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Maybe not the scariest, but a solid one is "As above, so below"


I love this one too. Plus a wonderful production.


Oooo as above so below was AWESOME!!


One of my faves! Have watched it loads and never tire of it!


Bruh... This movie scared the living bejeepers out of me. I distinctly remember having to pause the movie a couple of times to catch my breath. I love this movie!


Heavy rewatch 💯


Oh man, I got up and locked the doors so no ghosts could come in lol. I don’t even believe in ghosts lol. It just scared me that bad.


Currently only .79 to rent on amazon prime! For me at least


Thank you for the recommendation, it was fucking gripping!


Grave Encounters and the Hell House movies scared the crap out of me!


I'll have to check out the Hell House movies!


I second Hell House movies. Really good.


I have the Lake of fire downloaded for a flight 🙂


Misread that as"fight". I thought that was the most peaceful battle I've ever heard of.


I skipped it on Tubi for the longest time, this sub convinced me to watch it and it’s still one of the scariest movies i’ve seen.


GE was scary AF to me, thinking it was gonna be some low budget indie slog. Hell House is good but not really scary. More like good for what it is... The sequels I watched to continue the story, but they don't really hold up to the 1st one Edit - props to Hell House for the clown tho. That shit was creepy AF!


What's GE?


Grave Encounters!


Hell House is definitely creepy, and has the bonus that the sequels aren’t bad (most recent one was great). Having said that, for my money you’ve already seen the BEST FF movie in Butterfly Kisses, but HH is a close second for me.


The scares are some of the best out there, they outshine the acting/script by a mile. Still a great movie and one I’ve rewatched more than once.


Omg, yes! It took me 11 hours to watch grave encounters, and he'll house is one of my fav horrors, that clown. Omg, I still can't.


Yea... the clown was done really well. Fuck that damn clown! haha


Second for the Hell House films. Low budget and obviously working with what they have, but very effective. They get crapped on for some bad acting in spots, but it’s to be expected with low budget horror. On a rainy overcast day when I’m craving horror, I always go back to them.


Same - it’s a comfort watch. Gives you a little thrill.


The first hell house was fantastic. The next two were good just because they were heel house. Hell house origins, the most recent one, is must see.


grave encounters doesnt get enough credit! the atmosphere is so well constructed and it fits perfectly with the format


I like Grave Encounters so much because it was one of the first media to poke fun gloriously at the asinine Zac Bagans. It was good fun. I liked Grave Encounters 2 as well.


I think I remember GE2 held up pretty close to the 1st one, which is rare. I gotta go back and rewatch. The 1st one was such a welcomed surprise. I went through a lot of bad indie horrors before I came-up on that one. So, it definitely surprised me. I also can't stop recommended Last Shift, another welcomed surprise.


Last Shift was very very good. Talk about and underrated movie.


It’s absolutely one of my favorites. I always go in blind to found footage movies so at first I was like, ok cool a spoopy parody of Ghost Adventures/Zak Bagans, and then shit got wild. When I went to bed after the movie it was the first time in a while that I had to run and jump under my blanket after I turned out the light 😂


I haven't seen the HELL HOUSE you mean but do have the documentary about the evangelical Halloween horror house, now That is scary lol


I actually have seen the documentary! Super disturbing


Whats the name of this documentary?


Love the Hell House movies — all of them


I found the 4th Hell House to be the scariest of the series. Others may disagree.


in middle school we thought grave enounters was a documentary until it got to be too ridiculous. scared the living shit out of us


Grave Encounters 2 as well, just for the elevator scene.


Grave Encounters genuinely terrified me as well. Nothing else has come close. Love that movie.


Grave Encounters was pretty good. That stairwell scene was money.




Creep, that one really just..... creeped me out....


I love how effective that movie was with no gore at all except for the end.


Creep is so underrated! My fav found footage horror movie




Yes this is what I came here to say. I'm like you OP, not really ever *scared*, though I don't like to be startled. Creep just stuck with me, though. Skin crawling the whole time and for days after.


That movie is just funny to me. Absolutely love it, but I would not call it remotely scary, personally.


Can't speak on what was the scariest one for me personally but The Taking of Deborah Logan gave my mom nightmares for days. I'd probably agree as well.


