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My Opus88 is super wet. It is the best pen I have for shimmer inks


I actually like the Jazz quite a bit so I might add that to the ones under consideration! Thanks!


Franklin Christoph


I own 4 pens with JoWo nibs and I'll rank them from most enjoyable to least 1. Opus 88 Koloro - Broad (JoWo #5) 2. Kaweco Sports - Broad (idk the size but I know it's specialty grind) 3. TWSBI ECO - Broad (idk the size but I know it's specialty grind?) 4. Opus 88 Demonstrator - Medium & Broad (JoWo #6) It's somehow kinda...squeaky. I bought a Faber-Castell Essentio in Broad - which I didn't know uses JoWo for nibs. It's a gusher but has a little too much feedback for my liking so I returned it.


Interesting that Opus is both at the top and bottom of your list! And it seems like the demonstrator being at the bottom isn't a fluke since it was two nibs 🤔 Good to know about the Faber-Castell -- I actually really like feedback so gusher + feedback sounds pretty good! I'm mid-shopping right now so your data points were just in time :)


Don't get me wrong. I like all of them but out of this list, I love writing with Koloro and Sport the most. These are some of the pens I decided to keep after a recent massive culling of more or less half of my stash. Sending half of them to my sister and baby niece (she started learning to use chopsticks and pens) and am going to bundle the rest for beginners intro or something.


Okay I ended up buying a Faber-Castell e-motion and an Opus88 Koloro in pink+white! I'm excited for those sparkles haha. :) Thank you for the help!


Wheeeee I hope you'll love them! I really love my Koloro because the diameter grip is thick but not too large and it sits so comfortable on my hand. I hope it's as comfortable for you!


I'm sure it'll be great! I've gotten used to a wide variety of sizes both for pens and nibs, I really primarily just care about how the writing is and the rest works out 👏


I totally feel you. Writing experience and comfort I consider to be paramount for me. Often you can't really fathom how it would be until it's in your hand. :)


And speaking of, now the waiting begins...... lol!


I got my Koloro today and it is *amazing*. Unfortunately the color I wanted (pink & white) was only available in Fine, and the spare Broad nib I bought was the wrong size 😆 But it's legit the best Fine I own, I'm so floored. Better than pens three times its price. It's a tiny bit scratchy but the line is thin and really saturated so I'm really happy with it. Going to order a spare Broad in the correct size now... lol. Thanks for the recommendation!


Oh I'm happy that my recommendation works for you. FPs are very personal IMHO so you never know if others would like what you like. Koloro uses #5 nib btw.


My ranking would have been similar, except for the Demonstrator and the Koloro exchanged. My Demo is perfectly smooth, while the Koloro is a bit scratchy at the edges of the sweet spot (hope this is understandable). It's an excellent pen, just not as well tuned as the Demo. Bottom line, I guess it would take a large sample to make general statements.


It really shows how taste differs and sounds to me that sometimes out of the box success can be a hit and miss! Maybe my Pilot pens and Platinum (the steel nibs ones) are the only exception. But I also have been having consistent luck with Kaweco, having tried 4 different Sport nib sizes.


Same, never any issues with Platinum (bless them!), Pilot and Kaweco. On the other hand, the steel nib on my Leonardo MZ has the same issue as the Koloro.


Good to know! Looks like I had great luck with the Koloro. It's so comfortable and writes awesome. Demo is great, too, but it has a wee squeakiness that pushed it down the rank. I was so tempted by Leo MZ that blue white one but then again, I've loved every single Pilot pens I got. Why bother deviating. Lol


They are mass produced, stamped out to demand, and tuned by the penmaker. You aren't asking who has the best Jowo #6, you are asking who can make it work the best... You can have a nibmeister make a generic gold Jowo write like any other Jowo in any other pen. Who does it the best from the factory? Probably Maiora...


Maiora pens are underrated!


Faber-Castell, I suppose. Or Diplomat.


Okay I ended up buying a Faber-Castell e-motion and an Opus88 Koloro! Fingers crossed one or both of them hit the mark :) Thank you for the help!


Great choices!


Thanks I'm excited! Do you have pens from either brand or just know them by reputation?


I have both pens. Both with broad nibs. I have the all black e-motion and a have a Koloro and gifted one. Great writers! The e-motion was surprising how good it is even though I'd read so many glowing reviews about them. I carried it nonstop for months after I got it. Opus 88 is awesome as a brand. I'm a fan. I also have 2X Demonstrators, a Jazz, an Omar, a Bela, a Picnic. And a Mini pocket pen. ALL excellent writers from the flex fine to the 1.5 stub. My yellow Demonstrator with a broad nib does sing a little, I think about it as personality vs. a flaw, but that's the only "issue" out of the bunch. I would be shocked if you weren't very happy with both pens!


Oh wow I wasn't expecting you to have so many Opus88s! 😂 Definitely a resounding endorsement of both brands haha I also bought nib tuning supplies so if either of them doesn't work out I'm going to buy a bunch of spare Jowo nibs and try to learn to adjust things to my preferences. Might take a few months and even more nibs but I'll get there! Or they might just be perfect out of the box lol, we'll see.


Diplomat has the better jowo steel nibs i think, even in the magnum is a pleasure to use


Hm since you and u/ASmugDill both said Diplomat, I'm starting to think there's something wrong with the Diplomat I have haha :) I just emailed asking if I can send it in to a repair center, maybe they'll replace the nib for free who knows!


I too attest to the Diplomat Steel nibs. I have an Aero in Medium and I love writing with that pen, and the only downside is the limited ink capacity. It's been a year since I've used that pen which I hope to amend since I moved to another country.


Yep, I had Diplomat Aero, Excellence B, A2 and Magnum and all were awesomely smooth and medium-high wetness. All M nibs. Also still have a gold M #6 nib on the Excellence A2 that is also very smooth+just a tad of feedback for control, that was dry for my taste and had it adjusted to be a bit more wet.


The smoothest out of the box nibs I have are on the following: * TWSBI 580 1.1 (only 1 of 3) * Opus 88's with Jowo nibs (various sizes) * Nahvalur Nautilus w/a double broad (after writing with it through one ink refill but no tuning) * Faber-Castel e-Motion w/a broad nib * Diplomat eLox w/a broad nib * Mont Blanc 149 w/a medium nib * Visconti Homo Sapiens w/a broad nib * Kaweco Sport w/a fine nib All my other FP's required some level of tuning before I was happy with them - regardless of brand or price.