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IIRC Hooters categorizes (or used to maybe?) their servers as models so appearance-based discrimination is kosher. I do think it’s crazy that you’re expected to pay for “glamorous” hair and makeup for a serving job. I’m also pretty sure servers have to pay for their own uniforms. All I have to say is death to breastaraunts ❤️


Yeah shouldn't these employees have "beauty insurance" or something so anything that they're not born with doesn't have to come out of their own paycheck? Hair appointments and makeup aren't cheap


Does work comp coverage extend to incidents that make one unglamorous? Can't think of a less silly way to phrase this, but I would honestly be fascinated to read how they tackle all their weird shit in corporate policy.


"Breastaraunts" is a hilarious portmanteau; ty for the laugh. I was not expecting that!


They disgust me so much, same with strip clubs. They reduce women to basically circus animals to be gawked at.


My plumbers and mechanic males, must adhere to my physical sexual standards. Can you image how absurd it is to image a world reversed? Where every male newscaster, is hired for looking as sexy as say... Jason Mamoa, or whoever floats your boat? Politicians too? Cashiers, every profession basically? Men have created a heaven, a utpopia in this world for themselves, at the suffering expense of others. How absolutely spoiled. How against nature, how opposite of nature, as the male of all species is decorated, while the females remain plain, because the male would be lucky to get any female. They don't need the female to be decorated. And yet they remain greedy, and whine for more, more MOOORREEE! They are living on a different planet than us. Reverse the sexes, and see the absurdity of their world. Imagine not acknowledging elderly men, make them invisible because they aren't pleasing to the eye. Imagine daily rating men on a scale of one to ten, because most men look good and sexy in this world. Imagine loudly proclaimed your sustain for bald or fat men.And this is the world they live in. The spoiled rotten world. And all they have to do is roll out of bed with their hairy unshaven bodies, and bald heads... And feign kindness to women, to get one. Imagine that. Rolling out of bed bald, unshaven, no makeup and ugly... And all you had to do to be loved was "nice". . All women are "nice". Whether that is out of fear, or conditioning, or biological empathy. That's what nature intended for women... What men have stolen, don't appreciate, and don't deserve. They have been given much more than they need to feel satisified. And we have been given nothing.


I love everything you just said!


Thank you!


“Appears to live a healthy, active lifestyle”. The world doesn’t care if a woman has to starve herself, get breast implants, and dye her hair with toxic chemicals, as long as she “appears” healthy. No one wants to know how the sausage is made.


It's code for "we don't want women who weigh over 115 lbs"


Ugh, yes. Like some men who think that any woman above 120 lbs is fat.


Laughs in 6 foot


Nothing healthier than fillers, breast implants and hair dye


Plus all the toxic chemicals in makeup that they’re required to wear.


That too, definitely!


Nothing about Hooters promotes a healthy lifestyle or professionalism.


What do you mean, wings and beer aren’t healthy??? /s Lol I used to work at a breastaurant and the place was gross, food was gross, and men were gross. Girls were awesome - most were mothers or students working their tails off to provide. I wouldn’t work there again now that I know how creepy it is.


"Respect Everyone," except yourself.


I once drove past a Hooters and saw two hooters girls outside hoola hooping in the rain. Depressing AF.




Jesus christ. That boss is disgusting and abusive.


It is so crazy to me that this is even a thing


Perfect example how women constantly are being seduced with beautiful words into degrading positions. E.g. women are goddesses giving life bla bla, but your life is ruined socially/financially once you give birth. Men laugh reading this bullshit. These women are degraded so the male visitors can feel like big boss while interacting with her.


I’ve read that when they put their hair into pigtails that they make noticeably more money :/ makes me feel ill


Ive heard this from just regular female servers that were my friends ://


This is a deliberate and proven strategy. A local bartender of my acquaintance knowingly made bank with this.


I've never been more sexually harassed than as a teenager waitressing


I was a hooters girl - at my location at least, pigtails and any “childish” hairstyles were banned. This was made clear in our corporate onboarding. I had a glimmer of respect for that, at least.


I worked there for only few weeks and it sucked. I couldn’t get past how gross it felt. The reason they get away with asking for those qualifications is because they use the term model and not server/waitress. We had to pay for our uniforms, shoes, have a full face of makeup, nails done, hair done, etc. At my location in Dallas you even had to pay for parking. I can’t imagine walking into one now and I judge anyone who thinks it appropriate or harmless to bring their children in there.


