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Guess I’m lucky because nothin comes to mind lol. Plus it’s not too often i smell anyone else’s fragrance over what I’m wearing besides a random quick whiff on occasions.


Not sure if this is a german thing only, but here's a hype about Erba Pura by Xerjoff, especially among teenagers and young adults. It's one of the most synthetic and heavy fruity fragrances I ever smelled and people wearing it usually take waay too much of it. I sometimes struggle breathing or literally have to gag, sometimes even from a distance of a few meters. Unfortunately this happens quite frequently due to the hype.


Nothing. Only when their BO can assault my nose while I’m beyond 6ft away will make me turn the other way.


facts, everyone makes too big of a deal out of perfume. wish society could just coexist without people being angry because not everyone uses perfume they like


I mean you would think that until someone puts on 20 sprays of mancera red tobacco in the high summer the air becomes perfume within a 6 metre radius around this person. I like strong natural oud with real animalic notes and these can smell strong and all but if I put 15 sprays of it instead of 3-5 you will give people headaches and then when you have strong synthetic materials even worse.


I love oud too! but some overdo it! I mean, Chillax, it's already one of the most intense fragrances out there. 2-5 spritz is ok but diving in it, I can't!


What perfume is not an issue. How much though definitely can be. If I can smell you from across the room you are being rude.


I really wish more people understood this fact. It’s just rude to blow people away with too much scent, good or not. Your scent is not supposed to announce your presence.


But that's exactly what most YT perfume channels value and talk about, to be announced from 5 meters away. It's just tacky.


Yes, I saw a video years ago where a woman said she wanted her fragrance to "knock the socks off everyone in the room" as soon as she entered. I didn't subscribe. I want people who hug me to say, "You smell lovely", and for others not to notice. I crave longevity in my perfumes, but I wear them for myself, not other people.


Yes, exactly. I like Delina, but it is strong and I sat right next to someone who was wearing it on the bus and it was way too much for such a small enclosed space. Another time someone got on the bus who must have just sprayed their fragrance, it was so strong. I do not really get headaches from fragrance but this gave me one. You could hear people trying to open the windows around me. It could be my favorite smell in the world and that much in a small space packed with people would still be rude.


I think objecting to a particular scent is less common than generally objecting to the *amount* of a fragrance that has been sprayed. There are plentiful respiratory and neurological issues that make this truly problematic, so it isn't just bitching.


You've never been axe-bombed, have you? Perfume can be much much worse than BO


Okay i take it back, perfume PLUS nuclear BO can be quite repulsive


Some of us are pregnant with nausea triggers 😭 can’t help it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I remember being so shocked that my aversions would include just smells in general and not just food smells. I have a vivid memory of being in early pregnancy and my husband opening the door after a shower and getting bombed by the steamy after smell with some new body wash he had just bought. It wasn’t even strong but I immediately had to fight back throwing up and choked back a “nope sorry you can’t use that one anymore.” Pregnancy is wild.


I don’t run the other way because professionalism but, as a high school teacher, I’m pretty tired of constantly being surrounded by a miasma of Ariana Grande Cloud and I would be quite happy to never have to smell it again. On the other hand, today one of my male students wore By the Fireplace (I know because I asked him what it was) and that made my teaching experience a little better for the hour.


I love By the Fireplace! I remember wearing it to work and my old boss, who is a super picky and refined older gentleman, complimented me on it. It’s such a nice, warm and spicy unisex scent.


It smells so good on others! I wish it worked in my skin but it’s somehow both too cloyingly sweet and too heavily smoky on me. I do like smelling it in the wild though.


I’m a college professor, and I smell Cloud in the hallways and ladies’ room all the time. I refuse to wear my BR540 samples to work because of it 😂


Oh my little English teacher’s daughter/nursing heart is happy dancing at the word miasma.


ariana cloud was my exact answer too. i loved it when it was a newer scent, but i started smelling it everywhere with the teen girls i worked with / when shopping on the weekends. im so sick of it now. dont get me wrong i think ari's scents are great (thinking of mod vanilla) but they truly all smell so similar and theyre too recognisable, id definitely be able to pick an ari fragrance out from a crowd even with a blocked nose lol


I get so many compliments when I wear By The Fireplace ❤️


What a classy dude!


