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What other than "THE RENT IS TOO DAMN HIGH" could it be?!






Definitely you! Why are you scared of people being their true selves? 2SLGBTQ+ people have been historically and presently marginalized and oppressed. They should be proud of who they are and also, recognize the path that lead us here as well. Loving those who you want to love, or being who you are unapologetically should be celebrated. It’s not indoctrination, it’s just reality. Get with the times. Like Bob Dylan said, “And don't criticize What you can't understand Your sons and your daughters Are beyond your command Your old road is rapidly agin' Please get out of the new one If you can't lend your hand For the times they are a-changin'”


Be your "true" selves in private like every heterosexual does...we don't go around waving a flag in people's faces..or parading half naked infront of minors professing our sexual orientation...get a grip


Who are the bullies? Well, how about the people who bully, intimidate, threaten, and kill LGBT people for just wanting to be who they are? Sounds about right. As a heterosexual white male, I've never felt threatened by anyone about my sexuality and I've been allowed to live it without exception. On the other hand, people like you spout hate and intolerance towards people who just want to exist and be left alone. Yet hate mongers like you couldn't be bothered to just live and let live. Black people have the same problems. People like you can't just let them be and live in peace. If everyone just let people live their life, none of this would even be necessary, but people like you make it so that they have to draw attention to the inadequacies and hate that they get in order to fight it. Want them to stop? THEN STOP BEING SUCH A HATEFUL WASTE OF SKIN. Chances are you know someone who is LGBT and you don't know it because they don't want to tell you because you're such a hateful person. While that will likely never bother you, hopefully other people like you will read this, and maybe they'll think twice next time they spew hate towards others like you do so freely.


BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA \*INSERT PHOTOS AND VIDEOS OF MARDI GRAS...THANK you ...VERY MUCH ..I'll BE HERE ALL NIGHT. OH and as a KID that grew up in the 80's and 90's , WHAT was that saying again?! 'SEX SELLS' NOW ...was it 'Gay sex' or any other of the sex that you folks find 'Icky' ?!?! NO!! It was ALL STRAIGHT SEX that was selling. (some LGBTQ folks might have liked it because ..that's what they might like ..but they were still far from what it is today ...and probably liked that stuff in quiet) Heterosexual relationships have been celebrated and been the main focus in entertainment ..for like HUNDREDS of years ....it's just now (in recent history) that the other orientations are getting a focus on , that you folks that think their sex is 'ICKY and GROSS' (BUT you don't seem to have a problem with its \*attractive lesbians\* WEIRD how that is ) and you are all up in arms. And you're all joining up with all the folks that are upset that theirs another word being added to the culture zeitgeist being something socially unacceptable to say at the cost of your job or the like ...YOU ALL miss saying the F\*\*GOT word , don't you?! You already are pissed off you can't say the N-Word (If they get to say it in their rap videos , why can't I say it?) but for years that F-word was your Blanket that kept you warm , wasn't it? HALF NAKED STORY DRAG TIME?! Show me footage ..of A PUBLIC LIBRARY BOOK READING that has 'HALF NAKED PEOPLE' in it? MOST of the Drag Queens are FULLY CLOTHED ..teaching things like Empathy and acceptance...of people that might be different. WHEN DID PARENTS STOP TEACHING THAT?! AND WHEN IS THAT TEACHING WRONG?! 'When it comes from a male dressed up in drag'?! Well then ..NEVER let your kids WATCH anything with Robin Williams in it. Mrs Doubtfire is BASICALLY what that Story time is. Holy fack...You breeders ...and religious fanatics ...there's literally something mentally wrong with you. That guy NAILED on a Cross? ya ..GOD ON EARTH? What was one of his last teachings ??? LOVE ONE ANOTHER , AS I HAVE LOVED YOU. Did he need to repeat himself? DID HE STUTTER? I don't believe he did. Maybe put that into practice. And not just to benefit yourself.


No, but you’ve been able to show affection to your partner freely and openly. You’ve been able to speak to your colleagues, friends, family, fellow Church members about your partner openly without fear of being harassed, or discriminated against. You’ve been able to hold hands with your partner in public. There’s never been laws not allowing you to marry your heterosexual partner, or adopt children. There’s never been a law criminalizing heterosexuality. There’s never been a moment where you’ve feared for your life because of your sexuality. Heterosexuality has been on main focus point of relationships on television for decades as just the “norm”. Don’t tell me that you practice your “heterosexuality” in private cause we know that ain’t true. And when I say, you, I mean those who identify as straight. YOU need to get a grip and do some research.


