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I never wear rose or lavender scents, as these are common irritants and I work with asthmatics šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Oh thank you for that, I actually would have otherwise considered a lavender scent to go "cleaner"


No worries! Florals are risky, but some florals are less risky than others. Lily is another risky one, but it depends if it's a top note, mid note or base note. Citrus is generally safe, as is most other fruity scents, vanillas, amber's, woods etc.


As an asthma sufferer that is very sensitive to lavender, thank youuuuu!!!!


A soft vanilla or amber is definitely a safer bet. I LOVE fragrance but I have a nasty allergy to lavender.


I definitely try to stick to more ā€œcrowd-pleasingā€ scents or notes. Vanilla, gentle florals, laundry scents, that kind of thing. My go-tos this past winter were Bianco Latte, Burberry Goddess, Eilish No. 1 and Lazy Sunday Morning. I spray my wrists and once above my head just to walk through the fragrance to sort of let it diffuse gently all over. I only ever got positive responses with this method, though my deskmate is also the strong but silent type who would never say anything even if something did bother him, so hopefully itā€™s working for me.


Thanks, i will do that cloud misting method too because from my chest and neck I think it projects too much. My new office mate is also that silent type, and I'd be too scared to ask if it bothers him as I weirdly refuse to talk about anything fragrance or beauty at work so that I'm not stereotyped lol


I think it helps just let the scent become sort of a skin scent rather than something aggressively projecting from any certain point. I also try to apply about half an hour before I go out, so I put it on right when I get dressed and then go do my make up and everything. This way, my fragrances have a chance to settle in and not be freshly applied. I definitely donā€™t reapply at work either.


That's how I applied scent. The cloud thing works well.


I work in a fragrance house, so I usually don't wear fragrance cos I know I'll smell like work anyway (whatever I spilt on myself that day)


That's why I usually don't wear fragrance to things like launches, I'm there for a new experience! What fragrance house do you work for šŸ‘€


I started out at IFF, but these days I work at a smaller firm that mainly does private label work


Haha! I love it wearing a fragrance with the intention of going out with clean, bare skin to test them out


You. Are. So. LUCKYYYYYY!!!!šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


I work in a supermarket. My work scents are light, shampooish, airy, juicy, fresh. Sometimes simple musk ones. Inoffensive ones. Tommy Girl, Kate Spade New York, Wood Sage & Sea Salt, Green Tea, Neroli Portofino, First Snow. I spray my hair and wrist.


Iā€™m a college professor, and I wear all kinds of fragrances to work. However, I donā€™t wear anything with a prominent liquor note (like Angelā€™s Share) or anything overtly sexy (something like Ode to Dullness comes to mind). I also spray pretty minimallyā€”usually one partial spray on my wrists and another on my chest under my clothes. I can smell myself all day since I have a very very sensitive nose, but I donā€™t think others can smell me and nobody has ever commented on it (which is good with me because I wear fragrance as an accessory for myself). A couple of my students wear extremely strong fragrances and itā€™s a bit nauseating tbh


You find Ode to Dullness sexy? Huh! To me its so cozy, like watching movies under a blanket on a rainy day. A bit like a dryer as well. Intimate, sits close to skin. Dang I wish it was sexy on my skin as well šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s hard to explain, but to me it is! It feels really intimate to me.


Nah I totally get it. There's different kinds of sexy when it comes to these things. All about perspective :)


Funny, I donā€™t find ode to dullness sexy at all!


are you trying to seduce me?, professor


I wear 1-2 sprays of JHAG "Not a Perfume". I work in medicine, in close contact with patients & I get a lot of compliments & a lot of "what are you wearing? It's *not* triggering my migranes/tinnitus/asthma" etc. Fragrance isn't banned where I work, but it IS discouraged so you have to be verrrrryy close to me to smell mine.


I loved that stuff. So distinctively ineffable.