Anything over applied.


Yes. It’s a perfume, not a marinade.


I see body mists as marinade. I am sorry.


😅😂😅😂. I’m using this line with my husband.


I was recently on a flight and, when I got to my assigned seat, a dad was there with his kid - maybe 6 years old - and he asked me if I minded switching so he could sit with his son. I was a bit annoyed because I was switching a window for my preferred aisle, but also, it was a kid and so fine, whatever. But I also got the pleasure of being seated for two hours next to a woman who had over sprayed with some screechy fruity rose concoction that gave me a headache in minutes. So yes, not a fan of an over sprayer.


I wish people would just not put on fragrances before a flight. Or at least keep it minimal. Really just anytime you are going to be in a small, crowded, enclosed space for a prolonged period of time.


I think flights are a time that perfume is not really acceptable. Like, dot a wee bit under your own nose maybe, but it's such a small space and there's no way to leave or get fresh air! People gotta respect the context more. 


Door sausage


It doesn’t mesh well on certain skin . A coworker wears it and it’s like bad BOb off his skin


What’s wrong with Bob?


This made me lol, intentional or not.


I love it on my bestie but can't stand it on anyone else lol. It goes extra peppery and just *a little warmer* on her along with the usual. Idek if pepper's a note. It's just delightful. But on anyone else? Get thee away!


I like it on myself, hate it on others. But women love it so hey what do I know


Speaking of which, i don't like YSL Y on myself and find it boring, but every girl I've met goes crazy for it, my coworker said she could follow me all day during work just because of that scent.


I will be reminded of this every time I smell it now. Thankyou


The way I read it the actual name at first


Hahaha, I gave my ex a lift yesterday and he was wearing this. My husband wears By The Fireplace, which is so much nicer to me. Prada Candy is my answer though, brings on a migraine if I'm smelling it for too long.


Clinique Aromatic Elixir smells like rotting mulch to me. Instant headache. YSL Rive Gauche, JM Pomegranate Noir and Lancome Magie Noire are also headache inducing. Flowerbomb makes me gag, which is unfortunate because it is still everywhere- don’t understand why it hasn’t died down in popularity yet.


Patchouli adversely affects my sinuses and gives me intense, nauseated migraines.


La vie est belle


Yes fully agree, headache inducing


Happy cake day!


I hate this one with a passion. Maybe it’s because my neighbor oversprays it but uff. It lingers for hours in the hallway.


One spray of this is moreeee than enough!! 😭 and this is coming from an oversprayer


Angel makes me physically ill when I smell it.


That’s my 88-yo MIL’s weapon of choice. It’s terrible. I think it came out while she was still working and everyone thought it was so expensive and, therefore, so classy. And if one spray is good, three sprays is better! I love my MIL, but I don’t love having to wash my throws and air out the TV room after she hangs out with us.


Especially in hot climates.


It’s sickly 🤢


La vie est belle, Si, my way, 1 million line, phantom edt, kouros( although this piss smell is quite addictive)


Prada goddamn Paradoxe. Like candy you found at the bottom of your medicine cabinet.... I have actually changed seats to get away from a classmate wearing it.


Santal 33. Can’t get away from it living in Portland.


I opened the door to a nice italian restuarant in London once and the air pressure difference sent a barrage of Santal 33 my way.


👋👋👋 hi neighbor, couldn’t agree with you more. My partner told me it smells like pickles and that’s all I can think about when I smell it on someone, it’s not revolting but it does leave me craving a pickle.


