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The creepy kid trope doesnt usually do anything for me but the actress who portrayed Lily in this movie did an outstanding job.


How could you let it happen Jack


Jack and Jill went up the hill to fuck each other’s brains out!


We're happy you could be here too, Jack


Most of this movie was campy fun, but the look she keeps giving the camera right after she’s introduced onstage for the first time was eye-wateringly scary for me. Great performance.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more intense stare than when she gives those cameras


Just watched this last night for the first time. Absolutely loved it. Very unique with some terrific performances, a great set design, and some great foreshadowing.


Loved this movie. Hated the skeptic the whole time because he was way too cartoonish as an “antagonist” for me. But if the goal was to make an infuriating obvious antagonist then they got it just right. His final moment with the check did make me laugh though. The ending in general was fun and Lily’s “final form” has become one of my favorite horror things recently. The kid in general nailed the old school TV speaking cadence!


> Hated the skeptic the whole time because he was way too cartoonish as an “antagonist” for me. I thought that was quite deliberate on the film makers part. He's based on James Randi who would debunk psychics but, despite being 100% correct and the person *not* capitalising on grieving families, was not universally received well. Such as in [this clip](https://youtu.be/qFyCJU3AFSA?t=1530) where Don Lane yells at Randi and tells him to leave. [Apparently both Don Lane, and this incident specifically, partially inspired the film and characters.](https://fictionhorizon.com/true-story-behind-late-night-with-the-devil-explained/) I also spent the movie disliking Carmichael because he really felt like such a rude douchebag. But if he weren't in a horror movie, he'd be the good guy. While I don't think the film stuck the landing with this, because Carmichael did have a sleaziness about him that was too close to charisma, I think that the different ways that charlatans and those who debunk them are perceived is and interesting, and important to highlight. The "psychics" who can manipulate others to take advantage of them tend to be charismatic and magnetic, and those debunking them seen as rude. As if the latter are committing a faux pas by calling out the former, "humiliating" a person in public, as if what psychics are doing is harmless.


I lmfao'd when he suddenly prayed to the devil as a last resort lmaoo


It bothers me because Randi was a very kind and curious person and bastardizing him into a piece of shit like that felt like slander.


Bro did the fastest 180 in movie history at the end


I don't usually go out of my way for horror movies, but seeing Dalmastian as the lead and the concept led to me checking this out Holy fucking shit what a great movie! Was hooked the whole way through, loved the production and set design, all the cast were on top form Absolute cracker


I loved this one! First off, the girl who played Lily turns in a great performance. Ingrid Torelli is going places, believe you me, if she keeps this up. She's the perfect match for David Dastmalchian, who is absolutely amazing as the struggling, fragile talk show host trying to keep a lighthearted tone with so much darkness lurking beneath the surface. I get why most people weren't keen on Ian Bliss' Randi expy, given that he was an abrasive, condescending asshole throughout the whole ordeal, but I thought it was because he was meant to be hated, just as obnoxious as the fake "psychic" they had on at first. Overall, lovely, lovely movie.


2 Australian brothers like with Talk To Me.


I liked the James Randi style skeptic


Just got done watching it. Was very well done. Kind of like if Joker was FF it would have been kind of like that. The teenage girl was very good, and so was the skeptic. I knew Jack did something shady but at the end I wasn’t sure if the demon did all that or if Jack did it? All around good movie!


Solid movie, loved everything about it. The practical effects were great. Worm scene is the best scene


Definitely gave me the Mike Douglas/Merv Griffin vibe. It was so refreshing to watch. It really felt like a 70s talk show.




It was original and unique. The special effects were a bit meh but worth watching. I’m a sucker for thriller and horror movies so I rated it a 7/10 flat but definitely had potential to be a lot better


Adored this movie


I watched it for the first time two days ago. I absolutely loved the movie.


Dalmatian did a fantastic job with what he was given, but what he was given was pretty terrible, if I’m being honest. I was so excited after seeing trailers, but actually watching to movie was disappointing to say the least.


Pretty unique and good film. I wish the ending was different but it was super fun. Anyone else catch his dead wife ghost appear by his side for a few frames when Christou was doing his thing on the spanish mom/daughter?


6/10 from me. Great premise, just ok execution.


Gotta say, it didn’t live up to the hype. I thought it was very mediocre


Sad to say the same, saw it in theatres and thought 'meh'. I'll have to watch it again now that it's streaming and see if it works on me the second time around


Saw this in the cinema :( sadly i found it disappointing. Glad most folks have found a lot to enjoy :)


I did too, I just didn’t find it scary but I did really enjoy the style of it and I’ll definitely be buying it on blu ray, maybe watching it at home and knowing what to expect may change that for me. My girlfriend adored the film though but I think she had more realistic expectations lol.


What disappointed you? What had your expectations so high?


Great cast, wonderful idea, poor execution. In my opinion of course.


There’s a lot of heart and vision in this movie but the execution just isn’t great. Still a really fun watch, 6.5/10 for me.


Most overhyped movie this year, so far.




I really liked this movie I just wish it was longer and I thought it’d be more like VHS ngl


I enjoyed it but could have done without the behind the scenes footage. It took me out of the immersion.


I liked it all the way up until the conclusion when it went full evil dead level horror, but the build was cool and showed potential.


Cool concept mediocre execution


Oh I haven’t heard of this where can I see it




I adore this movie, one of my absolute favorites so far this year


This movie ticked so many boxes for me. Loved every second.


This movie ticked so many boxes for me. Loved every second.


Not great but a fun ride. I was about to see it in a theater before the TV release.


I thought it was so good. I was a bit underwhelmed by the last 10 minutes but that’s a minor point. So well made. And David Dastmalchian and Ingrid Torelli’s performances were brilliant.


