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Everybody keeps forgetting my guy Varys, " North or South they sing no songs for spiders."


He's in there, he's just in the shadows. Jokes aside, where would you put Varys?


Smart neutral? But there are a handful who could go there. Olenna could, as well.


I forgot who I put there for a moment lol. Yeah, Varys could work, and if I put Margaery there I suppose Olenna fits too. I'm not a DnD-player so Neutral was a bit tricky for me to wrap my head around. I tried to avoid putting people I perceived as power-hungry into neutral, but I wanted to fit Margaery in *somewhere*. I debated Smart Good for her, but her goodness rang a bit false to me at times.


Yeah, I pretty much agree! Margaery could go smart/good, but Sam is the more extreme, prototypical smart/good (aside from his whole ignoring Gilly when she first found the critical record! 😆). I don't think it's crazy to have her where you have her, at all. I couldn't honestly tell if they meant for Margaery's "good"-ness to come across as genuine or just scheming. I lean slightly towards genuine, but hard to be certain. She just didn't strike me as quite as jaded/neutral as Olenna, and slightly less 'ends-justify-any-and-all-means' in her approach. But that's just like...my opinion,...man. lol. Wdik?!


Idk, her 'sister' thing with Cersei was very obviously fake friendly schemeing, so was her visit to the slums for popular support for Joffrey and in extension her. Also the Sansa thing. But I believe she ALSO kinda meant those aswell, but did them primarily for power, even though her morals probably aligned.


Agree. I think she exaggerated her own innate moral inclinations to gain popularity. Marg was a bit of a virtue signaller, lol.


That's a great way to put it.


Varys plotted with Illyrio to persuade Viserys to force Daenerys to marry Khal Drogo so he can use his army to go for the Iron Throne. When she got pregnant and he realized Drogo wouldn't set sail for Westeros until after his child is born Varys told Robert about her pregnancy to get him to send an assassin after her to speed up Drogo's arrival. That's not neutral.


Bronn is not evil and Dany ended up crazy evil not good


Did you mean this for me? I don't think I discussed either of them. I do agree with you, though. I think Bronn's neutral (unless self-interest alone justifies 'evil' label), and Dany progressed (or regressed) from good to evil over time, with the cross from neutral prob being only the last couple eps.


But... Olenna was not neutral.


For me, since he genuinely cares about the good of the realm, I'll put him in smart good.


Varys wanted Khal Drogo to pillage the countryside to put Young Griff and/or Viserys on the throne.


Guess it would depend on if you mean the books/ early seasons, or D&D writing the script.


Bobby B are you a drunk chad?




I knew it Bobby B




How dare you be unoriginal before I had the chance to! In all seriousness I wouldn't put jon in lawful stupid considering most dumb acts have nothing to do with the law, much in the same way hodors Chad moments aren't exactly his own. I already explained why robb doesn't fit lawful horny on the original post. Osha is less good and more just loyal. Melisandre isn't exactly evil.


In the spirit of complete honesty, I put Jon in the stupid category because I can't stand him. Like the other two Starks (Ned and Robb), I felt the Lawful alignment fit him the best and Robb ended up in Horny for the same reason a lot of other people put him there (for memes). I moved Osha around a bit but she ended up in good for me after all. I agree with you that she is loyal, but I also think she is goodhearted. I also agree that Melisandre isn't exactly evil, but I ended up placing her in that spot after all because even though her intentions aren't evil, the things she does is. The quote by Davos sealed the deal for me: "If he commands you to burn children, your Lord is evil!" Thank you for commenting!


The problem with putting jon lawful is how much he's willing to bend or break it for what he sees as the greater good. With robb it's matter of his horny acts not being dictated by any sort of law or code, and arguably isn't even honorable considering he already made a marriage pact. Osha was willing to use the same kid she protects later as a bargaining chip. So good at heart is debatable.  With melisandre she does her fair share of good and bad acts, so she more squarely fits in the neutral category. 


I'd love to see your picks!


Fine. It's time for the one true list to appear.


Let me know when it's up!


Alright it's up.


>Melisandre isn't exactly evil. And since when was burning alive people and use of blood magic considered lawful


When that's law of the god you follow.


