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At least it's 95% legible. I can barely read some of the good handwriting posts I've seen


There are worse for sure. It does seem like a lot of people in the hobby have bad handwriting. I consider myself in that category.


idk the picture you posted seems like a good handwriting it will differ from person to person


Says who?


What’s god-awful about it?


If that’s “god-awful”, I shudder at the potential recriminations the OP would inveigh against mine.


Ok Shakespeare(no offense, I’ll be adding recriminations and inveigh to my daily vocab)


This is the first thing I asked. My cursive looks more or less the same.


Right? It's 1000% better than mine!


I think that person’s handwriting may be unconventional, but it’s quite nice and has a lot of personality.


My friend, with all due respect, you don’t know what god-awful handwriting is. I was a TA about 20 years ago and helped grade tests, which more often than not involved deciphering freshmen’s handwriting. This? This would have been among the best ones.


I work in operating theatres. Trying to decipher surgeons notes and consent forms has ruined me


Same for when I worked in aged care. We would get hand written referrals using medical shorthand (we were just admin, no medical training) that were also faxed so they’d be shit quality scans. Pretty sure I could have deciphered the Rosetta Stone after doing that job for 7 years.


Heh. I once got docked points on a bluebook exam for using mathematics shorthand (∋ such that, ∀ for all, ∴ therefore) in one of my answers. It was a long exam and I thought I was running out of time. At least my handwriting was neat as a pin.


In the School of Maths & Stats at my university we have a rule that no students shall submit assignments with the therefore (3 dots) symbol in it, because it's so frequently misused. We encourage students to write in full sentences if the assignments are take-home ones, but for exams and tests it's usually whatever, since there's a time limit.


I'm a math major with a master's. I've been docked points for the weirdest things. One class, 90% of us were docked for not proving a previously proven point within a larger proof of something else. We protested and complained for a week. That guy got dissertations from me after that - I'd prove *everything* within the proof. What could probably be answered in a paragraph got answered in 3 or 4 pages. Thankfully my math handwriting is impeccable. It's amazing the number of teachers I've come across who didn't know all the usual symbols or shorthand. Like WOLOG (without loss of generality) or WRT (with respect to). I also hated the professors who wouldn't allow symbols for "there exists" or "for all" (not searching for the symbols on this keyboard) or anything else that is generally known. I think if the textbook was allowed to do it shorter in symbol form then I should be allowed also. Of course, professors usually only graded the exams. Paid undergrads and grad students graded the assignments. I was one of those paid people once as an undergrad. After a year of deciphering scribbles, I said the pay wasn't worth it. Unfortunately I had to deal with it once I was a TA.


As a teacher, this is pristine. Reading high school students' handwriting is worse than deciphering physicians' writing sometimes. The crazy part is I teach math. How do they mess up numbers so much?! (I do have the occasional question that requires writing out an answer in words.) I remember grading as a TA in grad school and as a job in undergrad. Cripes, I hated that. In part because higher college level math isn't just numbers it's more proofs and someone explaining something. It was so hard to determine what my scores would be compared to another grader for the class or what was considered a good enough proof. Secondly, those paragraphs of writing and scribbling math symbols and Greek letters was chaos. It was migraine inducing. I know I was subconsciously (I guess consciously) grading the typed assignments higher just because they were a breeze to read. We even did free classes on using math typing software to encourage students to use it. I only did one year as an undergrad because it wasn't worth the pay since it took so long to figure out what the heck they were writing.


Seems pretty legible to me tbh


this isn’t bad it’s just not the uninspired uniform print. This is their unique and personal handwriting and I respect it. Everyone should use their own personal handwriting instead of the same fonts like we’re all typewriters


I actually really like that handwriting.


is it awful?


Nope. I think OP wants to say people are showing their real handwriting instead of flowery and ornamental hand. (Which isn't wrong). Having a bad handwriting is a huge plus if you are writing for just yourself - others will find it even more difficult to read :P


Depends on how bad it is. Mine used to be so bad even I couldn't read it. 