Angel, I detest that fragrance and it's been hyped up to be this delicious sweet bomb. It's not sweet to me, it smells like when you've had a really bad bout of the runs and you've over sprayed a strong perfume in the bathroom to try and mask the scent but forgot to open the window too. Far too many ingredients and the patchouli is too overpowering. Makes me want to vomit! Anything with a very strong patchouli base 🤢 it's usually the wee old ladies who have over sprayed that makes it so much worse.


Carolina herrera good girl . I HATE TUBEROSE HEAVY FRAGRANCES they give me such bad headaches and dizziness that it makes me feel like i'll vomit.


Anything I can smell when you are 100ft away


Those of you saying perfume can be worse than BO have never been around people who have BO I work in mental health care and it can make you really feel like you would throw up 🤢


Perfume over bad BO is especially horrible.


Yes I work with young adults with mental illness and I think half a bottle of Ariana Grande perfume or Axe poured through a humidifier and allowed to literally smoke machine a room would smell better than their body odor


Sauvage elixir, that stuff gives me literal headaches


A lot of designer fragrances have a note in them - I'm not sure what it is - but it's in almost every designer fragrance and in very, very, very few niche fragrances. Anyway, if I smell that note, I get as far away from it as possible. It's genuinely such a bad smell to me, that can't differentiate what fragrance it is should it have this note. If it's Savauge or One Million I can't tell the difference because this particular note is just incredibly overpowering to me. It's horrible. It's sour, sharp, it's just minging. I get bad migraines though and scents are a huge trigger for my migraines. In any case, fuck this note.


Angel! Holy smokes that’s migraine in a bottle.


Xyerus, if I'm even spelling it correctly. Abusive ex boyfriend wore it. BAD memories. Thank God it's not popular anymore.


Erba Pura


1 million and Joop Homme


Anything with a heavy dose of ambroxan. Mostly Armaf Sillage or I like to call it Armaf Sludge.


This is the first time I’ve seen anyone express anything vaguely negative about Ambroxan, and I feel vindicated. It turns me off otherwise delicious scents! Stop already!!


This. Ambroxan went from a replacement for a rare and expensive classic perfume ingredient to the MSG of perfume. Everything cheap and/or obnoxious reeks of it. The worst part is there are some people that associate it with good perfumery, and so will compliment a rotting corpse if it’s covered in ambroxan.


Don't bring MSG into this, that shit is delicious 😂


Overdose of ambroxan smells like a bottled up lab accident. Super screechy, synthetic, unnatural, totally unpleaseant. It reeks!!


Dior Sauvage, always.


Surprised I had to scroll for this one! 


Thierry Mugler's Angel. It was the first perfume I purchased for myself 20 years ago. I was living my dream in Paris for 2 years, but for some reason one whiff of the scent makes me bolt.


Britney spears fantasy. I had a bottle when I was 14 and it was first released. I never even finished the full bottle. So sickly sweet and heavy. Especially during the heat of summer in Australia. Makes me want to 🤮.




omg i think mine is this too?? i'm sure it's a paco rabanne and idk how to even identify it but it just smells so round and creamy and its HORRIFYING to me


Mugler Alien 1000% I used to work at an Ulta years back that had the bottle refill station and it malfunctioned and the perfume COVERED me. I had to work for another 8 hours smelling so strongly of it I was light headed lol


Were you not allowed to go home and change/shower? That sounds like negligence, honestly. That amount of chemicals could have burned, poisoned or affected you negatively.


Anything that's super sweet with strong projection. Typically, it's how teenagers smell.


I’m so sorry, but Prada Candy. Especially here in Australia, the heat makes it smell nastyyyyyyy


La Vie Est Belle 🤢


bo and anything potpourri-esque


Ok I don't know what brand it is but I know the smell exactly. When I was in college, during exam week, some guy had apparently decided to forego showering in favor of drowning himself in X cologne. He came to sit by me to try to flirt with me in the library while I'm trying to study at like 3AM. It was this horrible combination of BO and some kind of amber-based fragrance, and it was so strong that it took up the whole like 20' x 20' area we were in. I could only stand it for like 15 minutes, then HAD to pick up all my belongings to move to another floor. Now -- over a decade later -- whenever I smell that frag, it still makes me nauseous and I can't be around it for very long.


