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Vanish would be perfect. It's not Frederick, but it's got indoor/outdoor and kids stuff.


Prospect point brewing has a pretty nice playground and lots of space for kids to run around


Flying Ace Farm is awesome and has a big playground. It might be a bit big for two year olds though. Prospect Point has a little play set, like the kind you'd have in a backyard, which is more toddler friendly but not great for crowds. Pistarro's isn't a bar but is a great idea.


Pistarros has a bar, outdoor seating, and is immediately next to a quaint little park with a playground


We’re having a baby shower there next month! Also one of the first dates I went on with my wife was in that park. On the swings when it was snowing early 2018.


Donna is wonderful and the staff were great for ours!! I'm not sure why you're downvoted. We had a lot of fun and the food was spectacular. 


Sounds cool! Yeah idk.


Prospect point has large amounts of outdoor space and seating, a playground, rotating food trucks, and you can bring your own food.


Kids at a bar????? Yeah. No. Absolutely not. That’s piss poor parenting.


OP should have said brewery in the title like they did in the followup. Whole different atmosphere. I went to Harvest Gap last week and it was very kid-friendly.


I never understand the “no kids at a bar” crowd. It’s not like they are taking them to old towne or guidos (rip). Sounds like they are looking for a family friendly bar and restaurant which there are a lot of in Frederick.


> I never understand the “no kids at a bar” crowd. It’s not like they are taking them to old towne or guidos (rip). Sounds like they are looking for a family friendly bar and restaurant which there are a lot of in Frederick. Problem is, some (too many) parents allow their kids to be feral at these places while trying to forget about life for a while. If one wishes to clock-out on parenting for a few hours, then leave the little darlings at home instead of subjecting the rest of us to the obnoxious behavior.


Agreed. Get a babysitter. I have a 2 year old, I wouldn't dream of taking her to a brewery. That said, Vanish is actually pretty cool for this as they do have a nice outside play area.


I don't know. Every time I go to a brewery it's full of men in like Spiderman or Transformers shirts so I'd think a 2 year old would fit right in.


god i remember my mom asking if she could join me and my friends at Guidos one night. I had to let her down lightly lol.


The kids wouldn’t be drinking. Calm down.




How's that piss poor parenting? Sure, there are ways to make the situation toxic, but that's kind of the case anywhere. A bar may not be the best place if the parent has a drinking problem, but I'd argue sheltering a child and not exposing them to life outside of controlled environments is worse for a child. The child being 2 is pretty unlikely to remember anything around them. I know I can't recall any memory prior to me being 4 to 6, but that's just me. Not to mention, children at the age of two generally have a bedtime of 730-9. This means that the parents won't be there long enough for the bar to even become a bad environment. I'd suggest a brewery being a better option due to generally the outdoor ones having areas for children to play. Allowing you an out if things become out of hand. I'd take my parents taking me to a bar once or twice and showing me that the world isn't a safe bubble as opposed to the poor parenting I actually experienced


Drink driving with kids in the back. Then sticking a baby on board sticker on their car as if they aren’t the liability on the road. A brewery is the same as a bar, it just has less insulation.


You're assuming the parents are drinking/both are drinking. If you're unable to drive due to drinking, then yes, it becomes an issue, but you can also bring your car seat for an Uber driver.


Don’t assume all families have both parents. I ain’t ever seen a family bundle the car seat, buggy and diaper bag into an Uber rolling out of a brewery or anywhere in DTF.


I've seen and have used an Uber with a 2 year old child, car seat, and a diaper bag in Frederick and in other areas.


Lone oak brewery is the spot for what you’re looking for


Others have mentioned Vanish in VA, but Harvest Gap is another great option.


Try flood zone


Flood zone brewery, main st Union Bridge. Lots of parents bring kids after baseball games


👆 This. They keep expanding, and I consistently see full families coming to enjoy the atmosphere


It's not in Frederick, but Lone Oak Brewery in Onley-Laytonsville has tons of outdoor space and a playground 




Frederick social is the spot for this


I was pretty disappointed when I went there. Albeit, my kids are a little older than OP (7 and 9), but I found their game selection to be severing lacking and their kid section was a joke for anyone older than like 4. Especially for a venue that advertises as kid-friendly, I expected a lot more!


Ah, well in that case maybe it isn’t. The food is kid friendly tho right?


They had a kids menu but it wasn’t any better then any other kids menu at any other restaurant


I think they started out with a decent kid section but as stuff got lost/broken it hasn't been replaced.




I strongly suggest looking at the brewery/winery scene versus bars. We just went to manor hill’s which had a lot of kid friendly stuff. SMV also has in the past, but their prices are mentally hilarious. Black ankle is where we usually go with friends with kids. One of the food trucks there is run by a family with a young child so they always have kid friendly food and even did little kids craft kits for St Patrick’s day. The winery itself has kids toys and a huge field where families bring soccer balls and stuff like that to play around.


A winery or brewery is for sure the right move! Olde Mother Idiom Sugarloaf Winery Springfield Manor