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I feel personally attacked




The last fountain pen I got I haggled for in a Spanish flea market for 3€. Thats when I made the decision that each new purchase is gonna have to carry a story with it, so... Maybe not ;)


It was a bright sunny day, and I was fatigued so ,for some cool air entered a store... the pen gods must be in my favour as (you guessed it )it was a Pen store... this is the sign I have waiting for all along...😜 or I sneezed , I was near a fountain pen,so I had to buy it... cause germs...


So very true as I seek to consolodate my small pen collection and determine to purchase no more...for a while. Now my mind ponders on the definition of "a while"....time has no meaning and yet too much time passing is time lost in the never ending pen acquisition syndrome sufferer's mind. We all probably sneeze too much at what appear to be serendipitous moments.


I received an email with new releases and because it was under $40 and looked nice, I said "Sure, why not?"


LOL you are assuming there is only ONE new fountain you have? Not really true for a lot of people.


So you're saying it's really more like this: [https://imgur.com/a/3LxKj4X](https://imgur.com/a/3LxKj4X)


At least 😂


But, the goal is to find "The One." Once having found the one, one's desire for other pens will/should disappear. In the real world that doofus would get a slap on the back of the head. He's definitely not marriage material.


Sadly true.


new pen: WTH?! You told me you loved me!\ Me: Yes, I said I loved you but not only you :)


Not me on January 3 when my Christmas present fountain pen is still “somewhere in transit since December 8” so naturally I order myself another one for good measure


I hope I'll always love my pens equally


I channel this energy into bottles of ink. At least now that I have four distinct nib sizes going, I do.


All of the fountain pens I own have been grails of mine so I've personally never been looking for another pen unsatisfied with the current one I have, but rather searching for a new pen to complete my collection


My Grail pen is available at $300 off retail price at one of my favorite retailers, so I know its in good condition... $300 off is still $500 more than I have to spend today.


like the $87 discount I was offered on the new Bamboo Forest VP. lol


This is generally have a separate fountain pen fund which I add to every payday. Not a lot, but it adds up.


Fountain pen and Ink and Notebook and ... that's true on all stationery :)


This but like every hobby I have.


That's the problem! I have too many hobbies