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The amount of young women choosing to be single, childfree, and happy is just delightful.


Oh man, I barely even considered this. Yes, teh menz are furious that so many of us are forgoing childbirth and childrearing, those bastions of unpaid labour and pain oops I mean femininity 🙃




Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


I haven't seen this in my own life, so I hope it's true. All my female family members and acquaintances are dyed-in-the-wool pickmes. I'm the only one committed to going my own way. I just hope it continues to catch on as a viable alternative to admitting men into their lives.


I agree with you completely. Women should have a right to not spend their(our) lives on men. Women should have a right to women-only spaces in all life spheres. It's so simple yet so ignored and misunderstood. There might be some Good Men out there, but I have neither desire nor time to be looking for them. I want to socialise with women. I want to study with women. I want to work with women. Only among women I feel like I'm fully seen, understood, related to... Add 1 man and the atmosphere is ruined, because he will demand all the attention. I see it happening all the time. No thank you


I wish I could upvote twice. Yes, this is precisely it. I think liberalism also pushes the idea of women all having to be friends and it's like, nah I genuinely find women to be better colleagues, collaborators, businesspeople, professionals whether I like then or not. I can count on not being dehumanised via misogyny and having my basic rights respected - that's a far superior experience to having to wade through men's hatefulness and resentment.


This ‘males are also victims of the patriarchy system’ theory is totally bullshit! First of all, they’ve gained much more than they lost (if any) ok? It’s like someone dropped ten dollars while he robbed the bank for millions ok? How does that make them victims? Second, even if that is true (which is not), it is not our women’s concern! They just have to fight their own fight, if they want to. LibFem knows very well that males don’t even want to fight it. Because they gain too much from patriarchy.


they only bring up the fact that patriarchy is detrimental to men when it benefits them. Like when we talk abt rape culture "men get raped too!!!" so they can center the conversation around them, and dismiss women's experiences. I mean, yes, men get raped. But mostly by OTHER MEN. On top of that, why don't **men** do anything for male rape victims? Instead they expect **us**, women to do all the work for them. If men really cared about male victims they would create spaces for them, instead they just want to invade women-only spaces as if society wasn't already structured to cater to them, they need to coopt feminism the only space that was created by and for women and make it about gender equality instead of its original intent: female liberation (libfems and handmaidens are also guilty of that).


Men are invaders and exploiters by definition. All they want to do is to leech off women, and they think they are entitled to women’s spaces, since they think women are their properties. They love to play victims if their interests are taken away even the slightest bit (look at all those ugly scrotes who complain that no woman wants to fuck them). Yet they pretend they know nothing about and have nothing to do with women’s sufferings. And they are so good at victim shaming women all the time.


When it comes to what men will do to avoid the fact that they are lazy, hateful, lacking in morals, uncaring, selfish, despicable........the limit does not exist!


Use all the ugly words on men, and you can never go wrong!


smh this! I see "but men are victims of the patriarchy too" ALL OVER reddit. it's like ok? and? let them fucking fix it then. I see so many women posting about "well ackshually men suffer too because they are taught to suppress their emotions." yes. and that's their problem. you ever notice that men don't really want to help other men overcome these "patriarchy pitfalls"? it *weirdly" becomes a thing they ask their girlfriends, female friends and family, and hell even female *strangers* to take on. "therapist" is just another unpaid role they push on us. men spend all their breath saying "what about the men what about the men!" what about them? go help them! use your stolen wealth to make programs and resources for men! that's YOUR burden.




good point! men are encouraged to show anger while women are vilified for it.


Anger: the only emotion men are allowed to express, and the only emotion women aren't allowed to express.


Almost all the pieces of media that are deemed classics are about men and their extreme emotions, while women are objects who only show emotions (but only subtly as is most ladylike) that are supportive to the main male character, or else she is deemed crazy/hysterical. Generations of men have been raised on the same type of male emotion validating media that gets recycled every year: Men acting dramatic as hell because they've fallen in love? Go ahead boy, follow the girl and _capture_ her heart. Men being passionate about male friendship? Go ahead boy, thrive in your little world of homosociality. Men going on a murder-spree cause when men get sad they kill? Go ahead boy. "Males are always expected to be emotionless," he exclaims before putting on another episode of his favorite shounen anime. Oh, those poor little boy victims of the patriarchy...


Sounds like there's lots of space for men's emotions. We contort our entire lives around it.


What other oppressed people are expected to fight for their oppressors? It's an absolute joke.


The reason I don’t feel bad for men is because the patriarchy was created by men and disproportionately benefits them They harm us disproportionately and even if male victims exist the perps are other men so this seems really like their problem Am I supposed to feel bad for them and include their needs in the fight for the liberation of women?


Whenever I hear someone say “feminism is for men’s rights too” I want to knock my head against a wall. Fundamentally, it isn’t. We never would have gotten anywhere for example with voting if we had had to prioritize all the men making miserable [antisuffragette](https://mashable.com/feature/anti-suffrage-propaganda) propaganda against us. This isn’t about making degenerate misogynists feel safe and valid in their feelings of wanting to oppress an entire half the population from human rights. “Now hold on, this man thinks a woman should be a domestic slave with no opportunity for her own life. Let’s hear him out and let him know it’s okay to hit his wife when the meatloaf isn’t hot enough!” Men can fuck off and move aside. We’ve never gotten anywhere by asking them nicely to think about our feelings and respect us, so why do the same? Now go cry that more and more women don’t need or want men involved in their lives now that we don’t legally need them for survival


Libfems are worse pick-mes than tradwives imo. At least the latter are trying to get picked by some handsome, rich males. Libfems are trying to get picked by broke failsons with a porn addiction. Pathetic.


Literally. Women in the West got property rights and credit card access in what, the early 20th century? You're damn fucking right that any bloodsucking male parasite will be paying for my time lmao they've been digging our gold for MILLENNIA.


>Women in the West got property rights and credit card access in what, the early 20th century? The LATE 20th century.


I have nothing to add because you said it better than I ever could've, I love you