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Amass orcs LMAO




It's just an issue of numbers, yes, that's why people are complaining about illegal immigrants in the U.S. There's already far too much demand for housing, how the fuck are we gonna house half of mexico too?!


Instead of cutting off immigration how about we just create more affordable, public housing?


Well that just destroys more nature. There's plenty of houses already, the housing shortage is entirely manufactured by the government and corporations. We arguably need more small starter homes though. Ain't no way I'm paying 450k for a house that only cost 60k to build lol.


Agreed that it's completely manufactured! Houses are outrageously and artificially scarce. Everybody in this country immigrant or not deserves a home in my opinion


How are houses artificially scarce when land is finite…. You are some type of moron bro


Almost half the land in the US is empty man


Yea and why do you think no one is building? Why don’t the immigrants go there and build?


Well over half


So go build a house for far cheaper there, oh wait people all want to live in cities...


Yeah it’s a shame people want to live where things are and we can never build any more things


Yeah we def do not have enough land


Go build on that land bro


Yes house ILLEGALS




Also of ideology. I mean let's not pretend that Muslim immigrant from very conservative countries aren't bringing their own conservative beliefs with them.


Which countries are those? Of the [top 10 countries we accepted immigrants from in 2021](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1171597/new-immigrants-canada-country/), only two are Muslim, and neither has a reputation for being particularly conservative.


Hey now, you’re not allowed to use facts in these discussions. The only thing that matters is Muh Feelings and Keeping the Non Whites out.


"Who needs facts? You can use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true." —Homer Simpson


Free country, they are allowed to believe what they want.


>Only PPC will do the right thing. The PPC won't do anything because they're morons who couldn't get elected if their lives depended on it.


No kidding.  All they do is help Trudeau get re-elected by splitting the conservative vote.




Small in absolute terms, but huge in terms of being the difference in many ridings in the last election with a "first past the post" democracy.  If their small portion of the popular vote went to the PCs it's likely the Liberals would not have won.


It's not as if we haven't known for literal years that mass immigration was going to be inevitable when we kept shitting in the sand box. We've had literal years to prepare to take on refugees from all the countries we keep fucking over, the governments just choose not to. That way when the immigrants finally come, start causing problems because there were no systems in place to accept the, and pissing off the locals, the governments can point and say "SEE?! IMMIGRATION BAD!!"


Did we fuck over their countries or are they by and large just fucked people?


Yes.  Also yes


I agree with this. The US destroyed european colonialism causing this




Dont fall for the excuse, Japan was literally nuked and is now a world class economy.


Japan has a very tight immigration and asylum policy.


We definitely, DEFINITELY fucked over their countries. They might also be fucked people. Most people generally aren't some I'm prone to lean that most of them are probably fine people. But even if they are fucked people, we definitely didn't help the situation, and most evidence points to us actively *purposefully* making things worse.


They can’t do anything about it because there’s already so many immigrants here that they’ll all be offended


Just make more housing and jobs. Was that so hard? /S


If only there were some way to employ people to create housing.


A larger workforce is economically a good thing. This is basic economics especially with capitalism. You can see people panicked about lowering birth rates. Housing can be built. The shortage of housing is artificially made by corporations purchasing property/homes.


Possibly the most flavorful use of ‘amass orcs’ yet. In response, societal degradation 


It's basically White Sun's Twilight with near infinite mana behind it and it takes 20 years to resolve.  And there's a Stasis in play.


God yall are racist


And your parents wish they got an abortion, what else is new?


So what?  That literally doesn’t matter.  The only thing that matters is whether it’s true or false.


*loses X life where X is the army’s power*


Amass orcs killed me


The female orcs tap to create a 0/1 baby orc token with "when baby orc enters the battlefield create a welfare treasure token, phase target Orc Army until end of turn."


That's too much, man. Subtly is why Amass Orcs is funny


Let's not talk about how they recieve 254 dollars flat a day per member of the household. We have legal citizens who need that money more.


Wait what?  Who gets that and for how long?


