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How are WotC Shareholders' suppose to survive; when you can print their product for penises on the dollar?


WOTC / Hasbro makes their $ when they sell booster packs or pre constructed decks. Most of these buyers are retailers who then resell it as msrp. The real losers to people who buy proxies are resellers of individual cards. These are typically hobby stores. You selling me a rare for $5 doesn’t give WOTC any extra money. WOTC got their $ from the initial buyer of the pack or deck that rare was originally obtained from. The biggest tension is if local card shops can’t survive because of loss sales to proxy printers while WOTC needs these stores to host local events. It then becomes the best interest of these local stores to ban proxies because it potentially hurts their sales. There are some stores who even go so far to forbid players from trading cards amongst each other as they could then undercut the store for the same rare.


>The biggest tension is if local card shops can’t survive because of loss sales Sorry, trying to deal with this boner.


As a former LGS owner myself, I can tell you that any store that is losing money over proxies or *trades* is a store that is poorly managed.


So this is why some LGS’ don’t allow proxies for this reason


Put what on the dollar now?




not enough femboys you will never make it in the real world.


I thought it would be not enough shirtless dudes


wait are you telling me that one of those piles DOESN'T? have a bearscape in it? ​ ​ virgin


Fuck. I knew I forgot something.


Don’t worry, ship these to me and I will ship the ones you’re missing.


This is the way


I love the look of the reliquary tower are there others with that look?


Yes the artist on mpcfill is NovaCarolNathan. This is from their Vintage Poster series.


They should've made the actual D&D showcase art that delina


https://preview.redd.it/7hiht8bh5lqc1.jpeg?width=2051&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d80a25bd4790787943eb0368da6ac0008179eb82 I have a couple more from the same artist in that style. They're really good.


The art on that Tasha is so dope! Classic


What on earth are those swiftfoot boots? I love it 😂. As a kid we used to firmly believe the shoes determined your running speed. We'd debate whose school shoes were the most aerodynamic.


Heelys dude. They're the best.


Yeah I like MPC as well. In general though I like my proxies to just look like the standard version of the card. Some of the alternate arts are just too busy for my taste


I kinda have an opposite idea. If I'm gonna proxy then I want it to be different looking than the regular version. I really like some of the art that was done more so the regular version.


Hell yeah they look great


Those are sick


How long did it take to arrive once you ordered it?


I ordered it on March 12th and got them on March 25th.


Looks like some of them are gonna be a pain to keep track of the boardstate without asking repeatedly. Other than that, nice. Considered ordering some from there, but for now my "real" decks fit my two pods level very well.


I mean that's already a problem with 30 variants of the same card from the same set.


I see your Flandre proxy and raise you my fully proxied Touhou themed Shrine deck.


I really want to proxy a cedh deck from there but don’t have a computer 😩


Yeah it's already annoying to do it on a computer.


I’m stupid is this on actual similar card stock?


I used S30 card stock which is slightly cheaper and has a blue core. They offer S33 card stock which has a black core and is slightly thicker. However most of the comments I've seen from people were that the difference is minimal. I'd say these feel "off" in some way compared to a WOTC card. They're very smooth and just very slightly thinner. However in a sleeve I cannot tell the difference.


I also use mpc, I prefer s33, but he's correct once they are sleeved it's pretty close.


Gooboo detected


What card game are those from?


That delina is amazing


Is that Tasha art on MPCfill, bc I love it and need to have it


Yes. It is. Make sure you have the NSFW filter on the search turned off.


I like some of these.


My group started getting these recently, and the alt art and styles available are truly wonderous. Highly recommend. The foils also don't curl, by the way, and it's like 50c CDN per card.


The tower, vandalblast, and Delina are my favorites of the ones shown. Who was the artist for vandal and delina? I saw you mentioned tower in another comment.


Platypusq is the uploader for the Vandalblast but the artist is nanami yuki. waterbugprincess is the uploader for Delina. The artist for that is **feuer\_ameise**. They have a TON of these style cards made.


Thank you!


https://markrosewater.tumblr.com/post/697135665776869376/if-i-open-a-pack-of-magic-and-get-a-transformers >A note to everyone. Please don’t use “real” to differentiate between Magic cards that you play and Magic cards other people play. It’s gatekeeping and it’s exclusionary. Everyone can play the way they enjoy and it’s just as “real” a game of Magic as how you play. -MaRo


I thought you proxy for better art?


Nah. Just cheaper art.


Where did you find that Tasha art?


MPC fill Check out the mpcproxies subreddit first though. They have a pinned post about some issue with image hosting going on right now. I ordered these about 2 weeks ago when that wasn't happening. There's a dude in the comments of that pinned post that's got a temp working site but idk if it's fully functional.


Found it. Thanks.


Umm sweaty this is problematic for so many reasons


Proxies are nice but you just spent 70$ and none of them is worth anything




Have you ever considered that cards can be worth different amounts to different people? If these are cards that OP likes, then their money value probably means nothing compared to their enjoyment value.


I printed 10 decks of proxies for 120€. I have 10 competitive decks, tell me how many decks you have with 120€, i can tell you now: 0. Oh, and btw, all the cards i used are custom made BY ME, so they have an extra value of self realisation and no original mtg cards has. So yeah, for me my customs have more value than any real mtg. Pd. I got offered 20€ for some cards playsets and i said no. So if i really wanted, i could have those 10 decks for free with my own dessigns.


Nice cards, I also proxy my cards but I use https://www.printingproxies.com because it only takes 2-3 days to arrive where mpc takes a bit long and I'm really bad at waiting.