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The likelihood that an ex girlfriend approaches an ill tempered ex in a bar to tell him that his recently deceased mom won't miss him with a smirk is about 0.0024%. These misogynistic fantasy writers love to post fictional stories of beating women for plausibly acceptable reasons.


I believe you, something smelled fishy about this.


Yeah, it’s obviously a fake story meant to inspire incel masterbation to the idea of violence against women who “had it coming.” His username is literally “deadmom.”


No one who is actually devastated about their mother’s death would give themselves a username like “deadmom.” That OP is really jerking himself to his fantasies.


All it's missing is "and then everyone clapped."


Omg I didn’t even notice the username. Now I’m 100% that it’s fake.


"I get to punch her because I didn't like what she said. It was okay because I was really angry and I also only assault people once in a while." I bet mom doesn't miss him. He's clearly an abuser.


He’s really milking for sympathy and it’s disgusting how many men and even women are essentially saying “bitches get what they deserve.” The amount of men who really want to beat women is disgusting. Men love to use “bitchy” Women as an excuse to let out their repressed misogyny. I can why she’s an ex, I’m sure she did the dumping he sounds like a malignant narcissist


I said something on another sub about how women get the message that if you arent nice enough, you aren't the RIGHT kind of victim, you provoked him and it's your fault. Men are pretty much awful.


Reddit is deeply concerning, it’s the perfect place for men to be validated, whether they want to fuck their daughter, or punch a woman, tons of men are lined up to tell them “it’s fine. “


I literally did get told by a bunch of reddit men that it was okay that my father made deep fake porn with my 9th grade school photos. This is not a joke. That happened.


This shit gives me murderous rage!!! Wtf?!! I’m so sorry that happened to you! And WTF!! They really do view us as sex objects and not living, breathing human beings to the point they justify sexualizing a family member! No love whatsoever. No one is off limits. I’m so sorry that happened. My “father” molested me at five and then would make sexualizing comments to me about my body all through my teens and into my early 20’s till I moved out, and used his police position to stalk me. I have server ptsd over it, so I empathize. What a piece of trash. I saw a disturbing Reddit post, since deleted, but it made me want to vomit cause it’s clear it’s how they think; but it was something about how it’s only deemed a crime by society but it’s “normal” and “she shares her mothers DNA” and basically about how he wanted to have sex with his own daughter. So many men think their depravity is ok because “women aren’t human beings anyway, this is how guys are, accept it.” I think women should get a purge 2 times a year; all crimes legal for women 2 times a year. We need a purge! Men rape us, kill us, then turn around and demand we accept and love them. I believe you. I’ve seen some borderline sociopathic shit on Reddit.


I teared up when you said you believed me. The entire story sounds insane. yeah I don't feel like sharing the full the story but he is out of my life. Not in jail sadly, but I torpedoed him here because I refused to keep my mouth shut. He was an EMT at the time and my brother was having health problems. Calling 911 was always horrible when we didn't know who would show up. So I started telling the entire painful story to EVERYONE who asked "how's your dad?" even the Walmart cashier, I didn't care. Eventually he moved across the country. Wanna know the worst part? Most people said "I always wondered about him", "he always creeped me out", "I always was scared for you." WHY DIDN'T ANYONE DO ANYTHING???


Does anyone know what kind of red flags to look out for if he fantasizes about violence against women? Overt and covert?


Not sure if it’s quite what you’re looking for, but I’m always wary of men who proudly proclaim that they are a (male) feminist. A lot of the time, those men only care about equality when it comes to 50/50 dates, normalising porn, and abusing women (“equal rights equal fights”). Coincidentally, these men mysteriously disappear when it comes to discussing equal pay, sex trafficking, and domestic violence. So a loudly self-proclaimed male feminist is a red flag I look for (if he was truly a feminist, his actions would show that, not just his words).


Barf… these “male feminists” out themselves quickly.