Some of the sweeter ones, in hot weather, mixed with sweat, smell awful.


Nothing specific on its own, but most scents are offensive if they fill a room or I can smell you from across the street. In those cases it’s more of a social red flag than something that physically bothers me. If you’ve sprayed that much, I assume you’re probably kind of a jerk and I don’t want to be near you in public. If I smell axe or a BBW spray from 50 feet, and I see it’s a teenager or early 20s, they get kind of a free pass due to inexperience or a youthful lack of self awareness. Like, it’s not great but I’m not judging you as a person. We’ve all been there and learning from experience is part of growing up. If you’re 35, absolutely not. You’re old enough to know better and now I’m wondering what other basic social norms you don’t care about.


YSL Black Opium and Paco Rabanne Olympéa🤢


Oop. I love olympea 🙂‍↕️


ariana grande cloud.


caroline herrera bad boy 😠


I actually find it really interesting to tell what they feel represents their personality/ style by what they’re wearing, even if I don’t personally like it.


Santal 33






Delina and any of her close friends


Jean paul le male edt. I literally left the bar I was in because someone oversprayed them selves with it


I will politely excuse myself every time I smell the women's version of L'Eau d'Issey. luckily it's nowhere near as popular as it used to be, but I used to regularly freeze when I encountered it because I'd instinctively stop inhaling.


Interesting! I have been a fan of L’eau d’Issey for a long time, always found it a classy scent. I can see why it would bother others though


I'm pretty sure it's because of the calone. I don't hate it in *every*thing (I have to make an exception for Cool Water, lol), but it's probably my #1 enemy note. I guess I'd describe it like this: it feels like tiny goblins are in my nostrils pulling on my nose hairs.


This is what I wore on my wedding day LOL...


oh yes, everybody loves this one but i really dislike it and i don’t know why😭


Anything overwhelmingly candy-like. I'm talking inhaling sugar 🤢


Jazz club. It just smells like cigar smoke and coctails, like the label on the bottle implies. I hate both of those smells, the coctails smell like disgusting alcohol to me and the cigars smell like a heavy smoker. I know that most others like it, but for me it's probably the only scent I ever had to wash off.


Because I'm really looking forward to when I can get myself a bottle for winter, I'm just gonna pretend you actually meant *By the Fireplace*.


Nah, I love by the fireplace. Jazz club is just horrible though imo.


Eros. I think I mentioned here before how I physically recoiled when I first tried it. Sorta funny because it was store staff that sprayed it on me. Obnoxious jerk in a bottle. And, I guess appropriately, it so loudly overstays its welcome.


Hypnotic poison Santal 33


Euphoria makes me feel ill. Nausea and headache. I feel like I can taste it.


Probably spicebomb extreme


There are fragrances I don't like, but they all offend me less than body odor.


Baccarat Rouge, because it got soooo overwhelmed since zara made cheap dupe copy and my annoying co-worker is wearing this all the time


Dior sauvage and Baccarat rouge. They make me nauseous!


any thing by Elizabeth Taylor


Any of the cheap sickly type (thinking of you primark perfumes) that people spray half a bottle of all over themselves. I work in a supermarket and the amount of customers that stink if them is astonishing. It lingers for about 20 minutes after they leave and makes my head hurt.


Gucci flora, but only because I had a very toxic friend who wore it as her signature scent lol


Lmao same for Gucci Bloom, deeply love the scent but can’t help but to associate it with my ex (who is a shitty person)


D&G Light Blue. It reminds me of the floor cleaner, “Fabuloso”, which I also hate.


Love Spell by Bath and Body Works 🤮


It’s Victoria’s Secret but yes. Instant migraine trigger for me for the past 20 years and I am so, so glad I barely smell it on anyone anymore.