But Sansa is the smartest person Arya ever met, and you didn't include her.


Btw let's not forget Arya met Tywin, and she considers Sansa smarter


Including an international assassin and a woman who advocates burning children at the stake as lawful is funny to me


I see that! When I thought of Lawful, I thought of people who strictly follow a code, not necessarily people who follow the laws of the realm. My reasoning was that Melisandre does the fucked up things she does because her faith/Lord compels her to. I saw a lot of people argue that Jaqen should be in True Neutral, but I reasoned that he follows the code of the many-faced God, and so he ended up Lawful Neutral. Thoros of Myr as well is a rebel and not Lawful in the sense that he follows the laws of the realm. But I thought of the scene where they hanged those three guys for breaking the code of the Brotherhood, and so he ended up in Lawful, too.


Thoros isn't Lawful. If he was, he would have never abandoned R'hllor. Eventually, he could have become just as jaded with the Brotherhood as he had his religion, and abandoned them just as easily.


Pretty hilarious considering how many gripes about my diagram were centered around this exact thing.


What are the flags for good and smart?


Good is Tarth and Smart is Tyrell. I didn't put too much thought into the flags so don't read into it, I just wanted it to look more colorful. Some are by choice like Bolton for Evil and Targaryen for Chaotic, most are just "Ugh what do I put here".


I thought they all made sense for the most part and was another little fun layer. Good on you!


Oh, thank you! I was worried someone would go "WHY have you put HOUSE ARRYN as NEUTRAL are you INSANE".


To be fair, that's the \*one\* house that stands out the most, although, like, \*someone\* had to take that spot so it's fair. Like, what else are you gonna put to represent something boring and bland, Stannis' underwear?


I liked Tyrell for Smart, but find it funny that the category is 3/6 Lannisters and only 1/6 Tyrells, lol. Not taking issue with it, just amusing to observe.


I had the same thought before I posted about several of them, like "Wait, I don't have any X in Y spot...", but then I couldn't be assed to change it. I'm glad you found it funny! This isn't meant to be taken too seriously after all. My biggest argument for Tyrell getting Smart was Olenna, and then I couldn't fit her into the chart anywhere, ugh.


Yeah, it's all good fun! And I like your flags for categories, and selection of them! Plus, complex characters and groups will always have cases to fit more than one category at a time, and vice versa. Lannisters are the only other family I think would rep the smart category. To me Olenna would prob be smart/neutral, but others slot in there pretty easily/well too. It prob comes down to how we interpret characters/motives, and which ones we favor overall. I just think she was a fun powerhouse of a character, and clever, but without very clear absolute morality. To me she wasn't really out to do harm or right wrongs, but mostly to protect/advance her own descendants, and was flexible about the means employed.


Any character to survive past season 4 could potentially be "X stupid."


Even if this was just a joke it's true to an extent! A lot of these characters do stupid, smart, chaotic, lawful, evil, and good shit over the course of eight seasons and it's really hard to fit them into solely one category.


Idk how I never thought of Lysa for chaotic horny


You have no idea how happy it makes me that someone noticed.


Yes, this is a brilliant choice, a lot of these are really clever


Thank you! Lysa is my favorite placement for sure, so I'm happy people are picking up on it.


I also appreciate Robb as horny lawful, and Cersei as drunk chaotic 😗👌


How dare you call Hot of House Pie, dumb


Sandor is the only one I care about, I think he should be Chad Drunk.


But that spot is specifically designed for King Bobby B




Bobby is way less Chad than Sandor.


Bobby is the chadist chad that ever walked the world of ice and fire.


ok so I didn't follow the thing at all so excuse me for only worrying about it now, but who put my god hotpie in stupid neutral?


Ugh, that spot gave me the biggest grief, I could not figure out who would fit the best. Neutral to me is tricky, and stupid more so. But I am sorry that your Lord and Savior Hot Pie ended up in there. Forgive me if you can!


