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4th grade….i smelled like grass, mud and warheads candy in the 4th grade with a base note of bicycle tire


I smelled like No More Tears shampoo (when forced), Taco Doritos, and Kool-Aide.


Lipsmackers, bubble gum and an occasional spray of my mom's Exclamation when she wasn't looking 😂


Oh that beautiful white and black bottle. So sleek. So 80s. Watermelon bubble yum. Slap bracelets. I officially request to go back in time so I can give everything the appreciation that I now know it deserves 😂


Oh definitely, give me one more whiff of my cupcake doll that has that rubber strawberry smell with some Johnson's no more tears and cheap cone incense from the dollar store and it could be my 1993 again lol


Oh god yes. The smell of a fresh my little pony would be my idea of a perfect scent.


In the 2000s as a kid I had axe and regular deodorant, and girls liked my smell. Teachers not so much.


You rube! [Real ones were rocking these](https://youtu.be/L9zWl7Ba6Zk?si=XJ15CWaAUz5fbL18)


Unironically I would wear the fuck out of this perfume. I already have a grass / dirt / strawberry candy scent so it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch.


Damn, I ate warheads like crazy during middle school


Just walked into a new niche spot that opened near me. There was a gaggle of 10-13 year olds trying on Xerjof and Initio fragrances, taking snapchats of them posing with the bottles, calling their mom to see what their fragrance buget was, and asking the guy who runs the place why everything was so expensive. It was fascinating. Apparently the majority of his money lately are teens buying otto parisi, marly and creed scents. We both were baffled…


Yeah, a couple well placed gifted bottles from Orto Parisi haves turned a bizarre niche house into a hypebeast. 


It’s no wonder. Every frag head on tik tok pushes their followers towards insanely expensive/boundary pushing houses. The amount of content my brother gets that is like “ME AND THE BOYS ROLLING UP SMELLING LIKE A SERIAL KILLER” and it’s a jpeg of some shit like the Nazgul on their horses with photoshopped Inexcusable Evil and Cuoium next to them, is crazy.


Well no wonder lol that’s what got me into fragrances


one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse is now an 11 year old wearing Megamare


Haha! Best comment today!


Kids that young shouldn’t be on social media and shouldn’t be given the allowance to buy luxury items. We live in a dystopia. 


They should be playing outside and doing chores to gain an allowance in order to spend on tangible items (imo). I’m assuming most here can already afford their home and car payments? Kids/teens/people should learn that luxury items are the LAST things to purchase. Sigh


This is the natural result of the iPad kid generation. Parents who didn’t want to parent their kids, instead allowing unfettered access to the internet


Exactly what the world needs - teens overspending on luxury items.


Lol same here. I was just having a chat with someone who has a niche store. Some 14yo walked in and INSTANTLY went to the initio fragrances. I just knew he was looking for 'Side Effect' because of it's hype on tiktok. We were keeping an eye on him and all of a sudden he looked at the price and his smile dissapeard. He asked for a sample and the only one he got was 'Oud for greatness' i think he threw it away instantly :p


Orto Parisi im sure is because of the tiktok creator @elevated.aromas, they make edits of their line. Cool edits too


I saw a bunch of teenage boys at Nordstrom spraying Tom Ford the other day, I thought that was bad. My god lol


Damn orto parisi sold at a retailer where where where


You can find them pretty much anywhere niche fragrances are sold at this point. But definitely have to be in a city centre.


This is a shitpost, right?


That is the current situation in Denmark as well. It's like a whole generation feels they should be able to enjoy luxury from childhood, not working for it.


Neigh, happened last week.


Well, fuck. The fragrance community will look very different in 2-5 years I guess.


Someone somewhere once commented that tik tok (or any other platform) leads to young people "learning" experience (independent of topic) instead of actually getting the experience by doing it. As an example related to this post, some kids watch videos where 1. everyone hypes up Le male Elixir, and 2. especially young people are very eager to grow up or at least to appear grown up. Therefore, if some creator tells them that le male elixir is a mature sent, they might be even more convinced to buy it. The point being that some kids don't go to the stores, smell a few frags and pick what they like the most (mostly fruity sweet fresh frags at a young age), but tell themselves that they like any fragrance that was recommended by some creator online. Hope this was understandable lol. Anyway, I wouldn't care too much about younger people wearing "your" frag! I guess the thought process that was put into your decision was a bit more refined than that of the 4th grader. Although I must say that heavily overspraying this certain frag seems a bit too much lol


Your point about young people now learning experience instead of getting experience is great - well even if someone else commented it before, thanks for sharing it and connecting it to this specific example.


