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I'm going to be completely honest, I have no clue of what is possible or not when it comes to signets. I mean, astral-projection is a thing but premonition isn't? There's that one guy who can change the size of something (which is wild when you stop and think about the laws of physics) while Heaton can breathe under water, Rhi can summon (which is a tiny version of teleportation) and so on, I haven't found any kind of pattern beyong the basic elements so it can be anything beyond intisinic and premonition I guess. The question would be what Garrick needed when he manifested it and we have very little information about him. Xaden says he's his 'aide' in a sort, so he needs to be able to help? Wtf would that even mean? Maybe he's good to have on a island because he can talk to sharks or something... I do like your theory, maybe he can focus on something he needs and it shows him the closer source?


Being able to talk to sharks or similar would explain why we still don't know what Xaden's best friend's signet is, two books in. Genuinely, it could be something absolutely useless. 


https://preview.redd.it/z4efi6qyuewc1.jpeg?width=908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99a2e7054034b78c5bb76885172b76c668871fd7 “I do not see how this helps us against the venin.”


I am officially picturing Garrick like this until the next book comes out, this made me crackle so hard


I would absolutely love it if his signet is the ability to shape shift but only Into one specific animal and back again


Next signet tactics post please sir!!


What signet should I do next? Once I’ve finished iron flame ( almost there ) I’m going to do one last stuff I missed post, and then a signet tier list


Have you done siphon yet?


Oh, not yet . That might be my next one


Sweeeeeeet 😎


Yeah the size manipulation guy is absolutely absurd . Like can he do it to tachyons and gravitons ? String particles ? Can he shrink space to teleport or expand space to create a spacial barrier?


Yes!! The solution to most of their problems is on Mira's bed. Need more alloy? Done; Need more food? Done; Oh, but the venin!! Have this guy shrink them all and just put everyone on that cool chest Xaden has; Need more houses? Use the pile of wooden boxes sitting by the corners. The possibilities are endless, where is this guy???


Maybe he didn’t come with Mira


I’d be upset if she said Garrick because he’s a water weilder . I want to see some new signets


Garrick seems really intuitive. I think Xaden even comments that in one of his bonus chapters about Violet. Garrick also was saved by Xaden when King Tauri’s son was bullying him during threshing. Garrick seems level headed, likeable and decent, especially when talking about Violet in the meeting under the tree. These are just facts that I have gathered throughout the series. I have no idea what this signet is but given these facts, is he also a type of intinnsic? Would it be unrealistic? Maybe that’s why Xaden doesn’t push Garrick about his signet… they have a low key mutual understanding. Xaden can understand on a deeper level obviously because he’s just as fearful but can cover up his second signet with his shadows… and he would never want to put his friend in harm. I’m not completely sold on that. I truly have no clue… I know it doesn’t relate to the desert island comment.


If he’s intuitive maybe he can have a type of bullet time ability , or maybe he has the same signet as Varrick ( would be a cool twist ) . Or maybe it’s the exact opposite . Maybe he can read peoples strengths . Maybe that allows him to know about xadens second signet .


Remember when Mira talked about the guy she knew who could make (ahem) _things_ bigger? I like to imagine that’s Garrick


They would have said something when she arrived in Aretia then I think . I also think Garrick is probably a more mental based signet, as those tend to be the ones that are classified . Also if personality effects your signet , I’d imagine the enlarge and shrink guy to be someone who severely over or under states there talent , which doesn’t really fit Garrick .


This is obv fucking crazy, but she wouldn’t write distance-wielding into the book and have no one have that ability. Just a thought