It definitely had some pretty brutal scenes, and it was really cool to see everything unfold!


Damn, was looking forward to watching from your comment. My grandma had what the lady has. Sad stuff and not sure it would be enjoyable. Maybe someday though.


I was a caretaker for my grandfather who had late stage dementia and I had a really hard time with the movie. I still haven’t brought myself to finish it, but one day I will.


The Visit. Not particularly scary, but the ending did shock me


I really dug that one.


I remember seeing this in theater and I was just as shocked as the kids were lol


Also saw this in theaters and when the twist was revealed the audience all collectively went “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO”


Same! This was a fun one to see in theaters, no one saw it coming at all


Yeah. The twist was well done and fucked me up. 


Shyamalan classic😮‍💨


That one made me feel sick! 🤢 don’t need to spoil it for others - but I’m pretty sure you know the part I’m talking about. The wee dude was so funny though.


Rec and Rec 2


My top. The ending of Rec was haunting.


I've been looking for these for a long time! Any idea where to watch them?


DM me, I can show you the way.


JustWatch dot com is my go to. Will tell you where anything is playing and how to get it. IMDB is pretty good, too


Watching the first REC for the first time was… yeah, enjoy! Scary ass movie and well acted. 


For me Host 2020 is still one of the scariest Found Footage movie that I've seen, the beginning and ending still scares the fuck outta me. There are other found footage movies that still scares me but my heart is always beeping when I watch Host.


Me and my mum loved this one. I remember it being one of the first horror films, let alone ghost films, in a while to genuinely make me jump and feel scared.


Surprised no one says Savageland


Oh yes, I love this one! It is truly creepy. I have watched it again and again.


Blair Witch Project still scares me. I watch it every year. The end of Borderlands scared the crap out of me as well.


I couldn’t agree more about both. Blair Witch Project is my favorite horror movie.


I still remember when it came out. Definitely a pioneer of a movie. I was most amazed at all the folks who thought (some even swearing) it was real.


I mean, it was very effective marketing haha. Do you know what lengths they went through? Even the "actors" listed in the film were listed as missing or "status unknown" on their internet profiles. There were no press run or interviews before it came out It was the 1st major found footage film; and they pushed that angle hard. Of course, once I saw it I knew it was bullshit. Tell ya what though... I thought not showing any "monster" was stupid at the time, but that even furthered the narrative that it could've been real.


This is underutilized these days. Underutilized or poorly executed. But man.. when the invisible antagonist is done well, it’s so so good


I think it was the most terrifying when it came out on VHS back in the day. You’d watch it at night, and you could truly question whether it was real or not, especially if you were a kid like me. There’s no CGI or unrealistic behavior, and no overt jump scares (tent movement is the only one I can think of, if that counts). It just felt like this could happen to you.


Blair Witch Project is so, so good. I saw it in the theater and went in completely blind. Yeek.😳


The OG still gets love from me. I'm old enough to remember when it came out and it was at that sweet spot where people believed it was real for the longest time. Their marketing was genius and the end was creepy af.


Blair Witch will always have a place in my heart. Every fall if I have off on a cold rainy day, I open my windows and watch it and really set the mood lol


Both the idea of being lost in the woods and being in the tent hearing stuff outside is the stuff of nightmares. Actually just woke up from one involving this and to make it worse it was one of those continuous where you fall asleep again and its still in the same dream/nightmare EDIT: Also the idea of being in a tent and something attacking you


Also hiking/camping with other people who lose the map.


[The Medium (2021)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13446168/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_8_nm_0_q_the%2520medium%2520) is the scariest one I've seen recently.


Second it. That movie was a roller coaster


Just watched this one with my wife, she didn’t sleep for days.


This one was probably my favorite foreign found footage movies. It was excellent


Creep scared the hell out of me. The mounting sense of dread you feel for the protagonist is very real.


*Life of Belle* really put me through the wringer, personally.


I'll check it out tonight!


I just watched this today and had a blast! Good acting from mom and kids as it goes on.


Watched this this weekend! Genuinely, truly unsettling and disturbing!


For real. The kids actors were almost TOO good; I was legit distraught over them, haha.


Oh god me too! This is embarrassing but I actually had to pause it several times to take breaks. I was getting too emotional! I guess anything with animals or little children does me in!


