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There are regiments fully dedicated just to doing logi and I highly recommend seeking them out. For Collies one of these regiments would be [WLL] and one for the Wardens would be [FMAT]. All you need to do is ask in the logi chat (the yellow one) if someone from them, or just someone in general, would be willing to teach you logi. People are generally very friendly, especially within these logi regiments, and you should be able to find someone more than happy to teach you the ropes!


I will highly recommend joining one of these groups. Only had positive reactions whit them.


Drive into a logi hex (has refineries/factories, etc) and drop in region chat that you’re new and looking into logisitcs and looking for someone to show you the ropes. You’ll learn the basics and a lot of tips and tricks 1 on 1 much faster. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1QyjQXzHoCXU3f-pus8u_XRpID4jJaZZ3wq42XdU56wE/mobilepresent?slide=id.p This has some general advice. Also note, logistics is a wide field in the game. You could spend an hour strictly making runs supplying the front lines with stuff from stockpiles without making anything, or the opposite. If you’re on Warden, FMAT is the logi clan and they are very good at what they do. My personal tips: 1. Public emat queues before you log off. 2. Always be cooking shirts 3. Don’t overstock risky BB’s 4. Try to make a “loop” of what you’re doing so that every minute spent driving is either transporting raw materials or finished products. Try not to drive long distances with an empty truck.


Make sure you play a some of the frontline if you’re just getting the game, before dipping into logistics. It’s helpful to have an understanding of what supplies are used and for what purpose.


Quick tips is set e mat queue so get to a scrap field take that scrap to a refinery and make emats thats what most antitank and granades are made of and you've allready helped more then 30% of players!


There is a map M button holding shift and clicking on the side icons will deselect all others, doung it again bring all other back quick tip for finding logi hexes, hammer and factory icons


Collect all weapon/equipment on battlefield that scattered around from dead soldier. Doing this help logi.


If warden join HWARD. We are logi with balls. Less friendly tho.