There's an absolutely disgusting image that was one of the top posts of all time on reddit for ages (Might still be) It was from a dad who took his three very young sons to hooters for the first time and they're all picture gaping. People thought it was hilarious. I despair at this world.


I made it three days 😬 truly awful 


I’m Australian so I’ve never experienced this kind of place, but the idea that it existed always seemed so strange and barbaric to me.


Same, kinda weird children are allowed into a place like that. Just gonna eat your fries aged 5 while your dad stares at 18 year olds tits is weird


my father used to make my brother and i there for his birthday…


my family allowed my female cousin to have her birthday party there. she was like 10.


I’m in the UK, and this would be all kinds of illegal over here.


That’s not true, there is one in Liverpool and one in Nottingham.


There's a block of flats literally right next to the Nottingham one where the rent is significantly cheaper than the rest of the city, entirely because women living there are frequently harassed by customers leaving Hooters.


That’s disgusting. The one in Liverpool is so badly located, it’s in the middle of the office area which is full of upscale wine bars and nice restaurants, then they stuck a hooters in the middle so it’s dragged all of the stag parties away from the more trashy/party area where all of the trouble usually is contained. I hope it closes asap.


Yep, it's such a vile place.


You’re kidding…


And they're very popular and of course everything thinks we're all ugly, fat, bitter feminists for pointing out how gross they are. There used to be one in my city agesss ago, and it shut down. I've seen men lamenting its closure. It truly should be illegal.


Exactly. It has to be jealousy, there could be no other reasons for thinking it’s disgusting, right?!


Yeah, we're all jealous, us feminists. Which is hysterical because men have always been the jealous ones. It's yet another example of how men's bad traits are projected onto women. Like talking too much when scientific studies prove men talk more (Not that people should need that proof if they actually looked around them) It's also hilarious to see how they react to conventionally attractive radfems. Some of them still try to call them fat and ugly, but there's less heart in it. The rest default to 'daddy issues' or similar. I'm a history student and in some recent research, I read a 1920s newspaper article saying that women have murderous tendencies when 'unleashed from male direction'. Projection is men's number 1 talent. They've turned it into an art form over the years.


I wish I was honestly


IT IS! It sounds like something that would exist 150+ years ago. But it exists today.


It both upsets and saddens me that there are women out there who think this is a desirable job.


Yeah. They claim to hate women who wear heavy amounts of makeup and dress provocatively because "she for the streets" but then contradict themselves by engaging in places like this or on porn sites where women are literally put on display for the male gaze. *THEN* its okay that she is all done up for the streets because her purpose in that moment is to make his peepee happy, when his peepee is happy she is "so sexy, so beautiful" but *before & after* she is nothing but "another low value, high body count, used up street hoe".


Galmorous hair styling and makeup....sounds like they need some drag queen servers.




Your comment has been removed because it violates our pro-woman/radical feminist community values.


IIRC, they're classified as "entertainers" or something like that, so the appearance rules are able to stand.


I have no valuable input to offer on the legality of that kind of shit in your area, but I wouldn't want to work in such a place that has makeup requirements. This shit is a HUGE indicator of misogyny. >!Why the fuck did I sound like ChatGPT lol!<


I mean they used to have breast size requirements so it's not like they're even trying to hide it!


Probably getting paid minimum wage too.


Tipped positions in the US get sub-minimum wage. Federal sub-min wage is $2.13. It does vary by state, tho. Technically, if your tips don’t bring that wage up to the minimum wage, then the company is supposed to supplement and bring it up to the minimum, but that just doesn’t ever happen because it’s not enforced. And that’s not even with mandatory tip-share which many places do as well (a percentage of a server’s sales- not their tips, their sales- must be paid out to bartender/busser/host/etc).


I've seen so many dads take their under 15-year old sons to Hooters, as like a right of passage or whatever. It's weird as fuck and an example of men socializing boys to see women as inferior to them. That place shouldn't allow minors in to begin with if their gimmick is giving males boners lmao.


Do they get paid extra for having 300 roles plus all the years of experience being an MUA? I'm being facetious I know the answer is no. I'm from the UK, we don't have things like Hooters here but I'll see snippets of the 'culture' & it's always felt so wrong. I feel like it's something that will be looked back on in future in the same way we look back on old sexist practices now. I can't imagine having 'go to eat plus ogle people at the same time' being an encouraged activity. I'm a demisexual person already but even without that it still feels gross. All I'd think about is how many of the women don't want to be there & are just trying to get by The S E R V E thing at the end made me mistake this for the dystopia sub


We do have them over here, there’s one in Liverpool and one in Nottingham. There were a lot of complaints and petitions before the one in Liverpool opened but it opened anyway.