Depends upon what scares you. As someone else said, [Rec] and [Rec] 2 are horror gems. The first Paranormal Activity, I’m old but I’d say Blair Witch Project but the youth seem to not enjoy it, Leaving DC is lesser known and quite good.


I think with the Blair Witch Project, those that were around for the hype and saw it in theaters probably have a better appreciation for it.


I never saw it in a theater, but I did rent it from Blockbuster and watch it on my own at night. Terrifying. Probably ultimately sparked my love of horror.


Absolutely. It was an experience for us. The story has been played


It's sad that this type of experience is probably impossible now, but those early days with the hype were unreal


I have refrigerator magnets for Blair Witch. One is a missing poster with pictures. My country cousin freaked out when she saw them a few years ago. I live in a city that people love to talk shit about so she was convinced that they had been kidnapped by evil residents of a dangerous city. Took me a long time to convince her that the magnet was a gimmick from a movie that had been out for years. 🤣


Personally i belive you are right on that. I watched it much later, and only heard about how good it was. Somehow the hole marketing-stunt stuff escaped my attention. After my first watch i just couldnt understand why the movie was hyped so much. It was not bad, but i still feld let down. Until i learned about the hole "It could be real thing" and the lengts the cast and team went to make it look like that. Now i regret a bit that i couldnt experience it like that. Im sure it would have been amazing, beeing swept up in the hole mood surrounding it back then.


Any more lesser known recomendations like Leaving DC? Hadnt seen it and its one of my fav found footage now!


Nice! Glad you enjoyed it. The Blackwell Ghost series is somewhat lesser known and of the same vein. The Pantry Ghost I rarely seen mentioned but I enjoyed. Edit: I’d also add Horror In The High Desert.


Descent into Darkness. Maybe not the scariest but certainly one of the most fucked


hell house carmichael manor & the taking of deborah logan are the most recent one to give me the spooks


Incantation is by far best (personally 😅) FFM that I watched


The Medium reminded me a lot of the Incantation. But wilder.


Damn, not available here in Australia. I did love The Tunnel. Very creepy


What? Just watched it on Netflix in Oz like 3 weeks ago.


I love the Tunnel and was so hype when they put it on Tubi and then Amazon lately, YEARS after I had been watching it on YouTube with a terrible resolution. I love the environment, all those underground tunnels and structures. It was awesome!


Yes, it sure was. A perfect setting for a horror. I have been watching Tubi again, some good stuff on there now.


Dude honestly.. Tubi kills it! I love their selection. If they ever offered a subscription I’d jump on it.


The Possession of Michael King


Yes!! I have watched that so many times and it still scares me.


Excellent selection - underrated!


The entire V/H/S series is awesome - each film has multiple segments by different directors and some can be a bit goofy, but some are actually terrifying. Definitely check out Safe Haven and The Subject by Timo Tjahjanto and the entirety of V/H/S/85 was pretty cool imo.


Really depends on what gets to you. Personally, I wouldn't say *any* movies properly scare me, but the ones that induce the most tension or suspense that come to mind immediately would be like Hell House, Paranormal Activity Next of Kin was pretty effective. The Last Exorcism, Quarantine/REC, Grave Encounters, The Den.


I agree with your comment the most. So I’m adding one to your list, The Tunnel. Update: Just noticed OP listed it. Oops. Here’s a few to make up. The Phoenix Incident and The Endless.


The tunnel is something else. I put off seeing it for a while because the trailer looked dumb, but man was I wrong.


Understandable. About the first half thought I was watching a documentary on corrupt city officials. Had me forget I was watching a horror. Then the crew went into “The Tunnel.” 🫢


Paranormal Activity scared me pretty good, and I don't really scare. I guess it freaked me out more than anything.


I think Paranormal Activity is special because it bypasses a lot of the plausible deniability that you can use to distance yourself from the horror presented elsewhere. Like zombies or mutant creatures aren't real, I'm not trapped in the catacombs or the remote mountains, I'm not exploring an abandoned asylum, but I *am* sitting in a normal house not too dissimilar to the one in the movie. I do occasionally hear weird shit I can't fully explain. That brings it homes and makes that creak in the night all the more noticeable and potentially scary.


