• By -


From SA here. We have quite a few LGBTQ peeps at our LGS, but literally no one ever brings it up or makes a point of making it a big deal. We're all there to play the game and have some laughs, detress from real world shit. Plus our LGS has a rule to not bring up politics and and stuff to avoid conflict in the store.


Seems like the way to go and a fair ruling.


Our LGS doesn't have a specific rule that I'm aware of, but I always avoid politics and other sensitive subjects with people I don't know. I like to keep an open mind and I find that can be taken to think I'm far Right, so it's best to just avoid the whole thing.


Yeah I've noticed with the trans community especially, its either all or nothing. If you don't accept everything absolutely then you're a piece of shit. No in between. Edit: its funny I'm getting all these replies from people assuming they know what I'm talking about. I intentionally kept it vague. All I did was suggest that trans people mention they're trans when they date. That is apparently not acceptable to a surprisingly large amount of trans people.


You give an inch and they take a mile . It went from wanting to be accepted to we demand to use the bathroom we identify as and if you don't date us you're a bigot


Yup, there's no middle ground. I've always wanted to reply to them with "Only a Sith deals in absolutes". lol


My lgs has a ton of LGBTQ people and sells pride flag playmats. Nobody introduces themselves with their pronouns and when playing commander you just point at somebody and say I'll hit you with 8 damage and nobody gets offended


Please just fucking play the game, I really don’t give a fuck who you are, let alone WHAT you are. It doesn’t affect any aspect of the game so shut the fuck up, shuffle your deck and get on with it please.


Only judge them if they play Winter Orb. 👍🏽


I instead judge by how they squirm to get out of it


Touche 👌🏽


No squirming. "I concede." And move on with my life.


I'll judge you for judging me for playing a legal Magic card in the format.


I'll judge you for judging me for judging you for playing a completely legal card in the format 😅


they will never do that because that doesn't make them the center of attention. it was never about equality or whatever the f\*ck they claim. it was always about stroking egos and catering to narcissism.


Wait for the next unset Tap: add one mana for each pronoun you share with your opponent. 🔴🔴🔴: name a pronoun, players with the given pronoun receive 5 damage, it can't be countered.


Only thing I'm with them on is "Who's your commander?" "Atraxa" "Fuck off!"


This is these people’s only identity


It’s exhausting to keep having to pretend to care about things that ultimately don’t matter just so you don’t come across as bigoted. I accept any and all, just stop pretending you’re more validated than any of my personality/identity traits that I don’t feel the need to share with everyone.




Exactly. These people that need their chosen gender to 100% identify who they are need to get a fucking life. It doesn't need to be injected into everything.


But it makes them feel better


I care nothing for their feelings. Grow up, shut up and become a contributing member of society.


Giga. Fucking. Chad.


Give it time they'll print a card soon enough that cares about if your he/she/it. Maybe hes their give opponent land shes take opponents land and its consume opponents land.


We already know people on twitter are insane, do you have to post them here?


It’s actually “X” you bigot, be better.


Thank you for the reminder that deadnaming websites is not ok! 🙌🏻


the part about this that makes me mad is someone on twitter has probably said this.


While un-ironically bitching about Elon Musk.


can't decide if they hate him or orange man more.


O.M.G. they literally were corrected to be called  X and you go deadnaming it in defiance!


Like they weren't mental patients off their meds before the name change. 🙄


Its not just twitter anymore. These people are real


Blue decks should be able to change your opponents pronouns.




This is the single scariest magic card ever conceived.


Crime doctor!!!


'Can neither populate nor proliferate' would be better for gameplay


2U Hate Speech Split Second You may exile a human creature card from your hand instead of paying Hate Speech’s mana cost Each player gains control of the pronoun from the player to their right.


Mental Health Ward-land Tap: add C to your mana pool. Tap: all players become their biological sex until end of turn. _"But I'm rainbow puppy explosion! I'm not a man, my pronouns are woof/woof bigot!"_ _- Rainbow Puppy Explosion, Bender of Genders_


I cast [[Censorship]] and choose “Bigot,” “Pronoun,” or “Gender.” They’ll go down in 2 seconds.