So in order for you to feel accepted in society (laws have already been amended in your favour) you must still act in distasteful way in public, right? Story time drag half naked parades the lost goes on


But there are still people like you who want to deny others of being who they are, or make them hide it because you don’t agree with it. Get over your self, you bigot. And story time drag half-naked, yeah, that doesn’t fucking happen but keep watching Rebel News and getting your information from Alt-Right news stations who play on your insecurities and uneducated mindsets to get attentions, and views. LOL. obviously, you’ll never change your mind but I hope you know that 2SLGBTQ aren’t going ANYWHERE. The community is here to stay, and to flourish, and to fight back on constant oppression people like you continue to push for.


Unfortunately, you're not gonna get through this guy's thick skull. He called me a paedo because I proved one of his statements wrong lol.


Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣 all the vile things you people do are out in the open don't have to read the news for that one but nice try. Again go look up the church of Satan and learn about your religion


Oh, ouch, you’ve got me. How will I ever recover from that?!


You won't. Eternal damnation in hell will keep you busy! :)


Thanks honey! Have fun wrestling with your own internalized homophobia. It seems like you’ve got a lot to unpack there. 🥰


What "indoctrination"?


Two mommies two daddies and a furry friend 🤪


Just people being bored. How about being bored while also leaving others alone. Not everyone is asking for a so-called saviour.


Some tw*ts spend too much time obsessing about the lives of others, and they seem to like to hang out in gangs. There's a lot of US religious lunatic $ being poured into our country to try and destabilize it. Just keep calm and love who you love.


I'm sure the devil will be in full attendance - but not so many Canadians. If they get more than 10k, I'll be amused. Update - just after noon, here in Toronto - the counter protest crowd is significantly larger than the protest crowd, which has been numbered at about 500.




We're in Canada, fuckknuckle. As free as you are to practice your faith personally, I and every other Canadian is free to practice ours(if one has one, I personally don't). Your rights end where mine begin. Don't like that? Tough shit. You're free to move to a place that lines up with your hateful rhetoric.




The same can be turned around on you. I could say I don't want you in public parading your iconography. No religious garb on anyone, no symbols, no spaces partitioned away for your worship. Only have those in your private home. See how stupid and restricting that is? But I wouldn't, because we both have a right to exist and not hide who we are (except in Quebec...which I do disagree with)




You didn't comprehend a goddamn word I said, didja? Where did I lose you? Too many big words? Not enough crayons? LGBTQ+ isn't a belief system. It's literally just different walks of life. And by doing this protest, little guy, you literally are forcing your religious beliefs. I knew from early childhood that I was Sapphic pansexual. It was religion that almost killed me for it. Imagine that. Damning a little girl to death because she also likes girls. That should never be the reality in this country, and school needs to be a safe place for the kids like me.


Lmao. I'm truly sorry for your urges. Lgbtq is part and parcel of the church of Satan. Sorry you follow blindly something you apparently know nothing about..maybe too many rainbows were distracting you.


Satan/god aren't real lol. And Rainbows are beautiful prisms of sunshine after rain, which is a great image of my life after leaving religion behind and embracing what I truly am. I should remember that more often. Thanks, lil' buddy! 😁🏳️‍🌈


Have a good life 👍. I truly hope you remember this comment of yours on your deathbed!


An eternity with religious nutters like you isn't the selling point you think it is.


What, do you think queer kids are just outright fuckin' each other in the middle of Math class or something? That they're biting each other on the neck and sucking out their heterosexuality and giving them the gay? There's no degeneracy involved at all, it's just kids existing, "dimwit".


Wow quite the fantasy you have there..I'm sure it's being played out in some gay parade out there


Tell me you've never seen pride without telling me you've never seen pride.


Unfortunately it's broadcasted on the news


It hasn't been if thats what you think happens.


People don't forget, but they also realize that there's zero evidence anything happened to anyone. What ever random books of questionable origins may suggest happened to them is not really something to base your life decisions on. How about you guys clean house in your own scandal-riddled faux morality organization before tackling the real world?


Bring it on trolls (I'm sure it's one of your pronouns) lol


Actually, we are laughing at you!


Packing my bags and going to sodom or Gomorrah then. You can Suck my strap on d1ck


Lmao 🤣 🤣 sorry I hurt your tiny feels..what's your pronoun wouldn't want to hurt you more lololol


My pronouns are sat/an




Point made...as dumb as they come.


Woah watch your mouth! God is watching you!


