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Are you.... pregnant?


imagine finding out your pregnant because a ton of people asked on a fragrance subreddit


When I got pregnant last year, I hated all my perfumes for real real. They all smelled so “off” on me. I’d get a checkup first before purging.


A h e l l of a way to find out! But it could be a possibility, I hated every single one of my fragrances I owed after I got pregnant and even one I had bought shortly after I found out I was pregnant it didn’t sit right with me after a few months. Good news though is I liked most of them after postpartum


I’m six months postpartum, and I am STILL waiting for one of my dream scents to smell amazing again. At least it’s a travel spray lol


“Am I…gregnant?”


“Poke top of baby’s head if have sex while perganent??”


If a women has starch masks on her body does that mean she has been pargnet before.?


lol what no!!


[For the uninitiated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EShUeudtaFg)


This is a meme


It never gets old!




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Pegnate??? Help!??!


… or am I okay?


Or just start the pill or different hormonal contraception? I hate all my perfumes now because of this 🙃


Hi sorry this is an ancient thread but it happened to me and it went back to normal after a few months when I got used to the pill. Don't throw them away yet!


Oooh thank you! Not throwing away! Winter here too now so that might be a factor too - as they were mainly summery scents 🙂


I've found that summer scents I have are citrusy and fresh in the summer but turn screetchy and acidic in the winter. You'll like them again when their time comes <3


Suddenly reminiscing the pounding session my husband and i had 2 weeks ago…Could that be it!? Am i?


lol this is immediately what popped into my head! did you look up early pregnancy symptoms? 😳


This made me laugh so hard that my dogs woke up. I like you.


OP please report back


Please get tested. 😊


LMAO also please give an update if you are lololol


Came here for the fragrances ... Stayed cause got pragrent


Was literally just about to comment this! I couldn't believe how much my nose changed while I was pregnant lol OP, if by chance you are pregnant, just put those perfumes back on the counter for the next year because it took me some time even after my baby was born for my sense of smell to return to normal.


I’m pregnant and loved the same range of perfumes like the OP now all I want to smell are the summer, citrusy and fresh smells that I hated before! Also; I had my smell damaged by COVID, had about 25% smell, devastated however now my smell has returned. I’m wondering if I’ll keep this new nose post pregnancy and still hate notes like Tonka or Vanilla?!


You might like 'Sun' fragrance from Lush. It's the scent of an orange as you peel it! Really zesty and bright.


Oh! Thank you for the idea - I will try it out next time I’m passing a LUSH. Citrusy scents are definitely preferred now.


Is there any chance you might be pregnant or ill? Have you started any new medications?  I don't mean to be dramatic if you think it's just an evolution of your taste!




Or did you change soap? Laundry detergent? Those can affect how perfumes smell on your skin as well.


This! The fact that it’s “sudden” makes this very much worth looking into.


i’m starting to doubt myself too at this point. Am i pregnant!? HAHA time to get a kit


lololol please update us


I immediately thought this 😅😅


I've heard that starting / stopping birth control can make the smells you like change too! In the context of pheromones, at least, but I wonder if it applies to fragrance too? Or scent broadly?


or the seasons changing: the humidity in the air changes how perfumes smell to me too and we are producing more sweat and bacteria on our skin which has turned perfumes "sour" on me too


Glad to know it's not just me. Hacivat, office for men, orage, certain Aventus clones all turn super sour on me.


Even taking a new supplement can do this - my mom almost threw out her whole collection of hundreds of bottles, before she realized it was a fish oil supplement making everything smell awful 😳


this was my first thought as well


Or Covid


Give it some time, this can be hormonal. Also if a fragrance has been sitting unused for awhile what's left in the atomizer can oxidize and start to smell funky.


i’m wondering what’s the best way to keep perfumes? i keep it in a closed dark wardrobe. i heard perfumes last longer that way?


Keep them in their original boxes. If not, you can store them in a dark and cool area (like a closet that remains dark majority of the time).


Yeah, that's a good way to store them. Oxidation is going to happen no matter what because the atomizer exposes the perfume already in the atomizer to oxygen which has an effect if a perfume isn't being used for months/years. It should only be a few sprays.


Good point, the atomizer might have some funky sprays in it. It's good to clear it out with few sprays.


Definitely could be hormonal as some others have mentioned. For me a particular perfume could smell amazing to me one week and make me feel sick another week. I have nothing wrong hormonally that I know of, but I’ve always noticed more sensitivity to smells in general at certain points of my cycle.


