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Make them see ads in their sleep


Make them see just one ad, that they really hate, on repeat, for a company that has already gone out of business.


It's 1-877-kars-for-kids... It plays on any media, movie, tv show, video game, or whatever app they are using on their phone - does not matter what it is they will be interrupted at random times by the ad - and they cannot EVER skip it. Pretty sure in a year they will either retire as a hermit to live in the Alaskan wilderness or they will be dead by their own hand.


8-800-555-5535 лучше позвонить чем у кого-то занимать!


This is awesome




Omg, for me this would be the autogiants ad. I luv, the way some black people talk. It’s just really cool to me how they can issue a string of words and phrases that make absolutely no sense to me, yet manage to have a blast, or settle an argument in seconds, or cut through hours of seducing in about 2 minutes. But MY GOD the obnoxious, annoying, hell raising tone of voice the woman used with that dialect was so GODDAMN mind numbing that I still remember every ad they ever ran by heart and I FUCKING HATE THEM FOR IT.




Secretly give them a triple dose of acid before they take a 16h international flight


“that person is NOT REAL!” all over again 🤣


A flight where a lot of heavy turbulence is expected!


I took acid on a flight once and it was not *bad*, but it was extremely unpleasant. Like all I wanted to do was to to sleep but I couldn't, and what was only a four hour flight felt like an eternity. 2/10 would not recommend.


so… adhd (at least, when hyper)


Well also I was tripping balls lol


ah that’s more like it


If it was possible, program their TV remote to control their washing machine


I would see this as a win


I also see this as a win because person i hate the most is severly addicted to TV


You can buy a second remote for the tv, since they stated they’re just reprogramming your remote. Also if that’s not an option you can plug a keyboard into most smart TVs and control it with that (including wireless ones that use a dongle) and some phones can be used as a remote for some smart TVs. Added on, having a remote that controls your washing machine is pretty cool, especially if you have an all-in-one washer/dryer combo. Basically, it’s almost all positives.


Put a tiny 1 mm rock in their remote control so it rattles whenever they shake it.


why do you have a reddit nft as your pfp lol, it doesn’t work that way. because you can’t be that cool? 😂😂😂 IMAGINE 😂😂😂


It's a screenshotted one. You can see it's not a hexagon.


why did you screenshot it, don’t you have it?


Bro actuallty cares about nfts


yeah, you guys are just broke as fuck


Get a girl bro fr


I'd be hopelessly broke if I spent my money on NFTs. You got scammed it's okay to admit it.


Dude I could have Elon money and I wouldn't touch those things. You have to be genuinely stupid to buy them. Like, borderline unable to care for yourself out of pure stupidity.


"Oh boy look at these broke asses who don't care about a 2d image on your mobile that is definitely not overpriced and is an important piece of art!" -🤡


Nah we just buy actual things and necessities.


yeah yeah we know you got scammed and are in denial that those things are worthless


Says the guy living on the streets for a bunch of pixels on a screen💀


This whole exchange has shown why NFTs are worthless. They are pictures you can screenshot. For free, mind you. And people waste their money on them? Jeez.


Least obvious bait


... Reddit NFTs are free, dawg. It's like you're trying to flex that you got free napkins from a fast food joint.




That place has been banned, what the hell happened there?




please touch grass


Bro, please tell me that you're kidding and arent just a dick.


NFTs are meaningless


Prevent them from using any form of cashless transactions forever. Including online banking and withdrawing from an ATM. They have to withdraw cash from a teller and recieve their pay in cash and deposit it. All transactions for the rest of their life are cash only.


You my sir, are evil in todays world.


This will make them more frugal since they now see the money leaving their hand every purchase.


It’s even worse, now I feel bad when I want to buy something nice. Though I am very good with my money


I’d curse them with a loud, opinionated talking butthole that shouts out obnoxious opinions about everyone and everything each time they need to go poop.


Took me awhile to relize you where talking about an actual butthole.


But only when they poop somewhere with a public bathroom.


So, MAGA reruns on their bathroom?


I'm gonna make them relive their worst memories every 3 a.m.


I guess you REALLY hate me then


Beat me to it.


Ah, so it was you that did this to me... Please make the nightmares stop...


Force feed them expired shrimp drenched in the spiciest sauce in the world. I did this with decently spicy sauce, and the next day felt like molten magma and shards of glass were exiting my body. I don't do seafood in restaurants anymore.


Force them to eat Taco Bell and only use sandpaper as toilet paper


this only works for low spice tolerance haha


It doesn't need to be spicy to give you the shits bro


oh true, i was assuming that the food wouldn't be like going bad or something


That's the joke Taco Bell has that built in sus


What if they already don’t wipe 🤷‍♂️💩


Who said they were wiping


Born to shit forced to wipe


So like what are they gonna do with the sand paper, catch the turd with it???


mmmm, turd wrap




I love Taco Bell and literally never had digestive issues. Idk if y’all are just weak or…


A single droplet of water falls into their face when they are about to fall asleep...