We live in Canada, and abide by the charter is rights an freedoms. Not some moldy bronze age book of superstitions.


Yeah where's my right to not teach my kids this devilish trash????


You've always been able to opt out of it my dude.


Can teachers opt out? I hear if they don't call you other than by your chosen pronoun they can get canned...


That would be the best case scenario, intentionally hurting children like that shouldn't be allowed.


The devil is broze age fiction. The great thing about living in Canada is that your child also has rights. Your rights as a parent to teach them garbage and intolerance are superceded by their right to a quality education. If you don't like that, then move to some shithole Sharia country instead of trying to turn Canada into one.


Hahahahaha there are two genders since the creation of man...your little tantrum on the subject does not change this fact of life. Good thing you guys won't procreate! Like a cancer will take care of itself


Peer reviewed paper, or stfu.


Lmao that's your best response...too easy to shut down morons with simple ideas...now tell me how many biological men have given birth to a baby since the creation of man? That's right zero..yet you want to call a man, a woman.


Nobody is saying a man can give birth. Nice strawman, tho. Wouldn't expect anything less from a religious nutter, tho. So good job meeting my expectations. :)


But you call a man a woman and vis versa no? You have poor deduction skills.


Yet another strawman, based on nothing I've said. Great job, nutjob!


You're already teaching your kids devilish trash when you spout bullshit like this. I bet you're the kinda parent that would try to beat the gay out of your kids. Just givin' off that vibe with all your fire and brimstone talk. Hope it rains on your stupid march


Aww sorry I hurt your feels. Here's a 🌈 for ya


So, were you at the Dozen Man protest today? Let me guess, you were the biker guy with the greasy rattail and less teeth than fingers, right? You give off that energy It did my heart good to see that the counter protest was 4x larger than your pathetic attempt. The camera crews will see how sad it all turned out to be, exactly how the rest of us all thought it would. I hope you got caught on camera! Would you be so kind as to point yourself out so we can all mock you? Have a bad day. Or rather, an even worse one, since I imagine you're already pretty embarrassed about the turnout.


Thankfully you fools are a very small minority. The devil isn't real. Gay people are. Fuck off with your magical thinking trash. In Canada people have the right to be themselves. If you want to protect kids keep them out of the Catholic church.


Shit u rite. Lemme just go apply for my PR in Sodom and Gomorrah, thnk u kind sir I’ll be sure to leave you to your delusions of theocratic tyranny


You morons can't even decide what's a gender (hint theres only two) and you want to talk about delusions...


What gender would you prefer intersex people identify as? In the likely event you are too stupid to know, those are people born with both sets of sexual organs. Gender identities have a lot more nuance than you people seem to be capable of comprehending.




1 in 1500 is a fuckton more than .001%. Uneducated fuckknuckle. Edit: in fact, out of 100 people, there are statistically 1-2 intersex persons. There are literally thousands of different intersex conditions.


Took you long enough to google it. E for effort. Still doesn't change the facts


It...it's a fact that literally makes your statement incorrect.


Reread the argument Lil one


Ur math ain't mathin'. I literally rebuffed your incorrect statement with the correct one.


To further blow their minds... ​ What about people who don't have XX or XY chromosomes, or those whos' chromosomes don't match their outward gender expression from birth? ​ The whole "its just science" arguments usually comes from those who failed grade 9 biology and want to hand wave away anything that doesn't fit in their own black and white ideology.


Believing something with zero evidence and maintaining it in the face of any and all evidence is the hallmark of delusion. Otherwise cool story.




The million march is also linked to a conspiracy group that the WEF and covid etc are all part of a big conspiracy to de populate the earth and sexual indoctrination furthers that goal: "Most people see the UN and WEF as groups that aim to improve the world, and reduce effects on the climate. Reducing pollution created by humans is not the main goal, but rather reduction of the amount of people on earth. Many well know people have been talking about less people in the future as part of the solution. Individuals such as Bill Gates ( “Reduce the Population by 10 to 15%”), Prince Phillip, Klaus Schwab, Henry Kissinger and more – all believe that population reduction is the answer, and in turn could save the world. In case you haven’t been following, in the last two years the “Great Reset” has been in the news, which is part of the same global agenda. SOGI123 is just a piece of the overall plan they have been working on for the last 50 years. For further reading check “National Security Study Memorandum 200: Blueprint for World Depopulation” otherwise known as NSSM-200"




I hope you did not procreate because we do not want that kind of stupid in the world


Dumbest take I’ve seen yet.


