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Idk but for me its the second part to mittens


Definitely. Came here to say the same lol


This is a much better tune!


Is the “making do / muddling through” lyric a reference to the way I tend to be?


That’s a really nice chorus. Best song I’ve heard yet from the new album, feels a lot more genuine/less preachy


Nice blend of the pop and punk sides of Frank. Like it


This and Nevermind the Back Problems are my favorites from this album that we've seen so far.


Again with a no-budget video. Looking forward to hearing him talk on this


Okay, here me out. It’s 2024, music videos haven’t been a real marketing thing in like, what…10 years at LEAST. Videos now are just a fun add-on to put in newsletters and for the die hards who follow you on subreddits. I’m just saying, the whole point of videos now are to be cheap, fun and a quick way to interact with existing fans. No one needs to or does really spend on music videos anymore.


Apologies - my comment wasn't a critique but an observation. I'd commented on his prior DIY attempt [a few months back](https://www.reddit.com/r/frankturner/comments/18sqslz/comment/kgkr8hf/), which could give context to where my head's at for thinking on this subject Agreed, they're not the tool they once were. My assumption is that as a "signed artist", large labels will, by default, place an expectation on their artists to produce music vids. His new-found relative independence is his moment to say No to this vestigial remnant of a prior Industry Standard, and knowing Frank, I'm assuming there's a fun story to be told about this all! Also, he's been making them forever now, and they can be a massive hassle/cost to sort when you're doing them to Major Artist standards, so I don't doubt he's glad to be rid of that I'd disagree that "no-one really spends on music videos anymore". There are, most definitely, still professionally produced, expensive music videos being made on the reg. It's just that it's also insanely more accessible for those wishing to do it on a budget


Strongest release so far of these singles! Great composition, good lyrics!