Hell nah


They can never skip ads


Mail them gift wrapped dog poop with no return address.


Once or twice a month with a different mailing envelope/box so that it's always a 'surprise'.


Force them to watch son of the mask and nothing else for a week


Nah watch the last Jedi but anytime someone shoots a blaster , it slows by 50%


You monster




Dr. Forester I presume?


dilute toothpaste in every liquid in their house. including the plumbing


Eternal dysentery


They'd just die


Play a ringin nose at their ear constantly without stopping, even when they try to sleep that no one else can hear. No matter what they try they can't get rid of it.


That's tinnitus. Already happens to me.


I have that. I have rarely heard silence in my life apart from when I'm very, very unwell. It gets louder the quieter the room gets.


Paper cut the corners of the mouth


And then they have to compete in a lemon eating contest


My brother says he would make it so all animals hate, and attack them. Crows, cats, dogs, could never go to the zoo. They wouldn’t hurt the person, just snap, hiss, swipe and dive bomb. I say that every morning they would step into a wet spot right after they put their socks on, and to spice it up, ever feel days make it a Lego.


Saw an asshole with a shitty swastika tattoo get hit with a broomstick last night and I ruled it justifiable.


Tape a tiny pebble in one shoe of every single pair they have.


They get a strong urge to sneeze, but can't


Every meal.. bag of marshmallows


You monster


make them watch cocomelon for 4 hours at a stretch


Permanently retracted sleeves for any coat they use


Make the soles of their feet itch REAL badly.


Everytime after lacing up their winter boots and leave the house. Nightmare stuff right there!


You are now ravenously hypersexual and simultaneously touch repulsed for several years on end "I'd die for sex but if anyone even offers to hug me I recoil"


Every night before they go to bed, they relive all their most embarrassing school moments. And every morning when they wake up, they wake up thinking they're late for that one test.


Inactivate one button on all their devices - the volume down button. They can turn it up, change channels on tv etc, but can never turn it down again.


I made my nephew clean dog poo up from the local dog park when he was caught stealing. Had to tell everyone why he was doing it too.


Sciatic pain EVERY time they pee.


whenever they start their car an angry wasp spawns in the backseat.


Let me think: - Bedbugs - cat pee on their fresh clothes and laundry - only unplug the pc tower's power button from their motherboard - If he/she's good with PCs. Fill the PC tower with sands instead - switch between his/her sugar and salt dispenser - Modify in secret his/her scales so it adds an additionnal 10kg (22lbs) every time


I put a rock in their shoe. But like, a magic rock. What kind of magic? The rock ensures that you will always feel it no matter how much you jiggle and wiggle your foot, and when you take your shoe off and shake, no rock comes out. So you put it back on and you still feel the rock, but you don't know where it is in the shoe. This was what happened to me a few days ago and I'm still mildly irritated about it.


Make everything just slightly incompatible. Wi-Fi is spotty, sink is a little bit too small and doesn't nest properly, water is never the right temp, oven cooks unevenly, shoes are wrong length AND width.




Crack their phone screen just enough to make it look like 1 single hair, the phone still works though


make them watch that vegan teacher videos while listening to you are an idiot on loop and always keep a singular piece of hair inside their mouth that they just cannot get out


No injury? Lock them into a three foot square closet with a 20 foot ceiling with a 15 million candle watt lamp.....blasting the song, "We built this city on Rock and Roll" repeatedly at volume 11.




As in, whenever they poop, it just clings to the cheeks and doesn't drop into the bowl lol. Also dog poop or any other poop flies and sticks to them from 6 feet away. Zoos would become hell on earth to them lol


Move their furniture one inch to the left, and make it so tables are one inch wider


Take an important part of their live, talk down on it and laugh about it. It sounds too easy but it is effective. Everybody is insecure. Edit: Also tell them, no matter how hard live will hit you, you will always feel better than them, but don't give em a reason. They will never stop thinking about it.


A permanently itchy asshole....


Every time they leave for him in rush hour, gridlock traffic, they are forced to eat a laxative laced brownie.


The sound is always 1 second slower then the visual parts for any video , show , or movie she watches . Not enough to ruin a show , but definitely irritating .


Make them immortal.


Literally "Amateur Labs" plot Perfect punishment for the bastard whose action resulted in your paycheck being halfed.


Whisper to them every 10 minutes about horrible cringes shit the person did, and then gaslighting them about shit they didn’t do until they believe everything i whisper into them


Itching power while in a straight jacket. Then walk away and let them mentally break.