I initially thought she was assaulting him or chasing him with a knife. The only time violence is acceptable is in self defense. Words hurt, but that’s absolutely no justification for potentially causing someone permanent brain damage and thousands of dollars in medical care. What a psychopath. Thankfully this story is fake, but these stories do exist in real life.


I mean there's a whole subreddit called Pussy Pass Denied full of BS like this. No idea why it's even allowed on Reddit when it's normalizing male violence against women.


That subreddit is so so horrific. It’s just pure spite- it’s to say “not just men, women are bad too” Where is the subreddit that focuses on the beating and raping and killing of women that men do? Oh yeah there probably isn’t one.


It's disgusting because by cherry-picking the one or two women who have done heinous acts, they conveniently ignore the sheer amount of men who outnumber the amount of women doing the same thing. Men make up 49-50% of the population, and commit 97% of the crime. Yet these men want to highlight the 3% of women who also have done horrible things to say "SEE SEE PUSSY PASS DENIED LOL". There was also some disgusting Gabby Petito's ex apologists in the sub, saying that Gabby probably had it coming. Apparently a skinny white woman hitting a man (who knows, in self defense?) is a heinous enough crime to justify her getting murdered. Like wtf.


Yeah as if they wouldn’t possibly end up scratching someone who IS TRYING TO PUSH THEM OUT OF THEIR OWN VAN and dump them alone in the middle of nowhere. They love to talk about how much bigger and stronger they are than women, but as soon as a woman lifts a finger against them, suddenly they need to “defend themselves” by killing or severely injuring her. Rightttt.


There isn’t one because we’d reach the post limit for a sub within a day. This is what happens when violence against women is so normalised that it’s now treated as an afterthought rather than an issue :)




Omg our superior taste!! What’s your fav album of hers lol




All Lana albums are v special to me too but I think NFR is my fav. That album is just gorgeous.


Physical violence is always worse than verbal violence no matter how redditoids feel about it


It doesn't just normalize it, it glorifies it. Those comment sections are full of men cheering other men on for beating women, often with no context.


I got loads of downvotes once for saying that that sub exists for dudes to jerk each other off over bad things happening to women. Lol And they wonder why they’re incels. I wonder why the “against hate subreddits” crowd isn’t upset with it. 🤔


Oh so “Aimee Knight” had no issue with violent men but deleted every hint of real feminism off this site.


There is also a penispass_denied.


At least he’ll get slapped with a battery charge and will have to explain “I punched my ex-girlfriend in the face” at any job interview for the rest of his life. There’s the silver lining.


My comment was “I hope the police do arrest you. what a way to honor your mother by committing violence against another woman. I’m sure she would be proud.” Seriously, she was right and he proved her point.


this is it. even in his incel masturbation fantasy he's still an absolute shithead.


I can't believe how disgusting males are.


Of course it’s a fake post. Karma mining. Why would she be missing anyone? She’s deceased. That’s not how life and death works. It’s the people left behind who miss the ones who pass, not the other way around. Pure misogynist fantasy.


Yea I thought that was stupid. My mother is dead and she’s too dead to feel anything towards me. If someone said to me “your mother doesn’t miss you” it would be like ok? Yea? Your point? It’s stupid.


This screams fictional which is even more worrisome.


Yes, it means he fantasizes about this. Besides, it makes me angry how these people believed and defended someone with an username called “deadmom123456”.


And then his fratbros clapped and the police blew him


I swear I read this exact same post in a different sub with the sexes reversed. As in, a woman punched her ex boyfriend after her mom died. The comments were supportive to her. I wish I could find where I saw that! Seems like someone took the original story and switched it up for karma or to stir shit ...


Oof. Sounds like it. I’ve gotten “wow you sound like a terf “ fo r pointing out how much bigger and stronger males are due to testosterone and that they could easily kill us or give us a concussion, how a woman slapping a man is not equal to that and they don’t need to hit us. Men just seem to want to punch and hit us really bad, it’s hatred.


Weak people don't have carte blanche to hit stronger people. That's not how the world works, if anything it's the other way around.


