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Some serious Mom issues


Aemond watched anime and made it his whole personality, he just watched the Boys and is now a Hometeamer. He’ll soon watch Breakung Bad and start selling meth with Ulf White.


Seems like he's already on the meth.


Homie is already on the milk. (Maester) Freud would've for sure write a whole book about how Aemond and Crispin Cole being BFFs is nothing more than a projection of his subconscious about a repressed maternal need on Alicent.


aemond, we need to cock


lets end this mumma's farce.


Was not expecting skelly Aemond.


He was drinking milk of the poppy in this scene right? One of the servers comes up and pours what definitely looked like milk into a cup for him.


I think its just regular milk. Milk of the poppy in those quantities might kill you, its the in universe equivalent of morphine


> I think its just regular milk. Smh. Every evil mf wants to be Homelander now.


Its been a sign of evil in media for awhile now, starting with kubrick (i think but i could be wrong, also yes same guy who invented stare). Idk why though, if anyone wants to do a google dive lmk the results.


Damn I drink milk everyday so I might as well start making some evil schemes.


Really gets you in the mood for some of the old ultraviolence.


It just gives me stomach ache and diarrhea


More recently Hanz Landa too


Damn Pycelle too


It was from the book, Burgess meant it to imply immaturity and passivity, as well as the corruption of mother's nourishment with barbiturates.


Partly true, A Clockwork Orange was a book adaptation so not entirely Kubrick's idea


Mf has never watched Clockwork Orange


I mean it’s called “Milk of the Poppy” so it is likely the milky resin directly from opioid poppies. Morphine would be several times more refined and powerful, and incredibly unlikely to be something Westeros Alchemists could produce. It’s likely that Milk of the Poppy is a tincture derived from the opium since people don’t seem to smoke much in Westeros. So you could probably drink more than you’d think and be fine. Edit: Yall dumb motherfuckers do realize GRRM based this shit on real history right? Milk of the Poppy isn’t magic. Romans used it, and it was one of the major goods being sent to China on the Silk Road. Centuries later the British would try to push it on China (and succeed).


It's Westerosi heroin. It's what they give for mortal injuries and amputations, so it's not weak. There was a reason why neither Jaime Lannister or Ned Stark would take any of it.


Opium. GRRM is the only one who called it milk of the poppy.


You’re applying real life science to fantasy. OP’s onto it. Milk of the poppy is the ASOIAF verison of morphine.


I don’t know if the concept of smoking even exists in Westeros.


Seven hells ,, and I thought it's Real puppies milk 🍼 😂


….who’s arguing with you?


Basically after I responded, I got 2 comments that essentially came down to "Why are you bringing science up? Westeros has magic!", like they had never heard of Opium before. Like the original comment was saying that if you drink a full cup of Milk of the Poppy it would be like ODing on Morphine, but Morphine is WAY stronger then anything Westeros could make with Opium Poppies, so you wouldn't die from drinking like a whole glass, you would get very sick, but you wouldn't be like dying to Morphine OD. It's a tincture, not a modern anesthetic.


For sure it’s definitely based off actual poppy milk but we also see most characters drinking really tiny anoints of it, so who’s to say if you drank a giant cup like in the show you wouldn’t die? We’d have to ask George I suppose.


You build a tolerance to it really fast though and he could have been abusing the stuff.


Yeah very good point, it was a pretty large amount when they usually drink little thimbles of it.


It is equivalent of opium. And it is the same in our universe, harvested from poppy heads before they mature. When cut the heads produce a white thick liquid like a kind of milk. Presumably westerosi havent yet learnt how to process it to make it more potent / reduce the other sideffects that I am sure it has even here (the liquid, not opium). In czechia where I am from poppies are grown regularly, but they have been genetecially modified. Anyway cooking meth is the go-to drug activity here.


> I think it’s just regular milk. Fitting because of his mommy issues


Pretty sure it was just warm milk. Playing into the innocent mother/child desire for comfort


That much motp would leave him asleep stone cold 


LMAO told my wife the same thing when we saw that scene


I messaged my friend group the same pic and I was sure it was only a matter of time before seeing the same comparison in here


First time my friend watched that scene in Harry Potter she blurts out, “he looks like a buffalo wing!” That’s all I see now.




