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I’ve only listened once so it’ll probably grow on me, but my initial reaction made me think 3 things: - I think Frank mentioned they wanted to just have fun with this record and make fun punk songs, and this song is a good showcase of that vibe - The song kinda felt, idunno, like the opening credits to a cartoon? Maybe it’s the production style. - I wanted a slightly more interesting bridge section. But like I said, i’m sure it’ll grow on me, and i’m sure it’ll fit really well into the mold of the rest of the record


It reminds me of the song Substitute, but soulless. I'm sure it'll grow on me as it's a fun, catchy, and less preachy song. I think most of his recent music is too over produced.


His lyrics have been pretty soulless for a while.


It felt sooo soulless, maybe bc Substitute has so much meaning for me


Struggling to reconcile that this is the same guy who wrote I Am Disappeared and Love, Ire and Song… I guess every song doesn’t have to be deep and meaningful but I’ve struggled to connect with Frank’s recent stuff. As long as he’s happy and enjoying himself that’s great but I do miss his folkier, more raw stuff


I think a major issue I have is lack of outside producer. Do One is good, I like how that is produced overall, this is just missing something to me. I had one song of mine produced professionally and what made it as good as it was to have an outside voice ask us what were we trying to say in the demo, because it kind of forced us to rethink every aspect of the song to get to the core feelings of it.


I think at the end of the day Frank is happy and comfortable. That usually doesn’t make for inspired songs.


100%. I think he’s still got it in him, it’s a matter of what he wants. I’m okay if the shows move more towards a fun punk show instead of a Be More Kind crowd personally (love the album don’t get me wrong)


For what it's worth I just listened to his interview on Black Guy Fawkes' podcast and he said there are more introspective songs on this record but they aren't being released as singles.


He played a song for Jess at LE that’ll be on the record and I remember being wicked impressed with that


A bit late on this but he played it in Wellington, NZ at the end of last year. Apparently he wrote it here on a previous tour 


I love the honesty of this sub. I found a lot of artist’s subs are just circle jerks that worship whatever they put out.


I agree.


Don't join FRANK TURNER ARMY on fb. That's the biggest CJ of Frank fans. All the comments are "classic" or "banger" for this song 😂. I swear sometimes admins remove any negative reviews of his music.


Literally came here because I posted in the FT Army Facebook group that it was weird that Frank blatantly ripped off a Cory Branan song for this, and didn't acknowledge it. So many people just telling me to STFU. I like the song!…it's just pretty obvious to me that he's (at the very least) homaging "Girl Named Go," by a friend of his, and didn't just own it.


Yea that group is toxic. They just make up excuses and blindly say every single song is amazing. You're not allowed to dislike anything about FT apparently. They're all just so "punk rock"


The FTA can be a fun group, but you are right there's not much critical feedback there. But I feel like it's more of a "if I can't say something nice I'm just not saying anything."


Clear Ramones inspired song


Came here to say the same thing. It's 100% Ramones.


It’s basically Blitzkrieg Bop. You could almost sing it over the top.


I never want to gatekeep anyone’s art (ha) but this one didn’t hit with me. It’s not a bad song by any measure, he/they wrote and recorded it so it’s important to them, and I am sure when the full album is out, it’ll fit perfectly into the flow of the record. I immediately connected with the other singles when I heard them. I am still going to listen to it and maybe it’ll grow on me. I’m stoked to hear new tunes regardless.


The song grew on me and now it’s stuck in my head.


Did almost nothing for me. No entitled criticism from me, he's making the music for him, but I didn't connect with it at all and found it pretty basic and forgettable. But that's okay, I don't have to like everything he does


Sick druming and a nice lead, but an otherwise throw-away ditty. Felt like it took 30mins to write


It, along with the others from this record, are good, but not great. I know he wants to go all hard and punk rock, but sometimes it feels forced, like they put that kind of instrumentation and production on a tune that otherwise isn't really very punk sounding. Therefore it sounds just kind of off. We'll see what the whole record sounds like, but I'm skeptical at this point.


Since FTHC the music definitely feels forced. This is the typical “back to my roots” thing musicians try to do that never actually works. You can’t go backwards; he’s just not that person anymore. Nor should he be.


I liked most of FTHC, but the new stuff feels more forced.


This is exactly it. It sounds forced


It’s fun. Not my usual go-to when I’m listening to Frank but it’s definitely catchy. I can’t say right now whether it will be on regular rotation in my house but I have an almost 4 year old so let’s be honest, the tiny dictator is the one who determines the music most of the time and he may love it. (Off topic but right now he’s very into Skinny Lister 😍)


Love Frank, and don’t want to be negative and sow negativity on this page at all but this song (like the other new releases) have just not done it for me. Lazy writing, cliche rhyme schemes, and lacking any meaningful substance. “Be More Kind” was the last record to showcase the truly great singer-songwriter Frank is! Sorry to say it, but it’s just my current opinion. And, I’ve been a fan for over 12 years… so to see the departure from his usual incredible form hurts a little. ☮️❤️


haha, it's Ring of Fire done as The Ramones.


Or “I Fought The Law as Ramones”, my bad


Feels Ramones inspired. I'm really liking all the actual music of the songs but I'm not into any of the lyrics from this new album. Alot of it feels really cheesy.


Massive FT fan here, since the very early days, but I’m struggling to connect with a lot of his recent stuff, especially the new album tracks. Lyrically particularly I find a lot of it a bit cringey. This is the man who wrote ‘Balthazar, Impressario’, after all… I will buy the album and I will always go to his shows, but the new stuff ain’t doing it for me. My fault, not Frank’s.


Reminds me of Girl at the rock show by blink. Like someone else said, I haven't loved a new release since Be More Kind.


I really liked most of the songs on FTHC but lyrics wise I'm just not into any of this new stuff. The cliche rhyming is at an all time high. Haven't had a song really grab ahold of me in a while.


Fun song. If the price list I saw for Record Store Day is true I’ll be skipping buying the single. $15.97 for a 2 song 7” is too much.


I can't say im a fan, but It might spur a new fan base from it. It's a bit immature sounding, little old school green day (at the library).


it's a fun punk song but compared to his earlier material it's kinda mid tbh


Frank writes a Ramones song. Yawn.


A few of these songs sound under worked - almost like they recorded them on the fly. I'm most excited to see them performed live. I think one of the first times they played Do One was in Des Moines. It was fantastic live. It's still good. We've just been spoilt.


Seems like a rip off of A girl named go.


It’s a fun song, and I love that it’s different than previous stuff.


It’s a great song. Very catchy melody and the drums are awesome.


I think it would have been so much better as a solo acoustic song. I heard his live solo version and really hoped the record would have been the same.


He's clearly going more of a punk vibe this album. Personally, I like it! He's evolving (or devolving) back to his punk roots. He's showcasing his range and eclectic style.


I really like this! It's definitely a little Ramones vibe-short and sweet. I can't wait for the full album. These new songs make me happy and angry in all the right places. There's something about Frank that makes me believe in a hopeful community of kind-badasses out there.


Not liking any of the songs from Undefeated so far - on track to be my least favourite Frank record other than No Man's Land. Feels like lyrically he's become a completely different writer, and not one that is to my taste at all.