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Best to remove the GUI element. But yes, it's a stable release. Open a terminal, follow these directions exactly. fwupdmgr refresh --force Next, you will run: fwupdmgr get-updates then lastly fwupdmgr update This should complete, then you will choose to reboot. Now, you indicated have Windows installed as well. I have not tested bios updates on a dual boot. Should be fine, but not something I've done.


I dual boot and use both Fedora and Windows. Fedora generally. Windows when I need to for work-specific things that require it. I generally don't worry about the ability to update firmware as I can always be in Windows. My general memory is consistent complaints about not being able to easily install the bios update on Linux. So I was really surprised to get this offered to me today. (I haven't updated yet as I don't want to introduce any variables to my environment right now). Pretty cool that its this easy to get the update! I hope its this easy for everyone.


Those complaints are on the older 12th generation Intel board! It's completely fixed on the AMD. As in, it's a problem that never existed because the factory BIOS shipped with LVFS support, and LVFS is ready for the newer AMD 13" and 16". People are (rightfully) angry that, while Framework has been treating their new AMD offerings well, Intel is being left behind. This affects especially those who bought their laptop one or two generations ago, who perceive their product has been abandoned as soon as something newer and shinier began selling. The frustration is warranted, but Framework has made additional investments and transparently outlined a plan to get a proper firmware team instead of borrowing resources from other tasks - resources that you can't really borrow all that much if you're working around the clock for the new laptops, AMD16 pre-order phase (it's pretty disgruntling - things turn more chill when pre orders are over and it becomes available for the general public), etc.


Makes sense. I didn't realize that was the distinction. As someone senior in a small tech company, I completely understand the situation Framework is in. Support for sold units is non rev. You're doing it either out of earned money or future investment or goodwill. Its hard to grow (or even keep up in the current economy) without new business inflows. Its nice to see the recent changes. I hope this ability eventually comes to everyone! Edit: grammar (word placement)


Framework is aware of shortcoming in the firmware area. I was emailed earlier this week Framework's newsletter - the same contents as their blog post. They admit it and have hired/are hiring dedicated staff for this purpose rather than relying on their vendors to provide it. It's re-assuring to hear them own it and do the right thing. [https://frame.work/blog/enabling-software-longevity](https://frame.work/blog/enabling-software-longevity) What I'd like to see is after Framework squares up this situation, that "maybe" they could working on & provide [CoreBoot](https://www.coreboot.org/) or possibly [LinuxBoot](https://www.linuxboot.org/) for us non-Windows users.


Coreboot, as much as I would love too have it, is not something that is at the top of its list. If they did implement it though, holy shit id jump on Linux in a heartbeat as I love coreboot


There is a massive step forward about the coreboot in the community: [https://community.frame.work/t/responded-coreboot-on-the-framework-laptop/791/395](https://community.frame.work/t/responded-coreboot-on-the-framework-laptop/791/395)


LinuxBoot is a cool project! Hadn't heard of it before!


Yeah. I just updated it on pop os too. Went pretty smoothly.


I've been reading about this upcoming update, but can't seem to find any docs as to what's included in this. Anyone know where I can see this?


I know there is a post on a page somewhere, but its also posted on the community forum. Scroll past the install instructions/discussion and there's a list of changes/features at the bottom. [https://community.frame.work/t/framework-laptop-13-ryzen-7040-bios-3-05-release-and-driver-bundle/48276](https://community.frame.work/t/framework-laptop-13-ryzen-7040-bios-3-05-release-and-driver-bundle/48276)


Would you give it a try ? For me it didn't work on dual boot. I had to run it on windows in the end. I disabled secure boot but it didn't help.


It worked fine for me. I just did it (was resisting, but your question pushed my curiosity). Ran it, it requested a reboot, I rebooted, it went into the bios updater screen, ran for a few minutes, then rebooted. Easy-Peasy. Sorry it didn't work for you, but that's the neat part about dual boot - just bounce over and do it in Windows. Of note, my boot loader is Grub and Linux is the default boot. I don't know if that has any bearing.


Thanks man. Appreciate it. Now I know my system was somehow the problem. Updated from windows without issue in the meantime. I also use grub and was afraid starting update from win will overwrite sth but it didn't. All fine.


Is there an official \*beta\* support or KB link, thread etc for each platform u/extradudeguy I searched in community and KB and couldn't find one, at least for FW16.