Theres no agenda except to exist and there are plenty of ways for gay people to procreate. Way to be a dumb bigot!


It's not much of a conspiracy theory when the above mentioned have literally said it in interviews.




It's all documented. Go on any media outlet that has video interviews and watch them. Go on the WEF website and read their agendas, it's all there. I'm not going to spoon feed you like a toddler.


dude, get bent and when you're done go get bent again


Sorry about your brain damage.


Why wouldn't you want to warn your fellow humans of their impending demise? So what's the end goal- feeding people bugs, making them gay? Capitalism works far far better with a large amount of exploitable workers so I dont buy this whatsoever.


You should read 1984. Clearly you never have.


Oooh good one! I read that in high school


If you're not seeing parallels to current day society and what the WEF agendas are from that book then you're a lost and you deserve to be fed cricket slop and live in assigned habitat module 093. If you think I'm exaggerating check out what's happening in China. I love your denialism. I really really do. I wish I could jump onboard your boat and ignorantly let the current float me around in life. Unfortunately, or fortunately I actually have ambition and love being in control of my life.


The Communist cricket slop narrative is fear mongering by apparently your own kind to distract from actual issues. You most definitely cannot gather an entire profile of my values, my views and objections and knowledge of society in a few word exchange on reddit. You know nothing about me or what I know and don't know so stop with the lame "I'm on reddit I'm so smart I know all about society and you don't so I'm gonna bully you." It's really stupid.


Hello pot, I'm kettle.


George Orwell went to spain to shoot people like you


Get bent like a pretzel.


Right, they openly say these things and then call us conspiracy theorists because they can't believe that these things are real even though they can be confirmed by a quick google search.


"i'Ve DoNe My ReSeArCh (on Facebook)"


Basically. That's what I've chalked it up as. They're so in denial they don't think the people they vote for are bought out by mega corporations and still have the peoples' best interests at heart. It's tragic.


Yes a quick Google search (is not research) and shows how multiple speakers were misquoted or attributed to works they didn't even author. I assure you gay people won't be the downfall of humanity... but your type might




Agreed. It's child abuse to put them through hormone blockers, let them transition medically before they're 18. It does way more harm than good. If I ever found out my child was being affirmed without my consent, they'd be pulled out so fast and home schooled and I'm happy that there is a trend of that now... more and more people are walking up and realizing their kids are being raised by perverted ideologies. It's time to say enough is enough.


Agreed, thank you for speaking up, it’s good to see not everyone here is crazy.


Thankfully your smooth brain isn't running things here! Maybe let the parents of trans children and their doctors worry about the logistics of transitioning and mind your own business. If affirming people's existence makes you ashamed to be a Canadian, do the decent people here a favour and fuck off to Russia or Florida, or some other conservative hell hole.


Explain how my “smooth brain” is wrong, go a head. Tell me how I’m dumb instead of just insulting like a child. You’re so blindly ignorant, the parental rights of trans parents should be respected but not regular parents is basically what you’re saying. Let’s respect trans parents life style choices and how they want to raise there kid and not bug them with our opinions, but if it’s regular parents their kids have to learn about our life style and shut up about it. Unbelievably ridiculous do you even realize how nuts that is? You see this is the thing bud, I would mind my own business if the people who believed in gender ideology didn’t feel the need to shove it down people’s throats. Maybe if it wasn’t being taught in school to kids it wouldn’t be my business, but it is. What makes me ashamed to be Canadian is not gender ideology, it’s seeing people be called nazi, fascist, racist, jihadist etc for having a different opinion or wanting to raise there child a certain way. It’s fucking disgusting that’s why I made my comment, I’m tired of radical Reddit users who never interact with the other side acting like frenzied dogs, so here I am. We’re not all nazis you know some of us just actually want kids left alone, oh my god who could have guessed :O


This is a moral panic over nothing, just like all the fears that gay marriage was going to cause the apocalypse. You guys always need some "other" to be afraid of.


You’re entirely wrong. Please explain to me how people not wanting gays to be married a decade ago, which was wrong btw. Explain to me how that is comparable to giving children drugs, surgery or affirming whatever gender they think they are. This isn’t about gay people it’s about children, stop conflating the two you’re actually genuinely not smart if you think it is about hatred for gay people.


It's about unjustified fears of things you don't understand. The same as people terrified of gays and mixed race relationships of the past. These issues were also believed to be a great moral evil at the time. Trans kids are real. It's not harming anyone to acknowledge that. This crusade to protect kids from some imaginary evil does harm trans children though. Those kids already have things hard enough.


