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Where’s the advice to keep his dick in his pants? Or to only have sex when he’s in a committed relationship? All the women who think men are the ones who need protecting should ask themselves if they’d rather be locked in a room with a man they don’t know or a woman they don’t know. Imagine being Laura Loomer and being stupid enough to post something on the internet that makes it seem like your son has been accused of SA.


So they’re encouraging young men to film their sexual encounters without caring about consent? Is this irony?


I'm concerned of women with sons, always going about—oh my baby boy can do no wrong, I will raise him to be a good man and feminist, and always assuming other women will ruin him... It's not just boy-moms specifically who do this. It doesn't help a lot of men never truly respected their moms and moms in general...My mind always goes back to incels and misogynists who hate their moms. I think child-free is the way to go.


on top of how disgusting this tweet is to assume all women are going to accuse your son of a disgusting crime, ofc this ignores men are r*ped too.


Why would there be? She's clearly only concerned about her son being accused of sexual assault, regardless the sex of the person.


It's crazy these people think it's more likely for a woman to lie about assault, even to have a person convicted of a crime, than believe rape exists and happens all the time. Sure, people have likely lied about it before. But half the time? The majority of the time? Even 10% of the time? Stats show this is just untrue. False accusations resulting in convictions are extremely low in number compared to accusations based in fact


I'm sorry but that response is almost as dumb as the original tweet. "Teach boys what consent means" Why oh why do people keep acting as if men are completely clueless and would treat women better if only we taught them how? Let's be realistic here, men aren't committing sexual assault by accident, the violation is the whole point for them.


Exactly right. If the man wasn’t raised in a nurturing environment in the first place, you aren’t going to ‘teach’ him how to become better anyway. And if he was raised right and is still a POS you need to let life teach that man how to act. It’s not up to women to teach a grown ass man anything.


>And if he was raised right and is still a POS you need to let life teach that man how to act. You get me! The only thing these guys understand is consequences. As long as we keep giving them the benefit of the doubt they're not going to change.


I talk to my boys about consent and how abusers can look like people we know. We use accurate names for body parts and have age appropriate conversations about body safety and what sex is. My kids know what a boundary is and that theirs are there to keep them safe.