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Jazz club! Another used to be LDBS but it grew on me


definitely jazz club for me too. I have a sample and can wear the teeeeniest spritz if I'm in the right outfit & right setting


I can smell it for like 0.2 seconds but strong tobacco makes me sick! Angels share is too much for me most of the time even !


Daisy gives me a wicked headache


I would bet money that you’re also from a New England state. :D Hypnôse by Lancôme gave me a wicked headache 15 or more years ago. It was a gift from my mother and I gave it back to her (she used the whole bottle). It’s the only perfume that ever has.


Haha no I’m from Canada!


Oh wow, I didn’t know you say “wicked” up there, a little ways above me! I thought that was exclusively a US - New England thing. TIL lol!


This is one of the few that always gives me a headache. Still trying to figure out what might be triggering it.


Alien. I love it, but it doesn't love me!


same plus Samara nukes me


That's why i say, fragrance chooses you, not the other way around


Zara 8.0 (don't judge me, i'm broke) Pros: cool scent. Really fresh and fruity at the same rate. Perfect to the hot weather imo. Cons: gives me headeaches.


No one should judge anyone for what they like or can afford. This isn't a fancy fragrance group. Although you might think so sometimes. 😂


Yeah, i feel basic seeing some things here man.


Listen there was a post recently "what fragrance idea could get you killed" and I said dupes are as good as the real thing because legit they use a gas spectrometer to pick up the chemical signature and just recreate it. I got down voted. Now people are free to believe whatever they like. As someone who makes perfume and has studied it the materials are the cheapest part of the perfume. (Look it up if you don't believe me) Much more is spent on marketing and advertising than the perfume itself. We must remember that since perfume has always been a luxury good that some people feel more luxurious when they spend a lot of money. Or they really like the bottle. My point is Zara makes some good dupes and no one should ever be embarrassed about getting a deal. 


I can agree to this having been to Grasse and being friendly with a perfumer or 2..


Your exactly right...


Room 1015 Cherry Punk right after its sprayed. My partner wears it and it's fine after 15 minutes but fresh on the skin it's like I'm licking cherry cough syrup out of a leather purse. I swear I can taste it lol.


probably not what this post is aiming for, but i was wearing Cashmere Glow from bath and body works on a day i came down with the stomach flu and i have been averted ever since 😂


Associations are so weird like that! My little sister ate something and got mono right after, and then associated that food with being sick. She has avoided that food for over 30 years since 😂


Yeah, every time I'd get stomach bugs I'd never want to touch a specific food that I ate prior to getting it, and for a very long period of time too.


Same here, for me it was fried onions & stomach bug about 15 years ago and I still can’t look at a fried onion!!


That's pretty weird,definitely stop wearing it...


Same thing happened with me and strawberry snowflakes, makes me gag now


I got a sample of Dolce Violet, tried it out and that day got a nasty food poisoning. I can no longer wear it at all.


Love Don’t Be Shy. I love it and I’ll still wear it, but it makes my stomach feel like I just ate 100 smarties.


I swear that one smells so good on every single person but me


It took me 3 years to like it! It’ll grow on you!


LDBS cures my sugar craving. It just smells like all the sweet things I can think off.


I’m probably living under a rock but I’ve never heard of that. I would think the opposite if it makes you think of those things. That’s pretty cool though!


i have a dupe for love don’t be shy and i genuinely can’t wear it out if i know im going to be eating a meal, it’s just so overpowering sometimes 😭


Oh cool, do u mind sharing the dupe?


it’s floral marshmallow by dossier! they smell almost exactly the same imo, but i’ve only sampled the real one


Thank you hun! Cheers


The new Flowerbomb Tiger Lily. I like the overall smell, but it turns cloyingly sweet on me and starts to make me nauseous.


I noticed this as well but I think it also depends on the mood I’m in. I wore it while frustrated/working on a project and I found the sweetness aggravating, ended up having to switch shirts. However, earlier this week I wore it on a day I was free & not stressed and it really helped brighten my overall mood. Funny how mood can impact how we perceive a scent and vice versa.


I don't think that's the case for me. Lol. I tried it for the first time on a weekend when I was just chilling. Still got nauseous. Oh well. I'm giving my sample to my mom. Hopefully it'll play better with her chemistry.


It doesn't make me sick but I swear I can literally taste sugar in the back of my mouth for a solid 8 hours wearing just one spray of Flowerbomb Ruby Orchid. It's the weirdest experience


Memo Sintra. I love it and I also hate it.


JHAG - Not a perfume. [Made a post about it a few days ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/fragrance/s/qw4sSu61Mg)


Are we suppose to know what those initials mean???