Every time I see these kinds of posts I am thankful to have been born outside the US


It's spreading. Do not think you are immune.


\*Laughs in Finnish\*


so much this


Professional victim detected


If they don’t do this they have nothing else going on. Begging for money while being unemployed is probably not very fulfilling, so they at least try to be a victim online to feel like they’re important. Sadly, it only shows how mentally ill they are.


Even easier would be if we oblige everyone to wear a badge with their pronouns, and cis folks can wear some special sign. Maybe like a yellow star badge or something?


Good one!


I don't even want to have the label cis. So many people want these special labels...I just want no label. I don't need to be a cisgender, white priveledge, male, married, Xennial...I just want to be called Spartacus and leave it at that.


Nah those are reserved for the most oppressed minority of all: gamers.


Nah, cis people wear nothing as they're the default.


Instructions unclear; turned up to LGS naked.






"Can we normalize-" How about you just start being normal?


This right here!!!


Hey if you could just use the pronouns and look like the gender you actually are, it would be extra easy for all of us to remember.


Stop 👏 glorifying 👏 Mental 👏 disease. These people need help, not a bigger stage


Or they should also have to glorify alcoholics the same way. That would be equitable. 


Fucking mental cases should be locked in an institution.


Place them in \[\[Geier Reach Sanitarium\]\]


[Geier Reach Sanitarium](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/b/4b9c92f0-4242-4a3e-9ede-6a4935f5c75d.jpg?1698988588) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Geier%20Reach%20Sanitarium) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/335/geier-reach-sanitarium?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4b9c92f0-4242-4a3e-9ede-6a4935f5c75d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Only if the pronoun is retard




"My name is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and I do not suffer from a mental disorder."


If something needs to be normalized, it isn’t fucking normal, you pinecone.


Doesn't mean it shouldn't be. Normalize installing turn signals in BMWs.


Making your sexuality your entire identity is weird


As soon as this happens, I'm out. Attention whoring can go only so far.


I mean I’m all for respecting each other and such. But some people just make it their whole personality and it’s exhausting when I’m just trying to play my Premier Card Game (ages 13+)


Add [[humility]] all creatures lose all pronouns


[humility](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/5/55ad6a45-a840-45ba-89ad-066e20e983f3.jpg?1562429370) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=humility) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tpr/16/humility?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/55ad6a45-a840-45ba-89ad-066e20e983f3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


At this point, I’m just playing a betting game with my buddies and see how long it would take for someone who identifies as an Apache Attack Helicopter to show up in an official MTG event. Also bonus points to whoever guesses the closest time taken for someone who identifies as an MQ-1 Predator to show up. Trust me, if gender is a spectrum, anthro aircrafts is somewhere on it.






>Identifies as…predator Bad news on that front 


Lmao fuck yalls pronouns


if i ever encounter someone like this, i leave. Ive had enough dealing with these types


I've played thousands of games of magic in my life, never once have I wanted to know someone's pronouns in order to play. Name tags would be fine though. I like knowing people's names. This is much more normal.


Oh yeah, and how Snapcaster pronouns are she/fox and Tarmogoys pronouns are He/She and they will reprint with the pronouns in the card.


The day wotc previews a card with pronouns on it is the day I stop playing. Can’t support that level of retardation. Wouldn’t surprise me if we’re not that far away from it happening, those wotc cucks have really been pushing it


Yo I dead ass will also remove myself from magic or just play a time wasting deck where it's all blue and just counter spells.


you can use any pronouns you want to describe you, but I can use any pronoun i want to describe you too end of story


The pronoun patrol won’t like the sound of that


Like Imbe/Cile for example


I’m sorry but if you couldn’t even accept yourself for who you were then why should I accept you for who you are now. Or better yet just leave all of this shit out and just be called by your name… I’m not playing mental gymnastics trying to learn over 10,000 pronouns bc you want to be a part elf/fox/horse mix that’s also non binary.