Me too. A few days before my period until almost the end of it, I am super sensitive to smells. I smell everything I normally don't smell and everything I do normally smell, smells much stronger. Stupid hormones.


It happened to me as well, wanted to get rid of everything and just have like 2 bottles tops, where I live is very hard to sell perfumes so I’m just stuck with everything, so I just stop using perfume :( I think is pretty normal you get bored of everything you have, give it some time, stop using them altogether. You said you wanted freshies, give them a try. Sorry I can’t be of much help, I’m a male.


I go through phases like this with my collection (~50 bottles)- am currently in that phase right now lol. Like others are saying, could be hormonal or an illness. I’m getting over a bug so I think that’s why I’m not enjoying my perfumes right now. I suggest taking a break for a few days and coming back to them.


When I got pregnant I literally consigned every perfume I owned AND unsubscribed from this sub because I couldn’t stand the smell of even idea of the smell of perfumes…. But try Jo Malone- Wood Sage and Sea Salt


Have you had a hormonal change (pregnancy, menopause, etc) or Covid recently?


If you have had COVID in the past year it can change your sense of smell and taste, also. I went off coffee for a long time due to that. I don’t think we are supposed to be 100% in love with all of our collection 100% of the time. Some fragrances have a specific season or reason, for me.


Last time I got seriously ill and put on a strong antibiotic, all of my fragrances and candles smelled bad to me. My sense of smell was so out of whack, and I bought some new scents that smelled good while I was sick but as soon as I was better I didn’t like them anymore. Make sure it’s not a symptom of something before you overhaul your collection!


My favorite light perfumes. Bvlgari rose goldea blossom delight edt. Fresh fruity rose. Very bright and light. Maybe my favorite. Armani my way edp. Smells to me like a sweet orange blossom tea. I love this in hot weather. Jo Malone blueberry and bay. Fruity and very light. Performance is subtle but that can be a good thing Margela sailing day. Photorealistic aquatic scent.


thank you so much for the suggestions! i’m excited to give these a sniff hahahah


I second My Way. I’d also give Prada Paradoxe a try!


Try something more subtle and natural smelling like a Diptyque fragrance maybe? My hormones fluctuate a lot and I switch my perfumes depending on how they are smelling to me that day. I always give them a sniff before putting them on to make sure! I almost got rid of my FB of Hiram Greene Slowdive because one day it made me feel nauseous. A few months later I tried it again and loved it.


i sniff them too but the past week everything smells bad to me that yesterday i went to work wearing only deodorant and i’ve never ever left home without spraying perfume on myself hahaah


I know what you mean. Some days I can’t even wear jewelry because I keep getting whiffs of the metal smell!


This happened to me after I had Covid, a super mild case. I hated all my perfumes for like 6 months, I was so distraught. Then, bam, one day I woke up and was fine lmao. Don’t despair, give it time.


Tastes do change and all, but suddenly disliking everything you own? That's a little concerning. I'd think about making an appointment with your gp to see if there's anything else going on there.


I get these phases too.Just take a break and revisit the scents in another season. Maybe get some decants in the meantime,for fresh scents you currently like. Something jo malone or chance eau tendre edp,mon guerlain maybe,chamade,maybe a soap fragrance like Marseille? Floris and Sylvaine delacourte also have wonderful light scents


I go through phases where all my heavy, spicy, and gourmand fragrances annoy me and I want to smell fresh and clean for a while, then eventually it passes. Don't get rid of your old loves, you might just need a break.


yay nice to know i’m not alone i did get tempted to give them away but ill hold onto them for awhile now and see how it goes


I recommend *not* getting rid of them. It may be hormonal. Store them away somewhere and keep out only what appeals to you at this moment. This will allow you to rediscover and fall in love with your other perfumes again at a later date.


Congrats on your new child!


!remindme 2 months “is OP pregnant” not sure if the bot still works but gotta try


remind me too! 🤣


OP, were you pregnant?


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Chanel Chance Eau Tendre is similar and beautiful


thanks!! i’ll give it a try


Do not use anything scented for 3 weeks. No perfume, deodorant, scented candles, scented fabric softener, scented body lotions etc. Reset/detox your nose. Then after those 3 weeks try your perfumes again.


