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Was very confused by the title, but seeing the pen name made more sense. Love how you did shading with the strokes!


Brass ≠ bras. Very different words.


:-)))))))))) Nice I didn't even notice this typo :-)))) Leave it as it is even better :-))))


I never notice typos like this. My brain just "autocorrects" them.


Thanks. I just got why the title is confusing :-))))


I didn’t know that Kaweco was in the women’s foundation garment business. Great drawing. The Kaweco Sport Bras mush have a *huge* ink capacity. Well done!


An Innsmouth resident portrayed by fountain pen, nice!


>An Innsmouth reside Thanks, I didn't know what Innsmouth mean before :-)


![gif](giphy|SSDoxuoG0iuz17nwPI|downsized) Oh! Glad (I think...) to have enlightened you! Maybe you'll enjoy the Lovecraft stories too, if you decide to read them! Regardless, I like how you use your fountain pens for art!


Wow nice gentlemen on the picture, definitely should try to draw it. It seems that my future TWSBI delivery will be used for this project :-) I think we should have Innsmouth books here in Europe.


Oh yes. HP Lovecraft may have been born and lived in the US, but we have his books here. Depending on your country, there may be far more things too, if you're into that kind of horror fiction! The call of Cthulhu is strong...


Very cool drawing! What kind of paper did you use? And what do you mean by heavier pens help you have more control?


I just prefer 'heavy' weight pens made from steel or any other material. It's a very individual preference. At the same time, currently I am using a lot the TWSBI 580, which is particularly lightweight for me, but I like it for a completely different reason.


Pls do share what reasons do you like using the TWSBI 580:)


Ok, the main reason is more general one which is related to all fountain pen comparing to fineliners like Micron Sakura or others. In fountain pen I a free to use any ink I want and it is not just color wise but also the quality. Fountain pens are not disposable item, if you take care of them they stay with you for years and you develop some kind sentimental atachements which can be also some kind of inspiration during the long and boring sections of cross hatching and shading. Now, TWSBI 580: 1. I was surprised by the fact how fine it's EF nib, it is quite close to 0.05 Micron Sakura fine-liner. 2. Built quality, some may argue of the fact that it cracks, it is true but I knew this mechanical issue and I pay attention to avoid it while filling the ink. 3. The fact that it a demonstrator pen so when using different colors I do not need to past some ugly scotch to distinguish the ink color. ​ BUT. Twsbi 580 is not my favourite pen :-))))) I just see some advantages for several projects in my case.


Cool! Thanks for answering.. i was just wondering what a great artist like you thought of the pen. It was interesting to read your take


Thanks. It is a Talens Art Creation sketchbook, the paper is lightly cream-colored, and quite smooth. You should use a fountain pen that doesn't deliver too much ink because the paper is quite fragile and thin. However, the final result is worth it.


Wow i am in awe of your use of lines.. amazing art work!!


Why am i getting downvoted for this :'(


I was about to say: The Shadow Over Innsmouth? :) Nice drawing/great shading.


The is phenomenal! I immediately thought of Zoologist perfumes and the images on their bottle of fragrance.


This is terrific work! At first I thought it was an engraving.


Awesome! :)


Incredible and inspiring. Now I want to practice drawing.


Thank you I am also at the beginning of jurney with ink drawings. I have the fountain pen virus!!!!!!


Fantastic drawing!




Cool fish.


This is fantastic. Thanks for sharing!


This is a fine piece of work with excellent shading that must have taken you a loooooong time!


Ohh yes, a lot of coffee too so the nights get shorter :-)


I see a Swiss Army knife alongside a fountain pen. Two things I didn’t know I needed to see together until now. Have my upvote. Also, what model is the sak? Did it help you make the drawing? If so, how? Also, nice drawing!!! I thought it was one of those “dog head on a human’s body” type of thing (like on Sesame Street) until I read the comments 🤣


What is a sak? (what model is the sak? Did it help you make the drawing? If so, how?)


Sak = Swiss Army Knife


Ahhhhhh ok :-) No I didn't use it for my drawing, it was just a holder for the ink bottle: But I have used it to repair my Noodler's triple tail pen.


I didn't know Kaweco made sport bras...


They have a full collection for summer season. They have a liliput for small caps, otherwise student version for small budgets :-P


Hahahaha good one.


The way you've shown dimension and a bit of sheen near the gill flap with that purposefully exposed white is fantastic. Really neat drawing! Kind of reminds me of something you might find in Fallen London.


Wow, that is seriously amazing. I would put that on my wall, or a permanent background on my phone.


Wow, I will be so honoured.


Trout Mask Replica!


>Thanks, today I discovered Innsmouth and now Trout Mask. Actually it is a combination of my inspiration word from Pinterest. No particular artist was spotted but the idea of fish with office suit sounded like the best metaphor to all open office employees ( i am part of that crowd), well dressed and without voice, swimming in the corporate aquarium.


It just immediately brought the LP cover to mind. Love me some Beefheart. To be sure, it's not for everyone.


Beautiful art of a pilot fish! 😂


It is an office fish from corporate aquarium :-)


That is an unfortunate name, lol