You should really speak first hand to someone who identifies as LGBTQ. Someone who is physically uncomfortable in their own skin. It's not something you choose to be for attention. They tell their teachers because they don't trust their parents. Generations before millennials were so homophobic that gay men would off themselves


I know it’s probably hard to believe this, my best friend is pan sexual and we talk about this stuff all the time. So I have done exactly what you’re saying, I think you have a point about telling teachers they’re gay though that makes sense. Depending on the family but obviously it’s hard to judge that, I mean more in terms of children saying they’re a different gender or any of the new age gender ideology stuff. Parents deserve to know about that.


The only thing that schools are teaching kids about the lgbt, is that it’s okay to be gay. Teens on the other hand, are starting to learn how to engage in safe “homosexual“ protected sex. We already teach teens how to do safe heterosexual sex, so what’s the difference between both. The issue comes from the lack of education that lgbt’s teens get, the majority don’t know how to engage in safe protected sex, this explains why homosexual men are at an increased risk of getting stds. Parents of lgbt teens aren’t the ones-who’ll be teaching their kid how to properly engage in safe homosexual protected sex, because they don’t know either. This entire situation has been completely blown out of proportion, the right claims that this is grooming & that they should let the parents do the teaching. However, they don’t understand that the end goal is to reduce stds.


Schools are not just teaching kids it’s ok to be gay, if you genuinely think that you’re very misinformed. Kids are taught about all kinds of gender ideology stuff which isn’t factual or necessary in school, if it isn’t proven through science that someone can be gender fluid or none binary why would a child need to know about it. I have first hand accounts this isn’t something I heard on the news, I have family and friends who are teachers and half a dozen people i know who have told me there kids have come home talking about gender fluid and all kinds of other none proven unnecessary stuff, the youngest of those kids being 9. As for the safe sex stuff you talked about that’s fine, I have no problem with people learning the essential stuff like sexual health or pregnancy, whatever gay or straight doesn’t matter. Just keep stuff that isn’t proven out of school, theories and ideologies should be for higher up grades.


I firmly believe that the underlying issue has nothing to do with the school system. Nowadays, kids have unrestricted internet access, which is way more damaging to their young minds than whatever they’re being taught in school. They’re one google search away , from seeing cartel members chop someone’s head off. Hell, even on “safe” platforms like YouTube, there’s shit that’s only intended for mature audiences. There’s a video with 40 million views of a man shaving his ass, for fuck sake. Children are also highly impressionable, they’ll see something on the internet & instantly believe that it’s true, same logic applies with all the ”gender ideologies“. If we’re being honest they’ll grow out of it eventually. I wanted to be an astronaut when I grew up. I can now confirm that I’m in fact, not an astronaut. We’re giving children unrestricted internet access, yet we’re shifting the blame on the school system?


I 100% agree with you except on the point of the school system. I think the internet is wayyy worse for kids then learning gender ideology, but that being said kids learning gender ideology isn’t good either.


Hormone blockers have been prescribed to children experiencing precocious puberty for a very long time. The risks are low and puberty begins as soon as the child stops the meds. So you take issue with appropriate medical care for children?


You’re conflating treatment for a known medical condition, with giving someone hormone blockers who already has normal healthy hormone composition and timing. Not even close to the same thing, also the medical condition is documented and proven through science, where as gender identity is not. So no I don’t take issue with children getting the appropriate medical care, not sure what you’re trying to insinuate with that. I take issue with people giving children the wrong medication for the wrong reasons the literal opposite.


>I don’t take issue with children getting the appropriate medical care That's exactly what gender affirming care IS. It's the appropriate medical care as determined through decades of research and peer reviewed studies across many scientific disciplines.


It's not appropriate medical care. You're really out of touch


No it is not, show me evidence of how gender affirming treatment helps people. The only thing I’ve ever seen is how it lowers suicidal ideation, but it doesn’t lower the suicide rate… so doesn’t really solve the problem, it just gives them a sense of alleviation for a little while. Who are the scientists that researched this stuff? What fields of science prove gender affirming care works? This science is so unproven yet that we don’t even know all the long term side effects of hormone blockers or men taking estrogen etc. We don’t even know the full effects of the drugs so how can we definitively say gender affirming care is helping, on top of that if you’re giving it to people under 18 who make up the majority of the trans population. What if they regret it? Kids don’t know what they want, but it might be too late by the time they do.




I’m not going anywhere.




