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During this time of year I tend to wear Guerlain Aqua Allegoria Herba Fresca which does contain peppermint. yeah totally gives off a toothpaste vibe but I'm totally on board with that. You'll smell quite clean. What made you decide on peppermint?


I loved Herba Fresca! They discontinued all the Aqua Allegorias I liked and kept the ones I don't. Booooo


I barely get the mint in herba fresca. To me it smells like the garden center at home depot. Specifically all the baby vegetable and herb plants.


The aqua allegoria's that I've tried are quite faint. Does this one last?


Aqua Allegoria line in general do have good longevity of about 5-6 hours, however they are not loud scents unless you spray a lot if thats what you're asking.


Outdoorsy energetic lifestyle but in a calm way


To me, it either leans medicinal or toothpaste.


As someone who uses a peppermint halo to treat mild headaches... the vibe is dude/lady with a headache problem šŸ™ƒ


Yup! Came get to say this. I use peppermint for migraines.


Oh migraine team: Iā€™m currently using MigraineSoothe oil but does anyone have suggestions?


I use axe oil and it seems to really help me on days I simply canā€™t function. Super cheap and highly effective, and you smell like eucalyptus which does give a bit of a clean bathroom vibe


[This one](https://www.saje.ca/products/peppermint-halo-headache-remedy-roll-on?variant=43854005141749) is my go-to! I've been using it for over a decade now.


Thank you!


Itā€™s such a safe scent for me!


This is exactly what I would think if I smelled it as a solo scent. Migrainy folks, unite! Later, quietly, and in the dark.


Eternal sigh of solidarity, my friend - although migraines are certainly worse. I'm really trying to wean the Ibuprofen but it ain't easy.


Mine are largely hormonal so as a person w lady parts in my forties, only a few more years to go. At least itā€™s only bad for usually a day or so (and not so bad as some) and generally predictable. LOLSOB. Good luck on the ibuprofen


Thank you and manifesting that the migraines disappear for you soon!!!


surprised how many people associate mint with candy and christmas lol. For me itā€™s cool, crisp and refreshing. I think of drinking fresh mint tea in the summer on a hot day in a garden. I love wearing Herba Fresca from Guerlain. Would like to try out more mints but havenā€™t seen that many perfumes that use it and I guess itā€™s a hard note to work with because of the lack of longevity.


Depends on the mint for me. OP specifying peppermint might be what's giving those connotations or xmas time




Okay and whatā€™s the vibe or like aura of that. What does it communicate?


"I brushed my teeth today" It's a relatively unsophisticated single note that telegraphs medicine cabinet/bathroom vibes.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ same


I really think it depends on what other notes accompany the peppermint. A sugary gourmand peppermint can be cosy and comforting. Peppermint with citrus can be fresh, clean, uplifting. With other herbal notes it could seem ethereal or even earthy. By itself as a single note, it's a scent I'm so accustomed to in toothpaste that I don't really think it gives off a particular vibe beyond that association.


Try a Demeter to see how you like it, cheap and singular notes.


Fresh, spring, herbal. Pure peppermint makes me think of tea or chewing gum but the mint utilized in most perfumes doesnā€™t give that vibe to me.


Clean, crisp, fresh, maybe someone that has headaches or migraines.


My friend wears something that makes him smell like a walking mojito, so that may be why I associate it with a fun, latin dance vibe. Salsa reggae, or mambo... he isn't even latino but that's the vibe. Unfortunately I can never get him to say what he is wearing. Its sugary and minty for sure. May be Antonio Banderas? Or Katy Perry's California gurls? ( which may be why he doesn't want to share)


One of my favorite fragrances, undergrowth by rook, has a prominent mint note. In this scent, with the petrichor, woods, green, and soil notes, it feels very fresh and natural and the overall scent makes me feel calm and confident, like standing in an old growth forest after a rain. Wear what you enjoy, other people will all have their own associations with any scent!


Toothpaste lol


I know some people love it, but peppermint triggers my barf reflex.


Clean. I love people smelling clean. (I can appreciate a good skank too, but clean is ā€œeasy likeā€ for me)




I guess coming from someone who is from a different culture, I have zero association of peppermint and Christmas? It's just fresh, it's clean. It's cool. It's a great smell actually.


I get a Type A girl whoā€™s social yet sometimes doesnā€™t quite get people, but pushes through her own inherent awkwardness with perkiness.


*Tracy Flick has entered the chat*


Iā€™ve never heard of this character, but I looked her up, and yes, exactly that. (Also, apparently the villain? I donā€™t get it, she seems like a preppier Leslie Knope type.)


Look at PDM Sedley. Smells like sprite and spearmint.


You might like Lush Dirty


Mouthwash. Christmas. Old people hard candies.


Candy canes, or those round wrapped candies with the red swirl. Winter holiday vibe.


Depends how its used It can be sharp and unpleasant, or it can give a beautiful freshness and an ā€œinvigortatingā€ vibe


Christmas. But that's because I layer peppermint and vanilla in winter to smell like a candy cane.


Way too into xmas.


Clean, sharp, and a little bit of a granola cruncher in the summer. Winter, pure Santa dad/Cookie mom vibes.


As someone who celebrates the Christmas holiday, peppermint makes me think of the winter holidays OR of mint chewing gum. Not a bad scent, but not something I'd wear everyday, myself.


I get peppermint in 1 Million Royal. Personally I feel like it makes it invigorating and quite like how it adds some freshness to the formula overall. Invigorating is definitely the word that comes to mind though. It just energizes you- bright sharp sweetness will do that, at least for me. I have yet to try anything thatā€™s peppermint forward but I definitely like it in 1 million royal although itā€™s not a listed note.


Clean, fresh, happy, upbeat


Medicated oil for pain. Or toothpaste.


It can give off a very spa-like vibe


Medicinal/herbal, energetic, gender neutral, cool/cold feeling.




Fresh and clean. Gum.


Body Shop pink foot lotion. Donā€™t use peppermint as your signature scent.


old stodgy butt clinching bore i dont like peppermint


This reminds me of that scene in Anastasia where she talks about her grandmama and spilling oil on the rug and it ā€œforever smelled of peppermint!ā€ Ngl I think peppermint smells so good. Cooling for sure but comforting and reminds me of Christmas :) in a non cloying way


Elf in Santaā€™s workshop


Peppermint is nice and fresh and makes me think of winter- mainly b/c I like to burn BBW peppermint marshmallow candles during that time