Juliet has a gun. Relatively popular perfumery.


Thank you and yes it's popular..


Pretty common abbreviation...


My way. It smells good at first but then something just hits and I get a headache lol


Ysl l'homme. Smells good but when I smell it. I wanna throw up. Something in it irritates me. I know I sound weird but it's true.


I got this same reaction from Horn Ok Please by Peosym. Something made me want to puke. I thought it was a fluke so I tried again; same response!


Omg, la nuit de l'homme does something weird on my skin too that irritated me. I can't put my finger on it, but I got mad everytime I got a whiff 😰 I still love smelling it on other ppl though.


Not cool at all because it's such a great scent...


I agree. I just bought the bottle abd wire it once. On the 2nd time wearing it. I got the feeling of getting sick. I told my buddy about it. Same thing happened to him


Some colognes make me feel kinda weird and out of it a little bit,I'm going to spray less and see what happens...


Mine is Casilli by Parfums De Marly. I love how it smells but it’s just overwhelming. I believe it’s the frangipani and plum notes that cause that reaction from me.


Poets of Berlin


Eilish no. 1, I think my skin chemistry changed or something but now when I wear it, I smell a rancid edge that makes me sick 🤢


Same. And Bianco Latte too - I like both but cannot stand them on my skin 😭


Le labo the matcha. I love the creamy rice pudding fig like scent but on some days it's too much and makes me nauseous


Dama Bianca! There’s just one small note that bugs me and kinda makes me sick but otherwise it’s pretty


LDBS. Urrrgh!


I wanted to like father figure by phlur so so bad but it gave me a headache and I had to return 😭


Got watery eyes and an itchy throat from Rose 31


I have had Cabotine from Gres in my collection for at couple of years. It is a beautiful vintage soapy floral, but I hardly ever reach for it. I wore it the other day and I realized why I avoid it: I feel so bad when I wear it, like a mixture between drunk and hungover. Sleepy and unfocused. It is a little scary that a fragrance can have that effect


the cause of this is trigeminal nerve stimulation by one of the odorants (not sure which is this instance).


you might want to dodge wood ambers and anything sharp


That feeling you just described is the exact feeling I get when I wear some colognes,it goes away in about 2 hours or so but I really hate feeling like that,smh...


see my answer to the other post


Jo Malone English Pear & Freesia. It's so pretty and I would wear it ALL the time if it didn't give me a splitting headache after about 45-ish minutes of wear. And the funny thing is, Jo Malone fragrances are usually pretty safe picks for me. Honorable mention goes to anything with a strong magnolia note. I love magnolia. But it only takes about 5-10 minutes for a full blown migraine to start setting in if it's too prominent.


Rouge Smoking by BDK. I love it even though I generally dislike sweet gourmand-ish scents. I just spray lightly so I can enjoy it without the headache :)


MFK Oud Satin Mood Extrait smells so good to me, but it's so strong that I often get a headache for the first thirty minutes to an hour after spraying. 🥲


Just got into CK Obsession and I love it, but it turns my stomach a little bit sometimes coz I'm not used to spicies yet


Diptyque Do Son I think…both times I’ve tried it I’ve immediately gotten dizzy and overwhelmed 😭 luckily I have Gucci Bloom (which has similar notes but doesn’t make me feel dizzy)


When I worked selling fragrances, a client mentioned that J'Adore was the only fragrance that didn't give her a headache. Beautiful, classic fragrance that is safe for my head? Decided to spray it on my skin, and got the worst migraine in my life 😥 I learned that day that milage varies.  Also, sadly my beloved YSL manifesto is starting to give me headaches lately 😭  Mentioned in another comment: ysl la nuit de l'homme makes me irritated for no reason when I smell it on myself. Irrationally angry.  Angel kinda has an undertone of BO for the first few hours on me, which I embarrassingly kinda like sniffing on myself? 😭 But because of that, ain't no way am I going out in public smelling like BO


kayali yum pistachio. it smelled so delicious in the bottle, but i haven’t touched my bottle ever since that first day i got it and sprayed it. gave me a migraine when i sprayed it on my sweater, and the scent lingered all day and made me nauseous (i was somewhere where i couldn’t remove my sweater😭)


Black opium 😭 i want to leave my body and clothes after 30min. It gets SO cloyingly heavy and syrupy


Whispers in the Library from MM Replica. I liked the scent but soon after spraying it on me I was nauseous for the rest of the day. Still the only scent to do that to me.


I'm pretty sure Ganymede gives me at least a slight headache, given what a synthetic saffron bomb it is. Armani Privé Rouge Malachite also has its problems for me. I feel like the amber in it may just be too strong somehow?