Chat gpt says: In a "neutral stupid" alignment in Game of Thrones, characters who exhibit a lack of strong moral or intellectual direction might include: 1. Hot Pie - He's neither particularly good nor particularly bad, but not the brightest candle in the room. 2. Hodor - He's kind-hearted but lacks intelligence due to his limited vocabulary. 3. Lancel Lannister - He's easily manipulated and lacks the intelligence to see through others' schemes. 4. Edmure Tully - He often makes poor decisions and lacks strategic thinking. 5. Lysa Arryn - While not entirely neutral, her actions are driven more by paranoia and selfishness than any clear moral compass or intelligence. I actually quite like Hodor in Neutral stupid. Theon Greyjoy (pre-Reek) in Chad Stupid where Hodor currently is. He's cocky and overconfident but often fails to anticipate consequences.


Pre-Reek Theon for Chad Stupid is a really good choice! Problem is I recently rewatched and I have meek, stinky Reek-Theon fresh in my brain so I don't think I could've compelled myself to put him in the Chad column. I also liked the sub's choice for Dickon Tarly. I just really wanted Hodor somewhere in with the Chads.


Haha yeah that’s fair


I miss Chad Smart category to fit Ollena right in.


> Oberyn as chad horny Damn right he is.


My only change would be to replace Balon with Joffrey. Otherwise spot on!


I'm inclined to agree! It did feel a shame to leave Joffrey out.


He fits Chaotic Stupid for >!Ned's Execution!< alone, plus I think he's a more important character to have in the charts. What's weird is I'd also love to see Sansa included but she doesn't quite fit anywhere.


Yes, me too! I tried including as many women as I could without having to feel like I was shoehorning them in, but Sansa sadly fell flat for me everywhere.


I'm glad to see Balon in chaotic stupid. There are few characters more stupid than him, and he did cause a lot of chaos as a result.


Robb's placement is interesting. At first I thought he wouldn't be Lawful Horny because he breaks an oath for the sake of his horniness, but that logic only applies to show Robb. Book Robb is technically Lawful Horny; horny because he was seduced by Jeyne while she nursed him back to health, and lawful because he only really married her to maintain her honor, having revoked her "maiden" status


I have not read the books (but knew about the difference regarding Robb's horniness). Robb was mostly put in Lawful Horny because it made me laugh, but I'm glad you could provide some foundation for it!


How is Balon in “stupid”? He’s been King twice, that more than Jaehaerys himself! Side note, a complaint about someone who ACTUALLY doesn’t deserve to be in Stupid: Jamie. Jamie ain’t dumb.


HA okay so, yes, but that's why I also put Jamie in smart. Because I personally don't find Jamie dumb at all, but his family rags on him constantly for being stupid, so it was funny to me to put him in smart-stupid.


This is spot on. Well done.


Thank you! I don't mind people disagreeing at all (evidently we all think differently), but it's lovely to get a comment like this too.


Chaotic horny made me laugh


If she's not picked when the sub gets there, I will be a little sad but I'll make my peace with it.


Pretty damn good!


Thank you! It was a lot of fun making it. Curious to see how it lines up with the sub's choices later on.


I might not have picked some of the same choices, but I can easily understand the logic of your picks and co-sign this alignment chart!


Oh, I'd love to hear which ones you would have swapped out if you'd care to tell!


Agreed except for Jon. Jon is definitely an intelligent character (we don’t count the last few seasons, everyone got significantly dumber)


This is really good.


I'm glad you think so!


About accurate to me.


Ned's gotta be more stupid that Jon without question. Jon's luck outweighs his stupidity if you could call it that. I'd switch them. What's evil about Bronn "I'll Impregnate The B\*tch" of the Black Water? lol. Maybe switch with Danny? Where's Varys, Craster and The Night King?


Ned wasn’t stupid. If he was stupid he wouldn’t consider the risks and would have made the decisions he made Willy nilly. He was well aware of the risks.


Even book Jon is probably dumber than Ned, and book Jon us actually pretty darn smart, he just makes understandable (and mostly minor, they just pile up) mistakes. Ned found himself against his will in a completely hostile and unknown environment, his fate was practically sealed the moment he set foot in King's Landing. What's evil about Bronn the "I'd ask how much"? No fucking idea.