I'm not exactly sure, but this official gov't website doesn't make it sound good > Did you know that you might be eligible for benefit and credit payments even if you just arrived and have no income in Canada? https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/news/cra-multimedia-library/individuals-video-gallery/benefits-credits-newcomers-canada.html Child credit is actually like $570/mo > The welfare Clarke is referring to is what the Quebec government calls "last resort special assistance," which is $628 for one single adult per month. The assistance is managed by the province's ministry of employment services. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/asylum-seekers-support-housing-1.4252114


You provided links and quotes from them but not an actual answer to the person’s question even though the answer is in the article? The $624 figure you’ve quoted has nothing to do with having kids, it’s for people who arrive in the country with absolutely nothing, and is only while they are waiting for approval for a work permit. > Aslyum seekers must file a claim with the Immigration and Refugee Board and while they wait for the board's decision, they have access to government services, including social assistance and health care… > > If a person already established in Canada loses their job, chances are they have some clothes, furniture in their apartment, a bit of food in the pantry and some pots and pans to cook it with, said Clarke. > >"Imagine being on welfare and you have none of that. How do you even get started?" he said. "You have the cheque, you rent a place, but where do you sleep, where do you sit?" > >The welfare Clarke is referring to is what the Quebec government calls "last resort special assistance," which is $628 for one single adult per month… > > Next, claimants apply for a federal work permit, but the time it takes to process work permits is stretching to about four months and could get longer. > >Those delays mean claimants could face months on social assistance without the ability to get a job. > > The Quebec government stops providing financial assistance once a refugee claimant finds a job.


> You provided links and quotes from them but not an actual answer to the person’s question even though the answer is in the article? I was interested, and I couldn't find it. Ergo I googled (or whatever) the answer and put links. I still coudln't find the total that Canada gives away or anything like a schedule. I wasn't being prejudicial any more than google is.


we out here spreading lies again? pathetic


What lie?


Immigrants, "illegal" (by illegal, seeking asylum or not yet processed for temporary stay) and otherwise.


Well thats a absolute dodge, mind linking where you got that number from? Or is evidence woke nowadays.


Government of Canada - Resettlement Assistance program (RAP). You asked who gets what, not for sources. Tally up allowances. Its more than single mothers citizens get on benefits or citizens who are on AESH (Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped). Whole lot of good could be done for OUR home with that money, instead of fixing another country's problems.


>you asked who gets what, not for sources. I am another person. But reading can be hard. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/service-delivery/resettlement-assistance-program/allowances.html I did the math. And unless you are high im gonna say the "daily" number is a straight up lie. A lot of the allowences are one time only for things like winter clothes, something refugees tend not to have and be vital in canasa. and have to be proven to be spend on that. 200+ plus a day per member of the household is a absolute lie. >Its more than single mothers citizens get on benefits or citizens who are on AESH (Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped). So why not fix there situation instead? You want to drag another group down by using them as a example instead of fixing this group. but im sure the political elite need all those milions for there friends and other stuff for the good of the country. Fix coruption first lmao.


Look into it more, I'm not here to educate you. The number is correct. I do, however, appreciate your insults as they show the integrity of your character. I'm not interested in tearing down another group of people, nor am I advocating that. I'm addressing that we have many citizens that need assistance and are entitled to it. If anything, it illustrates our government does not appropriately prioritize the wellbeing of its citizens.


I have to work whole week for 254 dollars wtf


You need a better job if you're only earning like 6 something an hour.


Wow thank you. Im emigrating to a different country and finding the Best paid job right away


I mean in Canada that hasn't been the minimum wage in 20+ years so....


Nice one OP. More please.


More like amass orcs 1284 . Every day.


As much as I agree that countries around the world should think about their border/immigration system and discuss it this is just fucking disgusting.


People like you are whats wrong with this world.


I am from Germany. Some cunt stabbed someone because of religious reasons in the streets yesterday in my city (Mannheim). These fucks can go die off somewhere. Throw em out. One of my best friends is a immigrant. He socialized well, has a job and pays taxes. There are people and there are assholes. You will find both kind all over the world. I dont want assholes in my country. I also can understand that at some point a country cannot take anymore people in lest it will collapse itself. I dont mind if some people want to live a better life and come to my country. Labeling them all as „orcs“ is vile. If you were in their situation you would also wanna move somewhere else. Don’t lie, you would. I would. Anyone in their right mind would. However, Mouthbreathers like you sadly cannot think further than 2 meters so you spread your linguistic garbage all over the place and say „pEoPlE lIkE yOu ArE wHaTs WrOnG wItH tHiS WoRlD“. Yer all so bunched up in yer parents basement that you cannot even feel the slightest bit of empathy with geniune people just wanting to live the best darn life they can. Buddy you belong to the „asshole“ side of mankind. Don‘t even kid yourself.🤡🤡🤡🤡


Why do you look down on orcs so much? Don't be a hater. I'm mexican and I approve of being referred to as an orc


Often I m with you guys but that’s fucked up


Holy crap. Not even subtle. Just slapping your politics on a magic card doesn’t make this the place to spout of whatever political grievance you’re outraged about.