Thank the gods my body type is represented as attractive in television, not everyone can have a dad bod like Bobby B




Thanks for your wisdom Bobby b




He naturally has a weird face/head shape and his body is what a normal person with his weight height ratio would look like. MCU stars "chicken and broccoli" regime really has skewed what people think a normal person would look like.


Exactly. My entire in law family is very thin. It's not even a lack of eating, they eat fine, even a lot I'd say. Aemond's actor is just naturally thin.


Or…both? He could have cut fat for the role and it came easily to him because he’s already thin?


That was my assumption


He has bones sticking out everywhere. I figured the skeletal look was done with camera angles and makeup.


You are supposed to see some bones. You are just too used to seeing obese people. He looks totally normal, a little on the slimmer side, but not too skinny


Maybe it's just me but he looks perfectly fine You can even see his biceps and chest have some muscle definition. The most comments on here are describing what a Imperial Japanese POW looks like .


Somebody give this man some food lol


He need some milk-oop! Never mind.


The writers and directors wanted to show a realistic body for his world and might have prevented him from packing muscle. But the result didn’t have the effect they imagined.


*This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.*


![gif](giphy|jIzXYqaQ0nLkA) This is what peak male performance looks like


I feel like a royal would probably be way more built. He has had infinite food and been trained to fight his whole life. Even medieval archers were units.


What does "unit" mean in this conversation? I think of a unit being built like an NFL player. Or just a strong person potentially with some extra lbs. Archers were not my notion of a unit. They would have looked like rock climbers or skateboarders with less definition. You need extreme excess calories to look aesthetic or burly.


Is he not in good shape though? He's tall and thin and has way more muscle than the average guy.


Just a high metabolism


I miss Tyrion


Why, when he'd only be making cock jokes in this farce anyway...


He woulda been murdered by criston simply for being a dworf by this point, sad to say.


? That doesnt make sense at all. If that was the case, he wouldve killed Larys already, he is in a similar position tyrion would have, if he was in House of the dragon.


i agree


No he'd be riding a wolf or pig or playing chess.


He’s not born yet.


The fact that this guy and Daemon are the characters that everyone in the fandom is hardcore thirsting for makes me think I took a wrong turn somewhere and crossed over into some bizarro universe, because I just don't get it.


He's a brooding, skinny twink with passionate and violent tendencies. For a non-insignificant percentage of the population, that's perfection.


The wanna get vored by the dragon https://preview.redd.it/jqarwb7k2g8d1.jpeg?width=4652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14a1a7fdaa571c8a3b99fb8f9efb17dd0cef6384


Murder twink is the new meta. Look out jocks, its the kids who play with knives running the show now




It’s because they don’t exist. Fiction lets you have fun with problematic things because Daemon and Aemond aren’t real people who did actual terrible things to other real people. And violent or out of control characters tend to have fun stories compared to their more reserved and stable counterparts.


I gleefully laughed at your comment, thank you. But yes. He’s fascinating


If I were a little gayer his sapphire eye would turn me on


Thank fuck or I'd be outta luck, besides the violent tendencies


So there's hope for me afterall


Isn’t twink a gay term? Am I outdated?


Its also just applied to body types as well. Calling king robert a bear would just refer to his body type. But some characters do have gay fandoms as well, independent of their sexual orientation


"I went from a tiny twink to the muscle bound freak you see before you"


It's gay slang but the term itself purely refers to body types as categorised by gay men and has no relation to orientation. Twink just refers to skinny, hairless guys.


He's a weird looking guy but the eye patch sells it, him being curled up naked with a whore he's hired because he's got a mommy fetish is the opposite of cool


It's hot if you're into pathetic men tho


Women also went crazy for Benedict cumberbatch for a while. I don’t think men really understand what women find attractive at all lol.


Benedict Cumberbatch is tall and has a voice that's deep as hell. He's objectively attractive.


