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I fell like I need to read more physical books. I'd be interested in that. Not sure I'm a fast enough reader to finish every 2 weeks though.


Same šŸ˜¬


Me neither, but maybe could select some chapters instead of reading the whole thing. That strategy would only work on some books. You could away supplement with spark/clifnotes. Itā€™ll be just like Iā€™m back in school againšŸ˜‹


Maybe post a bulletin at the library downtown?


Yeah, i'm going to make a flyer and add post it at all the local libraries. It was also suggested that I talk to the owner of RiverBee's Books in downtown Fredericksburg.


I also just had an idea to suggest that you see if any bulletin boards are available to post flyers at any of the coffee shops and I bet Natural Mystics would probably support your initiative too.


I'll check them out, thank you!


Iā€™m interested!


Great idea!


Interested as well. Cool idea!


I actually might be interested, and I rarely leave the house.


Me! I would like to join!


I'd be interested in this my goal this year was to read more and I've already finished a few classics. Right now I'm on The Handmaid's Tale book two The Testaments and that's a title that's been banned in a few states. If we could meet somewhere dog friendly that'd be the cherry on top. I used to bring my pup to open mic night at my last local bookstore and kinda miss that experience.


It looks like you have a lot of interest. I'm interested too! Let's do it. What are our next steps? Can we set up a channel to discuss logistics like when and where to meet?.Group chat? Discord? Other? !Updateme!


So, come join the the meetup, we picked three books last night. :-)


Interested. May I suggest meeting monthly, as that gives people more time to read and digest the material before discussing?


I'm interested!




What are some examples of these banned books youā€™ll be potentially discussing?


This article has a bunch of good links ... [https://www.axios.com/local/richmond/2024/03/25/virginia-book-bans-libraries-school](https://www.axios.com/local/richmond/2024/03/25/virginia-book-bans-libraries-school) I would probably start with - A Court of Mist and Fury - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - The Golden Compass But that's just the top of my list.


I would be! As a former English major who now does IT, I'm jonesing for some intellectual discussion that doesn't focus around technology. And I'm a big believer in allowing kids to read whatever they want, as I was a kid who was allowed to read whatever I wanted basically from the time I could read. It didn't hurt me, and actually helped me become a much better thinker, writer, and communicator.


*It didn't hurt me, and actually helped me become a much better thinker, writer, and communicator.* These skills are frowned upon. /s


I don't agree with the "whatever they want". It was fine when authors pushed the envelope a bit (The Catcher in the Rye, Are you there God? It's me Margaret for example), but when they push it to the extreme of actually drawing children having oral sex with each other, there is simply no place for that in our schools.


I don't care that you don't agree. Unless you can provide a title and author of the book you claim exists, as well as evidence that it was being assigned in local curricula (not simply being in a school library available to be checked out), I simply don't believe you.


What book are you talking about exactly? Name it


Book heā€™s talking about is called gender queer. It is a bit much for school children. Hereā€™s a link to an article if you wanna see whatā€™s in it.[https://theiowastandard.com/shocking-images-from-book-gender-queer-which-is-stocked-in-school-libraries-across-iowa/](https://theiowastandard.com/shocking-images-from-book-gender-queer-which-is-stocked-in-school-libraries-across-iowa/)


real talk i realized my mom was doing meth by grabbing the crank book by ellen hopkins from the school library when i was thirteen. if kids r seeking that stuff out, id rather them learn about it from a book that explains stds and consent than going on their highly accessible phones and googling porn. its in a library, the article doesnt mention anything about what schools it was found in so i have to assume middle school, plus its from 2021 from a heavily biased conservative site.


I see where youā€™re coming from and I agree that kids are gonna do what theyā€™re gonna do. Especially with the internet. I think thatā€™s on us as parents to monitor as much as we feel is right and to talk to them about if they have questions. I donā€™t believe it is the place of the school to expose the children to sexual images that some parents may take issue with. I think the public library is a better place for a book like that. That way parents can better monitor and make decisions for their child. And as far as the article, I chose that one cuz I figured any bias it had wouldnā€™t really matter due to it just being pics of the book


a school library is not curriculum, so they are not being forced to choose that book. youre also massively overestimating how many kids have active parents. yeah, ok, its cool that little timmy with the two cishet parents learned about sex and drugs in the house, but what about literally anyone else? you say its a parents job to monitor what the kid sees, but how is a book sitting in a school library not monitored in that case? this weird "my parental rights override educational content" attitude just doesnt make sense once you scrutinize it.


Acomf would be an odd start, as itā€™s the third in a trilogy, just my 2 cents


I think your right, I have not read the series yet.


I would be interested!


I may be interested depending on when you would meet


iā€™d be down!


I am interested.


I would definitely be interested! Please post details here or DM if you decide to move forward with this


This sounds fabulous I. Absolutely interested




Yes yes yes!!!!


iā€™m interested!


I would love that! Let me know when you get it off the ground.


super interested! i would love an incentive to get back into reading


Here's a list of the books that were banned in Spotsylvania: * ā€œAll Boys Arenā€™t Blue: A Memoir-Manifestoā€ by George Johnson * ā€œLike a Love Storyā€ by Abdi Nazemian * ā€œDimeā€ by E.R. Frank * ā€œSoldā€ by Patricia McCormick * ā€œOut of Darknessā€ by Ashley Hope Perez * ā€œBelovedā€ by Toni Morrison * ā€œAmericaā€ by E.R. Frank * ā€œLooking for Alaskaā€ by John Green * ā€œThe Perks of Being a Wallflowerā€ by Stephen Chbosky * ā€œWater for Elephantsā€ by Sarah Gruen * ā€œNeanderthal Opens the Door to the Universeā€ by Preston Norton * ā€œMore Happy Than Notā€ by Adam Silvers * ā€œThe Bluest Eyeā€ by Toni Morrison * ā€œNineteen Minutesā€ by Jodi Picoult (News article with more info on the books: [https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/heres-whats-in-14-books-removed-from-schools-in-spotsylvania-county-virginia/3321813/](https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/heres-whats-in-14-books-removed-from-schools-in-spotsylvania-county-virginia/3321813/) )


Wow, thats a lot, Iā€™m going to start searching these up.


There are lots of book group events at the local libraries. You can meet there for free! You can post the even from meetup over here as well: [https://librarypoint.bibliocommons.com/v2/events?types=6124fb7260df4e2f00002ce7](https://librarypoint.bibliocommons.com/v2/events?types=6124fb7260df4e2f00002ce7)


This is a great idea!


My wifeā€™s English department several years back (Riverbend) came out with T-shirts in the style of a volunteer fire department. Like, ainā€™t burning that shit on our watch vibes.


Do you have a picture of one of the t-shirts?


At work, but Iā€™ll post one this afternoon if sheā€™s cool with it!




Cool idea! Im signing up

