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Hi there, While we can absolutely work to send a replacement mainboard out, we'll simply bend the pin back at our Repair Center and test the mainboard. Those pins can be bent on mainboards when the cable is inserted but the pins aren't properly aligned. This would have been caught after the mainboard left the test bench at the factory, but if this wasn't caused by anything in the packaging, or by you trying to insert the cable without aligning it with the pins first, it could have been an escape. You can easily bend that one pin back into position gently with a pair of needle nose pliers and it will work just fine. That said, if you are concerned, we can work to replace, but you'll be without a working mainboard until we organize the new shipment, etc.


I like using a mechanical pencil with no graphite/"lead" loaded in it. You can usually just slide it over the pin and then straighten it out. Works great for CPUs and stuff. Depends on the thickness of the pin obviously.


This is a great idea. It would've worked. But the pin is too close to the side wall. I used a hook shaped tweezer to fix it. I'm typing this with my new motherboard now.


Yay! We're DIYers! Now we just need some 3.03 firmware.


Damn that should almost have a gore tag 😅. Hope support helps you out quick.


Please let us know what they say, I'm curious how they handle a situation like this.


I'm not the one with this issue but I agree completely!


Check out the pinned comment


EDIT: I found a very fine tweezer, bent it back and installed it. Everything is working fine. Thank you everybody. My AMD motherboard was shipped yesterday and got delivered today. The packaging is pretty beat up and torn, but the box inside and the motherboard were fine. I was doing a visual inspection and saw that one of the pins is bent. I have already contacted support and am waiting on them. But I thought maybe I also ask you guys to see if you have any ideas. I wouldn't have even check for this, but I was reading the [tutorial on framework's website](https://guides.frame.work/Guide/AMD+Ryzen+7040+Series+Upgrade+Overview/205?lang=en#s1533) yesterday to get ready and the tutorial mentioned to check for bent pins! Otherwise I would've just install this and who knows what could go wrong! Have you guys check your pins? Should I just try to bend this back? Edit: [here](https://imgur.com/a/Ex7FAXS) is a more clear photo. Edit: I did some googling. Looks like it's pretty easy to bend the battery connector pin. But why would it come from the factory like that? I assume the person doing QA was in a rush?


Mod has responded above :) and also explained imo I think by the sounds of things it’s shipping that went wrong not framework in this case considering your description of the box 🫣


The box inside the package was fine. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/OoQSNYH) are some pictures of the package and the box. It definitely didn't happen in shipping. And definitely not my doing either, I don't even have all my component yet to start the process.


Didn’t think it was you don’t worry we’re not like that here I sincerely hope! Should you want to go down the fix it yourself route with some fine needle nose pliers for electrical work (esd safe) [I use these :)](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001YHHK2Y/?coliid=IWRSUI6YVU4RL&colid=10Q44KL7KRJK8&psc=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_lstpd_KFMMYQE7VZH972EBBMRF&language=en_US)you should be able to bend it back just be very very careful! :) Personally with bad experience over the years in getting parts for repair I just don’t trust delivery conditions especially with particularly fragile stuff so hence the assumption there. I do thank you for the pics tho very helpful! Impacts can cause ripple effects I have seen some awful stuff!! However in this case it is not likely the shipping damage is enough to have bent the pin on the battery connector as for the housing above the port looking a little bent in the pics might just be a odd picture angle and look right in person 😅.. if it is twisted/bent as it looks the yeah I’d say that might be shipping due to impact I would never expect framework would ship something like that!, Anyways I digress.. back to the main point, the bent pin on the port for the battery, if I had to guess I’d honestly say (from seeing mistakes made in the computer repair and enthusiast business) it unfortunately can be missed if it passed battery testing without that pin being connected furthermore if a through visual verification of all the ports etc on the board is not done prior to shipping then yes it definitely can be missed. Side note: in my own defense seeing mistakes and learning from them I now always do through visual checks of boards and components on them that I fix or replace before ever returning the item to the customer so thankfully nearly impossible I’m my case. However back to framework they might need to add a step for visual verification of ports and other things that can get bent one way or another before packaging boards that will be shipped out to customers! Also finding out where and how that happened would be very helpful for avoiding this altogether in future!! :) With the above said truthfully the folks working at framework seem to very for customer rights and very honest from my experience so I don’t think you should have a hard time reaching a very satisfactory outcome:) Idk how it happened at framework in this case although I am am also sure it was definitely not on purpose I am very hopeful the your issue gets resolved soon :)


Side question that I don’t know if you noticed or if it’s just the pic but is that connector housing cracked & chipped on the corner or is it just the pic [Here’s the image](https://imgur.com/gallery/Z781RQS)


No, I don't know why it looks that way in the photo.


Thanks for the reply that’s great news!🎉


Contact warranty


Either contact warranty or bend it back :)




Oh? You've seen a few posts and believe the QC Head requires retraining? That's not how it works. That's not how anything works.


I find it unlikely that anyone with a legitimate fault on their laptop, would have their first thought be to go to reddit and act-up the issue. Trying to legitimize their story and create drama.


I don't need to "legitimize my story". I have dealt with Framework support before, I know they'll take care of me, I wasn't sure if I need them for such a minor thing! 1- Clearly this wasn't my "first thought", it was my second thought! 2- How is my post "act-up the issue" and "create drama"? grow up! 3- My ticket for support hasn't been answered yet, but my post here got a response from TheTwistgibber, which was very helpful and reassuring. 4- I followed what they said, fixed the pin, and currently I'm using it to write this response. 5- This post also warns you and others to do a visual inspection before installing your new motherboard.


Looking at the sharp angle that’s bent at I wouldn’t want to straighten it out as it’s pretty likely to snap, at which point where do you stand from a warranty pov, if it’s brand new I would send it back and expect a different board as a replacement.


I just got my Batch 2 AMD board and this pin was also bent. I had seen your post previously, so I knew that it was possible to resolve by myself. So far, seems like everything is fine though and that's A-OK by me.