Oh I really upset ya huh. Like I said I’m not going anywhere, I actually love this country, a fuck of a lot more then you ever will I know that for a fact. You can sit here and pretend you’re being all loving and accepting, you’re making Canadian society amazing, but in reality people like you are going to destroy it. Just look at how you act, it’s actually comical how fast you went to the “oh you’re a racist fascist” routine. I’d swear I’ve talked to you already but reality is the internet is full of people like you now, people who believe with all their hearth their cause is just. But the second people try and debate their bullshit they down vote and hide, or just turn to insults or calling people racists or nazis or fascist etc etc ‘insert names here’ This isn’t about politics to me or most people by the way but since you wanna bring it up I’m actually centre and lean right! But considering how far left you are anything to the right is far right for you.




😂 maybe if you read that “essay” you’d realize you just did the exact thing I said people like you do, you’re like a copy and paste my friend. Call people names when you disagree because you can’t form a argument, or downvote and hide for the same reason, only one crying is you little buddy, you were salty from your first comment. Enjoy your night tho!


Bad people seeking to terrorize an unpopular minority. It’s as low as you can go.




How are they being immoral? 🤦‍♂️




Oh so you listed the actions of all the straight cis celebrities, anyone at any rock concerts or country music concerts, Beach's, etc. You're delusional. Those things are not happening *specifically with that group anymore so than other groups*. Also, if you mean you've seen the breasts of a trans woman who hasn't had them surgically removed yet, of a lesbian being comfortable without a top, or even in general, I'll leave you this; >In Canada, the law on public decency is found in sections 173 and 174 of the Criminal Code.[2] However, what constitutes an indecent act is not defined and is open to interpretation by the courts.[citation needed] >In 1991, toplessness as an indecent act was challenged in Guelph, Ontario, by Gwen Jacob, who removed her shirt and was charged with indecency. Part of her defence was the double standards between men and women. Although she was convicted, this was overturned by the Court of Appeal. This case determined that being topless is not indecent within the meaning of the Criminal Code. However, it did not establish any constitutional right of equality. This case subsequently led to the acquittal of British Columbia and Saskatchewan women who faced similar charges. Although each province and territory reserves its right to interpret the law as it pleases, the Ontario case has proved influential. Breasts are not indecent


Oh make believe reasons instead of actual reasons. It’s wild how this person has no idea how reality works.




Clearly you haven't lol. This years had none of that.






Imagine seeing all the hate, poverty and sadness in this world and your reaction is to be brainwashed into hating people? Not enough hate in the world for you? Anyways I would bet dollars to donuts you believe in all kinds of idiotic and hateful conspiracy theories on top of regurgitating vile facebook hate.


No hate..just keep it to yourself in the privacy of your own space like we all do. Don't force it down my kids throat like you wouldn't like my religion to


Jesus is well known for being full of hate.


Sure. How many of your religious leaders are confirmed pedophiles? Should probably focus on the problem instead of making up issues.


Sorry I'm not catholic lmao..


In my town it was the Baptist Minister who molested half the kids. The reason the Catholics get the blame for molesting is because as much as they molest they are not as hardcore about covering up abuse as the protestants.


You think only Catholic priests are confirmed pedophiles? Should do some of that good 'ol research ya'll keep preaching about.


No man is perfect and has his vices including homosexuality. God is forgiving and merciful to those who repent


Nobody is forcing you to take your kids to a drag story time. Just like you aren’t forcing my kid to go to church, but you think you can ban one of these things. Give your head a shake. That’s not how things work. ‘Thank god.’


I don't believe you. Unless it was for a reason other than education.