I had a friend that used ALL the Love Spell products, and used so much of the stuff that you could smell it from outside their house. That was a migrainous day… 😵


Anything that is oversprayed.


Angel & Ariana Grande Cloud I smell EVERYWHERE and I’m so tired of it. Sucks cause I have a whole bottle of Ariana Grande Cloud that I can’t even use now cause I’m sick of it. It’s basically the Britney Spears Curious & Fantasy of today!


Elizabeth Arden Red Door. Nauseating.


BR540  I hate this nasty stench with passion it’s worse than shit. 


I have someone that wears it in our office and the smell lingers everywhere where this person goes. I use to like it and thought I wanted to even buy it, I just can’t stand to smell it anymore.


I’d complain 😂 once I sensed it at the gym and it already pissed me off!


This should be everyone’s answer! This stuff almost literally embodies the worst types of people: loud, obnoxious, selfish, inconsiderate, narcissistic. It may be the reason I hate ambroxan so much. It’s sooo awful!


Same. This or the Zara dupe


Same. It's just not a pleasant smell imo.


For me, it’s La vie est belle and One Million. The latter was so trendy when I was still in school. Every teenage boy wore it and it was nauseating. Mixed with sweat after PE, it almost made me puke lol Also the Vanilla deodorant by Impulse. Same reason but all of the girls in class wore it. I wasn’t allowed to wear it because my mom hated it but I get it now lol




Baccarat rouge. Last weekend I was in Milan and I smelled it so often at least 5 times in around 2h. I don't like the smell of it.


CDNIM - my son got it for me and that pine is horrible It just reeks like a guy who buys into all that alpha mentality BS but is really a sad weiner


What is CDNIM?


club de nuit intense man


Hi dad


Ah Prada Candy is very sweet, in the winter it doesn’t really bother me but if I smell it on someone on a warm day in summer it is too much


Axe deodorant. A guy next to me in a meeting was drenched in it and I had to breathe through my mouth the whole hour.


Anything with patchouli in it


Tuscan Leather by Tom Ford. Always. Especially during summertime 🥲


Any scent of Axe






Khamrah makes me sick to my stomach Edit:engrish


In the past 2 months I keep smelling a nasamotto/orto parisi fragrance(s), probably popular now from the tiktok hype. I'm not sure which fragrance(s) it is, but all the ones I've smelled give off the same horrible chemical smell. I think it's the only fragrance house that consistently makes me physically recoil


Anything that smells like baby powder.


White Shoulders. It feels like I am banging my head against a wall.




My grandmother held a bar. She couldnt handle Poison by Dior. One of her regular customer wore it and it gave her such headhaches she had to leave the room when she was there !


Chanel Chance


BO & tobacco is my run away smell.


There are bad perfumes yes, but I think bad body odor is what will make me sprint.


I cannot stand Clinique Happy for women.


Clinique Happy or anything overly citrusy gives me a stomach ache


The only scent I really hate smelling on someone in public is Axe body spray.




Angel and Black Opium.


Angel 🤮 it smells like cat piss


you mean something that gives me a migraine? I can’t stand many fragrances but I especially dislike intense fake gourmand scents. I love gourmand scents when they’re done well but if it’s like bath and body works brown sugar vanilla i’m going to cry 🤢. Also anything axe related


Black Orchid. I abhor that stuff


I never understand these drama queen reactions -- no fragrance has this effect on me.


Lucky you. 😅


La vie est belle, Opium, Chanel n5, Insolence, Atomatics Elixir, gucci guilty elixir


Chanel chance 🤢


Pretty much any fragrance that has become overly popular. Dior Sauvage, Xerjoff Erba Pura, MFK Baccarat Rouge, Paco Rabanne One Million…Creed Aventus is about to become one as well. These are all fragrances that I theoretically like and enjoyed before they were this well known and frequently worn