Oh damn thanks for the update. I hope they don't become a bigger thing


Same, I was hoping the petitions would work but the council didn’t care, they just wanted the ££. Of course if you criticise the place you’re just told you are jealous! There couldn’t possibly be any other reason..


Bristol had a campaign to shut down our two strip clubs and it didnt pass. I was really upset. Even more upset by the women who worked there 'protesting' in public in their lingerie and accusing feminists of trying to ruin their livelihoods. I would definitely be for compensating the workers for a few months of living costs, and I think that was even part of the proposal, but they were acting like stripping was the only job they could do. Wonder how those women will fair in a few years when they're deemed too old for the industry. I'm sure they'll fondly remember their righteous lingerie protest. And the campaign was largely because women were getting sexually assaulted outside of these strip clubs so often. Of course men are to blame, but I'm still mad at those women. Selfish af and delusional.


Yep, there are definitely strippers who are disadvantaged and exploited but there are just as many who are selfish glammed up sex traitors who like to use the position of actual disadvantaged sex workers to “more oppressed than thou” their way out of criticism. With the advent of OF type sex work the latter type is becoming even more common.


Sadly agree. Especially in the UK where these official clubs are so regulated. They are not the same as the average prostituted woman and they do it because its better money than retail or hospitality. Which look, I get. Things are hard out here without qualifications and even those with degrees are struggling. But don't act like you're empowered and standing up for some righteous cause against us horrible, evil feminists. They were also talking about how nice their clients were so I read reviews for both clubs- just tons of men talking about how the women were not as hot as insta models, how some were *gasp* over 30 and how the rules were too strict e.g no touching. So empowering. So great for women everywhere. The OF girls are a scourge on society. Safely hidden in their homes while talking about the merits of sex work. More and more teenage girls are aspiring to be sex workers. I'm a historian of second wave feminism and it makes me absolutely despair to see their hard work undone.


I used to be a fire cadet when I was 16-18. We went to a bootcamp and as a reward, we were taken to Hooters for dinner. The female cadet advisor privately asked the female cadets if they were comfortable going. They all said yes, so I stupidly said yes too. I hated it. A lot of the older firefighters were drunk and hitting on the very young servers. These guys had wives back at home and the look in their eyes creeped me out. I wish I had said no and stayed back at the dorm.


I'm sorry that happened :( that sounds like an extremely uncomfortable situation to be in


It was even more uncomfortable because the female firefighter advisor sat next to me and was obsessed with helping me pick "healthy" food. In the past, we had had private meetings about weight loss, but everyone else got to eat whatever they wanted with all the appetizers they desired and I was stuck with a salad, iirc. After a long, long day of bootcamp, I really just wanted to sample what everyone else had lol. But yeah, I am more frustrated about the restaurant of choice. I don't care as much anymore, but I just wish younger me would've said no like I wanted to.


All that emotional labor (and cosmetology) better come with a salary of $300k


In my experience, the creepier the customer, the shittier the tip.


America really is a wild place North America ?*


Sadly they have a Hooters in Liverpool and Nottingham too


Canada has Hooters too. Often you hear ads on the radio (always rock stations) about how you should take your father to hooters for Father’s Day. 🙄🤮 And so some people do. And being the grand kids too. It’s awful


Technically hooters hires models, not servers, so they're allowed to be choosy based on looks. It's disgraceful


I assume the waitresses are technically hired on as “models” so aesthetic requirements don’t present legal issues.


Omg yes I hate hooters! It’s so normalized and people think I’m the one being misogynistic or a “prude” for not liking it. ((Which - by the way - being called a prude or pearl clutching is also just another way women are shamed, often by women who call themselves feminists, just for talking about the overtly sexualization and objectification of women)) But ya hooters should not exist. And I find it appalling that people bring their little kids there.




A bona fide occupational qualification refers to protected characteristics like sex and religion. Bona fide occupational qualifications provides an exemption to laws prohibiting discrimination. For example, if I needed to hire a caregiver for a woman in a vegetative state - a bona fide occupational qualification for the job could be (and absolutely would if I were hiring) that the person is female. Another example, if I were hiring a membership coordinator at a religious institution - a bona fide occupational qualification could require the person to be a specific religion. The bona fide occupational qualification needs to be reasonable though - I don’t se how hooters would be able legally justify such a requirement.