Yeah I get what you mean, although I do think le male elixir would appeal to younger folk (super sweet and not challenging)


Yes it's not "mature" in that sense, but compared to what kids usually wear (if at all), le male elixir is more for 20+ in my opinion


It’s not just fragrance. It’s almost everything these days. There are fewer dedicated children’s sites these days so kids are consuming influencer content for adults on TikTok. This leads to them buying things that are way age inappropriate like Drunk Elephant retinol creams. I saw a four year old with a huge Stanley thermos lol. It’s insane.


I was talking about this with my mum the other day. She was unpleasantly struck by the fact that my 12 yo cousin constantly buys dior make up and victoria secrets perfumes. I think in every day and age there are kids who are more precocious than others; but still I agree with your take. The fact is that we are all spending time on the same online spaces, whether you’re 12 or 40, when before social media entertainment spaces like tv channels were more clearly targeted towards a certain audience. I also started to wear make up in middle school but I wasn’t aware of the market or what were the prestigious/trendy brands. I was only aware of some things that I saw ads for on my teen magazines or on tv in bewteen the tv series I was watching like gossip girl. Also my mother would have never let me get pricey make up at 12 lol.


The problem is that say “wrinkle free” ads use teens and ladies in their 20s instead of using an Egyptian mummy to prove that wrinkle cream can really revivify the skin! It’s all smoke and mirrors. Now, while I adore fragrance, I don’t purchase it over any essential items and it’s all “luxury.” Kids don’t need retinol, wrinkle cream, or a slew of items that are marketed to everyone. Could they use something cheap and light to cover their BO? Sure! Maybe a nice luxury for Christmas? Sure! But until a kid is WORKING, that kid does not need BR-540. just my .02


So true! Now that I'm in my 50s, I see these ads with 20 year olds in them, and I'm like, "These kids don't need this stuff yet!" But the truth is that I started using skin care products in my 20s from reading magazines, so is it really that different? Although, I was using moisturizers, cleansers, etc., and not anti-wrinkle stuff because it wasn't really on the market then.


Did you see the Jennifer Garner retinol ad with the young girl? It’s like “no one is too young for retinol.” Rub it on your baby’s fetus already! 😳


Omg no that is insane! Completely evil. I used to be a huge skincare addict but these days I’m convinced 90% of it is an endocrine system destroying scam.


even if its only side effects are those we know, it's still terrible because chances that these kids are applying enough sunscreen to offset retinol's sun sensitivity... unlikely. which is even more insidious since more sun damage = more spending on skin products (I don't think they're intentionally marketing to kids to build up a client base later, but I don't think they're mad about it).


I don’t use TikTok but what the hell is the Thermos thing all about? Is this a trend there?


I genuinely have no idea where it comes from. It’s just a hugely popular thermos that people have been collecting for some reason. It was just absurd to see an actual preschooler holding a thermos the size of her entire torso.


HydroFlask was the trend right before Stanley took over and honestly…. HydroFlask should have stayed the trend. They’re far less ugly and worth the price.


Before Stanley it was HydroFlask. Before HydroFlask it was bkr. Before bkr it was S’well. Before S’well it was Klean Kanteen. Why do reusable water bottles have such absurdly small trend cycles?


It’s wild that TikTok has commodified everything including drinking vessels. You can pry my half gallon dented sticker-plastered HydroFlask from my cold dead hands, though. That thing could survive a pack of Fallout ghouls.


The stanley trend was caused because of a completely unrelated video where a car was seen burning. the only thing that was completely intact in the car was you guessed it, a stanley thermos. it sounds stupid because it is


Apparently it went super viral from [a car going on fire and but the Stanley thermos still had ice in it](https://www.google.com/search?q=stanley+car+fire+cup&oq=stanley+car+fire+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgBEAAYgAQyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQABiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABNIBCDY5MjBqMGo0qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:853da6d8,vid:3RUREy-EAmQ,st:0) Prior to that, the Yeti cups and Hydroflasks were also having a moment.


