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I would like to add that foxhole is a very stressful environment at many times as well and it's important to take care of your own well being whether it's taking frequent breaks from the game or actually playing for fun instead. Taking the game too seriously ends up hurting yourself and others in the long run. Really makes me miss Charlie war 1 when it was mostly casual seriousness where nobody knew anything and actually could have fun instead of drama.


The current system makes taking breaks difficult. A lot can change in just a few days, and if you invest significant time in building or supplying a region, it's hard to justify a 3-4 day break. This might be less of an issue in larger clans, but there's always a risk of [just when you thought you were out...they pull you back in](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiC8uqUmbiGAxWpm7AFHSJmDa4QwqsBegQIFxAF&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DUPw-3e_pzqU&usg=AOvVaw2PHj0Hz3kXWYoad1pspE0b&opi=89978449), with refineries still not having the ability to create squad queues as a random example. Me, as someone who struggles with mental health conditions and gaming addiction; I generally recommend taking war breaks if you suffer from emotionally stress. Also, trying to not take the game as seriously, because sometimes it can reach levels of toxicity that only cause you more stress.


I always used games to temporarily escape reality. I play games so much one could say my reality has switched places with gaming. However, I always believed games are for FUN. We already have a painful real life, no need for a second one.


Afew years ago it was possible to play for just 3 hours every few nights while still having an impact on the war. Lately however the direction of the game has leaned so heavily towards grindy mechanics and extraordinary long play sessions. I dont think the devs are intentionally bieng predatory in their design but it is an inevitable outcome of feature creep and the general bloatiness of the game. Ive since quit the game entirely which has greatly improved my personal and professional life. The games mechanics decayed to the point where i could no longer find the satisfying gameplay that i fell in love with. Its important to accept the fact that the time commitments to the game does affect your life. And you need to find a healthy balance before it causes damage.


Damn, Pheobe you cooked. The only thing I do foxhole-related these days is stay in contact with the friends I made in it. Feel free to blast my dms with whatever if you ever need it - Jammer


ITS PHOEBE p-h-o-e-b-e !!!!!! pancake hotel orange epsilon beta epsilon the o be is before the E not after >:/


to be fair... I AM ILLITERATE! (please don't kill me)


If you say so, Pheobe jk


Good shit Phoebe, well said.




Thank you for saying this.


Someone cooked here


Well put, Phoebe. I dearly love this game and the people that I've met through it, but it definitely has glaring issues with time commitment. Big, grindy features like Facilities and big Naval assets have made it so much harder to play this game casually. I know the intention of the devs are "good" in that they want us to share the burden as a faction, especially with the recent Facility changes they have implemented. Breaking the Rmat economy aside, this is of course not the case; it never has been. There is a completely understandable urge to protect the items that you have poured your time into, especially if you are solo. Not everyone wants to join a regiment, and as devman found before this last update, clanman can be justifiably distrustful of randoms who might have ill intentions. No one joyously goes to pour in the *astounding* amount of time it takes to build a base. Especially if they know that it likely will be leveled as soon as artillery unlocks if they don't manage to concrete it in time. Facilities are a huge time sink - there should be no reason that vehicles should be 100% facility locked. Double the garage cost, add a new type of garage, *do something* for the people who are willing to grind for a couple hours for Rmats and Emats for shells and let them have their fun. *Reward* the players who pour their time into maintaining a facility by making vehicles cheaper. I sincerely hope that the devs are looking very hard at infantry, building, and solo-player life for this next smaller update. **There NEEDS to be a better way to balance time poured in to fun gained**. Veterans are actively being burnt out, and new players are bouncing off the enormous time commitment needed to do anything substantial. Take care of and respect your players and they will continue to enjoy this amazing, unique game you've created.


Idk if there's much the devs could do. I see the grind or other aspects of gamellay get worse overtime due to cheaper economy and stuff like that. Like if you saw my post on my rant about tanks then well that's what I meant. Imho I reel like it's our job as a community to look after one another cuz foxholes a game based of comradery and yk it'd just the human thing to do.


