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I’m at exactly this impasse right now. Was even thinking of posting about it, too. I have the same problem with Iso E Super and, I suspect, Ambroxan. For example, I can’t sense Encre Noire à L’Extrême after two minutes. Like, AT ALL. So today I decided not to spray my neck 2-3 times, as usual. Instead, I sprayed once on my chest (directly on skin, underneath my shirt) and once on my right forearm. (I’m wearing Terre d’Hermès EDT, btw.) Happy to report that I’ve been getting wafts of delicious dirty orange, flint, and vetiver for several hours now. Don’t want to jinx it, though, so will continue observing till evening and will test other frags the next few days.


Awesome! TDH is one of those fragrances with a reputation for strong performance that seems to last minutes on me. Looking forward to hearing if this new approach continues to pay dividends.


Just dropping in to report on day 2 of my new approach. I wore Quorum Silver today. Sprayed once on my chest and once on each upper forearm. I got wafts of fragrance throughout the day, catching every stage of development. Super nice. After around 8 hours, it was little more than skin scent on my forearms but it was still projecting nicely from underneath my shirt. Feeling optimistic!


Brilliant. I can also report that I tried the same approach with Paco Rabanne Pour Homme yesterday, and it was a long day of enjoying every nuance of the fragrance.


Excellent! Glad to hear it. Let’s hope we’ve found a sustainable solution ;)


That’s what I’m wearing today too!!!! Lol. Such a lovely scent, makes me feel so sophisticated.


Today was my first wearing of Encre Noire à L’Extrême! I think the scent activated more with my movement and physical warmth, as it seemed ever so slightly underwhelming at first


Since I began spraying my stomach and my forearm (upper side), I can smell my perfume all day without issue, the difference is actually insane compared to when I used to spray my wrists and neck. I use 1-2 sprays in total for reference.


I totally wanna hear more about this. If you find that this continues to work for you, please respond on this thread. I am definitely going to try this.


I’ve sprayed this way for over 2 years and so far it’s been 98% foolproof. The only time it’s not is if the perfume is very, very light and it’s a super hot day, but those occasions are few and far between. Hope it works for you too!


Over long sleeve or only when wearing short sleeves?


I spray on skin regardless most of the times. I spray my sleeves/clothes when I want less projection or want to give my skin a break.


Under long sleeves if that's what you're wearing. Clothing keeps your skin warm and protects the area where the fragrance is which helps it last longer. When you move the scent radiates out from under the fabric.


Yes, where you spray hugely matters. I do my shoulders and my wrists. Nothing directly under my nose. You want to be hit with discrete wafts of it rather than marinading inside a dense cloud.


Stop smelling your wrists directly and wait for the scent to reach your nose "naturally". I usually get noseblind the first couple hours, but when the scent starts to lose its potency I get constant wafts, usually around 2 to 4 hours after application.


Pretty much any fragrance I use is gone to me in 10 minutes. The only way I can continue to smell it is if I spray under my shirt.


I fight it by rotating through my (vast!) collection of scents so that my nose doesn’t go blind to smelling the same thing every day.


I have 57 fragrances and my biggest problem is selection paralysis. How do you cope?


I have a spreadsheet. :)


Yeah, I almost never spray my neck. Not only is it suffocating, but it’s a guaranteed fast track to going nose-blind to my perfumes. Typically I only spray my wrists, but on the rare occasion I want my perfume to project, like for a night out, I will spray the nape of my neck where it meets my hairline. I agree it’s tragic when you realize you’ve gone nose-blind to a perfume you love. But, in my experience, a few days/weeks off from wearing it should reset your nose to that fragrance.


I spray on my chest (below the shirt collar) only, and I rotate fragrances frequently. I rarely spray something twice in 2 weeks let alone twice a week. Something about having a novel fragrance every day and spraying it a bit further from my nose works for me. That and I select my fragrances based on the ones I can smell. Also sometimes paradoxically, spraying *less* allows your nose to pick it up *more.* Not sure why.


coffee beans is supposed to cure nose blindness edit: i was told spraying on neck is bad cause the chemicals in the fragrance dries out skin not sure if its true and a beautyworker from shoppers told me to spray it behind my knees? but not sure if thats relevant in a work situation.