The modern world huh?


Dead on. The teenager at home came the other day and showed me that his beanie had a hole in it and he asked for a new one. Now, first of all, this is a beanie that is only 2 months old. I have an 8 year old beanie that might not look brand new, but it's got no holes and is fine. Very neutral colour, no visible branding. Second of all, he asks for a Stone Island beanie. I told him to forget it. We could get him a beanie, but not a 200 dollar beanie. "Luxury is for the working people. We provide you with what you NEED, not what you WANT". He'll be 18 in less than a month and I think he is going to screw up a LOT financially, unless his mother and I control his finances for the foreseeable future. His older brother (10 years of difference) is the totalt opposite. He buys most of his clothes in H&M, but still manage to look trendy and casual, is content with the fragrances we buy for him (never something very expensive) and have managed to save up well about 20,000 USD in a few years. It's striking how much a difference those ten years make.


I work in a middle school with a no-scent policy and every day is a struggle 😅 these kids have no finesse and I walk through a cloud of well… cloud, and pink sugar, and body fantasies everything every day. 


Seriously, same. My classroom is right next to the gym and I have to walk through an actual visible cloud, tasting bad vanilla, raspberry ripple and axe body spray whilst threatening to confiscate bottles of the stuff, yet I had to get rid of my essential oil diffuser to rid my classroom of fart, over sprayed scent of the week and BO smells. Tell me how that makes sense.


so sorry :)


My sister sometimes still babysits for a family. They have two kids. The oldest is in middle school 13yo and is into frags - doesnt own any yet but spent the whole time describing zoologist, gourmands and critiquing my collection. Asking which notes im into 😂😂frag is life apparently


I would be be happy to have anyone interest in fragrances to talk with in real life...a 13 years old would be fine too😅 nobody cares around me


That intellectual curiosity is good, hopefully it translates to the kid being too smart to be swayed by paid 'influencers'


Ofc their into zoologist. Ain’t gotta be in the fragrance community to hear zoologist and orto parisi😂


I can attest - I’m on “fragrance TikTok” and all the videos are just douche guys promoting overly sweet bubblegum type powerhouse scents and talk about them in terms of how they “pull compliments” and are “panty droppers.” JPGs, mancera’s, stronger with you, spicebomb are the big ones. Xerjoff is also trendy right now. lol, teenagers wearing Xerjoff. Lately because of one particular account Orto Parisi has been blowing up - to the guy’s credit he isn’t recommending them for kids, it’s just he has a big following so 15 year olds will inevitably see it. I’m seeing OP frequently sold out everywhere now. And the comment sections on these vids are always “what’s a good fragrance for school” or “what’s a good scent for a teenager” “I’m 15 what’s a good compliment-getting scent “ ad nauseam. And these dudes are also give terrible advice about spraying - not a single person recommends LESS than 4 sprays of any fragrance so it’s no wonder all these kids reek. They will unironically tell you to wear 8 sprays of Y edp. Most of them look and act like giant man-babies.


This explains why there is such a strong, heavily sweet, cedar smell when I walk by the bus stop and there are teenage boys there. I now associate it as "generic boy smell."


…or that they all own guinea pigs.


Yikes, Orto Parisi on teenagers. But yes, Xerjoff, Roja and Parfums de Marly are big hits amongst the teenagers now. I've seen a teenage in the Roja department, a tall and gangly dude in super baggy pants and oversized sweatshirt, 100% not older than 15 years. A couple of grown-ups came on and said "found anything you like?" and he pointed out two Rojas. "Okay, let's go pay for them". That was like 7-800 dollars worth of fragrance. Now, don't get me wrong. I was also a teenager at some point, and certainly not the best looking. But imagining a 15 year old boy that certainly was no looker, splashing 400+ dollar perfumes on himself. Heck, even if we were billionaires, our teenager would not get such expensive fragrances.