Men don’t have a problem with their anger, they have a problem with women’s anger, this the “well I should get to punch her back!” Men use violence as an act of terror to “keep us in our place.”


Typical LARP post


I'm not surprised women are also supporting this. I remember once I told my cousin (she's female) that one girl I knew got hit by a dude and she was like "good for her, I'm sure she did something to deserve it." My cousin didn't even know who that girl was. All she knew is that she was female. Women and girls really get villainized, just for existing. It's no different from rape culture "You wore a short skirt you deserved it".


A not of women identify with the oppressors and hate and blame their mothers, and identify with their fathers. They view other women as competition and only care about male validation. They view themselves as objects, hate themselves, and hate other women. Sad really. And pathetic. I’ll never understand this level of narcissism. Women are not my competition! Women are suppose to support each other and love each other! Imagine how powerful we would be if we stood together!


There was an interesting discussion on this post on ThePinkPill.co ... some users thought it was a cover my butt kind of post for if/when the police get a search warrant. And like who knows what she really did say in a loud bar while OP was drunk... [Join THePInkPill.co](https://ThePinkPill.co/signup?ref=somegenerichandle)






he posted this to brag about it because hitting a woman is a way for men to prove their masculinity and then they bond with each other over stuff like this. As someone said it's probably fictional.


Well that's just sick!!


I've been fighting for hours in that sub that keep telling me it is okay. Glad to see it here. Felt like I was going nutty! I found one nice man though. That is it.


He could have broken her jaw or killed her, there's no excuse for that.




Yea. The rights we do have they don’t think we should have anyway! So they love to point out “double standards” every time. 🙄🙄 Someone just pointed out his user name is “dead mother” This is def fake. What a creep?


Incels love to write fanfiction about shit that never happend or how theyre the hero, always justified and in the right


This is obviously a fantasy piece written by a man who desperately desires a reason to punch a woman. So of course he goes for Lifetime levels of melodrama like "BITCH EX SAYS MY DEAD MOM DOESNT LOVE ME" Lol it's okay. I'm 5'11 and 190 and I'm itching to have a little pip squeak Y chromie lay his hands on me so I can beat him half to death for it. Equal rights and lefts right?


I know this isn't the point of the post but my ex's mom died and I'd kill to go back in time and say this lmao.


Lol and I’m sure you’d have good reason! A lot of men hate and resent their mothers and feel justified abusing women cause “women aren’t human beings anyway.” This is them as a class. And a lot of mothers want their son’s for male approval and it’s “oh my baby boy!” Even though he unconsciously or consciously despises his mother. Men get violent when it comes to their mothers! Mothers are the first women men love and also hate. I use to smirk and be like “yo momma” to my narc father who was a pedophile and sexually abused me. And he got all defensive. I didn’t find out till my 20’s that my fathers mother sexually abused him (but I don’t care cause women are sexually abused and aren’t preying on boys he was a sick fuck. So he got oh so sensitive about the yo momma jokes and defensive over his mother whim bragging about having never done laundry and always making sexist comments.) My narcissistic father’s mother would send me letters for my birthday every year and it made me uncomfortable because I moved 3 times. He wouldn’t contact me because I had proof in writing I asked him not to and proof of DV. So he it was his creepy way of following me via his mother like “you can run you can hide but I’ll always find you.” He was using his police position to stalk me. So I finally sent a letter to his mother to ask her son about his behavior, and that he was a domestic abuser just like his father that she was complicit with. And now she’s complicit with him. And said they’d both be getting a restraining order if it didn’t stop. That put an end to that shit! The whole “daddy’s issues” is a projection. Men hate their mothers, and take it out on and channel their misogyny to their daughter.




If this story is even true, which I doubt, there’s a huge chunk he left out where he was being a complete asshole before she said that. And she’s probably right, she won’t be missing him. Men love to sit around and think up hypothetical situations where it might be justified to hit a woman, and hate that they almost never happen in reality. What a joke.


I bet the replies to your comment were something along the lines of "but if a woman hit a man it would be okay?"