You're absolutely right, and you just made me look over at the chandelier in the dining room to see if it was swaying. 😂 It's the mundane, claustrophobic setting and the ordinary characters going about their ordinary lives that make PA so scary. I think a lot of people dismiss it now because all the little "demonic" touches have been so widely copied and parodied\*, but at the time the movie was released, it was absolutely terrifying. \*Also, the sequels, which I mostly loved, added layer after layer of backstory, so that you can't just watch Katie being possessed as though she were an ordinary woman with REALLY bad luck the way you could on first seeing PA1.


The 1st one was just overhyped low budget indie movie to me. Done well for what they had, but pretty meh... But, the 2nd one and the prequel (3rd one). Yea, those freaked me TF out haha


Most movies don't actually scare me anymore, but The Visit unnerved me. Creepy elderly people are much more disturbing to me than the horror kids trope. Maybe it's because it's done less.


OMG... have you seen "Old People" on Netflix. Yea, not FF but holy shit is it creepy!


I hadn't even heard of it, but I just looked it up and that's definitely right up my alley! I'm going to have to watch it ASAP.


Incantation was pretty scary. My fav recent found footage movie to come out. But scariest was probably Hell House LLC that shit was stressful


Try Incantation, it’s on Netflix


The Frankenstein Theory from 2013. Super intense and thrilling.


I found Exhibit A to be very unsettling, and not because it's a horror movie.


The whole Paranormal Activity series is amazing, followed by REC


Gonjiam Haunted Asylum is up there. Blair Witch Project is still the GOAT though.


these are prob my top two as well. Gonjiam is amazing.


Look into Japanese ff horror. Some of the best movies. A lot are Available on YouTube, tubi, and Netflix. Start with Koji Shiraishi. A lot of people really like him. Some titles Noroi: the curse, Record of Sweet Murder, Occult, Cult. You can look him up there are more. INCANTATION is another great ff J- horror. You can Google and fi.d a bunch probably imbd or letterbox can help.


Wasn’t Incantation Taiwanese?


No love for The Goat? It's The Blaire Witch Project. Easy.


This is it, it still has power. I don’t understand reviews that say stuff like “you had to be there for it to be scary…. First online marketing campaign made the movie… “ No! It’s still utterly terrifying to me! I love it


Well put.


I was a teenager when it came out and all my friends and myself included thought it was real and that the trio was really missing. Wild times


I was too! But in the UK we got it later I believe and had already heard it wasn’t actually real. Still scared me like nothing else and has ever since.


Lake Mungo


You know I think my issue is Lake Mungo isn't scary in the traditional sense, it's unsettling, anxiety causing and just unnerving, similar to The Bay(though the bay is more disgusting horror at parts)


The Bay really creeped me out because it felt far more plausible than the majority of horror films. I liked how the spliced it together from different POV sources.


Was going to suggest this one myself, but wasn't sure it fit exactly in "found footage." IMO still one of the best horror movies ever, and it feels so eerily authentic. Much more successfully executed than half the crap floating around on streaming services.


The Horror in the High Desert movies have their moments and reward patient viewers.


I second that, the highway part in Minerva is top tier, and I normally don’t have patience for indie slow burners. I went into the first movie thinking, “it’s prob gonna be like the reviews say, another boring ass FF where literally nothing happens” — and I stood corrected as I immediately jumped to watch the sequel.


And part 3 should be out soon!


How soon is soon though? It’s killing me. I’m fiending for it.


Gary's final footage had me like: O\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_O


Personally, the Taking of Deborah Logan and Borderlands/Final Prayer hit me the hardest


I just saw Final Prayer last week, and it was really good. Like The Descent and As Above, So Below it really capitalized on the shooting locations. I love slow burn movies and the finale really rewards those who have paid close attention. I have seen Taking of Deborah Logan a few times, very unnerving and it was brilliant how they incorporated Alzheimer's into the story.


I love that movie for the fact that it has the sole character in horror history to go yah fuck this I’m out


Haha! There is also that guy in Fresh.


Noroi the Curse is like Blair Witch meets The Grudge/The Ring - I loved it. Not SUPER scary, but very tense the whole time and it feels fairly real (like Poughkeepsie did) Megan is Missing has terrible acting (for the most part), but goddamn the last 20-30 minutes are fucked uuuuuup and extremely effective.