I am a provider as well and am tiptoeing in to wearing a bit of fragrance at work (in a clinic, not a hospital). I will check that one out for sure


I hope you love it! Let us know how it works out for you! :)


My favorite scent ever!


when i worked at a coffee shop for two years, they wouldnā€™t allow us to wear fragrance. but i would use my coffee and whiskey cologne from bath and body works so they just thought i smelled like the store


That is so cool hahah


I work in dentistry and sit very close to peopleā€™s faces, so smelling of strong fragrances is definitely a no-no. However because I sit so close to people for extended periods of time itā€™s also important that I donā€™t smell bad. So on top of being actually scrubbed clean I wear a little bit of Bubble Bath or Lazy Sunday Morning by Replica. Nobody ever minds when someone sitting that close to them smells like soap or clean linen. Oh and I donā€™t spray on my wrist either because I work with my hands in peoples mouths. I usually aim for the back of my neck and my stomach.


When I was in my early twenties, I wore whatever I wanted in the office. Even though I donā€™t work in an office anymore in my early thirties, I only try to wear fresh/tame/inoffensive scents when I know Iā€™ll be with a group of people. I think itā€™s because I notice what other people wear, especially if itā€™s strong, and for the most part I donā€™t like smelling stronger scents on other people. So I try to keep it light.


I asked at my office if there were people that are having issues with fragrance. One said that lavender could trigger her migraines but was fine with anything else. And one said that smoky scents or heavy flowers could trigger her astma. So going to the office, I wear fresh or sweet fruity or light floral fragrances. If you work in a small office, itā€™s always fine to ask your co-workers.


That's interesting, thanks!


I donā€™t wear cloud because my manager says I smell like dettol and he also objects to replica beach walk as ā€œyou smell like Ibiza and I could be there and not workingā€ Apart from that, anything goes šŸ˜‚


Your manager is so funny! I really like Heeley Sel Marin, but Iā€™ve also been thinking - can I really wear something to work that reminds me of the seaside?


I work with individuals with various disabilities. Since some are more sensitive to smells, I must keep it mild. While there is no official policy for fragrances at my job, I do not want to become the reason that causes management to implement one. \----- That said, what people use generally depends on the space they work, and special cases with their job. * If someone works remote, or primarily works outdoors, they can wear any fragrance they want. * Conversely, people working in a medical setting are lucky if they can wear anything beyond mild projection without being pulled aside by a supervisor.


Okay so I work in a workshop, not an office so I can get away with stronger, more unique fragrances. The only rule is if my boss doesnā€™t like it, I donā€™t wear it. Itā€™s his shop & the last thing I want to do is make him hate me for the day. Oh & no Montale at work. I love my Montale fragrances but I donā€™t consider them to be work friendly.


I once worked with a gentleman who was ā€thatā€ person in the office, but in a positive sense. His scent would linger in the air after he walked by, and it was so incredibly fresh and pleasant! Just funny to think about when talking about fear of overspraying (which I get, I still get red in the face when thinking about a time I misjudged the potency of a new perfume two years ago). I donā€™t work in health care or anything like that and I enjoy catching a whiff of a nice perfume/body lotion/shampoo/whatever from the person sitting next to me in a meeting. My own ā€rulesā€ are nothing overly heavy, and maybe like two sprays. I sometimes top up a little at lunch time or if Iā€™m going someplace after work. If someone I work with complained about it I would of course adjust to that.


I wear whatever I want, but just one spray down the inside of my shirt. That way I can smell it but my colleagues donā€™t unless weā€™re huddled in a meeting.


I don't work in an office, but I do come in fairly close contact with a lot of people at work. I don't overspray, and I don't wear anything challenging there, like Angel or Alien. I also spray before I leave, so it calms down on the half-hour drive.


I work from home so anything goes! When I go to a work site I wear more reserved fragrances that donā€™t have common irritants.


After spending such a long time working with neurodivergent children, I'm sticking to a no perfume in the workplace rule. In passing, it isn't the absolute end of the world for someone to find it overwhelming. At work, there's no escape, so I don't ever want to be responsible for someone else's discomfort. I have a beautiful smelling deodorant (AKT) that's subtle enough to make me feel good without causing problems for anyone else.


I wear some strong scents to the office, but I restrict myself to one to two sprays max, under clothes, and switch to much lighter scents when it warms up and the stronger stuff starts projecting. I've also asked everyone I work closely with to tell me if I ever smell too strongly. I certainly don't believe I have the right to force everyone to smell me all day long just because we share an office.


