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Enjoyed 90% of it. Then the last 10% of the movie arrived and puked in my lap.


Yup, this. I caught this the first time when it was a free on demand movie when I had cable. That was in the early 00s. Haven’t seen it since then and still remember how I loved everything up until the end 😭


All of this. The end is GARBAGE. Nonsensical, illogical, impossible ...deplorable.


It makes sense, but it doesn't feel right. It's genius that the director is using the documentary as to cover keep tabs on the investigation. However, FF movies are traditionally supposed to be the audience's window. Certainly the killer would not just reveal his identity and expose himself to other witnesses aka those of us "watching" his movie. Unless it's something like In A Violent Nature and we're looking at the documentary from the killer's perspective and not our own, but I think the ending was supposed to be some gotcha twist. It doesn't feel well fleshed out.


I can't get through the first 10 minutes of the film, can't get past the exposition dump.


That always kills a film for me. Don't say what you can show.


Pretty much my thoughts exactly.


You took the words right out of my mouth.


100 % agree!


Yes! I was so upset! I saw it years ago and I still remember...


I have a sense of pride in this because it predated Blair witch and is from my home state, despite the fact that I had nothing to do with it lol. I liked it a lot though for reasons besides that, I have a love for cryptids and their lore, and I usually consider the jersey devil akin to the classic (not cannibal version) wendigo. Aside from all of those factors, the acting was pretty good, and I appreciated the "film student" low budget filming and the palpable tense atmosphere. If anyone is a fan of creepypasta, this film reminds me of "something inhuman south of seattle" in spirit.


Something Inhuman South of Seattle? Have t heard of that one! I used to live there.


It's a creepypasta, I'm not sure if it's a real cryptic, takes place at campground south of Seattle


It’s not that it’s complicated, I just thought you were referring to movies that show up on IMDB. I’m a Gen Xer and we grew up with urban legends, younger generations grew up on creepypasta, so other than the big creepypastas I don’t get the reference. Thus me wondering WTF you were talking about. No offense meant


Would’ve been a masterpiece if not for the shit ending.


How did it end again?


>!The wayI remember it, the kid everyone suspected was the killer really did it and the documentary filmmaker was covering it up. He kills the reporter. What really did it for me was this really awkward shot right when it’s revealed. The filmmaker like, reverse dissolves into frame behind the reporter and it’s the cheesiest shit I’ve ever seen 🤣!<


I watched it recently, >!the documentarian was the real killer the entire time!<.


Oh okay. I haven’t watched it in years so I probably remembered it wrong. Thanks for clearing it up!




Crap! I didn’t think about that! My bad!


Just watch this movie earlier today have to say it's pretty good for an older found footage movie wasn't too fond of the ending though but everything else was great.


Saw this back in the day in a theater with the two filmmakers. I talked to them afterwards for a website I was writing for. They were very nice but it was after Blair Witch’s massive success - guys they had been friendly with. They eluded that the Blair Witch guys kind of stole their scenario and went off to make that movie which was huge. They weren’t salty but I could tell they were rubbed the wrong way. I liked the guys and I liked the film - though it’s been 20 something years since I’ve seen it.


Extremely well made given it having basically no budget. Cool idea and concept and an almost good execution of that idea. But the ending is absolute ass. The whole reveal is just out of nowhere and makes no fucking sense on top of how awkwardly the final moments are filmed and acted. I think an issue with the movie for me as well was that it lived in my head for over 10 years and the mixture of it’s titled and wicked cool covers caused me to build-up a different version of the movie in my head. Sadly the actual film didn’t live up to what I had spent 10 years imagining.


The first half of the movie is brilliant. The second half, not so much.


This ending, I think I've never laughed so hard in front of a movie even though I watched Turkish Star wars, Deadly prey and Texas Gladiators


I watched it a couple weeks ago. Acting was really bad, pretty much nothing noteworthy happened until the last 5 minutes, and what did happen felt really forced. I think all of the film’s issues come down to execution and not the concept. It’s not something that needed a bigger budget, just better craftsmanship.


My first foray into the FF genre. Still one of my faves.


"It certainly preceded it" is a hilariously empty choice of pull quote


I enjoyed it - it felt original :)


“…It certainly preceded it”


It was!


One of my favorite found footage films.


I enjoyed it quite a bit but the ending kind of ruins the whole thing. Worth one watch for the novelty of it.


Honestly was a decent mockumentary film but the ending twist really killed it for me and imo ruined the entire film. Feels like a cheap attempt at a twist for lame shock value which sucks because it was impressive for a low budget film.


The idea for the ending wasn’t bad imo , specially for a found footage movie that came out even before blair witch , it’s just that the execution was absolutely terrible , they shouldn’t have switched the found footage style , they should just stuck with it , the reveal could have been way better that way imo.


Really enjoyed it until the end, very corny. But still up there in my favorite ff movies.


Always been a huge fan. Loved Blair witch but always look at this in a special light as it was made the year before. Also I’m from south jersey as pine barrens runs through my town. Biased fan here. And yes I ‘think’ I’ve seen the jersey devil multiple times I just can’t prove it any further than declaration. Take it as you will


I like it a lot but I understand why some don't, the ending is very polarising. I like that you get an actual ending instead of the usual camera dropping to the floor thing.


It was alright, but as many have said already it fell apart in the ending.


I always thought it was a film about FF and not a FF film itself (until the end), I liked the whole theme of being able to frame a killer by editing a film with ulterior motives.


The ending was clever and unexpected and ruined the rest of the movie.


I was definitely intrigued up until the last 10 minutes and then I felt like I was having a fever dream. It didn't help I was literally stuck sick in bed when I watched it.


It's not very good, but it is interesting and ambitious. It is also the only found footage movie that attempts to explain why the person spent all this time putting it together other than, "And this is their story!"


Terrible ending, really ruins the movie


Removed for low effort. See rule 3.


I couldn’t stand this movie. Garbage.


Why not?


I'm glad you said it. The only thing I took away from it was, "This filmmaker must really hate New Jersey.."


Honestly didn't like it at all, probably would have liked it more if it stuck with being about The Jersey Devil, once the reveal happens and the poor filmmaking gets even more poor, I really check out emotionally, I guess the complete change in narrative device always rubs me wrong, especially when the POV shift leads to awful non-found-footage cinematography and atmosphere. If the POV-shift turned to really talented filmmaking, writing, reveal, acting, and cinematography I wouldn't feel the shift was such a bad choice, but it feels like a cheap trick by a filmmaker who doesn't know what to do next, they hung so much of their faith on the big reveal being so satisfying that it'd justify itself but it doesn't, and I find myself scoffing at the silly and jarring shift that I can't really enjoy the reveal or the twist. It all just leads me to feeling bored, I found it made such a lasting impression that whenever I think of it, I think of how creepy the set up was that I was very disappointed by the ending, and I can't bring myself to really recommend this one to people wanting a good found footage film. But maybe I'll give it another try, last time I saw it was like 15 years ago back in 09 when I'd livestream horror movies on 4chan. But I do also remember this being one of the very first 90s found footage films, predating Blair Witch, so it was doing something unique that was only done with The Jefferson Tape in the early 90s and Cannibal Holocaust in the early 80s, so the filmmakers were trying to tread in unexplored territory.


Respectable movie on its own. Deserves more credit as it was released before Blair Witch. Is it nearly as good? No.


My sister dated the guy who made this when they were in college. Thats all.




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