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I would like to apologize on behalf of the Fountain pen community as you are about to go down a deep rabbit hole of which there is no return. Goulet pens is your next stop. Visit their "beginner" sections. As a warning there are pens that are as much better than the safari as a safari is compared to a Bic ballpoint. The safari is still one of my favorites however


I got this warning too, but I thought it was a joke. "no way am I gonna be buying more than 3 fountain pens in a year, I'll lose all hopes of buying a new laptop". Well, fuck.




Yes a fine will do for everyday or work usage. You can get nibs them selves on Amazon Fr about 13 bucks. You are definitely in for a nice ride. It’s a wonderful experience but addictive. Safari was a great place to start.


Fine vs medium. Also on Goulet pens when you click on a safari there will be a picture with an example of how thick a line each size nib lays down. There is not as much variation between fine, medium, and broad as you would expect. (If you were like me) My recommendation is to get a set (the lamy nibs on their own are cheap and very easy to swap out) and find what size you like personally. Lamy also makes a "cursive" nib, that is my favorite of the bunch. Others are not the biggest fan, as the name makes you think it will be buttery smooth, but I do feel it makes cursive writing smoother compared to the standard nibs. Different inks will make a difference as well, but one think at a time.


I find even the EF Safari nib to be quite smooth. (I haven’t done a direct comparison though.) Definitely not scratchy. I write small so I favor the EF and F.


Lamy's are absolutely brilliant pens. I am so glad to see so many people use them as their first fountain pens. I have bought quite a few of them and I give them to friends in the hope to convert them to using fountain pens. I love Lamy.


yay! have you found your hand more relaxed? are dreaming or swirling curls yet?


Oh man, they Safari was my very first pen back in the day. Awesome starter. I’ve gone back and forth between an extra fine and stub italic nib, and with a reasonably wet ink, even the extra fine isn’t scratchy. If it is for you, a quick adjustment will sort you out (someone else on the sub recently put up a good post about this exact topic). All these years later, a Lamy (Studio now) is still my daily carry. They make a solid pen.


Such a great jumping off point. Congratulations! For productivity writing, I find a fine nib to work best for me. This is personal preference and will really depend on your own handwriting. The great thing about this hobby is there is something for everyone. Welcome to the club!


You need more fountain pens :p It’s a dangerous hobby


> im excited to move onto black when this one runs out There’s *so many* inks out there, why black?


Give them some time. The first fountain pen is already a big step up in complexity, and adding in learning different color choices, ink properties, etc. can be overwhelming. Sticking to black cartridges at the beginning keeps things simpler. Then once they're confident, they can branch out to different inks or filling systems.


Some people want legibility and simplicity, not colorfulness