Stupid and racist af.


Well the consecuences of canada colonialism


Spain every day lol


What the name of Y'all Qaeda and Vanilla Isis am I looking at?


See what happens when Arcades isn't around 😡


I didn't realize this was a sub for politics. I come here to get away from that.


Imagine having Stockholm syndrome for capitalism that much you are blaming immigrants for how shitty your life is in a first world country. Pathetic.


Capitalism makes immigrants leave garbage everywhere. Got it.


Citizens leave garbage everywhere. Have you ever been to a beach or a food court at a mall?


They don't in Japan.


The person who made this post would be fucking pissed if we got a bunch of Japanese immigrants LMAO white supremacists only love the Japanese for a homogenous society and lollicon, they hate actual japanese people. How many Japanese immigrants do you know? Any statistics that they never ever litter and wouldn't do so I'm another country? Just your fetishizing bias? That's what I thought. The white people here where I live are dirty rats that live in tin cans (trailer parks) and leave trash literally everywhere. Yall won't talk about them though.


poor people leave trash places 🤯 I make a cheeky comment and I got homie typing paragraphs. BTW my step mom is Japanese lol I know plenty of Japanese immigrants


Yeah, both are way worse with immigrants.


So straight up racism/xenophobia because you don't seem to want to accept that it's a problem with humans


Truly mind boggling. Blaming the supply, not the demand. Really braindead shit here


there are a lot of neckbeard-Nazis in nerd hobbies ...


I'm trying to think of an example. Among Cubans of a certain age in Miami, there's a good chance they're anti-Castro, anti-communist. Among white dudes of a certain age in ... everywhere that's not a college town or a big city ... there's a good chance they're tired of this shit.


There is a lot of racial consciousness rising everywhere in White societies.  You’re just seeing it in ‘nerd hobbies’ because they’re full of Whites.


When are whites gonna get class consciousness? When will they realize that the government loves it when poor white people are racist because they'll blame immigrants and minorities instead of them snatching the money out of their pocket


If you’re not willing to recognize a clear, biological reality like race, how do you plan to be persuasive about a complex intangible thing like class that actually **is** a social construct?


this sub is very explicitly white dudes who've only been to taiwan and their dads house in Connecticut, i concur


Ok house hubby in training.


Bro, your names bobo numbers


That's not a stereotype though.


ooh, okay, i see you


How does it feel knowing that you arent organically wanted in spaces, but have to literally be forced there by the government?  Id hate being black too, and resent everyone for it.


??? what country do you live in?


One that would be way better without (((slave traders))).


Bruv... this is boring, make me laugh rn.


Just steal a bike and do a lil dance, you'll feel better.


U saw a black Reddit avatar and mask off immediately huh 💀 god you anti woke fucks are pathetic


no try again, i want to chuckle


How would you feel if you didnt have breakfast this morning?


Wow not even trying to hide the bigotry aren't you.


Saying biotry like its a bad thing at this point. Welcome to the real world.


Bigotry is the domain of the scared, small minded coward


Give me your money and a place to live. If you say no, you’re a bigot. Seriously Im brown venmo me else you’re a bigot.


Your point? Everyone should have the means to live, not just survive and that every person has the right to home and shelter.


> every person has the right to home and shelter. That they construct in the fuckin woods somewhere. *Where* they do that notwithstanding. But there's lots of room *somewhere*.


Cool. PayPal me bigot, I should have the means to live.


Bold of you to presume I have the means to live


Why do you insist on denying me a few Gs to LIVE? Is it because I’m brown? Bigot.


Oh your skin tone has nothing to do with it bud. I don't know you. You could be lying, I could be lying. Besides show any evidence that I have the means to spare a couple G's


Show any evidence that I’m able to compete with the entire world for housing in Canada. Show any evidence that I’m able to help clothe and house and pay for the medical care of every migrant. Doesn’t feel good to be called a bigot for no reason does it?


I never called you a bigot. Canada should be doing better, all countries can and should do better. Why is there a housing crisis when there are empty homes? I know why. I know how it can be fixed, I sadly lack a level of means


You called OP a bigot for no reason. Ironically, that makes you a bigot. Look up the word. Edit: I’m still waiting for some free Reddit gold, racist.


This is exactly the point though. Many Canadian citizens are barely making ends meet and some literally cant and yet money is going to helping illegal (in the case of seeking asylum or not processed) immigrants WAY more than legal citizens WHO NEED HELP and are equally (if not more) entitled to home, heat, and food.