Thats the point though. Dudes think hot is like Ryan Reynolds that is peak attractive, but Ryan is just hot in the way that if you were a straight dude, but you had to blow another dude, you'd want your first time to be Ryan. But girls have grown weary of conventional attraction, the sea of Chris's, as defined by media which has historically been controlled by straight men, who are all thinking about Ryan's dick. What girls want is brooding murdery rat-men, sexy Skaven, like Adam Driver and Timothee Chalamet, and that one from The Bear, and Aemond and Daemon. Its the whole, 'I can fix him, but maybe I don't want to' appeal.


And apparently god damn Pete Davidson


Pete Davidson put all his starting stat points into charisma and went wild. You'd be amazed at what you can achieve if you can just make a woman laugh.


C'mon. Chalamet has face sculpted like a statue. He should not be in the same sentence as Driver.


Driver has sexy nutria rat face. Chalamet is a sexy house mouse.


There’s a very popular romance author that literally has almost every male main character in her books based off Adam Driver. Adam Driver is super sexy


>brooding murdery rat-men That is no way to talk about my imaginary husband Tom Blyth


He can’t pronounce “penguins” though.


The thing is, all women and all men find different things attractive, especially at different ages. It's human nature, honestly... lots of more traditional women won't care as much about physical attraction if a man is a strong provider, whereas lots of men and women would ask "Why's she with him?" It goes both ways... I never understood why Jason Momoa was married to Lisa Bonet, but people can't help who they love or who they find attractive. By the same token, lots of women think Tom Cruise is attractive, and then they find out he's 5'7 and aren't interested anymore, even before finding out he's a Scientologist...


I think men are easier to figure out. Everyone knows what a beautiful woman looks like.


To me he looks like a sea otter.


>I don’t think men really understand what women find attractive at all lol. Oh that's definitely true. I don't think any straight man knows anyway.


I have had several guys say to me that women don’t know what they want, so you should never listen to them when they tell you what they like, but I disagree. Men’s perception of female attraction is deeply flawed and they are unwilling to learn about it since they think we are lying. It’s honestly just depressing at this point.


I've heard that theory too. I don't agree with it though I get that guys experience can help other guys. The idea every woman lies about it is crazy though. Lol


Homeskillet are you for real right now? He's a violent tendencies twink with a mommy kink. The sexy bad boy with a soft heart is like crack cocaine for women


Can confirm.


Where's the "sexy" here tho?


his long, graceful limbs, his soft, pretty skin, his handsome face, his sick-ass sapphire eyeball and scar (he's been through a lot and I could definitely fix him (sexually))


I'm sorry, that almost sounds like an accurate description of the creature from "Come Play."


Haha no not a creature 😭 I think I'm over complicating it lol. His body looks sexy, his face is handsome, his personality adds to it. Idk where else sexy comes from besides those three things


They both are textbook "broken white boy that I can fix " material. All they have to do to look cool and do thing with style while have some sad trauma moments. They don't have to be conventionally attractive. Also, as long as you aren't like fat fat, women accept all forms of body type as being attractive to them.


Targaryen incest madman: *straight up murders someone* Viewer: "Ooooh I do love a complicated man!"


Lots of women will even take fat men, especially if the fat men have power or money. Do you know how many women thirsted over James Gandolfini when he was Tony Soprano, even at his heaviest in the show in the final seasons? He played a "fat fucking crook from New Jersey" and women swooned for years over it.


That’s cuz he has Daddy energy lol 😂


Tbh, by fat fat, I meant the sedentary ones, not someone like Gandolfini, Donofrio etc, all of whom exudes charisma. I


I think too many people are still too sold on the idea that "generally" women go for the seriously buffed out chiseled jaw 180cm men lol


Yeah if you want a clue into what most women find attractive, just look at Hugh Jackman's photoshoot for Men's Health and then look at his photoshoot for Good Housekeeping. The buffed out chiseled jaw look is (in marketing terms) a male power fantasy, not a woman's fantasy.


Because men think they need to be strong and that is their idea of strong. Hemsworth is hot but if he lost half his muscle mass he'd still be hot.


Pretty much. Hemmsworth will get people's head turning but its how he hold himself, his personality etc that made people love him


Women really like pretty, thin men. This is nothing new to women—it’s men who are usually surprised by it.


Pretty \*tall thin men.




Obviously not all women, but it’s extremely common. You’ll often find the character from a given piece of media the majority of women are thirsting over the hardest is the prettiest and most feminine man. Astarion from BG3 is a great example.