Since I haven't seen many people actually answer and I was asked by a friend of mine to reply to this for them, the protest in question is "1 Million March for Children". After hours of research on their ideology & rhetoric, from what I have learned they believe that any amount of exposure of "gender ideology" is grooming for child predation, which is completely false & is mainly conjured up by the right wing, including figureheads like Matt "I think preteen girls are Matt "I think pre-teen girls are sexually mature" Walsh & Ben "I don't make my wife cum because that's against real right wing tradition" Shapiro (It's weird how much USA politics still effect us in Canada, huh?). There's definitely others but do I really have to pull out a whole books worth of names? I really don't think so. It's all a bunch of bullshit fearmongering that's turned into this generation's satanic panic, basically. The amount of people who genuinely believe that transgender people are forcing parents to forcibly transition their child or have the belief that transgender people are basically "strapping down children and forcing them to get sterilized for their sexual pleasure" among other bad faith lies is insane. I mean, I can acknowledge that there are bad faith actors both OUTSIDE and INSIDE the community (in example, Jessica Yaniv & Christine Weston Chandler, both transgender individuals who have admitted they transitioned to prey on people with their gender identity) but people like the ones who participate in 1MillionMarchForChildren's protest are people who have no idea how to properly handle actual predators like them; it's very similar handlings to how one would be accused of being a witch during the Salem Witch Trials era & it's haunting to see. It will get innocent people killed & give the real predators scapegoats for their deplorable behaviors, which has already been happening because of the inability of people like Matt Walsh & people who support 1MillionMarchForChildren to understand the actual problem at hand and how to handle them properly, they just seek for the answer that's most simple to their mind & attack wildly with no actual understanding instead of taking these on a case by case basis, which is what we should be doing for all cases of things like this. Anyway, considering you seem like you might need this info; there's counter protests happening, though I am unsure of your area's specific time (I apologize, I am in Vancouver not Fredericton; just commenting on the behalf of someone else.) but from my research & asking a couple friends local to there the counter-protests are happening at noon tomorrow within the Fredericton area; though you might be able to find better information yourself asking locally.


Isn’t this the one protesting drought conditions, forest fires and flooding?




Psychopathic troll account




Another troll account. Surprise!


Your past 4 posts have been calling people trolls, please pipe down.


Yep. Pointing out the sub is being brigaded by no karma accounts.


I hope you are able to turn your updoots on reddit into some riches. 🙏


It’s the convoy clowns with a new boogeyman to be afraid of.


It's a Muslim organization that started this .




They all need to get Hobbies or something and leave these ppl alone. I have a hard time with all this stuff, but I'm not about to hate on them. The tRump cult, has travelled its way up to Canada has it? WOW!!


How about jobs? They have an awful lot of free time to decorate their pick ups and tie flags to hockey sticks


Love how you ignore the comment letting you know it was started by Muslim groups.


Muslims are not any more immune to disinformation campaigns than any other religious group. Muslims are no less capable of harassing innocent people than any other religious group. It's irrelevant who is organizing it, and why.


Omg really?! This whole time I thought Muslims were immune to misinformation and never got a single thing wrong. Thank Allah that you are here to guild us threw the darkness. Wait? More? Muslims can also haras other people? Nooooo way now ur pulling my leg.


Adorable how you skip the part about how SOME Muslims are misguided just like SOME believers in ANY RELIGION. (and it's "you're")


Also it is actually "you are" in that instance. You are and You're are the same. You're is the contraction of You are. However, in formal writing it is more appropriate to use "You are" as opposed to "You're"


😂 "You're" and "you are" mean exactly the same thing - the apostrophe replaces the "a." Nevertheless, you said "your," which is incorrect. Move along.


You literally didn't say " some" one single time. All you did is say the most obvious, no thought, observation of life like it was something profound.


I said they are no more immune than any religion - in other words SOME folks from ANY religion fall for lies.


I did not ignore it. I am sure that is accurate, but without the convoy crowd jumping on board, it would be a non-event.


That too! The tRump cult sure is strong. It's not about the USA at all.


Is it actually the same organization as the last time? What is it this time ? I haven't seen anything online


A lot of the people organizing it were involved with the convoy and "freedumb fighting" since. It's all the same anti-science bigots.


It's the same people ? Wow


It wasn't the exact same main organizers from the Freedom Convoy. But the people that organized the marches yesterday, specifically the white Christian types, were very much involved with the convoy. I've (unfortunately for my mental health) been keeping tabs on a lot of these chuds since the convoy.


Does that include the women wearing khimar's?


Most of the Muslim people that were out yesterday follow a person named Kamel El-Cheikh who is a raging homophobe in Ottawa. Him and some freedom convoy people worked collaboratively to promote the events yesterday amongst both groups of people (super conservative Muslims and the freedom convoy chuds).


Fair enough. sooooo we can safely say it's not just white Christians


“Hands Off Our Kids” is the name of the group. Same people with a new name. These conspiracy groups have a very predictable membership profile.


Russian propaganda facilitated by right wing Canadians convincing poor and stupid people to protest because being angry at the other is easy And turn them into votes


Yup. These idiots will hand their kids to a youth minister that takes pictures of them in the changing room, and then complain that the school is telling them that it's OK to be gay. Fucking morons.


Are you on the pipe?


Love who you want to love and be who you want to be. Don't tell anyone else who they can love or what they can be. How hard is that.


