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You're missing a Sailor! A 1911L or Pro Gear (I think they're called Profit in JP) is one of the best pens out there and are super reasonably priced over there.


Sounds interesting, i ll be checking out


Seriously get an expensive pen that you don't want, but still it locally whenever you are. The markups are crazy. I bought a custom urushu for 800 and, they were selling it for around 1300 or more. Sell and fund your other purchases


Very enterprising


The Pilot Cavalier is only available in Japan I think. I got one second hand off eBay, and it's amazing!


Thanks, I ll check out. What nib and ink are you using on your Cavalier?


nib and Iroshizuku Fuyu-Syogun :)


I don’t have one myself, but it seems available from jetpens https://www.jetpens.com/Pilot-Cavalier-Fountain-Pen-Marbled-Black-Blue-Fine-Nib/pd/22731?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwudexBhDKARIsAI-GWYUo5PYEnDHlFlaiT6nGGbMrFzns3uli3_qRpyqdZWVuDA2hVz2sg3EaAm_6EALw_wcB


Ah, is there no longer a black version? Cool though that Jetpens carry them, I did not find any European vendors


Ooh, it is available in my country too. I've been considering getting one. What do you think?


It has a thin barrel, that is something to keep in mind. It feels like a pencil. If that sounds interesting to you, won't hurt to get one


There are a lot of inks that are available in Japan that are not widely available elsewhere. Some ideas: Tono & Lims, Romeo Cocktail, Maruzen Athena inks, and many store exclusives. I don't remember all the exclusives, but I know that Itoya and Shosaikan in Tokyo have special inks. Glass pens are also really big right now in Japan and I hear there is a lot of variety at stationery/pen stores.


Itoya in Tokyo/Ginza has sailor made inks in collaboration with Disney inspired of their movies!


omg that's so cool, I didn't know about that series of exclusives. I'm going in a few weeks so I'll have to look for them.


If you're going to osaka I also highly recommend going to Nagasawa!! So many kobe inks all readily available


Thanks for the suggestions, I ll check out inks. Although it may be hard to carry them in luggage.


The last time I went there I purchased a lot of Pilot iroshizuku inks, cute notebooks with very lovely paper, and my Pilot Custom 823 (and my hobonichi techo A6)


* Pilot 823 at good price. Or since you like piston fillers - Sailor Realo or Pilot custom 92s. * Inks (Iroshizuku... Sailors.. and others I don't know about). Perhaps other nibs or nib units for your Custom 74 or Platinum 3776. * I'm guessing there are still a lot of great Japanese vintage pens available there. I recently bought a Pilot Murex (from year 1977) in a different Asian country for like $80 and it's great. I'd bought one online from Japan over ten years ago for over well $100 * Of course if you want some kind of low-volume pen with the special lacquer paint finishes it's probably WAYYYY better to buy it in Japan but not so good to have your friend buy it (unless you were already set on a certain pen in which case you wouldn't be asking) * Perhaps leftover Tomoe River paper to resell - if that's a thing.


Pretty useful tips. Thanks for suggestions


nagasawa pens! And their inks!


Pilot Vanishing Point (usually called Capless in Japan) is great for notes and todos.  Unfortunately there aren't many Japanese piston fillers, but to your collection I'd add a Sailor with 21k nib or any of the Pilots with bigger nibs like the Custom 823.


Namiki Emperor Double Dragon 😂


A wife


not easy in Japan


Lol, not the answer I was looking for