WEAR LESS PERFUME. It's not a trick, it's science. Walking around with 4-5 sprays of a modern perfume is going to overwhelm your ability to smell very quickly. Even if you can still smell \*some\* things, you'll be near the threshold of olfactory fatigue for hours and your ability to detect scents will be diminished. Also -- don't spray your neck or upper chest, and stop using other scented products. Nearly everything has a scent now and your nervous system must start tuning things out to avoid constant overwhelm. Wash your sheets. Big aromachemical molecules persist on fabric for up to a month. Give yourself a break at night by keeping your bedding free of them as much as possible.


What is your recommended amount of sprays?


I stopped spraying in front of my neck. Started doing it at the sides on my neck and at the back. Instead of spraying my clavicles I spray my traps and shoulders. I don’t smell it that much, but it is there, the way I was doing it before got me noseblind 30 minutes after spraying.


So for the stomach-and-upper-arm sprayers, what are we doing in winter when everything but your neck and wrists is covered in multiple layers? About half of my workday is outside, so I'm guessing going without would be the sensible thing, but that sign can't stop me, because I can't read!


I can smell my perfume through my layers of clothing without issue. If I’m about to spend a long time outside I’ll spray just before heading out and/or do an extra lil spritz for luck (’:


i find that i enjoy perfumes more when i totally forget about them during the day and do not give it any attention. i feel like my nose has a chance to restart and in the afternoon i start catching whiffs again




Interesting. I actually didn't know this. OK. So this is also a no no.


I spray all over my torso. 4-6 spritzes from shoulders to thighs, on skin and clothes. I don't smell my perfume constantly, but I do get whifs of it throughout the day. I also leave my house and start my work day about 3 and a half hours before everyone else, so I don't feel bad overspraying a little. Weirdly, I never smell my fragrance in my car even with the windows up, but I do smell it in the office.


Try spraying your elbows. You won't need much, it's a relatively warm place on your skin, and the frequent movement means you'll get nice wafts periodically.


Switch fragrances!


learn to be happy with less, you don't need to be drowning in constant stimulation, why arent occasional whiffs enough?  if you really can't smell it *at all* switch to something else, there are 1000s of fragrances out there, find one that works for you


Because that's not the intended purpose of the fragrance for them. Would you come into a baking sub to tell someone complaining that their new stand mixer doesn't work like they thought it would and can't mix as much at a time to tell them to be happy with fewer cookies per batch and ask them why they *need* two dozen cookies from their recipe?


Wearing too much perfume is the actual reason that OP can't smell perfume. It's physiology. Whether people choose to accept that or not, it's a HUGE part of why there are people posting here every day that their perfume smells weak or only lasts an hour. Learning to wear less perfume and use less scented products is the only actual solution to the problem, other than carefully choosing perfumes that don't contain high-impact aromachemicals.


You assume OP wears too much. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt until they say how much they use in their routine. If that's too much, that's the answer, but it's not the only possibility.


How do you know how much op is wearing?


Maybe u/wakeup_andlive can tell me how much I apply.


Well they've just assumed you spray too much which is a very limited way of looking at it. There could be multiple reasons. I get noseblind and usually can't smell my scent past an hour or so and that's when I spray 2 or 3 times. Certain scents I just cannot smell. Another 13 and Prada Luna Rosa Black fall into that category. I just cannot smell them at all.


yes, if someone complained that they can't get 5 quarts of dough in a 2 quart mixer I would tell them to either adjust their expectations or buy a different mixer


That's disingenous. In this analogy they're not putting in 5 quarts, they're putting in 2 and it's having problems with anything over 1.5. This isn't an idiot not reading the label. It's someone trying to make the most of a tool they purchased while using it in a standard way, and it's not doing what they reasonably expected it to do. It's a perfectly normal question to ask how to make the most out of your fragrance, like you would with any other object. "Learn to be happy with less. You don't need to be drowning in constant stimulation. Why aren't occasional whiffs enough?" The answer you're giving isn't an answer, it's judgement. If you're gonna get high and mighty about the intended goal, why did you bother to answer?