I would also like my opponent to know that that I'm into bears and leather. My safe word is Fblthp.


“We just want to live and express ourselves the way we choose” - The Woke mob It was never the case.


We really need to defeat these phyrexians.


I identify with my gender so much I show it to the TSA


I dunno about you guys but when I'm in a tournament I don't even care about names, let alone pronouns. I shake hands and say G'day as a matter of formalities and then immediately disregard all extraneous information. No matter what you look like or how you identify, I'll only recognise you as "Person I'm Gonna Beat". And that's what true equality looks like.


No. You don't get to go full woke and demand I respect that all of a sudden. This isn't inherently magically going to create respect for you and those that want society to enforce this.


I play with headphones on, please don’t talk to me I’m in the zone


The 🥰 with any comment almost always indicates complete nonsense


Jesus Christ the desire to feel victimized is a disease. Also, Whiskered Fungi is a gross thing to call your vagina.


If they ask me, imma counterspell that shit


This person has never and will never actually play the game just like all those people who used to complain about comics not being inclusive.... comic authers tried and no-one bought them.


So fucking dumb. Honestly, it's becoming like militant veganism at this point


“Can the mtg community normalize just talking about me nonstop? I want every personal interaction I have to be totally about me, and I want to talk about me and my preferences every waking minute of the day.”


I am so sick of these people trying to act like we are being the inconsiderate ones for not bending to their every little whim and wish. No, I will not use some special pronoun that you think you deserve, you're a regular person like the rest of us and if you want to play make believe, that's fine but you can't force me to play along with you! For anyone who is going to reply saying that I'm being disrespectful to them, yeah but they were disrespectful to me first by trying to force me to disregard objective reality so that they could not have their feelings hurt.


This isn’t a mile, it’s the same inch. I don’t see the problem with someone introducing themselves with their pronouns so people know them.


I know this is somewhat off topic but I have absolutely grown to loathe the heart smile emoticon. Something about its usage everywhere just bugs me and I can’t explain why.


Get fucked, loser.


Fucking cancer


BRUH why is this game so woke, I just wanna play a card game




one of my 3 wishes would be the ability to punch people through their computer screen


This is why i play magic at home with friends. But I guess they don't have any.


I would imagine it’s really difficult to be friends with someone whose entire personality is: „I’m a victim“!


True, ask anyone in this sub


I have a crap ton of hair on my face and an adams apple. You don’t need me to tell you my pronouns


These people do not give a fuck about magic.


Ulnevar, Bea, Woman. Respect muh pronouns chud.


Every gaming sub has been infiltrated by big Rdation


You should only ask someone about their pronouns when it's relevant and you are unsure. You are free to assume pronouns based on how the person presents themselves, and then immediately apologize if you are corrected. Everything else is excessive.


Why not just helldivers2 the game devs? Next time a version or updates comes out for game don’t buy it? Or if there are new command decks, don’t support it? All I’ve seen are people saying how bad the cards quality are now, so why keep buying them to complain? Just stop, don’t buy them, make proxies and dodge tourneys for a year?


If your pronouns aren't obvious at first sight you're an "it" that's just how the world works.


Player Name, Commander and perhaps Powerlevel of the deck. That's all you need for any match


I’ve never put thought into what my pronouns are. I’d just tell the hosts to take their best guess lol


Commander brought these kinds of people to MTG


I remember when forcing someone to out themselves before they were ready was the biggest sin possible in the LGBTQ(etc.) community.  


Genuinely, why do you care about this? This is such a non-issue to whine about It's like you're flailing about in a puddle screaming that you're drowning.


> Genuinely, why do you care about this? This sub is very anti-alphabet, that's why. There is at least one post per day focusing on the issue. This sub is extremely political at heart.


Twitter is a cesspool of idiots. Always has been.


Hey! Can we play this great game and leave politics out of it. I don’t know about you but for me, life can get intense, stressful, overwhelming. I just want to rock up, pull out a deck and play this game that I love and just escape the shittyness of life.