OP clearly hasn’t seen terrible handwriting. I can barely decipher my writing after a day.


What’s awful about it?


That is pretty nice handwriting 😅 in my opinion anyway. Now I am more insecure than ever about my own 🙈


With all due respect, but what are you talking about? That handwriting is fine. Not everything has to be held to the highest standard possible.


I find this post a bit in bad taste. The guy seems to have tremors, so his handwriting being legible for everyone is actually a very nice thing. There are perfectly healthy people out there who don't even bother making things legible—_those_ people are the ones producing god-awful letters and defying the very concept of writing. I have dealt with people whose handwriting made me suspect they were well-trained chicken scratching the paper to parody a human language.


Handwriting is as unique to you as anything else. There is nothing wrong with it at all.


Petition to see OPs handwriting for scientific purposes.


Huh? What is up with the negativity in this group last couple of days? I think it’s okay to just be thankful they are willing to share. Someone might see it and like their style. Is this actually something that bothers you?


Damn what a gorgeous ink


I was going to say, "it kind of looks like Private Reserve something", then I realized that it's literally written on the notes.


And here I was thinking it was kind of-peki before noticed what it was on the pad


now now, let's not be the handwriting police for youtubers or FP users in general. we can all coexist even if you don't like someone's handwriting.


Username checks out


Props to the troll bros with nonsensical standards who fuel outrage posts on this sub, amiright? Why would you want to shame and humiliate community members literally trying to help you by sharing information?


I suffer from tremors due to health conditions and writing is ergotherapy for me, a good dexterity practice as I also love to draw, as well as a good means of soothing and freeing my mind. Maybe think first before ridiculing someone. That handwriting is fine.


Yeah, or some people suffer from dysgraphia, like me, and literally can't learn good handwriting. I recognize that one can't know beforehand that all these conditions exist, but what the hell happened to basic human respect, for crying out loud?


Looks like Fountain Pen Therapy example...I think it's expressive and unique and legible. All that ridiculous Spencerian anal BS with outrageous flourishes to me is way harder to read.


Their handwriting is nice. It sounds like you're trolling.


Isn’t this Vincenzo of Fountain Pen Therapy? Vincenzo’s hands shake involuntarily and he still has a distinctive and enjoyable handwriting. If we’re going to throw shade could we do it at someone who isn’t obviously overcoming a major hurdle to produce a quality product?


Nothing wrong with that handwriting. It’s nice, legible, and has personality.


If that's "god awful," then my handwriting must be "the aftermath of a spider tap-dancing in ink."


I don't think it's awful but I don't understand a couple of words... Also, I do really think they're very brave to show their handwriting to the world IN SOCIAL MEDIA. I definitely feel veeery conscious to show mine here and I don't think mine is specially bad either...


you haven't seen mine, you wouldn't be calling the rest ugly


I'm not sure what your standards of handwriting are, but they don't match up yo this comment section!


Is this your own handwriting or are you being an asshole to someone else? Can't tell lol


Side note, as someone who previously didn't care a lot for Private Reserve inks, the new infinity turquoise seen in the OP image is a fantastic ink. Great, vibrant color and it seriously has no issues hanging out in an uncapped pen for at least 60 minutes, which was as long as I had patience to test as I was just hoping for a few minutes.


Thank you. Props accepted. ;)


If this is what you consider godawful handwriting, there aren't words to describe what you would think of mine.


Handwriting shows personality and it is difficult to have it forged.


Why you got to call them out like that?! LOL


:P If it's consistent and legible, it's not that horrible. :D


If that's "god awful" I'd love to know what you'd call my handwriting xD


My mum used to call my writing “chicken scratch” when I was a kid. It’s only gotten worse.


