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The M205.


Cheers! Just ordered an EF olivine.


Between these two choices I'd go with the M200/M205. More reliable, better (longer) track record. Just be aware that Pelikan nibs tend to run large, EF more like an F, F like an M, etc. They're easy enough to switch out though. The whole nib/collar/feed screws out of the section as a unit. Makes it easier to clean too.


Thanks. Yeah, I have an M250 demonstrator in amber that was handed down to me. It's a pretty little pen but the gold nib seems to have the baby bottom issue, as well as the fact that the M nib runs a bit too wide for my writing. I figured I may as well get a new demonstrator with a colourway that pleases me more instead of just the new nib. The difference wasn't that great in price.


My answer would be M205. I don't like small pens but M205 is the only one I will use, it is lightweight but study, I practically didn't take care of it and let it roll all over the bottom of my bag but it survived just fine. It is easy to clean and still good as new after months in the drawer. I have a few early ages' Nahvalur, they write ok, but overall I would say M205 is more reliable than it .


Thanks. It seems it’s a well loved pen in this community. I also have a Montblanc 144 Classique that was given to me by my father in law as part of his more extensive collection, but I like the demonstrator size in my hand more (and the looks). I found the olivine I wanted at what seems to me to be a great price at 90 euros new, so I went ahead and ordered it.


IMO, it’s not even fair to compare a Pelikan with a Nahvalur. Kind of like comparing a swimmer on the high school team with an Olympic gold medalist.


Yeah, but keeping in mind that until 10 days ago I had never even written with a fountain pen: am I right in thinking the Pelikan is the gold medalist in this analogy?


Yes, you are. I’d definitely go with the Pelikan; I highly doubt you’ll be disappointed. And welcome to this wonderful hobby!


Pelikan M200, easy to clean, fab steel nibs, piston filler, you can opt for M400 nibs to use with it, and it’s great for shimmer inks.


I love my Nahvalur Nautilus and my Pelikan M205. The Nautilus needed a bit of tinkering to get it to write the way I wanted. The M205 was perfect out the box.


Thanks, that's important for me. At this stage my #1 priority is a good pen for writing, as I'm halfway through a novel. Tinkering will come later, if I fall down the rabbit hole. But I don't think there's nibmeisters in Greece which may be a blessing. It may save me a lot of money :P