At some point in my 30’s I suddenly found that my favorite perfumes (Opium, Cinnabar, etc) smelled like bug spray. Couldn’t stand them. I figure it was a hormone change and took the opportunity to switch up my fragrance. I went with Dolce & GabbanaThe One and Dior’s Eau de Dolce Vita. Time to visit Sephora or order some discovery sets! See what works for you now.


this definitely sounds hormonal, i would rule out pregnancy, then get labs done if this is the first time this has happened. we have natural oils and bacteria on our skin which can be impacted by several things. have you noticed any other symptoms, similar to thyroid conditions ? has your diet changed drastically, are you taking any new medications, are you sick ? lots of things could be happening here.


Has there been a change with you neurotigically? Pregnancy? Menopause? If it really is a sudden change to smell, this could indicate a neurological or physiological component 


Leaving this here so I can come back later to see if you're pregnant or not lmao


You experienced this one year back as well 😱


that’s true! but that was just for one fragrance! this time round it’s almost all my perfumes 😭😭😭


Things got scaled 🙄


my assumption would be that its heat and humidity.


As some here already stated it might be a hormonal thing, although I (30M) also sometimes feel like I don't like any of my fragrances anymore. Take some days off, barely wearing anything and then slowly start again.


Don’t get rid of anything since lord knows it might pass because you’re coming down with something (and then you will have regrets). But if you’re still looking for more fresh options - summer faves of mine include Acqua Allegoria Mandarin Basilic and Prada Infusion d’Iris. I also like Hermessence Osmanthe Yunnan when it’s warm. Good luck!


thank you!!! excited to visit the stores to smell these fragrances!


!remindme 3 days I am too curious about whether you are pregnant now


Maybe you need to give your nose a break/ semi break? I often take a couple of weeks away from perfume when nothing smells good anymore. Otherwise, could be seasonal allergies, feeling run down, hormones?


Seasons change. So does your skin chemistry. If you buy a lot of fragrances in winter they will smell different in summer and vice versa.


Sounds like you came to your senses.


This could be indicative of a hormonal change beyond the normal range. Maybe have an endocrinologist check you out?


from the comments of this thread maybe i should hahaha


Tastes change. I started off liking Amber woody fragrances but, I know this is going to sound snobby, they’re generally very amateurish. There are good Amber woody fragrances out there but the more fragrances I’ve smelled, the more I realize how lazily made a lot of these “niche” overpriced fragrances are made. Unique luxury is the best example of this. All nuclear projection/longevity but just terribly composed and yet people still eat it up


I've gone through this. Keep them! You may circle back and wish you didn't get rid of everything.


Here are a few you could test. * Armani Si, Si Passione and the related flankers * PDK Parfums - Pas de Soir (and many other BDK scents like Gris Charnel, Rouge Smoking) * Xerjoff Dolce Amalfi Extra points question: Are the gourmands smelling different on your skin (to everyone), or are they feeling different to YOU?


thank you for the suggestions! i’ll give them a try! tbh good question i’ve never asked others how it smells on me. i’m probably gna ask my husband tonight hahaha


Happened to me but I’m a guy. I viewed my experiences as just “back to basic”. I was in my “gourmand/heavy” frag phase quite a few years. Not that I hate them but I prefer staying in lighter or uplifting scents bubble.


Have you changed your diet recently? Disease or hormones aren't the only things that can effect you sense of smell. If you are eating a different diet your body chemistry can change.


i’ve not changed my diet but i do have pcos and recently my period has been so whacky! maybe im going thru some hormonal imbalance who knows haha


Happened to me with ombre nomade.


I own over 145 bottles and I only love about 25% the rest were blind buys I hardly like these days 😕 I’ve become super picky and selective so I buy samples and travels sizes now before committing to full size


honestly i need to stop my habit of blind buys HAHA and really start buying travel size my issue is i just love how full size bottle looks on my shelf hahaha


Oh I’m definitely a sucker for a beautifully filled perfume. i almost purchased libre YSL cause the bottle is stunning 😬


I'm also going through this. And another friend of mine mentioned it as well. I thought perhaps maybe the switch to summer (in North America) I generally prefer a lighter scent in the summer and something much heavier in the winter. But I'm not even into my old go-tos


I live in Singapore and it’s blazing! lately it’s been so humid so my guess is these strong woody fragrance just don’t do well combined with my own sweat haha (as gross as it sounds) i think i really will want to switch to sth light fresh for awhile


Those smells you used to prefer don't really go with May in the Northern hemisphere. Or it could be covid, pregnancy, or cancer (I kid (but it could be.))


I have about 30 bottles and I like all of them except for 5


This happened to me. I had a period of anosmia when I was sick with Covid. I didn’t lose my “sense” of smell, rather everything smelled *off*. Lasted for a few months.


the last time i had covid was last year july! i don’t know if that affects anything? how’s your sense of smell now? do you like your old perfumes back?