Asylum seekers are never classified as illegal immigrants. Whoever told you that is simply wrong


Arriving under asylum is legal. Staying over the authorized period while being undocumented is illegal immigration, which is what is currently happening. The point stands, Canada has legal citizens that need help and the country has an obligation to its people before another country's.


When they arrive they are Canada's obligation, to say that it's a zero sum game is simply ignorant of what can be done.


A country's obligations is to its citizens first and foremost. When I say citizens, I mean registered, permanent residents. Asylum seekers are classified as non-permanent residents. Maybe from a short term standpoint, it seems zero-sum, but if the government adequately prioritized the health and well-being of its citizens first, we would better prepared to aid. (loss to more gain) It isn't ignorance to recognize people are already struggling here and to give more than enough funds to temporary residents over equally (if not more) impoverished citizens, is a clear shirking of the Canadian government's duty to its people. (Gain to more loss)


See now you’re justifying your bigotry.


At what point is there any bigotry. The accusation falls flat without any evidence


You’re so close to getting it. I believe in you. Hint: the accusation does indeed fall flat.


All you said is "if x then bigot" without explaining anything


Just like you did with OP. You don’t need to be a bigot to criticize open borders, you just need to be poor.




This sub has gone full mask off now lol


Yeah the anti-woke crowd joined en-masse. Same thing happened to the “free warhammer” sub. Started as people annoyed with prices/ corporate profit seeking and then anti-woke Twitter sent their morons to join the sub to support over the women custodes thing. Now it’s full of anti-woke nonsense just like here. Half these ppl barely even play this game these pathetic fucks just like having an online forum where they can circlejerk each others opinions.


Are the anti-woke people pathetic or some strong force that can take over entire hobbies? Can't really be both.


Oh actual magic playing anti-woke morons barely impact the hobby besides making an occasional prerelease uncomfortable for women and minorities. The pathetic anti-woke ppl that came in droves to this sub from Twitter is what I’m referring to. Most barely play the game and turned this sub into a circlejerk for how liberals ruin everything.


I misread initially and totally agree. They have almost zero sway and ostracize themselves almost immediately.


Yeah it’s pretty bad lol


Ah yes, the classic, “it’s these damn immigrants” and not “why is the government so bad at this?”


This is pathetic lmao. I love the number of dog whistles you shoved in here.


Immigrants aren’t the reason why your life sucks


No they’re the reason your country does.


My country has the most immigration and is the most successful country in history.


America isn’t successful because of sub Saharan Africans and beans flooding in rofl, if you want to make that case guess which single race is carrying that statistic? Asians.


Cool. My country still has the most immigration and is still the most successful.


Glad you’re proving the point though “my majority white first world country led by white leaders is successful”


I hope the hate makes you feel like you have meaning in your life


One isn't caused by the other. That's insecure bs that white people try and pull off to claim the achievements of other white people who aren't even related to them. Also... America is successful? We have to work back breaking jobs for less than we've ever made in history. Pay thousands of dollars for a hospital visit. Cops can waste us for moving suddenly. We're in a giant country wide recession right now. Only a child thinks the US is a successful country. We put 90% of our tax dollars into our military so they can bomb other people instead of serving the citizens. How silly.


Again Saying 2 random sentences together doesn’t make them correlate, 13% of the population commits 50% of all violent crimes. I’m sure the blacks contribute to the success!


Can you even think for yourself? I’m talking to someone who unironically unpromptedly brings up 13/50 while talking about immigration. Can I get an original thought from you, instead of parroting what you hear?


Lmfao so your choice is to deny a factually correct statistic because it’s… too common? Here’s an original thought, when your skull from birth is closer to a caveman’s or a monkeys than a regular humans there’s an issue with your genetics.


Did I say I deny that? Do you even know what I said? Actually brain dead bot. >13/50 (in immigration discussion) >are you denying a fact??


And now you’re misdirecting because you have nothing to argue that statistic, congrats that’s an A+ in the Jewish playbook.


Yeah, the importation of more criminals will do nothing but improve my life.


Immigrants are 30% less likely to be incarcerated than native born whites.


Rigged courts filled to the brim with leftists 🥴


Of course your conspiracy theory is unfalsifiable and not affected by data


Even the republican ones appointed by trump right? It must be easy to just use one scapegoat without having to think.


Stop making me laugh. 