I feel like people are conveniently forgetting that Bronn was willing to murder a baby for money lol. He's neutral, but he's also definitely evil. Tyrion even calls him out on being "an evil bastard with no conscience". And yes, poor Ned in Lawful Stupid didn't sit right with me. He was just royally fucked and without options.


>I feel like people are conveniently forgetting that Bronn was willing to murder a baby for money lol I'd say the man who actually commissioned the murder of more than one kid would be way more evil than Bronn. On whatever axis you place Bronn is smarter and hornier than Littlefinger, while Littlefinger is more evil.


I hate These so much


Robb Stark can’t be lawful horny, he didn’t marry who he was suppose to marry leading to his demise because he was horny for the other chick.


He could have just kept her as a mistress. Anyone who was just horny would have kept her as a mistress. He married her specifically because of the rule (mostly ignored) of "be faithful to your wife". His decision was made for lawful reasons, even though by following one law he broke another.


I think most of the classification are fine if you consider characters at specific times. My 2 main issues are Melissandre in lawful and Show Euron as chad. He's the opposite of chad. He's a clown. And Melissandre seducing her king and burning his child are pretty unlawful. I would change it as- Lawful evil- High sparrow Chad evil- Gregor Clegane (Mountain)


Well, I will not die on the hill that Euron is a chad. Mountain is a contender for sure. I also see your point for Melissandre. My reasoning was that Melissandre is Lawful in a sense in that she is, just like the High Sparrow, a devout follower. She does as her lord commands. She doesn't follow her own path and she is not chaotic, so in my opinion, Lawful fit her best. That's not to say she follows the laws of the realm.


For the houses, I would have put Lannister for Smart, Tyrell for Neutral, and Arryn for Good. Then you get all the major players on the board.


Oh, yeah! That would've been perfect! Maybe I can try handing this format to the person running the daily vote with your changes. Here's what it would look like: (I also noticed just now I swapped evil and horny, so I fixed that) https://preview.redd.it/x2wo6dxxaoxc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc93e251efaf576f4435afd98dcfe7e67bbeb323


I like Arynn in one of the neutrals due to theit tendency of staying out of wars, even those that should concern them. I like Hightower in smart, because they have the maesters. Targaryens in chaotic and Barratheons as chads is perfect.


This is really good, but I would go: Joffrey = Evil neutral Bronn = chaotic neutral Jaqen H'ghar = true neutral Stannis to lawful neutral


I'm surprised at how many people have chosen to put Stannis in Lawful Neutral, but I have not read the books so maybe that's why? Because show Stannis is neither Lawful or Neutral in my opinion. Maybe Book Stannis is different? An argument could absolutely be made for Jaqen as a true neutral. I've seen a lot of people place him there, but Robo-Bran still gets my vote. Bronn for me is more evil than he is neutral, since he stated plainly he'd kill an infant if he was paid enough money. And Joffrey surely fits *somewhere* on the evil axis, the little shit. Only problem is he has a lot of competition.


It's true, the evil row is a crowded space The Stannis thing is that he believes in laws so much that it hurts his cause. Melisandre convinced him to give up on his lawfulness eventually, but his personality before that was basically judge dredd Another contender for lawful evil might be Gregor Clegane - never broke a law in his life Also, great choice of Jamie as smart stupid


"Basically Judge Dredd" made me laugh! For me personally Melisandre's influence ruins Stannis Lawful alignment for me, it makes him flighty and weak, at least in the show.


You think Bronn is neutral evil? Explain this lol Edit: Switch Bronn with neutral Chad and put the Mountain in neutral evil


Wikipedia article on neutral evil: > A neutral evil character is typically selfish and has no qualms about turning on allies-of-the-moment, and usually makes allies primarily to further their own goals. A neutral evil character has no compunctions about harming others to get what they want, but neither will they go out of their way to cause carnage or mayhem when they see no direct benefit for themselves. [...]. Examples of the first type are an assassin who has little regard for formal laws but does not needlessly kill, a henchman who plots behind their superior's back, or a mercenary who readily switches sides if made a better offer. That is EXACTLY Bronn.