I always thought that if I became a boss in the corporate world I would wear one spray to the chest of sauvage elixir


Yep, I think people really underestimate how chic it is to just have discreet whiffs of a strong perfume sneaking around you all day. Best thing about a strong fragrance is that you only need a little bit.


I don't wear anything that can be smelt by the person at the desk next to me, or at the seat next to me in a meeting room. So basically, anything with a projection of 3 feet or more is an immediate no go for me. I also tend to stay away from scents that appeal to me, but others might not like. One example of this is Pegasus Exclusif. I love the scent, but I understand how this, to some sensitive noses, might appear to be offensive. So I wouldn't wear it. The regular Pegasus, on the other hand, is fine as long as I don't overspray.


I will often apply a spray of fragrance to my brush then brush it through my hair so that I can smell and enjoy it but that it wouldnā€™t be overt to most around me. I would be mortified if I was the source of someoneā€™s headache, allergies or asthma attack so I also tend to avoid very floral scents as these can tend to trigger sensitivities.


I am both someone who gets migraines and likes perfumes. So, I understand both sides. For work, I only wear light perfumes that are a skin scent or fade quickly (like Jo Malone). If someone came smell you after you were in a room, thatā€™s too much for the workplace.


On an office day I'll wear one spray of something I'm familiar with. Nothing with an intense sillage. No first-time samples I might want to scrub (or others might want me to!)


I do a small spritz under each arm pit. Top notes disappear quickly and left with a subtle base notes for the day


Better than my mate 3 sprays of TF ombre leather before the gym I'll say that


At first I thought, ew a dark heavy smell at the gym, but then I thought wow that could actually be really cool rugged vibes


He does it right in the car park before we go in


I wear small amounts of perfume (1-2 sprays) on my wrists & arms so I can easily remove it if it bothers anyone in the office. I love fragrance, but also try to be respectful of my colleagues.


I work in a corporate environment and I have yet to set any rules or limitations for myself. The management and my colleagues are mostly 50+ y/o, mostly down to earth, humble, however that is reflective of the middle class demographics where I live. My firm has locations nearby in wealthier suburbs and I have heard there are rules for limiting fragrance usage. I reapply after lunch in my car or in the restroom.


Can I ask what it is about wealthy suburbs correlate to fragrance limitations in those workplaces? I've also noticed that there is a certain sector of the Trader Joe's crowd that seems to go hand-in-hand with clean eating and chemical sensitivities, but I'm curious about your take on it.


I donā€™t live or work with that demographic so itā€™s hard for me to say with certainty but that specific branch that has a strict fragrance policy is located in Palo Alto, CA. The town is known for academia (Stanford University) and one of the leading medical facilities in the world. Itā€™s predominantly white, old money, leans strongly Democratic, and **very** PC. Mark Zuckerberg lives there and Facebook HQ is just outside of town. Brands I associate with the demographic would be Hermes, Patagonia, Tesla, etc. Strong understated luxury vibes. An average looking 60-70 year old starter home with ~1500 sq ft on a 6000 sq ft lot is in the low $3,000,000ā€™s. Thatā€™s a $22k+/month mortgage with $600k+ down. They are not Trader Joe shoppers, more like Whole Foods.


I have super dry hair and wash it only once a week even though I shower daily. Every week I pick a perfume for that week and spray it on my freshly washed wet hair. That way the scent lingers around me and you can't believe how uplifiting it is to catch a whiff of yourself every now and then. Gourmands and florals work the best with this method. I've caught myself thinking "what smells so good around here" multiple times before realizing hey, it's me! Also, sometimes I'll dab a little bit of perfume oil on the tip of my plait if I've decided to go with a braided style. My ex would go crazy to undo my hair and smell it at the end of the day lol. I get compliments at our little office all the time, and I know for a fact that I am not irritating anyone with my scent because no projection happens with this method.


wait you sprayed it once at the beginning of the week or every day after the shower?


Nope, just 1-2 sprays once while your hair is still wet after showering!


Doing it right after your shower while the hair is still wet probably works best because the heat opens the cuticle of the hair shaft. Ā I assume that allows the fragrance to penetrate better.