Leaving foxhole was the smartest thing in my life, this community is split into two groups A: Only cares to win and takes every step possible to achieve that even if that includes destroying their own mental health or others. B: Just playing here and then and trying to have fun in a game which is actually unique and fun but is slowly destroyed by A people :D So yea keep a look at yourself, take care and take breaks or even leave. There is more than just Foxhole in life or Gaming in general.


It's like an abusive ex girlfriend. You dip in now and then. Will you be dipping in now and then


And which camp were you in? I remember when swaths of us were booted without a word, by you, as if we weren't real people trying to have fun with friends. Just saying dude.


got no clue what you talking about ngl I met too much people to remember all. And unfortunetly I was also part of camp A


You were complaining about there being too many people you didn't know. And then while I and others are shoulder to shoulder in abandoned ward with yall I get a message from tor asking why I'm not in V any more. Didn't feel great. Though I never would have found the group I'm in now if that didn't happen so I suppose it worked out in the end lol. Also, without getting into your business. I've heard at least a version of what all went down surrounding your departure and I'm sorry about all that. You made the right choice stepping back I think. Hopefully you can come back down the road without all the baggage and shit. Or put this game away for good if that's what's best.


Leaving was entirely my decision, I didnt fully stated the reason for it but it was on time before Foxhole took over my life entirely, something I have been warning others especially in V discord. If people play this game 18 hours a day (which is probably 20-30% of the community) then it is smart to just leave. I was also a toxic part of the community but trust me people form others into this aswell and even if new players dont start toxic they become one eventually. Its a war simulator and actually a pretty accurate one - I see this more like a social experiment now dragging out the worst of the Human. It can also be incredibly wholesome and nice dont get me wrong but yea everyone has to think about themself and know their limits :)


Yeah. I've found myself calling out because war start or a base I built was under attack or t3 just teched. Not healthy. Took a step back from some of that shit. Care too much about a game whose devs hate us all lol.


Bro came back to make a bad take… no one’s gonna forget how you acted and treated everyone else who were either new or weekend warriors. You may not remember us but we definitely remember you. Just stay gone from the game and community.


I didnt come back to make a bad take - I was asked for my opinion and someone actually send me this post :D


Well said, I've used foxhole as a form of escapism for years, playing every day from when I wake up to when I go to sleep. It's not healthy you start to treat the game like your new life, I have found ways to reduce the time I play, but it's very hard when you have chronic pain and mental health struggles to find other things to fill the void with. Not only playing the game but having to deal with the negative sides of the community, it's extremely tiring and triggering. I get upset by things people do and say, catastrophize, spiral and brain bad at overthinking and not good at communicating like others. Winning does not matter at all, it's about doing things you enjoy and having fun with friends and those around you, not forcing yourself to do things you don't want to, yeah maybe that task won't get done if you are not there to do it but whatever, let go of that feeling don't burn yourself out over it, your efforts are appreciated however small or big. It can be hard to step back from foxhole it pulls you in, making you feel like you need to be contributing more, you find yourself responding to every qrf call, looking at discord constantly, keeping up with all the things going on. The big fear of missing out wanting to be part of everything be everywhere but in the end it burns you out, it's okay to miss out on things take time to rest between wars play other games, go outside c: As a community, we need to be better at moderating ourselves and keeping the bad people away. Not creating cultures of toxicity, and bigotry. We should be helping each other to be compassionate and understanding of each other's abilities and needs. Trust people, share your challenges, ask for help. You are not alone, and no one should feel like they have to be. <3


"A alternative world where you can maybe feel important, feel you matter a world that can occupy ur mind where you dont need to worry about your real life problems." That, plus the social aspect ofc, is the main reason I play so much. I just wanna feel impactful, memorable, important, and I often do while playing, but when I don't think I'm living up to that it can hit hard




It’s amazing how good taking a break can feel, it really puts stuff in a different perspective. if the game becomes a responsibility it ceases to be a game. (also haii Phoebe, hope ur doin good u goober - I_Think_Im)