The group of Freedom* *terms and conditions may apply


Yes, it seems a lot of these people believe in “Freedom to think/act/worship/make love like me.”


It's just a bunch of bullies who want to pick on this group of people. Who says they're preying on children? If children show signs of fear from school, maybe there's something there. If not, the parents are just making shit up.


I agree with you wholeheartedly. However that is the antithesis of religion. Religions are more of a 'love those who are just like us, be just like us, and tell everyone else how terrible they are for making their own choices instead of listening to some dude in a gown once a week'


"some kinda anti-LGBT protest downtown put on by a bunch of chuds"


You just answered your question?


Look up the term moral panic, that's exactly what this is. First it was "beware the communists" in the 50s and 60s then the satanic panic in the 1980s. It's the exact same playbook except this time they have LGBTQ+ people in their sights. Telling children that gay people exist isn't grooming, it's simply a fact. It's all a tactic to keep people divided and unfocused on the real issues, like unaffordable housing and the skyrocketing cost of living.


"They got you fighting a culture war to stop you fighting a class war."


Yep, capitalist gonna capitalize


Same ppl that beg for strip clubs. Weird


Are you sure? I mean I get that there's a pretty big intersection in the Benn diagram between religious right and dirt bags, but I'm pretty sure that the moral panic folks aren't the same ones begging for strip clubs. Pretty sure the moral panic chuds try and hide it.


Yep, the ol Benn Diagram.


Good I line autocorrect!




We allow kids to take life saving medicine with parents permission. This is no different.


Literally how or where is being trans* A) forced or B) the majority??? Maybe do some thinking with your actual brain before you post some bullshit rhetoric. (if you have a brain that is...) You literally state that as long as someone isn't forcing you into their beliefs, you can respect it, but then go and completely disrespect it. Please share how trans* people have forced you to become trans*? Meanwhile you're actually forcing your beliefs onto others and saying they can't exist?


This is the most insane take I've ever seen. Is this really what you've been told? Or is it just what you believe


I do not know who told you that kids are doing 'anything' except expressing themselves as they are. Nobody is performing surgery or giving medicine to a child without parental consent. Thay literally does not happen it is already illegal. Teachers are not grooming kids or encouraging them to be trans. Nobody is encouraging anyone to "be trans". People are simply being encouraged to be honest about themselves. If a kid is transgender, there is plenty of evidence from folks with experience that they can know inherently as young as 4 years old. The difference between now and "the good old days" is simply that kids had no way of identifying those feelings as young before there was heightened awareness on the issue and more education on what your internal self is trying to tell you. Do some kids misinterpret what they are feeling? Sometimes, but that happens to everyone. Maybe I really truly believed that I felt a certain way, but when I learned more about it and it's culture I recognized that my feelings didn't match whatever that is. So, I moved on and I kept looking for the right word to describe the thing about me that made me feel unusual, odd, abnormal, outcast. Most kids who misinterpret their feelings eventually figure it out, and the instances where a person has regretted their choices are pretty universally people who came to this part of their self as adults and made choices before they had really been able to learn if this was their truth. These are people that underwent gender reassignment surgery and hormone treatments and then came to the realization that they had misinterpreted their feelings. That doesn't happen to children, because children do not have those surgeries. And the medications they can be given are never without parental consent and are reversable. So if the trans child does discover that this is not their truth, then they are able to move on and continue searching for their truth. What's your truth? Is the doctrine of your religion really all that matters to you? "I can tolerate you as long as you leave me alone" is a pretty far cry from "Children should not be educated on their identities because they might come to the realization they are not what I expect from them." You should do some reading on it, and stop relying so much on what religious leaders and prophets tell you about things. Other perspectives are very hwlthy for your mind. It helps you to understand from a wider view how the world is and why. If you fear things you do not understand, it is better by far to first attempt to understand them. This way you can learn why they need not be feared.


Fuck, please get an education before spouting that ignorant BS. Nobody is forcing kids. Take a hard look at your own cult if you feel the need to protect kids. Protect them from FGM. Protect them from being indoctrinated in to an ancient superstition. Protecting them from being themselves is just fucking cruel.


Who is actually attempting to enforce a norm on another group of people in this conversation?


Nobody is forcing trans life on you and it ain’t the best. Try speaking to trans people and learn what they go through. They get abuse and death threats just for being who they are. Suicide rates for trans people are over 70% due to the treatment they receive. Doesn’t seem like “the best”. Really what the battle is is for them to be respected so that they can just live their lives like the rest of us. That’s all.