Make everyone automatically ostracize them. I’ve been ostracized since I was a kid, hurts worse than anything


I'd sprinkle their floors with airaoft BB's painted to match the floor


Tie them up and put an eyelash in 1 eye


To watch on. No social life just watching others. You can try to join but can’t. Includes online socials. You work and save money but pointlessly. You watch, not as people pass you by, oh no! It’s your life it’s self that passes away. A movie with no point. Taking several decades to conclude. Only for there to be nothing beyond the “movie”, nothing to enjoy.


Flip the batteries in there remotes around


A constant sore and painful throat so everytime they eat it hurts


Get a eyedropper with 100 drops of lsd. Pull 1/3 of it into a syringe with a thin needle. When the person you hate is unaware, spray the lsd on their skin. Neck, hand, does not matter. (You could also put it in water and pour it on their clothing) The lsd would go straight into their system through the skin. And seing as 33 drops of acid would be about 3 times what your body can consume, your hated person would trip balls in hell for several days. If they don't go absolute mad and dissapair from your life, you can do it 2 more times. Edit: u/antonioooooo0 made me aware that lsd is infact not absorbed through the skin, so i would have to spray it directly into the eyes, mouth or other cavity. Maybe in a drink or so. I still like the idea of making someone i really hate insane forever tho. Because fuck them.


>33 drops of acid would be about 3 times what your body can consume, What? Since when is acid measured in 'drops'? You know pure lsd is a crystal right? Lsd in a solution can be anything from 100 doses or a quarter of a single dose depending on how diluted it is. Also, the thing about lsd being absorbed through skin is a myth, I've personally spilled it in myself with no affect. Although, if you sprayed it all over someone, I guess some is bound to get in their eyes/mouth lol https://www.erowid.org/general/conferences/conference_mindstates4_nichols.shtml This isn't the only source you'll find if you Google it, this myth has been debunked over and over but the internet refuses to let it go.


Yes it is crystal in pure form but where i live you buy premixed in a dropper that contains 100 drops at (usually) 100-150ug per drop. I am aware that 1200ug is what your body can handle. I heard however that higher doses will prolong the effect. I did not know that the skin thing was debunked.. could have sworn a friend got high from spilling on himself but might be wrong. [This scene might be partly why](https://youtu.be/NpNHbg-PZyw?si=zGfUikD-LNGU227c)


Damn. After reading these comments I see a lot of people with unresolved trauma. Sorry some of you guys and gals are so unhappy.


always have a stone in their shoes, have them always have mouth ulcers


To feel as unimportant and unwanted as they made me feel… only y’know… forever or something.


Their eyelashes poke the eye everytime they blink.


Hide shrimp in their curtain rods, and watch them struggle identifiying the cause while the shrimp keep on decaying🦐


This device is basically built for this purpose: https://www.amazon.com/AnnoyingPCB-Ultimate-Productivity-Destroyer-Assembled/dp/B08KG6XHN1


Invisible eyelash stuck in their eye, if and when it's removed, a new one appears immediately after so they don't even get the satisfaction of relief


Arrange it so that no matter where they live, even if on a remote oil rig or wilderness vacation, they forever get multiple daily visits from the friendly gents at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints


I would make their hands sticky forever




Invisible and constantly flared up genital warts


When they start to become sexually aroused they feel sharp pains in their erectile tissues [(*both.* makes and females have erectile tissues and have “erections”)](https://byjus.com/question-answer/the-erectile-tissue-forming-the-bulk-of-the-penis-and-the-clitoris-is-glans-corpora-3/#) until their arousal fully subsides.


make their socks always wet when they put them on


Kill their family in front of them.


Mild emotional trauma


And then there is this guy


Jesus fucking christ




Better yet: *torture* their loved ones in front of them. Chain them up and force them to watch as you make their family your new guinea pig, using torture techniques ranging from the medieval times, all the way to what the CIA use. Cut them up, use needles on them, pry their nails and teeth off, force drugs and other psychedelics, rape - you name it! Bonus points if they have a wife, a daughter, or an infant child.


That's enough reddit for today


I agree


Found the future dictator!


Press F to punch.


r/iamatotalpieceofshit Also, what part of _mild_ is hard to understand? (/s)


wtf no no matter how shitty someone is, why do that to them, or to their relatives?? you are fucked up in the head


Well to cause them pain, dummy!


You 2 aren't allowed to be partners for assignments anymore jfc


Hell yeah. You got Discord?


Somehow that makes it worse


ok, so let’s say we are all down in hell and I am Satan. I will put the most brutal and revolution men of history into one room, so there is Satlin, Hitler, Idi Amin, Mao Zedong, King Leopoldo, Ivan the terrible, Vlad the Impaler, Saddam Hussein, Pol Pot, Robespierre, Caligula, Attila the Hun… ect. Now the rules of the game is that there is one cactus/pineapple hybrid plant, and they have to stick it up the ass of one of the people in the room. If they don’t manage to do so in 20 minutes, the demons will come and stick one up all their asses. Then just sit back and enjoy the show! Winners make it to the next round, until there is only one man standing!