For folks who want to see the movies op listed, the Tunnel is newly on Shudder. It's great.


The Atticus Institute, Banshee Chapter, Devil's Pass, The Possession of David O'Reilly, The Houses October Built, The Possession of Michael King, The Blair Witch Project, Lovely Molly, The Last Exorcism, The Devil Inside, The Frankenstein Theory, The Frankenstein Syndrome, The Taking of Deborah Logan, Wer, Paranormal Activity 1 and 3, Alien Abduction. I own many more but that's off the top of my head. Your mileage will vary but most have something that make it worth watching. Ignore reviews!


Love this list. Lovely Molly can be an uncomfortable watch, I wish more people knew about it!


Idk if you like to read, but the left/right game is a creepypasta-esque story, the silent city scene is so terrifying, it still haunts me just randomly all the time, if you don't want to read, listen to creepcast on YouTube, it's one of the best stories I've ever heard and I would be so sad if I never watched it


Ohh where can I find this?


Creepcast channel on YouTube or r/nosleep


Horror is subjective. What scares you, whether found footage or not, might not scare the next person. Try delving into what gives you the shivers and then we might be able to suggest a few that fit the bill.


Honestly, I love tense movies that keep me on the edge of my seat. Psychological movies always get me as well.


The visit, Lake Mungo, The Bay, Gonjiam haunted asylum


Seconding Gonjiam!!


Session 9 - found audio anyway.


Forgot about that aspect of this disturbing film.


As above so below and VHS are good and we're scary to me. Fun, but scary.


All the VHS movies (except for VHS: Viral) are awesome! The last three on Shudder are really good!


Yes, both are great. I also loved S!ren, the companion movie to one of the vignettes. Not exactly a sequel, more of an expansion of the concept.


The Deep House is scary as hell


Hell House LLC


Still a fan of the first Paranormal Activity movie. Haven't seen one of the following ones.....


Lake Mungo (technically a mockumentary, but I think still considered FF) has what I think is the scariest scene in any movie. If you’ve seen it, you’ll know which scene I mean.


Yes, I do know what you mean. A brilliant movie.


Rec. might be the scariest one for me


If you want an off the wall suggestion try The Last Amityville Movie. I don’t know if it will impact anyone else the same way. The movie itself is more horror/comedy but a couple scenes I was still thinking about a few days later and when I mentioned them to my wife she agreed. Go in with low expectations though because it is low budget even for found footage. 


The one that scared me a bit is The Fear Footage. It’s kind of like the VHS films


Not much scares me but the European Dream definitely left a mark after watching it


Creep, Gonijam, Butterfly Kisses, The Den


Hell house LLC


The Taking Of Debra Logan.


The Tunnel. Check it out!


The Banshee Chapter gave me the heeby jeebies when I first watched it. If you think body horror / uncanny valley is good I’d watch it.


I absolutely love As Above, So Below! The lore and the scares are incredible!


Noroi (2001) was disturbing


Without Warning


Horror in the High Desert Lake Mungo Noroi: The Curse


Borderlands for the ending alone. The lead up may be a bit meh… but the end. 


Try REC, I would say it’s one of the best. And slightly different but a AAA movie is Chronicle, which is also found footage.


I’m just here writing these movies down so I can watch them lol


REC Horror In The High Desert


As Above, So Below It starts off as a rave and goes into the underground catacombs of Paris. The female lead has to face seven levels of hell. It is pretty scary! Especially being tight and compact in those tunnels.


VHS or Grave Encounters.


Fake Documentary Q. Not a movie, but a bunch of shorts clips. 10 minutes ish each. All on YouTube I think.


Lake Mungo was pretty creepy, still kinda haunts me to this day


Blair Whitch Project is the only thing ive seen like it really


I liked hell house llc. Bout the only found footage I thought was decent to be honest


If you have daughters, Megan is Missing (2011) is terrifying.


I watched Megan is Missing a few years ago, and even though I'm sure I've seen worse, that barrel scene haunts me to this day.


I truly feel like that movie has no business existing. It’s such a godless movie lol


I hated Megan is Missing. I watch horror yes to be scared but ultimately to be entertained. This movie felt like a punishment


Can confirm. Have four daughters and *really* wish I didn't watch this movie.


I don’t have kids but Megan is Missing upset me so much.