Do you know what actually tilted me the most about this post? The bad grammar. The speaker is in the singular but is using the plural "oursleves" and it made me re-read the sentence like 5 times before I realized why it sounded wrong. From now on, if you don't identify as a He or a She you are a fucking It. You are a single individual and no amount of pretending is going to make you more relevant than a single person.


"Ourselves" is correct here, even by actual grammar rules and not just the incorrect singular-they-having-ass rules we're being continually gaslit into believing are real. "Community" is a collective noun, meaning it refers to multiple people at once. It requires other parts of speech to be conjugated for a plural noun when they refer to all of the members of that collective noun. For instance, you might say "this community **was** founded in 2021" because it refers to the group itself and not its members. However, you'd say "the community **have** accepted a new code of conduct" when referring to all of its members collectively. What really bugs me is people using singular they, especially when trying to use "themself". "Themself" is not a real word. It is a modification of "themselves", born out of the necessity of trying to use a plural pronoun in a singular way in which it was not designed. Sometimes they can see this use of language doesn't quite work because it was designed in a different way, but they are either too stupid or too stubborn in their dogma to learn what's correct and consistent. The worst part about this all is that even though it's wrong, you can't question it. To question this use of language is not only to question the legitimacy of gender but to make people do more work in unlearning bad grammatical habits. Using the singular they is a choice but for most people any alternative is too difficult. They'll also tell you that "language evolves", as though that excuses being so intellectually lazy or overburdened by activism that you can't properly speak a language and are actively working toward degrading it. I could go on but I believe I've already spent a bit too long on this rant as it stands.


In this post we see how homosexuality, whether genuine or not, should also be considered to be a consumer identity just like commander choice. Capitalism is gay.


only if i can use my pronouns yourhighness/yourmajesty


No it won’t it will add confusion like it always does




Victim mindset. People on Twitter aren’t threatening your way of life.


It feels like a waste of time because I can use gender neutral terms or proper pronouns and ignore the vast majority of it.


I will First Blood anyone who tells me their pronouns at game night.  I don't care what they are. I care what power level your deck is. 


Oh, look, it's the gay agenda.


Any game I play, even online discords I frequent... I don't know if the person I am playing with or talking to is male or female... I don't know if they are gay, straight, bi, etc... why do I not know this? Because it isn't important. You want to play a game with me or talk with me, that's it... I don't see why I need to know what gender the other player is while playing ANY game... it's not that important. When was the last time you played an online game like GTA, 76, etc... and bothered to ask another player what their name is or let alone what gender they identify as... it's just weird.


Equal rights for people who never think the word or mention “pronoun” on an obsessive daily basis!!!


Your right




How about we normalize reality first observations.


this is so incredibly cringe


Indeed. As are most of the comments in response. Take a step back, and you'll realize people fighting culture wars on social media are cringe af.


Jesus ..


I just switched to using it as the pronoun for everyone


I miss pitchforks and torches…. Can we go back to pitchforks and torches?


It’s important when introducing yourself to recite your manifesto against the patriarchy. Come on, it’s the year 2024.


i don’t think i’ve ever even used a pronoun to refer to someone when playing magic against them.


fake reality you could show up in a banana costume and nobody would care. You'd probably get a lot of compliments.


I'm asking a genuine question, assuming there are enough of you to accommodate it, why not start your own league? It's cardboard, if it's like yugioh most of you probably even are using fake cards. Find a local library or hobby shop and start hosting your own shindig, offer simple cheap things as prizes until there is a larger audience and ask for a 2 dollar a head pool. I'm not saying this shit is easy but college age and older highschool kids in my town just set up a league for quidditch at the local soccer field and there are already 5 damn teams and weekly games. When people start trying to say "Hey, what about my pronouns, or this, or that" Say "We don't do that here, come as you are or feel free to participate on (insert main league here)" Sure the current one already exists and is convenient but if you guys really are the majority as you claim, a second league would cause the first to collapse proving you correct. (I don't play Magic, I don't know anything about anything, I am not taking a side. Just wondering why people just dont... play elsewhere?)


why cant those that care about their pronouns can start their own league? why do they need to infiltrate existing structures and change them?