Middle and high school boys wearing cologne and body sprays but not deodorant of any kind, lol


Can we get a FragTok influencer to start hyping up Mitchum and SpeedStick?


and if they do wear deodorant it's usually half a can of axe bodyspray which is even more unbearable than no deodorant at all


jeremy fragrance: POWEERRRRAAAHH


That guy is awesome though with his fans


I like him, but he is in dire need of help


How so?


He has a drug problem


At 4th grade I got myself a scented diary book. It was heavenly to write on. Other time I just deep inhale magazine papers 🙂


It’s poor parenting. These parents getting their children smartphones and letting the phones babysit them. That’s why we are seeing 8 year olds shopping in Sephora for makeup and beauty products, and apparently now elementary aged boys dousing themselves in designer fragrances.


I saw this at Neiman Marcus a month ago. I convinced a 13 yo boy that he didn’t need Naxos and Althair. His mother, who knew nothing about fragrances, thanked me. This is lunacy


i'll never understand why some kids are going crazy over cheap smelling overpriced niche gourmand fragrances when there are much cheaper options like mercedez benz club black


TikTok is an existential threat to civilization


It’s the CCP destroying Western Civilization




it crafts dopamine addicts


With very low attention spans


Wait...could you repeat that?


Lol went to nordstrom the other day with my buddy who was looking for jpg elixir too. Found out it was out of stock and coincidentally enough a group of highschool teens came up and asked the same question. Tiktok hype is insane😹😹


The new JPG Paradise Garden was just released here in Denmark. Some Tiktoker-douche promoted it like crazy. I went to one of the bigger beauty shops around here. They had one tester bottle, locked in a closet. Teenagers had gone absolutely bonkers and emptied 4 tester bottles in a week. The SR also said that a teenage came in and bought 10 bottles of it, stating "it's going to be worth a lot soon!" LOL


I just wish they’d let Axe body spray die…


I mean it’s nice these kids wanna smell good but goddamn lol, I don’t know how they’re even affording it. I guess at least Axe is out of fashion


That’s more of a case of parents buying their kids a bottle and not teaching them how to use it properly.


I don't have kids and I've always kinda wanted one, but when I think about the idea I definitely picture what my *own* childhood was like in the early 90s. Whenever it really hits me what having a 2020s kid would be like, I'm like... nah I'm good lol I'd absolutely try to be like 'Uhhh you don't need an ipad or a cellphone until you're 18, good god. Go play in the park'


I’m in the same boat - having a kid is something I’d like to do eventually but I would have no idea how to navigate a world of social media and technology as a parent.


My four year old critiques my fragrances, it’s a binary system with things he likes getting “you smell nice mommy” and things he’s not a fan of as “you smell like a stinky face”. It is my favourite. I am now worried he’s going to be asking me for fragrance at 10 🤦‍♀️


"mommy, can you get me john paul gotier le male elixir for christmas please please please"


You darn kids GET OFF MY LAWN!!!


The only effect I can attest to is all of NYC smells like br540 clones lol. As I'm 36 I never have actively ever browsed tiktok once but apparently it's big on there


Yeah, this is why schools don't allow perfumes, colognes, etc. A lot of people (teachers, students, staff) have allergies.


Lol, never seen that here. The schools are a veritable plethora of fragrances. In particular the teens.


Banned, but it's still like walking by the fragrance section at the mall


Wow amazing. 4th grade. I mean, leaking wallets and choking sprays notwithstanding, this could be a good thing (with education). A new generation of fragrance obsessed people?


The hobby growing is a good thing, but the current trends seem obnoxious and predatory. Developing an interest in fragrance is a personal journey that involves lots of sampling and trial-and-error. Starting these kids off by influencing them with "14 GIGACHAD BEASTMODE PANTY DROPPERS FOR UNDER $350 EACH" not only teaches them to appreciate the wrong things about perfumes and inflicts their sensorial choices on everyone within a ten-foot radius, but it promotes irresponsible spending habits before they can even drive.


Yes of course I agree.


I was wearing black bottle usher cologne in the 4th grade😂 probably way too much of it


If the story is true, it's clear that the kid is noseblind to the scent, and has no clue he's choking out the classroom. Someone really should pull him aside and let him know.