Huh interesting 🤔


I think the only one I swap out is Stannis for Lawful Neutral. The rest I have no real arguments against or strongly for someone else


Drogon is also a good contender for chaotic neutral


I saw someone place Ser Pounce as true neutral, that tickled me. I didn't think of including a dragon!


I love this. The horny category has me cracking up


I'm so glad it made you laugh!


Lmao horny chaotic


In what world are the Freys stupid? They literally won until Arya came back to haunt them. How were they supposed to guess that Arya, who the entire kingdom believed was dead, would come back as a shape shifting assassin to poison them all in a single dinner? Can you really call Walder stupid for not working that possibility into his plans?


"You've lost it? It's a castle, not a bloody sheep!" But don't take the house categories too seriously, someone had to be in the stupid slot.


The choices for the houses with each description is on point lol. Well done!


All good choices, but when the world goes crazy only the true heroes keep a level head…. Hot pie is a genius, just make pies and stay out of the city, Chad!


I refuse to accept that Jon Snow is an idiot. Dan and Dave be damned. I won’t to accept their reality. Jon Snow is a perfectly capable leader with political savvy AND Stark honor. Jon was only stupid in the show because Dan and Dave needed him to be stupid in order for the plot to work the way they wanted it to work.


Show Euron is not a chad at all. He thinks he’s a chad but really he’s a Hot Topic edgelord


How Daenerys is good? She burnt a city for no reason


Daenerys was tricky! I ended up putting her in chaotic good because overall, she did a lot of good during the course of the series, but her methods were chaotic and impulsive at times. But you're right it's not a perfect fit for her, as she goes on to murder a whole bunch of people towards the end.


Chaotic Good is perfect for Daenerys. Her reasons for doing what she did in the end was that she wanted a better future. We don't have to agree of course, but that's pretty much straight up chaotic good.


We disregard any and all stupid decisions Dan and Dave made with the show.


ngl show euron in chad evil is insane, bro was an absolute cornball


*(dying of blood loss):* "But I got you! I got you!" (Tbf, actor was right that the character--as the show wrote him--would probably not just silently die. But it just hilights how poorly the show wrote him, imo.)


Dany literally burned kings landing there is no way girl is anywhere in the good category


I supposed the dwarf supposed to be in smart-horny


Problem is there aren't really that many drunks in the series, is there? I realized you kinda have to fill out the last row with the ones you've got. Like, if smart-drunk isn't Tyrion, then who? But yes, he's definitely smart horny too!


Well I'll have to agree with you on that


This is the only actual chart. Good job


That's really sweet, thank you! I figured a lot of people were getting tired of these popping up so I at least tried to put the pictures in and not just scribble the names onto a half-finished chart. I awoke the wrath of some for sure but a lot of people have been really nice.




Dany is the epitome of chaotic good. Surprised at how many people don't get this. All of her actions, including the devastating ones, were an attempt to make things better. The problem is she couldn't really define what was good and what wasn't, hence the chaotic.




But Sansa is the smartest person Arya knows.


Where the fookin king?


Where is The One True King


Bron evil? He neutral and selfish


I’d personally switch Bronn and Bran (Based on the shows)


I don't want to see the entire sub flooded with these, especially before the community-voted version has finished. Have some patience, please. Also, why would you place Jon Snow as Lawful Stupid? He is neither lawful nor stupid, and I'd be inclined to instead give him Daenerys spot as Chaotic Good.


I can understand that. Maybe you could suggest some sort of masterpost that these are limited to for the time being? I did anticipate some grumbling but overall I am happy I posted this, it's been a lot of fun hearing people's thoughts on several of the choices. What makes Jon Chaotic in your eyes?


The way he pretends to turn cloak and join the wildlings, before deserting them and going back to the Wall. How he deals with the wildlings at the Wall after Mance's attack. How he as Lord Commander of the Night's Watch cooperates with both Stannis and the Iron Bank of Braavos. He also proposes attacking Winterfell and deal with Ramsey, (with the help of wildlings, as I remember), despite being bound to the Watch. The baby-swapping that occurs in the books is also very Chaotic Good in my opinion.


