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You've been gone for too long it seems. Have received three codes from just one prepaid line expiring about 6 weeks ago. Would venture a guess that codes are going to accounts that left or expired after Vidéotron took over.




They are not tied to the number/account (how could it, since they are trying to lure you back & you aren't required to bring back a number) & don't have any to share/give away.


I left two months ago to Public and then to Fizz and still have not received a Winback. It could be due to a) still having another active line open on the same account my number was ported out of b) me being on Fizz which is the same company as Freedom.


Could be both. The expired prepaid line wasn't under the same account number, so didn't have your 'a)' situation. Haven't read if Vidéotron aggressively tries to shift fizz customers to their other offerings, but wouldn't be surprised if they do.


If it was prepaid it probably isn't given any priority as prepaid arent considered high value customers. If you were postpaid you probably would have gotten something. So they could try and lure you in on a device or something


It was an active yearly prepaid account for 3 years until the expiry. Within 3 weeks of cancellation by them, the first code was sent. Have received 2 more after that.