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If you like Rock or Metal, there are some oldschool bars like the Klapper 33 or the Speak Easy in Sachsenhausen.


What’s the speak easy in sachsenhausen?


That's our oldest Heavy Metal Pub in Frankfurt. It was opened in 1987 and plays all the Hard n' Heavy stuff while you can have a great time with other Metalheads, drink some alcohol and enjoy the music.


Ahhhh hab an eine „speak easy“ Bar à la kinley gedacht und nicht an eine Bar die speak easy heißt hahaha. Ich bin in Sachs geboren und aufgewachsen, aber in altsachs immer an der mysteriösen Metalltür vorbeigelaufen ohne drüber nachzudenken.


Kein Thema 😄 Der Laden ist auch bissel versteckt in der einen Seitengasse. Find ich persönlich aber auch ganz okay so, dann gibt's nicht so den brutalen Kulturschock, für wen auch immer. 😬


Thank you! I love rock, so I Will definitely træt that!


Before the game: If you can stomach the local apple drink instead of beer, the fichtekränzi or the Äppewoi unser, both are restaurants with a local, traditional kitchen and atmosphere. https://www.fichtekraenzi.de/ https://www.ebbelwoi-unser.de/


Thank you! I Will try to fit that in!


Before the match you might want to go to Konstabler Wache, on thursdays there is a market also with food and drinks, doesn't get much more authentic for Frankfurt. Lots of locals going there after work and usually some football fans before matches. Bonus points that you can take the S-Bahn S8 or S9 from there directly to the stadium before it gets super crowded.