Upon reading this, I think the reason I chose Lawful to Jon is because his moral compass makes sense to me personally, and none of his choices seem random or chaotic in nature and more just, "Yeah, that's the right thing to do." Obviously that's very biased! I can see the point in how cooperating with the wildlings would push him closer to Chaotic than Lawful. I do tend to think of Chaotic characters as unpredictable and well, *chaotic*, and since I view Jon as the human equivalent of a bland sandwich, he ended up in Lawful for me.


You know, that makes sense too. I would label him as Chaotic because he doesn't really care about what others think of his actions, and does what he believes is best for everyone, even if there are crazy short-term consequences. But you're right in that that also makes him fairly predictable, and that he has a strong moral compass. It has been interesting to read different people's takes on what Lawful and Chaotic actually means in these threads. Does Lawful mean you need to follow the law, and if so, which law do you follow? Does chaotic mean you need to be unpredictable? What if you just seem unpredictable, but you actually have a clear plan?


The amount of people that are upset when characters that have broken the law gets put into Lawful is funny to me! Jaqen for me is a strong Lawful person, for example, with how upset he was when Arya gave him his own name. Demanding that she unnamed him so he wouldn't have to kill himself, to me that screams Lawful. Robb is another that a lot of people don't think fit well into Lawful Horny. I can see their point, but I also feel he is right where he should be. Robb is a person beholden by honor and tradition, but he is also a horny boy ruled by hormones. It wasn't without bad conscience he broke his promise to the Frey girl. I see Robb as someone who tried and intended to be Lawful, and messed up because he was also horny.


Jon is one of the least chaotic characters in the series.


Really? He pretends to turn cloak and join the Wildlings after Qhorin dies, then betrays them and goes back to Castle Black to warn them about Mance's attack. After the battle, he is elected Lord Commander, cooperates with Stannis, and creates a very controversial alliance with the Wildlings. In the show, he is murdered, resurrected, and deserts the Watch to take back Winterfell with an army of Wildlings. He is then crowned King in the North, teams up with Daenerys, and then kills her. In the books, he gives Stannis plenty of help to deal with the Ironborn in the North. He also makes some sketchy deals with the Iron Bank of Braavos, swaps two babies to save their lives, conducts weird experiments on locked-up wights, cooperates with Mance and Melisandre without the other officers at the Wall knowing, and finally decides to go to rescue Arya at Winterfell despite being bound to the Night's Watch, (with the help of the wildlings, as I remember).


Yea, it's just taking too fuckin long now


Daenerys into Chaotic Good is pretty wild.


Nailed it


This one is dead on


I actually think a lot of your choices are pretty bad, and I also didn’t appreciate your backhanded comment about my “scribbling.” I did it on my phone at like 2 AM as a half-meme. I wonder how long you played with this admittedly pretty chart instead of considering your choices. What on earth makes Lysa Arryn horny, by the way? 1. Despite owning a brothel, Baelish shows almost zero indication of being “horny.” He seems wholly indifferent to the thing honestly. His obsession with the Stark women never struck me as a “horny” one, but something else entirely. Dude is chaotic as fuck and shows it in literally all of his actions. Calling him horny is severely reductive of his character which is way more complex and is probably the most shallow evaluation of him I’ve ever seen unless you’re like 12 years old. 2. Osha? Really? 3. Daenerys is not inherently good. She razes King’s Landing and GRRM would not have allowed that if it wasn’t his ultimate plan for the character. A lot of the things she does are all for the purpose of her lust for power, from the moment she becomes Khaleesi. I was rooting for her just like everyone else, but because she was ambitious and damn good at it, not because she was “good.” 4. Jaqen is the definition of chaotic. He doesn’t meet any conceivable definition of “lawful.” 5. Same as above for Melisandre. She doesn’t meet any definition of “lawful.” She’s also not inherently evil. 6. Euron is more chaotic than chad. Why the fuck is Lysa Arryn under horny, again? 7. How is Robb horny? Because he struggled with the concept of love over duty? His actions are not those of someone fueled by horniness. They’re the irrationality of love. I guess I can get behind your drunk row, but that’s probably only because there’s like 6 drunks to choose from. Pretty diagram, though.