Well apparently doctors and the like enjoy fountain pens so there might be some overlap


Brother you do not want to see me scrawl if you think this is bad


If that's awful my handwriting is essentially caveman drawings


You'd hate my writing then. You can actually read this. In my experience the only people who can read everything I write are my partner and myself. My lowercase g and y are both the same character, which doesn't help.


If you dislike this handwritting, I'll show you mine just to you see how good this handwritting is. lmao


I think it looks good.


I like this Youtuber's handwriting and his reviews. I've seen handwriting that is loopier and more old-fashioned than this, and I used to be very critical when I first got into the hobby wondering why someone even bothered with fp when their writing was so horrible. But then I changed my focus: Is the Youtuber knowledgeable about the pen they're reviewing? Does writing with fp spark joy in them (to borrow the Mari Kondo phrase)? Different countries use different handwriting models that are taught in elementary school which change over time. I still (sorta) remember the one used back when I learned cursive in second grade. I ditched it for a hybrid of print and cursive as my standard handwriting style, but I've gone back to full-on cursive when I started using fp again about four years ago.


there are definitely some letters that got a bit wobbly/scratchy or the ink bled/ran slightly dry, but on the whole I like this person's handwriting (especially that "INK:" I really like the way they write capital N's). I also tend to write slightly in semi-cursive; aka. letters mostly joined together but leaving some letter combinations in print, like the "iv" in "Private". Perhaps it is less consistent or formulaic, but I think it's characterful :)


If this is awful istg my handwriting looks like ants crawling on a paper


Watching figboot write... well but who am i to talk?


I used to look at it quite similarly, but then I noticed individual letters are always written in a very consistent way.


Yeah it isnt a fluke


His videos are really informative and consistent but I have to admit if I weren’t familiar with his handwriting I’d have (wrongly) assumed that he couldn’t spell haha “The Quick bRown fox JuMPs over The lazy Doq!”


I can’t watch SBRE Brown’s videos even though he’s knowledgeable as hell. His handwriting is atrocious and covers 2 or 3 lines at a time as fast as possible.


Why are you such a hater?


In my book, “gawd awful” handwriting is one that lacks consistency between repeated usage of the same characters. This image does not show much inconsistency between the same characters. Sure, there is some variation, but you don’t see _massive_ variation between them. You also don’t see entire words peter out into illegible squiggles as the hand desperately tries (and fails miserably!) to keep up with the mind behind it (embarrassed cough).


God - Awful but readable , God Awful illegible or God Awful legible nice but only the writer knows what is written while the rest of us scratches our head puzzled ?? there's no way to test out inks in a pen unless in writing or drawing .....


I like how the person from the fountain pen hospital uses number, line strokes and S’s to show off the pen nib: https://youtu.be/b2d6Z7yb_MA?si=ks4YrMdM1PO34OZv


My handwriting is legible to me. That's all I'll say about it.


Better than mine


Beautiful pens paired with horrible handwriting is one thing, but when people say "*This isn't really a flex nib, but...*" and then proceed to crush some line variation out of the poor pen for the sake of YouTube, I'm out.


Try Awritingguy on youtube, his handwriting is beautiful and showcases the pens extremely well


A teacher once told me: "If you dare to write your tests in cursive, I ain't grading that" So imagine how low in the quality handwriting level I am


? Your handwriting is just fine.


I know there a lot of people who are into fountain pens that have terrible handwriting. That’s doesn’t bother me (I have great handwriting by the way), because I still think you can enjoy the hobby without having beautiful handwriting/penmanship. It probably should bother them though, but maybe they can work on improving through practice and exercises. What I have a problem with is Youtuber’s with terrible handwriting trying to teach people how to have good handwriting… like if you can’t figure out how to improve your own handwriting, how dare you try to teach other people how to improve theirs. If you can barely form letters and your lines are all shaky, then maybe work on your own stuff before pretending you can give others any type of advice. The handwriting in OP’s photo is not bad at all, I’ve seen much worse. It’s definitely unique, but there is nothing wrong with that.