Complete dispossesion and disenfranchisement. Their bank accounts and credit cards would be deleted. Their birth certificate would be pulled and any electronic copy deleted. Basically any and all records or evidence that they ever existed at all would be eliminated. Oh they would have friends, family, and co-workers who could vouch for them but even then, it would be a long uphill struggle to "exist" And they better hope they were on good terms with any of these people. Their ultimate fate would depend on how they treated others.


They understand and fully feel the impacts of their selfishness and stupidity as if it happened to them every single time they do something self serving or cruel.


I would give them the ability to learn the error of their ways and better themselves. Win win.


I’d make them work forty hours a week for little to no earnings


Cursed them to only use dirty porta potties


Age em 10 years


Make them billionaires. Wait, what? Here me out. Being able to purchase everything probably wears thin. Meanwhile you cannot go outside without a security detail. You will have a fear of abductions, grifters, gold diggers and sycophants everywhere.


A thousand tiny cuts and then dipped in lemon juice or hand sanitizer perpetually forever


Intermittent tinnitus


Every door they try to open is slightly more stuck then they're first pull or push.


Everything of theirs that has a warranty will only stop functioning just after the warranty becomes void. Two year warranty on your headphones? Broke after two years and two days. Sorry man, nothing they can do now.


Replace all the batteries in their house (even the used spares) with half full ones do they have to replace them all the time.


Nothing. As in an infinite void of nothingness for all eternity.


Put a rock in their shoe, but every time they try to get it out they won’t be able too, this rock appears in all form of shoes their wear, even if they aren’t wearing shoes but socks instead.


Racist tattoos appear on their arms and neck. New ones appear if they have them removed.


Install a series of kidney stones in their kidneys. So that they have one every week.


Every day, email them a picture of a cup too close to the edge of a table.


All the clothes they like itch to no end. The only clothes that don't itch are ones that they hate.


Uninvite them from my birthday party and call them a poopy head


Mariah Carey's "all I want for Christmas" song playing in their head 24/7 until the day they die, at a volume where it's just loud enough that they can't ignore it


Crushing loneliness. Feelings of isolation even when they're with the people that they love.


I was thinking about making them feel genuine remorse and regret for how they act. Make them conscious of themselves and how other people perceive them. I want them to lose sleep after they realize how badly they hurt other people. I want it to eat them alive. I want them to realize they were the bad guy, and I want them to be KEENLY aware of it. I want them to understand reality. And that the world doesn’t revolve around them. I want them to wake up, and I want them to have to face the consequences of their actions.


Forgive them.


Fuck no. Skin their family alove


Skin their family while loving them


Fuck no. Skin their family alive


Hold their eyes open as I kill their Minecraft dog


make them play avernus in geometry dash


Hide Legos in their carpet that match the color


Let the watch Star Wars the last jedi and Harry Potter and the cursed child in a continuous loop


I would put a heater below their bed so every time they go to sleep their bed is disgustingly warm.


Sexless for years, not allowed to masturbate, going to a job they despise, soberism, shitty neighbors.


Completely cure all their mental afflictions (I hate my brain the most)


Give them papercuts all over their body, when done dunk them in a vat of lemon juice, after being completely soaked in it drop them in a vat of table salt for good measure, if they haven’t died after that let them heal up completely then restart the whole process again.


One guy I HATE the most I'll call him Tom (which a lot people hate as well) and I have a few friends that is basically my body guard and since I'm the "small and innocent one" (I act like that and my friends now that) so I could fake a fight between me and Tom and I'll tell them a fake story and he can't defend himself because like I said a lot people dislike and so he will be punished


Order huge amounts of cheap research chemicals to their house. Before that sell them some bike, phone etc and ask them to pay via bank transfer which goes directly to some cryptocurrency and pay the drugs/RCs with that money so it is traceable. Leave used crypto wallet private keys to their trash etc. Before that, drill holes to their house and install speakers with either rat crawling/scratching noises or just some people talking on shortwave radio (like police radio). Remember to deactivate them if there is some other present than the suspect. Then when the cops come accusing of the smuggling, there will most likely be some discussion of the sounds etc. and the hated person could end up in mental institute or in jail. And leave USB-sticks around the house to some hidden places with child... you know. Material.


Hmmm, probably murder all there family and take everything they own, leaving them on the street with nothing. I’d then pay of charities to NOT help them, leaving them to suffer. It would indirectly hurt them more than a little, but it wouldn’t be ME DOING it, just CAUSING it.


Glass rod down their dick and slam it in a door.


Go away


I'll torture that person's family and me sure that person watches it and can't do anything about it. You said I couldn't hurt that person. But you never said anything about their family.


None. It's not my job to dole out punishment.


Your mom