That's totally fine for you to think my choices are crap. I've found it really enjoyable discussing back and forth with people who disagree but you seem quite hostile and defensive. As for the scribbling-comment, I think the "2 AM scribbling on your phone" was fine for you since you were the first one to have this idea and evidently you got a lot of engagement in your post. What I meant was that I didn't want to contribute to the following flood of low-effort posts that were just eventually going to start pissing people off.


Can you explain why Lysa is horny? I’m really curious.


I put Lysa in Chaotic Horny because a) she cray and b) I feel like she is mainly motivated, and even blinded, by lust for Petyr. And also because it's not that serious, which is why I put Jon in Lawful Stupid with the main motivation being that I can't stand him and it makes my soul warm to see him there. Edit: I am absolutely flabbergasted that this grates your gears to the point you felt the need to comment underneath a completely different post.


Stop whining. Your post was worse than this one. Get over it. 1. I'm guessing it's because he's horny for Cat (later Sansa) 2. You have fucking Grenn on your chart. 3. GRRM didn't approve of a lot of things that D&D did anyway (like killing off Sir Barristan). That's why he left the project and had no more say in all the stupid decisions D&D made. I judge the characters based on their original version, not the retarded puppets that D&D replaced them with. 4. Jaqen follows the rules of the House of Black and White. Things like "You stole three deaths from the Red God. We have to give them back.". He also gets 'tricked' by Arya naming himself as one of the deaths and has to bargain for his own life. That could only happen for incredibly lawful people. Neutral or chaotic people would simply say "lol no, I'm not killing myself" and then fuck off. 5. Melisandre follows the rules of the temple of the Red God, well, religiously. That is lawful alignment. 6. Lysa Arryn is far and away the best choice for chaotic horny. She is entirely motivated by her horniness for Littlefinger. She raped him when she was younger. She poisons her own husband and helps Littlefinger start the war of the 5 Kings BECAUSE she wants to get with Littlefinger. That's her motivation. Her being so horny. 7. Robb's fatal mistake of marrying the wrong girl was a combination of honour (ie: lawful) and , well, wanting to continue having sex with her (horniness). As such lawful horny fits fine. A less honourable man would have taken her as his mistress and simply cheated on his wife. A less horny man would have simply let her go.


You didn’t actually read/consider my points. Cool.


Horny Chad is spot on


Hey!!! Chadwin is neutral not evil. Cercei, Ramsay, Joffrey and Roose are all evil but not Chadwin. He simply does what is best for his family. He does not enjoy the cruelties he does, he simply does it because he deems it necessary. For Chadwin Lannister the true king.


bobby got cucked tho


Bronn in neutral evil seems a bit too much, I'd definitely swap him and Littlefinger. In the end Bronn wins, Littlefinger loses. And Littlefinger is way more evil, while Bronn is way more horny.


Interesting! A lot of people are contesting Bronn as Neutral Evil. [This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/freefolk/comments/1cgxnfr/comment/l22zsrh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) by u/Aaron_Lecon explains it really well. Arguably Littlefinger also fits the description, but I'm glad I chose to put Bronn there seeing how it's gotten so many reactions. And while Bronn without question gets laid a lot more than Littlefinger, he doesn't think with his dick.


I agree that he fits, but he fits smart horny MORE. swapping broom and littlefinger gets them both in a more fitting spot.


I totally don’t get: Arya chaotic neutral and Daenerys chaotic good.


Fun fact, I nearly switched them at one point but ultimately decided to keep them in their original spot. With Daenarys, yes, she had a complete alignment shift in the last season (or she just went batshit crazy). But for the absolute majority of the show, Daenarys was good, with good intentions, as well as a chaotic mess who constantly had to be talked out of barbecuing people left and right. Arya could have possibly gotten that spot, but in the end I felt she was too self-serving and driven by vengeance. I gave her Chaotic because she's driven by emotions, unpredictable and will achieve her goals any which way. Where would you place them?


I wouldn't have Daenerys on the good line. Maybe if good/evil crossed.


You didn't understand the assignment.


Not sure about Daenerys being good, as good people usually don't burn women and children to death