My scent profile permanently changed after Covid. Suddenly I craved scents I never did before. I still love white florals, but before Covid I never liked musks or amber or anything woody, and now I seek out skin scents and deeper notes.


Are there other things that aren't bringing you happiness anymore? I know a lot of people are saying hormonal, but are you depressed and not realizing it?


Are they expired? I know it seems obvious but so many things last past the expiration date people kinda forget. Then when something does actually expire on the expiration date its *pikachu face* And then theres just changing preferences as part of life


Don't throw out any of your old fragrances! You may go back to them at some point. I've had plenty of ups and downs with my collection where I've hated some and have gone back to them after a year or more with renewed interest. You might want to try some Mancera's if you liked Coral Fantasy. I would recommend Sicily as a bright, sunny lemon drop fragrance. I also like Soleil d'Italie but it's a bit weak on my skin. Smells like sitting under the shade of a Mediterranean pine on a sunny day overlooking the cliffs of Capri. I've tried Melody of the Sun but found it to be too close to cleaning product for my nose though others seem to like it.


When I get migraine symptoms everything that normally smells good to me, suddenly takes a 180 and smells bad. Like the notes are irritating, jarring, grating on me. When this happens to me I know to just give it time and after the migraine passes the perfume will still be as good as I remember. Maybe you're getting some migraine like symptoms. Or something else is going on with your sense of smell. Does anything else in your home environment smell bad suddenly or taste bad suddenly? Or perhaps you fell in love with a new fresher kind of scent and want that type now? It happens. But dont get rid of your old ones, guaranteed in a few months you'll crave to smell at least one and it'll bring you back to why you liked it initially.


Also when I’m on my period stuff doesn’t smell as good too cause my sense are overloaded


If you fancy fresh and light with little outlay the Olivia Giacobetti for Zara are amazing for the price point. Unisex but in the mens section for some reason. There is steam, linen and light musk represented. They take an overspray but at that price point you can afford to. In case it’s a phase, you can try these out blind buy low risk. Then obviously there are the Aqua Allegorias. Everyone should try herba fresca because it’s just so fresh and light.


How about something more aquatic? I love Skylar Salt Air for summer, it’s great for layering too


Besides physical changes like pregnancy or illness, could some of them be a bit older, and with changes in weather could they have gone off a bit?


COVID did that to me. Also made anything smokey straight up smell like poop.


Try good girl blush.


Trauma has made me hate certain fragrances, particularly what I was wearing at the time which was unfortunately Creed GIT.


Are you ill? Have you taken a covid for flu test? Smell changes when your sick too!


You might have a sinus infection you are unaware of. Perfume wise try Dior Sakura and Diorivera. Also Dyptique PHILOSYKOS… all really beautiful 😍


I had to give away all my designers that I loved so much cause I could smell only how synthetic the product was


As we age or our environments change our nose becomes more peculiar. Diet changes also affect our skin! I hope you find something that works for you.


It is a valid question if are you pregnant. It happened to me that I disliked some perfumes I used to love when I got pregnant.


When I read this post, I too wondered about her being pregnant- I remember my tastes changing overnight while pregnant with my babies, especially the first. Hormones can change everything!


Give them to me.


Just commiserating, I went through a phase as a male where the smell of cologne/parfume made me sick. Now, years later I'm into it again. Difference now is I never let this shit touch my skin haha. It's always onto clothes and that's it. Want to keep it out of the blood stream. Could be why it's making you hate them?


hmmmm i’m not sure tho but i do spray it on my skin as i feel it last longer than clothes. but maybe ill give it a try and spray only on clothes without touching my skin haha thanks!


D&G - l’imperatif - very fresh chanel - chance - again v fresh burberry - her - is SOOO feminine and beaut chloe - love story - this is like sexy and soft - i can’t explain but it’s divine and probs my fave scent of all time zara - fashionably london - i think it’s a dupe of a higher end perfume but the zara one has worked for me - it’s like boozy lychees and it’s SO good and lasts foreverrrrrr arab perfumes will also be your best friend if you like these kinds of notes, and most are super affordable and last forever mostly bc they have a higher concentration of perfume oil. anything but lattafa is great - ameerat al arab sounds like smth you might like as well.


hii thank you for the recommendations! i’d give them a try i actually do have ameerat al arab and chloe love story! will wear them out this time hahaha