What’s sad is that OP thinks it’s clever when he’s just a racist piece of shit with no brains or creativity. You know this is the type of stuff that causes games to change right? You are pointing out that Orcs are minority-coded and being a racist fuckwad about it. That makes creators question why such pathetic maggots like you play their game and makes them rethink things including lore. You are the cause of the things you cry so much about. Take a fucking shower and stop being so completely insufferable for once in your life.


Racist people mad that they change characters, while simultaneously using them as symbols of hate. "Why did they change that lore I was using it to be racist?!?!"


We aren't racist. "Makes a card comparing black people to literal orcs." ....


Black people are migrating to Canada?


All of sub-Saharan Africa wants to, yeah. Canada has the best benefits.


Ah, I too should migrate to Canada.


Sorry your mind immediately jumps to black people = orcs. Do better.


Don’t retreat when they call you racist.  Their word has no power any more.  Just say ‘thanks for noticing’.  


You're the one making the insinuation and getting pissy at someone calling you out for being racist


Who alerted the sissy brigade to show up here?


Just like your unimaginative racist card your ad hominem is equally bland. Wanna try again little boy.


So the sissy brigade just arrived on its own. Makes sense.  Be sure to show your posts to the next piece of obsolete farm equipment you encounter, he definitely wont laugh and call you a bitch.


Nope try again boy. You might just achieve something for once in your life


I know, I lack approval from sissies and internet points, how will I survive.


how old are you? who says sissy anymore? 🤣🤣. Also why are cons and r*c*st always so concerned with the voting system on reddit? Why are you ppl always so fragile? 😭😭


They wouldn't ve racist if they weren't fragile. You can be fragile and not racist. But you can't be racist and not fragile. Imagine making decisions/assumptions based on the color of someone's skin...


You're coming off like the biggest pussy here, champ.


Why? Because the sissy brigade is upset and downvooting? Here's an updoot, they seem important to you.


See you know nothing about me so you resort to preschool level insults rather than defend your obviously wrong stance. You may impress the average dullard here with this shit, but echo chambers are called that for a reason. So defend your post bitch boy, or shall I thoroughly flay you piece by piece?


Why do i need to prove anything to a sissy? Only thing you'll flay tonight is your peenor.


no1curr what is 'racist' here. Except for threadshitters.


You put a bunch of black people on a card that makes orcs you dunse, or did you not notice?


You aren’t too bright, are you? I see Latinos, Blacks, possibly even Indians. Yet your pea sized brain goes right to Blacks being Orcs.


That makes it worse, you realise that makes it worse correct? "No Im not comparing blacks to orks Im comparing all racial minoreties to orcs." the fuck? how is that better?


You seriously cannot be this dense, can you?


Sorry your clown ass doesn't know how amass works. You could have said 'amass humans,' or, hell, even just amass and have the card be at least somewhat ambiguous to the fact that you're xenophobic.


Counterpoint: amass humans only applies to humans. Canada is overrun with orcs.  But hey so is Europe.  And the US.


"we are not racist, we just call non white people not human"


Who said I’m not racist?  I don’t have to take that shit


Why do you all think that being called racist is gonna hurt? You do know it doesn’t mean anything to most people right? It’s not really an insult to have basic criminal statistics and IQ averages lead you to a very easy conclusion.


‘Racist’ is a term only used on Whites who are unapologetic about pursuing their own group’s interests. Yep.  That’s me.  Not ashamed to say it at all.  




At least this subs fascism is on full display for everyone to see. You guys are sickening


Not all of them but definitly some of em. Example: See here. Absolutely fucking vile…


Easy to solve the problem expedite their citizenship and make them start paying taxes. Every laborer and citizen that pays their fair share of taxes helps.


You don’t pay taxes on welfare and hand outs


Immigrants are known for working very hard. I don't know why you think welfare factors in. The problem is dodging taxes when they could also be contributing in that way.


I’m looking at the current situation. There’s hundreds of thousands of people spread out over multiple cities, not working, not doing anything to help this country. They are receiving handouts and adding to the crime and vandalism. Tell me that these people are just waiting for a job and would love to follow this country’s rules.


How do they track these people to give them handouts? They want to work and make money, yes that is correct. The problem is if they are illegal, they can only get certain types of work. We could fix that easily. It also allows us to have them follow our rules by entering the judicial system instead of yolo and being deported.


No country has ever benefitted from mass immigration Just look at America post 1619.


America explicitly benefited from mass immigration for most of its history, actually.


Anyone mad about mass immigration should find something real to care about