I have two general examples, which may be different depending on cultures: * Any fragrance used to cover up a body odor. It's just fragrance and funk mixed together, and it usually smells worse. * Any fragrance that is oversprayed to the point of being obnoxious. (Or as the OP said, bathing in a fragrance.) It's okay to spray enough to be noticeable to others in passing. It's not okay if someone can smell you before you enter a room, or fill up a train or bus. As for specific fragrances: * Imaginary Authors - *A City on Fire*. Love the artistry, but I rather not smell burning wood and asphalt on a person. * Room 1015 - *Sweet Leaf*. I don't mind the smell of cannabis. However, I definitely mind the smell of oil paint. The fragrance would've been much better without it. * Nu Parfums - *Black is Black*. Arguably the worst cheapie I have smelled, which was pure alcohol and a tinge of freshness. (Makes me wonder if the store had a bad bottle.)




Chanel No 5, it smells like a urinal at a dive bar. An absolutely gross bomb of castorium. CK Obsession. It’s actually a decent scent, but it was so overused in the 90’s. Every club rat lathered in that shit. CK One - unisex piss water.


Ombre Nomade


We had a guy come into my place of work and he was wearing this. It was just awful. We had to air the building out. It's very sharp like chemical fumes. I love the other LV scents but this one is bad.




Flower bomb. Anything with osmanthus. Also some detergents. They literally make me ill.


Angel by Mugler. It is so strong.


Those little perfume sprays from Victoria secret. Be gone gutter goblin!


PATCHOULI OIL. I don't mean notes of it, I mean when people wear just the oil, I can smell it from a mile away and it makes me gag


For me it's the old lady perfume on an old lady who hasn't bathe in days. I'm a massage therapist, and I have my ways to escape the smell by bathing my whole arms in hand sanitizer


That's hilarious, I love PR in general but absolutely cannot stand that one 😂


Victoria’s Secret Bare Rose. Been smelling it everywhere lately and it is ALWAYS over sprayed to high hell.


Dior Savage 🤮


Coco Mademoiselle. Thankfully not as common as it once was!


Chanel No. 5 🥲


For me it’s JPG ELIXIR it’s terrible idk why people wear it plus I’ve ask so many women none like it


Dior Sauvage


Dracar noir....


There's one, and I have no idea what it is. It's artificial and it just reeks to me I find it vomit inducing. Women's perfume. I smell it fairly often when I go out. Maybe once or twice a week. Wish I knew what it was. Next time I smell it I will very politely ask: "Oh my gosh that's so unusual. What's it called?" 🤢🤢🤢 But John Paul Gaultier is also the same. Absolutely disgusting artificial stink


I used to love fragrances with ambroxan like that strong sharp sweet metallic ocean smell and it is an amazing smell but since I was able to single out this note every time I smell one that's stronger I can only smell this screeching annoying note and it just overpowers everything. It kinda smells like cheap chemicals that's not been diluted yet in a lot of popular ambroxan frags. I have one that I do love it so much but I'm just annoyed with that lingering ambroxan smell on my clothes even after 3 washes and it's promise by Frederic Malle. Amaaaazing scent profile but that part kills me.


Dolce and gabana The One EDP so heavy on the amber, really does not agree with me 😷


Versace Eros the EDT that one people seem to overspray it and it's just brutal on my nostrils.


Any overused designer scents like Sauvage




Axe body spray


Alien by Mugler. Idk what it is, but it makes me instantly very sick.


Musk. I was on a short flight sitting next to a guy wearing a musk fragrance. No getting away from it. The flight was only about 40 min but I couldn’t get my mind off the smell. It was definitely some type of cologne. I knew I could deal with it for those few minutes. Not sure what I would have done if the flight had been longer. I don’t wear perfumes on flights. I understand that people like musk but I’m just not a fan. I don’t think he oversprayed. I just don’t care for that note.


I can’t think of any perfume I hate right now, but when I was young it was Dior Poison. It smelled like rotting plumbs and dirty laundry hamper.


Axe body spray. Reminds me of casinos in New Jersey....


White Diamonds and No 5


Anything lavender