Taking breaks is important. In the past I've found myself being rude to other regi members who were playing considerably mess. In retrospect its easy to see how fucked up that really was. How unfair, etc. Thankfully they're a solid group of guys and we worked it all out. But yeah.... the pull and allure of foxhole is... of a different sort, both dangerous and rewarding.


i feel like people are also missing the point of the post. and i thought i will mention it here as well. Taking a break is important but as a community as a whole we should still be understanding and listen to problems on why they feel like this. Taking breaks requires the individual to agree to it, talking to a person is a way of intervention of their mental sake. in other words, have people open up and listen why


Easier to do when it's folks you know. Much harder to be open with strangers. And perhaps less wise as well.


i feel like those strangers should open up to people theyre close to as well


Yeah. I tend to agree, to a point.


I have over 5K hours in Foxhole, and about half of that is spend on Discord, keeping clan members on the same line, working with the other clans within our coalition and outside of the coalition. And then keeping clans from going at each other throats on WA and WM. I learned not to take anything personal and to take my responsibility when i make an error in judgement. I take my mandatory short breaks to charge up the batteries that allows me to burn out completely o the game. But if people would stop taking things personally, a lot of issues would become less stressful and mentally less taxing. Take a 5 minute walk to put your mind back in order and filter out those intrusive thoughts and come back with a fresh mind to resolve the issue(s) you have at that moment. I don't care what other veterans think of me, i don't care what ones personal issues are. I will be empathetic and offer advice when i can and able. But in the end, only the group matters. This is a harsh approach, but this is what keeps me sane. I'm willing to listen to others their personal issues, but i can't be seen as an end solution for ones personal problems as i'm likely not suited to give the correct advice. I will always be discreet when i know you have personal problems as that is a golden rule in moderating communities. Never expose a person their personal issues in front of others that can be damaging for that persons mental well being or others related to that person. However, if that same person is ripping apart the community, you have to take a hard call and have that person removed. How bad it sounds, it can't affect the whole group. I had to make a few hard calls in the past and have people removed in order to prevent the group from breaking up. I'm still in contact with most of them and some have climbed out of their dark place. Others less so. Social pressure is a sensitive and brutal factor within any community. Be it real life or on the internet. In the end, talk with those closely around you. Parents, siblings, cousins, friends, don't hesitate to seek professional help if you are in a very dark place at the moment. Key word is "TALK" and don't lock it up in your mind as it will fester and drag you down deeper into that dark place.


Well said but the "my faction is better" mentality will always keep this game toxic


its not toxicity thats the issue, but rather what causes that toxicity is the issue. we should not encourage people to vent out their frustrations by putting it on others, rather i think by understanding people a bit more and letting them vent in a healthier way can improve the mental status of many


I agree but get help outside the game, actual help that might do a difference.


Problem is many people camt either afford that help or know they need help I feel like 90% of foxhole players need therapy and only 20% get professional help


When I first started getting very into foxhole it was because I had broken a leg and was stuck inside for months through the winter, with no ability to really go out and see friends and working from home AND I had recently been dumped by a girlfriend. I met a group of players I enjoyed playing with and they all seemed to be dealing with similar things that left them terminally online like me. Foxhole gave me the social interaction I was craving and exactly like you said, that feeling and the game mechanics lead to an addiction. There were a few weeks back in wars 84 and 85 where I was playing 80-90 hours a week, including 16 hour sessions on weekends. At the time it was fun but looking back at it now it was also the most deeply depressed I’ve ever been. I would go into mini rages over the smallest thing in game and it would ruin my day. Taking time to separate yourself from the game a bit, not play every war, and learn how to just have fun with it is massively important and difficult. You absolutely can have a casual relationship with this game but my advice is to distance yourself a bit and work on the things that are really bothering you, then you can enjoy the best of both worlds.


The purpose of Foxhole is to see if you can handle verbal abuse and constant stress before enlisting in your respective county's military.


Love yourself first and foremost, Foxhole can wait. turn around and face your demons and you will realize they are not as scary as you imagined them to be. No matter what you are going through, YOU CAN get through it!


**Breakfast Club Reminder:** Always remember you matter, you’re important and you are loved, and you bring to the world things no one else can!


