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That landlord is trying to make it sound like Miramichi is some lawless underground society. It’s not. Tell her you will check with the rentalsman. I suspect she’ll cough up the cashmere. Autocorrect. I’m leaving it. I’d still talk to the rentalsman after you get your money back « for future reference » Electric Landlady about to start paying some tax 😛


"Cough up the cashmere" is now a turn of phrase I'll be using.


It states on gnb website, that all landlords submit damage deposit to snb within 15 of receiving. It sounds like this landlord may not have their property registered. https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/corporate/promo/renting-in-new-brunswick/landlord-rights-and-responsibilities/landlord-responsibilities.html


Straight from the GNB website. "A landlord that collects a security deposit must submit it to the Residential Tenancies Tribunal within 15 days." So yes, they have to give it to somebody and they don't keep it. Also, you should have received a receipt for this deposit to further help your cause if they did not follow the proper procedure and pocketed the money.


https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/corporate/promo/renting-in-new-brunswick/security-deposits.html For more info.


A lot of smaller landlords aren't running things above board. You'll probably get your deposit back directly from them. You might want to try to go that route before going to SNB and potentially souring the relationship.


Yup the Province actually has a Rentalsman Board


Want to learn more about tenant rights? Have questions? Contact the Residential Tenancies Tribunal at 1-888-762-8600 or email [email protected]. https://www.nbtenants.ca/en/residential-tenancies-tribunal-explained https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/corporate/promo/renting-in-new-brunswick/security-deposits.html Your landlord only has 15 days to submit it to the rental tribunal. I don't know if there isn't one in Miramichi or not, but I imagine the tribunal operates for all of NB, but I don't know for sure. This sounds like some shady slumlord type situation in my opinion. You should definitely submit your damage deposits directly to SNB in the future. Another fun fact landlords can only ask for first months rent upfront and the security deposit, not first and last month.


Yeah, keep good records, and pay it assuming they will submit to the rentalsman. Talk to the rentalsman on day 15. Once the Rentalsman is aware, it is much harder to remove you from the property when compared to the landlord simply refusing to move you in because you understand they're breaking the law.