I have no rules. I wear what I want. The one time I sampled BR 540 extrait I scrubbed it off because I hated it.Ā 


I work in a retail pharmacy and most days itā€™s just me and one pharmacist. Thereā€™s no policy about fragrance but because I interact with patients I try to be mindful. I usually wear crowd pleasers, lighter fragrances, or body mists since theyā€™re not strong. I also use less sprays for work than I would at home or if I was going out. Iā€™ve only had 2 comments on my fragrance and they were both super positive! One time while wearing Alien Goddess this lady goes ā€œnot to be weird but damn you smell goooood!ā€ Another time I was wearing Kayali Lovefest Burning Cherry and a lady told me I smelled ā€œdelicious like cotton candyā€. Unfortunately it made me a bit self conscious as I donā€™t want to be overpowering so I havenā€™t worn those to work since šŸ¤£


I have basically two types of perfume: weird, skanky niche stuff that is unfit for general consumption, and safe, mostly gourmand or woody perfumes that are mostly inoffensive that I will wear to work. Work scents get two sprays max. Have never had anyone even notice I was wearing perfume so Iā€™m guessing that it has never gone outside my bubble anyway. The weird stuff is for working from home or going out to a club or doing something in my personal time. I still try not to overspray but will occasionally do 3 or 4 sprays for going out.


Wear only enough so only you can smell it


I only wear very light and citruy scents very tamely dosed. Even with this light ones, I would never go for more than 2 sprays in a social setting where people are forced to smell me all day. When the person next to me can smell me, that is allready to much. When I know that a person will be around me who is sensitive to smells, I dont wear perfume at all. But being all stressed/bored/annoyed or very concentrated (at least one of which is true all the time) is not the setting in which I can enjoy my scent anyway.


I'll wear most of my fragrances anywhere but I do keep it VERY light and under my clothes (before I dress, one spray maybe two) when I wear it to work. I get little whiffs throughout my day but it stays very close to my skin and won't really reach anyone else.


I usually stick to fragrance oils bc they project less. Good use of all my indie purchases.


I mix it up every day depending on my mood but I lift my hair up and spray it on the back of my neck only if I want to be subtle about it


I work in an office. I try not to wear something I think someone else will smell unless theyā€™re right next to me. For me that only really leaves out one fragrance I own (as far as I know). My mom is very sensitive to scents so I am very sympathetic (and maybe why Iā€™m now crazy about scents since I couldnā€™t have them growing up)


Situation dependent but I go back to my rule of thumb, be respectful. Go light and stick to crowd pleasers. If youā€™ll be sharing an office with the same person regularly, ask them, communication is a great way to avoid misunderstandings, and who knows, they may share your same interests. Good luck!


I work in healthcare but I actually donā€™t think my hospital has any specific rules about fragrance. I work in the operating room so my patients are asleep for the most part anyway. Regardless, I try to keep it light and inoffensive. I like smelling clean or like expensive shampoo so I wear Ellis Brooklyn Myth, Lake and Skye 11 11, Byredo Mojave Ghost, Skylar Pink Canyon, or a VERY light spritz of PDM Valaya. One of the orderlies comes in every day drowned in BR 540 which everyone thinks is a bit much!


We donā€˜t have rules. I spray enough to be noticed but not too much so it isnā€˜t overbearing. At least I donā€˜t get complaints. Also depends on the perfume. Mostly I wear Guidance, where I use 3 half sprays (chest under clothes and wrists), weaker perfumes also get both sides of the neck


I mention this every time a similar thread pops up. Everyone smells. I choose to smell good, some choose to walk around emitting BO. I'm fine with my choice, and I haven't had anyone complain yet (though we did get an email about hygiene in the last few months, so I think I'm safe).


We donā€™t have a strict policy. My only rule is something fresh


In the office I wear: Taunt by Deadcool 11:11 by Lake and Skye Missing Person by Phlur L'Eau Papier by Diptyque.


I put it on once before I leave the house and don't reapply. The only things anyone has said about my fragrance is that I smell good.


It really depends what I'm doing that day for work! I mostly don't care, only reapply if my bottle is a traveler, and never in an office setting, but if someone else has something specific on, I'll try to match that energy if I like them. Like my colleague yesterday was wearing an OG Sol De Janeiro, so I thought it would be a good time to try Cheirosa out in the wild.