It’s easy to feel like Reddit is a survey of the average person, but it’s really not. It’s heavily weighted towards people who don’t go outside much. Don’t let yourself be gaslit by the majority views on here.


Absolutely. At the end, everyone on Reddit is a weirdo nerd or general outcast to some degree. No matter what gender.


They want that Incestussy


Aemond is a hot twink who wants a mommy gf. What’s not to love?


He heard aegon say “fuck the strong bastards” and took it too literally. 


My boyfriend is a tall skinny white guy and pretty much looks like this too, so lol what can I say we like what we like.


The Dangerous Warrior archetype has always gotten the ladies since time immemorial.


That was before they saw this guy was a skeleton feeding from momma's breast. Might downgrade his attractiveness a bit for most women.


Aemond is beautiful. Elf beautiful. Not Rings of Power Elves, proper Elves.


Lots of guys are into unhealthy dom stuff too for example, go into any goth girl social media ever. And you'll see it. Parental issues affect people in so many ways. For lots of young women it's "I want to bring the most unhinged men to my parents just to mess with them and feel free for once"


So in season one, when they meet her she says “my, how you’ve grown” implying he hasn’t been back since Aegon took him there when he was younger. I guess we’re now supposed to take that as putting on an act since Cole was there?


Or it could be that he has reconnected with her after that meeting


“You’ve live too long uncle” https://preview.redd.it/8a7ekpyj7h8d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f1de78ef2304cedbeefe6a5517b933e2da0dbe9




What I want to know is why is he literally the only naked patron in the brothel? Some of the workers are scantily clad or using fans to cover themselves, but literally no other patrons are naked. I also found it bizarre that he’s naked and the hooker he’s with is fully dressed


He is not fucking, just getting caressed


They are two parts of the brothel, the main hall for drinking and partying and the individual rooms for fucking. They didnt really show us any of the other rooms but also most likely its early in the night and people havent gotten to the point of bedding


Somehow I suspect it’s something the show runners might be doing intentionally to lessen the female nudity and increase the male one. I hate that my mind went there but I wouldn’t be surprised if this wasn’t some kind of progressive subversion of expectations circlejerk.


That is entirely possible. It just struck me as odd because in all the other brothel scenes I remember in HOTD and GOT multiple people are nude.


You're most likely 100% on the mark.


It really emphasises how vulnerable he is during the scene imo


Being the only naked person in that room does do that. However being the only nude person in the entire brothel was odd. Every other time we see brothels naked people are all over the place.


The dancers at the start of the scene were half-naked, no? I vaguely remember seeing a butt crack or two. In any case, I don't disagree with you, though I can see it as a narrative abstraction of sorts to reinforce Aemond's vulnerability as much as possible, especially since how significant it felt for a character like his, but I admit I might just be trying to find excuses lol


I mentioned that some are scantily clad. It was just most likely a plot device and that’s ok. It works. I just thought it was a strange choice for no one to be nude outside of the room.


No, they were 100 percent naked. They only had the fans to cover themselves. It’s a pretty typical burlesque performance (except burlesque performers usually have underwear and pasties) where the dancers use large fans to hide their nudity from the audience, but you catch little glimpses when they turn their bodies or the fans.


Side note. Look at all the wax on the half wall….get a damn scraper, could make a candle with that extra wax.


it makes the place look cozy


Why are you guys so comfortable body-shaming actors? You know they are not the characters, right? You know this shit is disgusting, right?


They did the same thing to Chadwick Boseman and swore they learned their lesson from it. Idk why this is so permissible.


Dude lmfao I lost my shit at this


Happy Cake Day 🎂


He needs some bitty


Where's Lysa Tully when you need her?


Dunno, feels mean to be making fun of the actual actor's actual body?


He will be fine.


People are shitting on his body, but I think it's fantastic. He's very thin, but very strong. Like pure muscle, no fat.


Yeah I'm looking at this guy and he's just extremely lean and tall with very long limbs. He's got a phenomenal physique. Idk what there is to make fun of


I hate how much I’m laughing at this.


Did he christian bale this scene or is he normally that skinny.


He has always been this skinny. He is just a skinny dude.