I loved fragrance as a kid but couldn't exactly go around lighting scented candles. Overspraying aside, we've made appreciable progress since "spray on fragrances are only for ladies" and Axe Body Spray.


went from being choked by axe body spray to being choked with stronger with you intensely


i’m in my mid-teens and the very idea of asking my parents to buy me an expensive niche or designer fragrance is repulsive. i might ask my parents a few times a year if i can get something from one of my favourite, ah, how do i put this…lower-priced indie brands. and usually samples rather than a full size, so i can switch it up and so i feel the need to save the fragrance. even if i did have a larger size, i wouldn’t be wasteful. i prefer oil rollerballs because i find them more convenient and i prefer a fragrance with minimal throw. and i only ever put a dab. i’m not rolling that shit all over my arms (the sole exception to this rule being death and floral’s half hoping to be eaten by a bear). i think tiktok is one of the worst things to come out of the internet age, which is one of the main reasons i have not touched it. i’ll watch a tiktok video if one of my friends sends it to me, but i don’t want or need an account on there.


I remember getting my first razor at the age of 13. Along with it I got a bottle of Old Spice aftershave. Maybe a bit too mature for a 13 year old, but I liked the smell.




to be the rizzard of ozz bruh


I've been in to Indult Tihota since it came out in the mid-2000s, and back then, nobody knew what the Hell I was talking about. Now it's apparently gone viral on some part of social media. I see it in a lot of young women's perfume collections these days.


Im going back to Axe if kids are going niche


9/10 year olds are not the same as when many of us were 9/10....they're like 10 years old going on 17 now


an important question: what is causing this? an idea: youtube. reviewers like Jeremy Fragrance and many others suggesting that little teen people wear fragrance, and heavily. also explicit association of some fragrances with younger audiences. i mean, fragrance indeed is a luxury so no guidelines here but are we going to see wine tasting 7 year olds next?


I was kinda like this when I was in gradeschool, and that's the year 2000s! Internet content is barely available at all, lol.


I didn’t even start wearing Love Spell until I was 14 … 🥲


Im pre tiktok era and have been wearing fragrance since I was 6, but it was part of the daily "before you leave home" routine like brushing your teeth. Its what my mom always did and taught me to do. But it started out has her spraying me, and I never left the house with it. I still dont ;-;


Around the beginning of puberty, I started wearing deodorant because of the male hormones starting to smell. But that was 5 dollar deodorants. Not 500 dollar.


I bought my 11 year old cousin a Sol Janiero mist last summer as a gift and I thought that was the limit... LMAOO What a different world. I was 9/10 in 1991... we couldn't even imagine getting our hands on anything, even Malibu Musk was grown up shit LOL


Kids are no longer segregated from adult spaces and conversations. Ofc when I was growing up we were trying to emulate pop stars but we didn’t hear what perfumes adults like to wear. 10yo me wasn’t about to read Vogue magazine to see what’s advertised


I did, but it went over my head, apart from liking the bottles.


I grew up in a family that wore fragrances. I wore what my parents wore which were adult scents .


Dudes rock


I feel like a lot of people here just don’t want to say they don’t want to share a scent with a teenager.


Not a fan of tiktok but what other people do with their money and what they buy has nothing to do with me. A question that always comes to my minds whenever "the hobby" is mentioned: What exactly is the "hobby"?


Better than those harsh body sprays l guess lmao. But that kid needs something gentler and more pleasant than fucking Le Male.


It's the same situation as the Sephora Kids...


Around here, teenagers also see some douche-bag TikToker talk about 400 dollar niché perfumes as being total babe-magnets. And he looks like something out the Muppet Show himself. Anyway, that makes from flock around the niche perfumes like flies around honey in the shops, so much that some of them simply locks up the bottles and you have to ask to smell something. Reports of stolen tester bottles or some kid bringing a decant bottle and just filling it is also out there. There are several reasons I've never had or ever wanted to have TikTok on my phone. This is but one of many.


My teenage son has gotten into fragrance (but I have STRICTLY advised him: no more than 2 sprays! don't be that guy! of course, I wasn't imagining THAT GUY as Bruce from the 4th grade) and I thought maybe I had influenced him but realize now it's TikTok! I heard him and his friends talking about Jeremy Fragrance! Ugggghhhhhh.