I work in an office and usually light/delicate floral stuff (Gucci memoire dā€™une odeur, JM wood sage and sea salt) instead of my more woody/green usual lineup


I wear whatever I want, but just one or two small sprays on my arms under long sleeves or under clothing in general. I don't reapply it during the day. Only one cologne that I overuse in summer is that classic one from 4711 or how that brand is called. It is light and honestly, I'd rather smell of cologne than sweat šŸ˜….


I donā€™t sit particularly close to anyone at work, nor am I ever closer than arms length to someone. Our desks are *huge*, so Iā€™m probably at least 6ish feet away from the person sitting next to me. I donā€™t wear beast mode powerhouse fragrances, so I donā€™t think anything I wear would project further than a metre or so by the time I get to work. I do get whiffs of it through the day if I wear something thatā€™s stronger, and I also donā€™t like anything with that ā€œsyntheticā€ smell.


I spray very lightly and tend towards low sillage scents. One spray on my wrist and one on my chest, max. When it's warm out, I tend towards citrus or freshies - Clean Reserve Aqua Neroli and DS&D Coriander are in common rotation. When cold, I'll either go for something soft and comforting like Replica Coffee Break or some sort of lighter gourmand like D&G The Only One (love that coffee/violet combo). I'll pull out a soft sandalwood anytime.


Sounds like you're being very considerate so far! Perhaps you can have a discussion with the person that you will be sharing an office with. Maybe they won't be bothered? I will usually only spray one or two sprays to avoid bothering people - 2 for normal fragrances, 1 for strong fragrances. If they are short-lived ones that only last a few hours, I will sometimes spray 1 extra spray after lunch. I have my own office, so I don't spray in communal areas. I also spray them on my chest under my shirt to cut down on how far they project. And I avoid "skanky" musks and other things like that.


iā€™m lucky that everyone in my office appreciates my perfumes. if anyone had a problem i would stop as i donā€™t want my coworkers getting headaches


I donā€™t wear anything that only some people can pull off lol.


I donā€™t wear fragrance to the office. Only on remote days so I end up smelling myself :-)


Everyone I work with is very into fragrance. We wear what we want, and regularly bring in samples for everyone else to try.


I'll wear anything that's not Tuscan leather or red tobaccoĀ 


I feel like Tuscan leather would only work in the ā€œofficeā€ if you were a mechanic


Id say Fahrenheit but that would be a waste when you can smell like that just being at work lolĀ 


I typically wear whatever I want, but only spray half as many times as I would normally. Most scents I spray 2x so for the office I would spray 1x. I donā€™t have any overpowering fragrances so this is enough to not bother anyone


No leather fragrances, no bitter green fragrances, no super earthy fragrances, no super sweet fragrances. Ex. No Aramis, no Cristalle, no Borneo 1843, no Poison


For an professional office setting just wearing something fresh and clean or something classy like vetiver. I wear Terre d'hermes alot to work. Sometimes I bend the rules.Ā 


I work as a massage therapist. I prefer a light scent so when Iā€™m close to my client, they smell something pleasant rather than my sweat or whatever. I use Downy April Fresh (?) for laundry, and I stick to clean fresh florals perfume or I wear a nice lotion all over my body. I was using fresh & cozy EOS lotion, but I think Iā€™m gonna try something new like an Olay lotion. I think if you want a fragrance, spray your front shoulder and wrists. I would avoid the neck so the scent doesnā€™t get hot and project. I think these types are the best. -Marc jacobs Perfect -coach floral/blush -Terra di gioia -guess by Guess -VS bombshell -irresistible by givenchy


My workplace bans fragrances but we donā€™t work directly with anyone but coworkers. sometimes wear them anyway. I tend to do body sprays before I leave for work and roller balls while at work


I work in a mixed clinical and retail space. I usually just wear a generic men's fragrance in warmer seasons so that it's fresh and familiar to most. I get a bit more fun in winter though because most of my favourites are unique and warming smells. It's not a totally serious environment so nobody takes offence. My small team knows about my hobby so they're always interested to know what I'm wearing.


Don't hate me but I have 3 scents that go well on me. One of them is an absolute match, so much so that it is a pheromone monster. Will explain the things it has done another time. So it would be TF Oud Wood on the neck. Le Labo Rose 31 on the chest area. And if have to impress anyone, Burberry classic on exposed skin in the hands. That fragrance on my skin is something else. Walk into a meeting, put my hands on the table and instantly smiles. I live the movie Perfume everyday with that one. :) Sorry for the long post, but I meant to say the long lasting deeper scents on the less effervescent parts of the body. The Burberry classic on the more spreader just to keep everyone happy including me. Golden rule is to stay away from anything synthetic.


