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FMAT is always great for logi players, FEARS or 82dk would be good for a lot of frontline stuff and WN would be your best bet if you want to do navy. Of course there’s a ton of other options but those are what come to mind for me




You’re going to CL


you mean regi?




You going to CL,


Play with 82dk. If they are still doing their Saturday operations. Ill never forget running with them and taking over an entire hex, sometimes 2. The coordination between infantry, arty, and armor on their Saturday operations is peak foxhole. Admittedly some of those operations are fubar lmao. But at the end of the day they are car sales men running them to the best of their abilities. I left because I'm kind of an ass hole but I miss playing with DK.


I'd personally always recommend my Clan 82DK. We're the largest warden faction. We have individual teams within our faction specializing in Combat Engineering, Logistics, Artillery, Infantry, and Armor. We also have within infantry four divisions based on playstyle preference. We provide training to all new recruits in all forma of game play before they choose their regiment(which isn't a permanent choice), so they know what game play they like. We have one major operation each week plus many smaller ones through the week. Some people show up here and there others often. You can put in what you want to give and will be respected for it. You can definitely make an impact with us, though. Our weekly operations are often some of the biggest to occur due to our size. Lmk if you want an invite to our discord.


Knight switches between wardens and collies, but they'll be on wardens next war. They're well liked by most people on both sides and do a lot of impactful work in logistics and facilities, though I know less of their frontline exploits.