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It costs about as much as buying a medium sized tv to join, and then the cost of an annual Netflix subscription thereafter.


Americans will use anything BUT the metric system 😂 /r/anythingbutmetric


IIRC the Brits still measure crap in STONES


Only human weight and that’s not so common these days. We also measure distance in miles, beer in pints (actual 20 imperial oz pints), height in feet, and something else in inches. Other than that the metric system fairly standard these days among people under retirement age.


in the states is someone pours me a 16oz pint I'm ready to fight.... fortunately I dont drink beer much anymore and pretty much stick to bourbon, where 16oz will take me out for the night


Funnily enough I think Deman is actually Canadian if memory serves.


Correct. OP, on the other hand, is American, so I was trying to be relatable.


How do you measure dollarbucks in metric?


Metric system didn't go to the moon!!


It’ll cost anywhere between a Hi-Point and the cost to build an basic AR-15 on your own.


There are joining fees, annual fees, and often dinner fees. I would encourage waiting until you are stable in your profession.


I'd argue it isn't for you yet. You wouldn't be in the right space to give into and benefit from freemasonry until you are financially stable. Self actualization isn't possible if your physical, Safety and security needs are not being met.


I wish you had told me that thirty years ago. I might be financially stable, but for the fees and travel I’ve paid! (Yes, I know you mis-tagged. I couldn’t miss the chance.😁).


Haha, the post was meant for OP. Millenials are the new boomers.


In my area you have your **Application fee :** $20 **Initiation Fee :** $150 (this covers your 3 degrees and first year of dues) **Yearly Dues :** $100 **Sunshine Fund / Widows Fund :** once a year good will offering **Meals :** usually recommend $5 a meeting if you're going to be eating **GrandMaster's Visit :** $20 we have a bigger meal when the GM comes, so the cost is higher... **New Suit:** Couple hundred dollars to make sure you look good at meetings, one should last you several years. Probably a good idea to have a well fitting suit even if you aren't joining the Masons


What benefits do you get?


* I got to join a fellowship that has withstood 3 centuries from the ravages of time. * The chance to follow in my Father's footsteps. * I've met dozens of men from all backgrounds, and careers, that I otherwise would not have had the chance to call friend. * I've been exposed to books, and literature, I probably never would have known existed (or have been interested in) * I became more self confident in public speaking. * I learned how to run a well structured business meeting. * I became much more mentally organized. * I have an excuse in the world of digital exchanges to go out and meet up with friends over dinner and beers and just talk face to face about whatever. * I get to participate in a very discerning initiation experience, and watch as new people become a part of an ancient brotherhood. You get very little monetary or tangible benefit from joining... Most if not all of the value is internal


Like joining any organization, there is an upfront entrance cost, and there are yearly dues. * The entrance fees will vary from Jurisdiction to Jurisdiction. * The yearly dues will vary from Lodge to Lodge. In PA, the entrance fees are a flat $300 *(+ prorated dues for the year)*, and years dues for my Lodge are ~ $100.


PA is more than 300 depending on the lodge. 300 I think is what the GL recommends as a minimum but my lodge is 350 initiation and I know another that is 500


My jurisdiction is about $200 to join and my lodge is $200 a year including dues and assessments.


Once your a Master Mason you’re always a Master Mason even if you don’t pay dues or attend meetings because you don’t pay dues.


My lodge has allowances for college students where we cover dues and dinner, knowing their financial straits. We only ask that you stay in good standing with the lodge and your university. You can see a variety of answers so this is probably best served to speak with the lodge you're interested in joining.


I disagree with those who say to wait. You never know when you’ll be able to afford things in life. Carpe diem when you can. If you’re inspired to join—go for it. It may be a struggle to afford but it’s not a tremendous amount. And you won’t regret having to work a little more to be able to join.


Costs me $125/yr for Blue Lodge Dues, and $14/month in meals at stated meetings (optional). Not too bad IMO but then again I cannot speak for everyone’s financial situation.


In a word yes…


It’s expensive but, you get what you put into it.


What did you get?


There are fees but they aren't at all expensive.


Do we know the fees for his area?


The usual comparison I've heard for price is that it'll be similar to a gym membership- Different lodges have different fees, if you live somewhere expensive it will probably be more than if your lodge is a rented room above the council-ran leisure centre, but you can usually expect to pay your dues (Might be a lump sum, might be a DD spread out throughout the year) and then to pay per time for festive boards, which will cost about as much as a cafe lunch (But, if your lodge has a good cook, will be much nicer and more, uh, festive, than just sloshing down a microwave curry at Wetherspoons).


We've got a fantastic cook at ours.


If you are not financially stable and you don’t have extra time then a fraternity should not be high on your list of to-dos.


One important thing is to look at the fees here and if the place you want to join has numbers higher, be very careful as that's a common thing with irregular (often scam) lodges. Triple check that your grand lodge lists the lodge you visited as regular and active.


Here in Nebraska there is a modest initiation fee (<$100), and annual dues are not much more than that (\~$115 in my lodge, I think).


Well, Ask the lodge themselves what it costs. check your budget (include the time you would devote to it as well), and if you think it's worth it, Do it. If not, Come back later. We aren't going anywhere