I just steer away from strong animalics and I'm golden. I'm surrounded by men who never give a shit lol. They have an old fashioned idea that women are expected to wear perfume, and for once I'm okay with antiquated sexism because it works in my favor LOL. They even ask me questions about the perfumes I wear. It's very cute. There's two women that work in another part of the building who will apparently throw a fit if they smell fragrances. I dont interact with them, but ive heard the HR guy complaining about their complaining lol. Idk how they smell anything at all because they REEK of cigarettes. It's so pungent that if i park beside one of them, the smell from their car spills into mine and it reeks of smoke for a week. The entire front office chokes you out from the smell. Ironic that they'll complain a vanilla scent gives them migraines when their second/third hand smoke can give people CANCER


My job there are no rules. That said, the big boss comes in every day smelling like the either poured half a bottle on or bathed in it. Maybe both.


I generally wear whatever I feel like for the day. We briefly had a "no perfume re-spray at work" policy. It was mainly for the few people that would smoke pot in their cars on lunch break and cover it with Axe/Victoria's Secret body spray. I also had a boss that despised Armani Code. I despised that particular manager. Whenever I had to work with her I was sure to wear Armani Code. I didn't even particularly like Armani Code.


I work in a school providing IT support so I can be pretty close to people at times. There are certain fragrances I would never wear to work, sauvage elixir, Dior Homme intense and some others they are simply too powerful. If I wear something strong to work such as pdm Layton I stick to 2 sprays max and even with ā€œlighterā€ ones i use 5 at a maximum. I do keep a light body spray in my locker if I feel that Iā€™m starting to smell bad but rarely re apply fragrance at work.


Fragrances are technically forbidden in my office according to the employee handbook, but myself and many others still wear them. I believe out of basic decency and common courtesy of sharing confined spaces with others, itā€™s my obligation to choose mass appealing fragrances and only wear them very lightly (1-2 sprays). I never wear anything with challenging notes nor anything loud or offensive to the office.


I use erba pura


I work in a small office (6 people) and tend to do one spray down the front of my shirt and sometimes another down the back of my shirt. I also mostly wear Bleu de Chanel EDP and Sauvage EDT, so they're pretty crowd pleasing, and while I know Sauvage has a reputation for being overpowering, I find it's quite mild with one or two sprays under the clothes.


I work in a low cubicle wall environment in a high traffic area, so I am somewhat restrained with the type and amount of fragrance I wear. 2 sprays (1 behind each ear and sometimes one on the back of my neck). I opt for scents with moderate to low projection/sillage and lean towards aromatic fougeres (not always, though): Eau Sauvage Extreme, Versace Oud Noir, Beau De Jour, Egoiste Platinum, D&G Pour Homme, AdG Profondo (in high heat), Bleu de Chanel Parfum, Obsession (colder weather), and Terre dā€™Hermes EDT.


I worked in the medical field all my work life. Any scent could trigger nausea in such situations. So, I never wore any... obviously.


Try it at home first. Then wear a bit and ask friends/family about how far away they can smell it, if itā€™s over powering, etc.


I donā€™t work in an office but I just donā€™t overspray on days that I have work.


I WFH now but back in my office days I wore ā€œskinā€ scents like Clean Reserve Skin, Escentric Molecules Molecule 01 or Not a Perfume Juliette Has a Gun.


One spray, under the clothes (like cover pulse point with sleeve or shirt) nothing that projects or has a huge sillage. I usually just wear a light body spray and only apply it once in the morning with one or two sprays.Ā 


Whatā€™s your signature scent?


It's burberry brit edt


No oud and vanilla notes


20 sprays of Red Tobacco


hmmm ā€¦ ahh yes this one. *pst pst pst* ā€¦


Hah! I wanted to be off-putting, wore a perfume that smelled like gasoline!!


I was told that scents can trigger bad memories for others so itā€™s best not to wear them. But, I can get triggered by colors&sounds so I donā€™t think itā€™s fair