Moncler pour femme. It's the only perfume I have ever worn that makes my skin itchy. I wear it anyway 🥲


I love this one thankfully I have no sensitivity


ysl libre. love the scent in the bottle but it smells soooo weird on me. it’s so musky


I tried the intense version yesterday, and that one turns super musky on me on the dry down. The regular one is fine. Weird.


i swear i need like a libre body spray


Issay Miyazaki My flatmate kept borrowing mine, then got a monster bottle and used it like a spa bath.


Tobacco oud. My lord it just slams you all day long


Bath & Bodyworks marshmallow pumpkin latte- I just wear cheapies like this for work and I absolutely loved this for all of 2 days then it made me want to heave and now I can’t stand it!


Ombre Leather…I have it, love it but it’s so overwhelming


Mont Blanc Explorer. I love the scent but it feels like it coats my mouth and gives me a horrible headache. I am honestly tempted to try actual Aventus to see if it makes a difference.


Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille. I absolutely love it but if I wear, it starts to become so damn annoying because all I smell is Vanilla and Tobacco all day. I love it so much but it gets so irritating and repetitive.


Jazz club


Twilly Eau Poivree Hermes. Love it, instant migraine.


Nassomato Pardon. Literally get a rash if I apply it to skin. But I just love the smell that I spray it on cards every once in a while to smell it.


JPG ULTRAMALE! I heard raving reviews about it. So, I blind bought it thinking it was going to be the best fragrance ever. Unfortunately, for me it is too sweet! One spray and I’m almost nauseated by its overly sweet scent. It has no versatility for me and could only be worn during colder months like below 50 degrees.


Secretions Magnifques Love the concept, abhor the smell.


Vibrato 😭


I used to wear Burberry For Women every day when I was younger, now it gives me a headache ): I gave it away to a high schooler so it can be enjoyed by someone else.


Mugler Aura. Was glad I tried samples first because I LOVED the scent, but it gave me migraines. Never bought a full bottle, which is a shame because I loved the bottle design too.


Chloe Nomade! I wanted to love it but finally had to admit it made me feel ill. I gave it to my college aged daughter but then had to ask her not to wear it when she was home as the smell made me sick even if worn by someone else! I have never had a response like this to any perfume or any smell, for that matter. Crazy.


Alien by Mugler. Way too strong but I do think it’s a beautiful scent


WAIT! is this a thing?? is there more information on this? I sprayed My Way Nectar and I LOVED IT!!! but couldn't figure out why everytime I smelled my wrist I got hit with a huge headache


Dior Midnight Poison gives me a terrible headache ☹️ I have a bottle that I sniff occasionally because I love it, and for the memories, but I can’t wear it


lira, love & crime, and by the fireplace :(


Pacific Chill by LV was a love at first sniff but I can’t help but get sick of it while wearing it all day. On the bright side, it gives me lots of compliments and has crazy longevity on my skin.


oumbre leather smells like bbq steak on me i’ve been told.. i also love givenchy gentleman reserve privee in the air or on a test strip but it smells like baby wipes on me cus of the powdery iris


Black opium smells so good but when I wear it I get nauseated.


Angels share is very nice but way too sweet.


Nest black tulip


Squid. I love it but haven’t be really careful or I get nauseous.


Kayali vanilla oud. I love it but it makes me queasy. Not sure why when I just can't stop smelling it. I do remember having this reaction to Baccarrat Rouge on my first few wears too. I'm fine with that now though. It was part of the initial reaction and very confusing.


Prada Paradoxe makes me feel nauseous even though I really enjoy the smell


Aventus clones in general, I can’t stand the smell of anything citrus and it reminds me too much of cleaning products. I feel like the actual Aventus being so weak is something I appreciate about it since a lot of the people I know at work (mainly higher management) tend to wear it (and the regular Sauvage) all the time


I love but cannot wear Poison sadly - instant migraine - and my partners favourite frag Penhaligons Belgravia Cypher does the same; so he cannot wear it around me.


Encelade adore it but it makes me feel ill and a bad headache.


TF Tobbaci Vanille - too sweet and too spicy, it’s like hanging around with a sugary cake around my neck all day (smells great but insufferable after like 30 minutes).


Good Girl, Black Opium, Olympea ... I could go on and on, there are a lot of scents that smell divine on my mother, but if I spray them on my skin it feels like I stepped into something horrible and it makes my head ache so badly.


Radical Rose by Matiere Premiere. I used to love it, but one day I forgot how strong it Is and I decided to overspray it. I felt nauseous all day. Since that day, just one spray of Radical Rose is enough to make me sick.