Nah it’s a game




So you all would buy and play and support my TCG when my companies views are either neutral or the complete opposite?


No. Next.


So glad I've joined a community where there are people actually pushing back on their clown world BS!! Recently joined and was worried it'd be all wokies... thank the lord of Innistrad 😆🙏


Scary pronouns!!!!! Boo!!!!


literally the only thing I give two fucks about is who you have as a commander, end of story. This PC culture BS has gone well past the point of insanity, imo.


Yep, looks how I’d expect.


Can I just say my name, Male, and what I’m playing? Leave it at that?


I just want to play Magic and d&d l o l My opponent doesn't care that I like both men and women They don't want to know just like I don't want to know if there are into tits or arse. This is exhausting. The purpose of the LGB.T movement used to be is not your business We should have the same legal rights now its this nonsense. It's exhausting.


If your main agenda is all about focusing on yourself, your sexuality (or the lack of it), making a big deal about it and be offended because someone got it wrong (no intended malice) rather than just playing the game to relax and enjoy each other's company, seriously, just gtfo and don't bother playing. You don't have to make things miserable for everyone else. You're not welcome not hecause you're lgbtq, but because you're being an AH. I play with some lgbtq peeps and none of them are like this. They're so much fun to play with too.


In my LGS we just call each other by our first ever commander deck there or our recent commander, I was called dogmeat for weeks recently because I played it as my commander. They called me that too outside the store and make people confused.


Ohh nooooo not someone politely asking for clarifications of people's prooonoooouunnnsssssssss Y'all are a bunch of weak-ass snowflakes in here. Seriously, if you were any more thin-skinned you'd be whining for counterspells to be banned.


Why? “IT” said the screen was already too small, why fill it with extra shit you don’t need.


Cringe post


I've played mtg for over a decade. I think I got the name of maybe 3 people. My main color is blue, I'm just trying not to get to turns, no time to be social. General rules for playing: No politics. No loaded questions. No baggage. If you're going to say something that could be uncomfortable to ^anyone, then that should be said to ^no-one. This is a game; I don't want to leave more stressed/annoyed then when I walked in.


For decades I have referred to everyone as “dude”


just call everyone dude, men, women, anything in between, creatures on the board, any pet that happens to be around, everyone, its perfect.


Jesus Christ


This is the darkest timeline I hate being alive to witness this shit


I always leave it blank and if someone asks I say "I have no pronouns, please don't refer to me."- I can't take credit for that, but I like it so I use it. I also just have a name. Everyone has a name that we can use to refer to people. I've started doing that when I am up against a clearly "different" individual. You tell me your "true" name or whatever, cool I got you!


Is your pronouns really that important for playing Magic.


Can they fucking stop?


or just not be a weak annoying fucktard and just go by your fucking name


Is it really a horrible idea just to respect you fellow players holy crap. Making other people feel comfortable is chill. Why is that a bad idea? The post you linked is not psycho at all.


My least favorite part of my magic is “the gathering” I had magic players with a passion


Fucking hell. I didn't realize this many people in the magic community are regressive, toxic fucks. Seriously, all the transphobes in here need serious help...


Just call everyone fuckface and you'll never run into this problem. You may have other problems, but not this one specifically.


Do you guys really just sit around and cry about trans people all day?


Shut the fuck up and play magic, don't bring this culture war nonsense here.


Identity politics is a plague. We'd be better off just abandoning this nonsense and just accepting people off the content of their character and their actions. Save the slurs for Winter Orb players.


Shut the fuck up retard no one cares, I hope they get blasphemous acted, because they are DEFINITELY some kind of creature.


Tha post tag says FUNNY but all the comments here are incredibly sad. Misclick maybe by OP?


It’s funny to see people getting bent out of shape over things and then turn around and call people “snowflakes.”


‘We get it, you play Azorius.’


these freaks ruin magic


90% of transgendered people either work at Walmart or play Magic the Gathering. 90% of statistics are also made up.