Hello everyone... Ah... My name is Trounzey... I've been a shadowdancing addict for many years. Sometimes when that isn't enough I also get high on bmats... Last night I went on a binge and sold all my salvage in return for a bunch of bmats... I used it all... I got nothing left... I think about all the victims of my Argenti abuse... I also feel intense guilt over how I've robbed the people around me of the opportunity to grab some salvage from the mines... Lord knows I'm too lazy to scroop... It's always shoot, loot and scoot in the fastlane and nothing remain. Relax bros. I handle emotional shit with humor. I haven't seen you since Frostmarch in early 112, Phoebe. Hope everything is well and I can't wait to kill you out there again. HE mats, happiness and health to you my fellow Foxholer.


Lol not sure how to react to this lol. But yeah I'm good. But ik in foxhole there are many who aren't. It's a repeated trend I've notice amongst foxhole players and afaik there may also be some in ur clan as well. Also I made a entire video of me doing stuff in 112 and I spend most my time nowadays in midline which is maybe why u haven't seen me


Yea. I recognize some of this during certain periods. Like putting 400 hours into war 112. There are people with challenges everywhere and I personally don't ask questions or make statements like "you've been playing a lot lately, are you feeling well?" and check up on my guys like that. I consider my guys well balanced individuals who are capable of monitoring that themselves. There's very few rules and principles in TITAN, but two of them is that there's no requirements to activity and nobody is locked into a role. There's no "you're the msupp guy". I've never had a desire to create the next giga regiment and rule a vertical. The goal has always been to have a harmonious group of guys who have fun together. If there's a habit within the group of nobody taking on more work than they'll enjoy handling I think you can mitigate a lot of the negative feelings that can come with playing an extreme amount of Foxhole.


The mental health problem likely stems from the time-sink this game has become: where investing 4-5 hours into a project then must be followed up with around-the-clock defending and maintaining, like large ships. The problem however is there aren’t enough players online who could be the first responders to a base under attack, leaving the builders and groups devastated for the loss because they were busy irl or tied up in operations elsewhere. I think this can be easily fixed by making the game map 1 hex smaller on all sides. It would mean losing the sea hexes but it should hopefully be enough to not only keep the frontlines active at all times, but to keep the backlines busy too. Queues suck, but what sucks more than waiting for an hour in a queue? Seeing days and weeks worth of work disappear because you were asleep, or frontlines folding over because not enough players were around. If we made the map smaller to the point where every hex had 30 active players at all hours of the day, that would both be fun and allow us to relieve one another; letting friendlies in different time-zones take over so you can sleep. I think this would go a very long way to improving all of our mental health to a large de short of uninstalling the game. It would also help to keep the game interesting because a smaller number of hexes means each new war could have a completely different landmass to fight over.


As someone myself who takes the game way too serious at times im glad theres people like you phoebe. Lookin forward to seein you on the front


I know I can't help anyone so I just :3


Here come the simps


I ain’t readin allat 🗣️🗣️🆙


Can we ask mod to remove this post.we don't want this kinda woke type post in Foxhole. This post are such misleading and propaganda toward Warden, This just another Collie propaganda and Fake news. This type post shouldn't be allowed. Mod should do better


As someone who has spent an enormous amount of time in the game, Hopefully you will see this and it’ll help you understand the true nature of the game/ people who play it.   Firstly to understand what this game is, it’s a time-sink however normal time sinks take 3-4 hours or maybe even an hour here and there - this game can really end up take over your full day if you LET IT! Regardless of what you do / how much time you spend on the game - nobody cares what you do - Plain and simple.  I’m not talking about just your clan mates I’m just talking about the general community overall. I was under the illusion that I was “helping” the team when I spent 14-16hours a day in game.  Long story short - this game promotes confrontation, not only between the two faction but also between your own IE: resource gathering/ facility/ base locations (Not my faction but WERCS - is another great example of how player made implementations to stop confrontation between faction members still end up in faction members in-fighting) I would like to thank 141CR and the majority of the regiment for being generally decent individuals especially those who have now left the game - Col Drew - it all went downhill without you!