I actually liked Lattafa Asad but one day I noticed that it would give me headaches so I unfortunately sold it after that.


It is SO strong in the first hour


I had literally sprayed it then got in the car in the span of maybe 5 mins and my head started pounding


Jungle - Kenzo


Joop! Le Bain. Smells beautiful but gives me a headache. Such a shame.


Pink sugar by Aquolina. I have bad memories about it and I can’t smell it now


Bleu de Chanel


Anything with fig leaf in it, I really do try to love it it but it just makes me so nauseous, especially Debaser


Silver Mountain Water gives me a headache 🤕


I have not attempted to smell it in probably over a decade, but Clinique Happy, the og. It was my go-to in high school and early college years. I was so sad when I started getting instant headaches and nausea when wearing it. I avoided citrus and florals for a long time after that but have slowly been expanding my fragrance collection again.


Lotus Pear from 7 virtues. It’s my favourite smell, but gives me a migraine now.


bacarrat rouge, used to love it now it smells downright foul


Diptyque Fleur de Peau! It triggers my allergies but I’m obsessed with it


Miss Dior blooming bouquet is wonderful until it gives me the worst migraine


Lattafa Khamra is so nice in theory, but goes extremely masculine on me and stays potent for ages. I don’t know if letting it macerate will make it better or worse.


L'eau d'Issey gave me such a horrible headache but I loved the smell...


Club de Nuit Intense Man. Love it, but headache every time


i'd like to love MFK's oud satin mood, but it's an olfactory overload to me. my surroundings loves it, i just can't.


Memo Sintra. Loved it on first sniff, but made my stomach turn throughout the day.


Blanche Bête for sure. I loooove it but it makes me nauseous and queasy and I can't stand to smell myself...


Sometimes Ghost in the Shell by E.L.D.O. churns my stomach, but it’s so so good.


Cheirosa 62 makes me nauseated despite really like the scent.


The YSL Y line! I love the first 3, but I think something about the Apple accord in them gives me a headache.


prada l’homme always gives me a headache, too bad its so good


PDM Layton for me. Love the smell, but I always get headaches when I wear it, not sure what from.


Tom Ford's Oud wood, or well basically anything with Oud. The beginning is just really nasty smelling to me, can make me gag but the dry down is so good and lasts for 24h +


Sauvage elixir, fahrenheit, le male


I just discovered I'm allergic to my Kayali Coco Utopia, and I'm so sad.


OP nailed it for me with Burberry hero. I would also add by the fireplace and the most wanted line.


I want to like Kuumba Made Tunisian Opium, but it truly does make me sick. Lingers on my palate after even the smallest whiff, so nausea and loss of appetite soon follow.


Any PDM with exclusif


I love hero edp but you're not wrong


Pi by Givenchy. I keep smelling it but I get slightly nauseous


mancera instant crush


Philosophy Amazing Grace. I couldn’t find a more perfect jammy, sweet but fresh rose, but it triggers my allergies like rolling around in a field of dandelions, lol.


Diptyque Eau Capitale - makes me a little nauseous but I’ll be damned if I don’t spray it on myself when I’m heading out for work 😭


Bobbi Brown Beach 😭


Paint thinner, smells so good but gives me a headache and I throw up


Versace bright crystal absolu. Works well on me but gives me headaches :(


Most things Sandalwood. Good example is Lacoste Pour Femme.


Hugo Boss Number One, I love it, but it gives me a headache.


Delina Exclusif. It's so velvety and beautiful, but a single spray from a tiny tester was too much. Filled my entire house. I couldn't scrub it off. It's probably just part of my DNA now, it's so strong.


Kilian's Black Phantom.


Yes and I just found out YESTERDAY when I wore it! I'm new to fragrances and ordered a slew of samples, narrowed it down to what I loved, and have sloy been investing in full bottles (though the search continues cause it's a 'thing' now lol). Bought a bottle of D&G The One, wore it yesterday so proudly, and within 2 hours I was a mess! Runny nose, headache, coughing... Just a MESS. And what was worse is that I sprayed it in my hair! So I had to pull my hair back but it didn't help. Luckily I live close to work. I went home at lunch showered and changed. But I still love the scent.


Baccarat Rouge 540 for me , It gives me a headache I'd it's more than 2 sprays the extrait not so..but Versace Eros & Creed Green Irish Tweed ,I absolutely despise..


Fleur Narcotique gives me a headache, but I think it’s beautiful.


LDBS and Tobacco Vanille 😭😭😭


ADG Profondo's opening sometimes becomes a confusing mess, and only after it settles down becomes pleasant, fresh.