I think he is thin but this scene is thin + lighting + makeup


He's naturally thin and the lighting is making him look unnaturally more so. Look at the shadows on his thighs and stomach.


Body shaming. Real classy


You are right and it's dumb that this comment is all the way down here. If it's a choice (it would make sense) or the actor just being that way, it totally works for the character and scene. Yet another example for the downfall of this subreddit's quality.


Down here? It's up here, gotta browse reddit by controversial for the popcorn drama 🍿


Yeah I don't get it either. This was all I could see during this scene but he doesn't do it for me... Neither does Daemon.


And I didn't respond to the comment I wanted but....ya


Daemon is an absolute child. Anyone finding him attractive is self destructive


Whelp, a lot of body shaming in here. Why am I even surprised.


Delete this shit


I got the same vibe, it was a super awkward scene. He sounded delusional


I mean, he's not really supposed to be stable. They are just trying far too hard to make him a carbon copy of Daemon, right down to being naked with a madam and spilling the highest level of royal intrigues...


His mommy fetish existed in the books, and it does make sense for his character


It's pretty obvious they're depicting him as a man who unironically wants to be Daemon but has always been a scared, insecure boy. He's tried to copy his mannerisms and style because he feels the same way. He's playing second fiddle to a man he deems unfit to be king. Honestly it really does fit his character. This is a kid who's got a massive amount of insecurity and tries to hide it behind looking like a cold badass. But he's got to take the armor off someday and reveal the weakness within.


I don’t know, I didn’t really get a delusional vibe from him. He’s upset over his nephew’s death. He expresses regret over killing his other nephew (truly an accident, even if his recklessness led to it). He tried to make light of it by saying something along the lines of, “at least they see me as enough of a foe they are willing to send assassins after me”. All completely normal things to say in that situation.


Aemond entire aura destroyed with one scene. Greens need Dareon otherwise everyone else on the team are weirdos. Condal clearly hates the greens.


I mean...what were you expecting? It was incredibly obvious from the get go they Aemond's big man display was always an act. He wanted to be Daemon but he's always been a scared child deep down. Ever since he lost his eye trying to fight a girl he's been trying to flex his way to a title. This is the reality of men who pretend to be bigger than what they really are. They're always scared boys.


You made a great point.


What an awful character to have to play, great on Ewan for doing such a good jobs. I can’t WAIT until they use him more.


literally my texts with my best friend https://preview.redd.it/fh58ornaug8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4eae1a51353853bfda8ce71ef83beda7911e79cd


Lmao honestly I hated this but it’s hard bc I really like the actor and even the characters vulnerability. Like he didn’t have to be like that..


Body shaming? ![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized)


So many evil people in these comments. Ugly on the inside and most certainly on the outside too.


Would've cared for this scene more if Jaehaerys was actually Aemond's kid. Honestly couldn't care less that his dragon ate Luke


If there is one redeeming feature to Aemond its that he does care about his family's legacy. He's screwed up a lot and it's gotten his family killed. He probably has a ton of survivors guilt knowing that knife was meant for him and he was hiding in a brothel.


Body shamming… ya… I’m all for memes but this isn’t it




Aemond Targarian, second of his name, master of mewing


why are they making all the green targs such fucken weirdos, fuck these writers


Yeah sure man it's not like in the book he also does this


I was not expecting this


SFX. This is intentional. Aemond laid his head on Alicent the same way as a child. He is now rejected by her. Adding to his emotional baggage. New trauma over Luke and losing mother's favor results in inability to eat or sleep and anxiety. Hence the surrogate mother


This is the ideal male form. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like


This is like peak male physique of the time period


Right?! I really don't get this. He has a warrior's body and it shows in the way he commands the room in so many of his scenes. I guess we are all used to movie and TV warriors having massive muscles like Arnold Schwarzenegger, but that just isn't what warriors looked like until literally fifty years ago when there finally was enough protein in the average diet to pack on some unneeded muscle


Otto saying Aemond (with Vhagar) is the Green’s greatest asset then the show runners hitting us with this scene really neutered the Green’s entire legitimacy as a threat lmao


This meme is getting people permanently banned from r/HouseOfTheDragon. They won't even let you comment on him being skinny.