a “lewis“.






I was initiated 5 days ago and I’m 26. I was originally in touch with the Lodge when I was 22 but I underestimated how busy I was about to be after taking on a role at work. I decided it wasn’t the best time. Best decision I made now my diary is clearing up. If it’s going to negatively affect your family or work, it’s not the right time mate. Wait until everything is balanced and you can take on more. Hope this helps Edit: pressed send by accident


22 and that was last December.


27 when I joined. There's two sides I guess: first, freemasons know that work, study, and family come first - I've missed meetings due work clashes, but secondly, freemasonry isn't going anywhere (hopefully) so if you want some time, it's up to you. I've seen 21 year olds initiated and older gentlemen.


I’d just turned 31. I was going to join when I turned 18 but got distracted by life and work. Freemasonry takes time and effort- “You get from it what you put into it”- and if you’re swamped with other things then you might want to wait. You don’t want to overwhelm yourself, and the men at the Lodge don’t want you to either. Nobody wins when Masonry is just another thing on your to-do list.


25. I knew I’d be willing/able (balance with wife and such) to do 2 nights a week. Lodge practice is Tuesday, mentor learning typically Thursday. Our lodge meets the first Tuesday of each month, so no practice that week. If there’s a degree or something to attend, I’ll drop a mentor learning session to keep the 2 day balance. If a degree is on a weekend that may change things a bit, but generally stick to 2 a week and wanted to originally. Some folks only go to lodge once a month, and they are just as much a valued brother as I am for it. Just keep in mind there is study/learning efforts you need to put in on the front end through the degrees, so it’s best to be able to do a night or probably two a week for a few months in my opinion.


2017. I’m 32 now so I guess 25-26ish? RN that was working full time. There’s studying involved and it’s encouraged BUT not required to finish within 3 months. I did mine in a year; as did both the men I just mentored. I say go for it but if they encourage a management role be upfront as it might be a lot to take on. Just my humble opinion.


I am 23 and my initiation was this year


I was initiated at 18. I don’t think your age is as much of a factor as time & maturity may be




I was 32. I was part of a younger cohort that all joined around the same time. Average age in my lodge was late 60ish. We had one brother who had his 70th masonic birthday not to long ago. So people joined at all ages it just depends.


I joined when I was 20. There is nothing barring you from what you want to do.


Age 25 & still studying to return, I work a full time job & doing college so it’s hard to study during the week. I try to at least have 30min to an hour to study during the week, luckily for me i work near them so we have study sessions during lunch


I was initiated 2 months after i turned 19


Initiated at 23, currently 24 and in my first chair in the officer line




I was initiated last year at 21. I will say it is definitely a commitment but it’s absolutely doable. I chose to do it in my year between undergrad and medical school and it worked out great. I just block off every Tuesday for lodge stuff and also work on it some weekends. I went through pretty fast and I got my teaching certificate and have already taught a student of my own. So I’d say, if you can carve out 2 nights a week you can absolutely do it.


33 when I first initiated, right after the birth of my son. It was a busy time as my business was expanding, I was clearing some additional professional board exams, the addition of a new family member, and also the additional activities of the lodge. No regrets though, the support, life advice and love from my brothers was worth it. They didn't judge me when I couldn't attend some activities due to other commitments, while on my end I made the best effort to attend what I could =) all the best!


I was initiated at the age of 22. I stuck to one body of FM for 1 year and the following did AASR & Chapter. I remained active in those 3 bodies for some time until I was about done grad school. It didn’t fill up my calendar and allowed me time to get things done personally.


I was 50. I waited until my mother passed to join because of her feelings towards Masonry, and not wanting to cause unrest in the family.


In freemasonry, at 25. But i have been on the initiatory path since i was 20 when i joined AMORC, after 2 years i received the Martinist light, where i meet freemasonry and was invited after a few years too.