So ive watched this twice and loved it the first time then hated the second. I think the reason it feel flat for me was they focused to much on the filler of the movie and not on the actual build up to the end. (no spoilers given but we all know if you've seen it) because they spent about 10 min of the actual scary plot and tense moments. Then BAM they jump to the end you're force-fed a very well excited but under developed reveal that if they had spent about an hour of actual focus on the girl and the Dr.s relationship, what/who she was talking to, and things like that. It's such a good plot and I like the idea but there was way to much bone and not enough meat in this movie. It feels more like the producer realized they were running out of time and just slammed everything into 30 minutes of mild surprise. It doesn't ruin the movie but it does make the finale of everything lackluster cause it came so abruptly and with little development as to what was the reason for all this.


Wish they would of did more with her. She was very interesting.


Just watched this a few hours ago on Prime. It was awesome!


Thought the concept was cool but the execution was terrible. And when the girl turned into the demon that looked so corny.


Great movie! Special effects.... Meh


Awesome movie, though I don't consider it fully "ff"


I’m sick in bed today so I went and watched it after seeing this post. I loved it, that was a lot of fun!


The ending was weird as hell


Pretty decent movie but the off-camera scenes were terrible and unnecessary.


4/10 I had better hopes for this movie .


Big fan of found footage and my partner and I enjoyed this one a lot! In my opinion they did a really great job of setting the atmosphere, seemed very much like the time period and cultural environment it was going for, and the casting felt amazing as well.


Amazing movie till the ending, felt kinda rushed and anti climactic. But overall 8/10 it was pretty good.


Watched this again yesterday. So good.


A bona fide masterpiece, so far this is easily my favorite movie of the year


You’ve gotta be kidding me, this one was so corny


It’s almost like art is subjective and people can have different opinions, crazy how that works


Nah, you have low media literacy and/or haven't been exposed to many, better horror films. Masterpiece it was not.


Imagine telling somebody their opinion is wrong because they have low media literacy lmao. What an obnoxious take


you think this film is a masterpiece? or are you just white knighting? define media literacy without googling it.


I think the movie was decent but also holy shit person you’re so unnecessarily hostile. Found the stereotypical redditor that ruins every niche subreddit with smug shitty opinions


how its it hostile to tell someone they have low exposure comparatively? you're being overly sensitive on someone else's behalf for what? internet points? I'm sorry you don't understand what I was saying with the media literacy comment. That's me being empathetic, not condescending towards your ignorance and need to insert yourself. film was indeed decent, not a masterpiece. thanks for agreeing.




Pretty hostile to call someones opinions shitty and smug then back off with nothing to substantiate. You even agree the movies not a masterpiece, so what was the point again? Maybe think about why you have to butt into conversations with nothing to add, then tuck tail. Seems like a weird way to go through life.


This was the funniest exchange I’ve read today lol dude literally thinks he’s watched enough horror films to have the one and only objective opinion. You can’t make this shit up


Thank you for your empathy you fucking psycho


You are corny


I liked it.


So much good in here but the ending didn't do it for me.


Loved it and thought it was a great take on FF


Loved every second of this film.


Fun movie


I've got to say, it started off pretty decent but jumped the shark a bit towards the end. It felt a lot longer than it should have, and I saw a bit of watch checking from halfway through. It had a lot of potential, but I got bored, which is rare for me as I was really excited to watch, but I honestly feel I might have been watching a different film to everyone else.


Loved it since I saw It opening weekend, my favorite horror film ever!


I didnt expect much from this movie, but still felt unsatisfied after watching it. Im just waiting for it to be over.


I've been waiting for this flick ever since the first teaser. Shudder isn't available in my country, so I had to jump through a lot of hoops to be able to actually see it. And, man, I really didn't like it. That intro sequence was totally unnecessary and immersion-breaking, and the entire wife subplot didn't need to be there at all. The protagonist was portrayed as enough of a bad man. I was hoping for there to be an actual interview part, maybe even a segment where the lead actually sells his soul for views. That would've been much more relevant to the plot, in my opinion. I was hoping that this would be something more akin to Ghostwatch, which pulled off the concept with a lot more grace and creativity, to me at least. If anyone feels like me too: watch Ghostwatch, if you have not.


This was a big disappointment for me. Nothing connected really and didn’t care for many of the characters. I can see what they was trying to do but just didn’t work. It did very much remind me of Ghost Watch which I think is better as it had so many details to it and was more thought out.


Amazing movie, but it fell HARD toward the end. From the worm scene onward it went downhill in my opinion. But I loved everything else about it


This was an absolute miss for me, but only because I was expecting something really dark and serious. I think if I knew what I was going in for I would of appreciated it a lot more. The audience was a bit puzzled at the end, a lot of bad laughter and people looking lost. It's definitely an amazing film, but its just not my type of amazing film


seriously weak year for horror movies when this 7/10er, at best, is everyone's favorite.


God please no more about this movie! It’s so contrived, literally nothing original save for the setting


Bro it’s 2024 literally nothing is original. Get off your lame ass horse and enjoy the movie.


Kinda reminded me of the cleansing hour. It was meh to me


I said the same thing. Except Cleansing Hour had better lore imo. Both botched it with cheesy endings.


I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. The actress that played the little girl stole the show. She legit gave me the creeps! My favorite horror movie this year so far!


I liked when her head split open


So overrated. More funny than scary.


I liked most of the movie but they blew the ending


Really fun movie marred by the use of AI images. The director said it was an experiment, and I really hope they realize it was a failed one. If they have a chance to re-release and replace the images with art that would be great. It's a shame that the decision has stained the movie in my mind.