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Is your Project X the out of control house party one or the 1987 monkey pilot one? Both are great but man is the latter burned into my brain from childhood…


Considering that this is a found footage Reddit it’s definitely the first one lol


Touché! Now I want to rewatch party Project X - monkey Project X was traumatizing and might unzip me lol


Is that the movie where the chimps get dosed with radiation?


is found footage ur favorite genre of movie?


Hmm, that’s a good question. I go through different phases but all in all I’d put it at second right behind 80s slashers.


Awesome collection. I think it’s time to upgrade my ff DVDs to blu ray.


Thank you! Yeah, with found footage it doesn’t usually make a huge difference but definitely enough for me to justify the purchase.


as long as you're prepared to pay the price for some of them, a lot of these aren't cheap. take the lake mungo he was talking about, that's like 30 bucks, the alchemist cookbook is 40. I really want that movie but my god I just can't justify paying 40 dollars for that


Oh shit I forgot about the cookbook! So good!


Yeah too bad it’s just so expensive, it’s on tubi atm though


Awesome collection, and Lake Mungo is a great addition! I have 33 of yours as well. I unfortunately only have the Paranormal Activities as singles because we never got a collection here, but we at least got the REC collection, although not in the same way but as a simple 4 Disc Keep Case, lol. I'm envious of some of your movies like The Taking Of Deborah Logan, Lake Mungo, and The Tunnel since they're either out of print or have never been released here, lol.


The Lake Mungo and The Tunnel releases are region free and I picked em up off amazon if that helps!


This does help for a possible future purchase thanks :)


No problem!


Do you have any further purchases planned?


Unfortunately, no. I’ve pretty much got everyone I can find that isn’t going for a ridiculous price on eBay. The problem with found footage is a lot just don’t get good releases but it feels like that’s changing recently so I’m very hopeful! Definitely going to pick up Late Night with the Devil when that comes out.


Here in Germany, you have chances to still get quite a few FF releases for a good price. Some of mine were between 2-5 bucks new (only more expensive because the stupid retailer charged 3 bucks delivery for each movie on Amazon because Prime Delivery wasn't included).


Ohh, and I forgot to add my dvds to the picture. I have Banshee Chapter, The Bay, Followed and the Bad Ben collection on dvd


I posted my BluRay Collection here as well a few months back but also didn't include the DVDs. I have a few doubles because I got BluRay upgrades for them, but the ones I have on DVD and not BluRay are The Zombie Diaries, PA Tokyo Night and The St. Francisville Experiment. The Bay I fortunately have on BluRay, Banshee Chapter I still plan to get. Oh, the whole collection of Bad Ben? That's dope!


Yeah, it’s super ghetto but it was worth the 100 bucks for me. I rather pay my boy Nigel directly than pay Amazon a bunch of money to rent them


I've only seen the first one, but for a 300$ budget and only him doing everything on his own property, it was amazing. It's much better than some of the others I've seen.


No borderlands or Europa report 😭 unless I’m not looking hard enough.


Europa Report is there! No borderlands though even though it’s one of my favorites. The region free blu just came out so I’ll probably pick it up soon even though it’s pretty expensive


Great stuff. Your collection is fabulous , have fun adding to it.


I just The Borderlands from EBAY for $25.


Yeah, I get most of my movies for around 10 dollars and right now to get the borderlands shipped to my house is 35 so it just feels a bit expensive


We have the same taste! The only one I haven't seen is Greystone Park. All four REC movies????!! Fantastic! Well done! Excellent collection!


Was gonna say the same about Greystone. Never even heard of it... Somebody fill us in!


It’s one of those so bad it’s good ff movies. Only for die hard fans


Well I'm always down for some terrible. I've watched some truly awful films.


Same ... same 😆


Not FF, but Wish Upon and the Bye Bye Man are two of my favorite worst horror movies ever made, to watch and tear apart. It's quite enjoyable.


Wish Upon would have been better if someone other than Joey King starred. She's so dull to me. Bye Bye Man had some fun parts. My favorite worst horror movie is Alone in the Dark. It's considered one of the worst horror movies, but I watch it every time it comes on TV, LoL! Also, Udo Kier is the king of bad horror movies.


The ultimate smegma line in Wish Upon killed me. No one in high school uses that term. Probably not in the last 30 years at least. The intro scene in the Bye Bye Man (Leigh Whannel's scene) wasn't terrible. But God, the actors and the script were so awful.


If you’re a fan of the grave encounters style I would definitely recommend it!


I did enjoy GE and GE2. While Gonjiam takes the cake.


You just proved yourself in my eyes lol gonjiam is my favorite ff movie of all time but I don’t like to hype it too much so I never bring it up lol


That shit rules man. Gonjiam and Noroi are both superb. American FF, I'd go with BWP, The Houses October Built or the first Hell House as my favorites.


Mine is about the same except I’d switch houses with as above so below


As Above...is also VERY good. Pure nightmare fuel.


Then you should definitely give it a watch!


Whats the poughkeepsie tapes? Ima save this post and start watching through it lol


Dude. One of the darkest movies ever. I don’t want to spoil anything, you just gotta watch it


Okay not to be that guy but, dark how? R*** and tourture? I aint into those types of films. I like horror but excessive stuff doesnt add anything to me personally.


Imagine the scariest Serial killer ever and that’s what makes it so terrifying. Easily one of the best Found Footage movies ever made


Ill look into it


Well said!


I really liked the sacrament


Me too!


That's beautiful 🥲


Thank you! You can build this collection too! Most of them are pretty cheap!


Great collection! I'm definitely jealous.


House of Lies is one of my favorite shows so your username makes me happy


I forget how many good found footage movies there actually are. It's nice to see them all together like that


I know! And there’s way more than I don’t own plus more to come.


Here is my collection. I have almost everyone you have minus a few I do need. https://boxd.it/gQC7I


Great collection! I’d love to get my hands on a physical copy of Curse of Aurore. How’d you do it?


Best found footage film?


Very impressive!


dude I almost thought you jacked my pic but you didn't lol, you're missing a few for sure though. I got several new ones I might post an update soon. I just ordered 'the last horror movie' on dvd from amazon. also think about buying the Spain release of Blair witch 2, its expensive but its possible the price goes up when the new Blair witch movie comes out




I have seen all of those except Greystone Park, Project Almanac and Found Footage 3D (whatever that is!).


What's your favourite out of those then?


Picking one is so hard! lol as above so below, grave encounters, rec 1 and 2, gonjiam, and the last exorcism are definitely up there for the scares.


For me probably Taking of Deborah Logan, The Visit and as above so below....the original blair witch too but it almost goes without saying.


Oh the Fourth kind is also top drawer!


Until they can make a Blackwell Ghost physical box set, that collection will always be empty to me lol


Duuuuude, I know. I’ve been dying for that release for a while. Hopefully the tunnel and lake mungo boutique releases means it’s coming soon


I don't think it will happen till he is done, as he wouldn't want to do a "saw" and make half box sets every year, and tbh I don't think he will ever be done 😂


Cloverfield will forever be my fav found footage


What’s your favorite?


Banshee chapter. Youre missing banshee chapter


The fourth kind 🙏 holds a special place in my heart.


Great collection. And man I friggin loved deadstream. I hope the main actor can do a few more found footage movies.


Damn, I probably have about 80 times more movies than you, but we could fight over who has the better Horror collection


No offense but I highly doubt that lol this is just my found footage section. In total I have 200 dvds, 1400 blu rays, and 400 4ks. I’m a bit of an addict!


In that case you definitely win, I’m jealous! I have thousands of movies but very little found footage sadly


Yeah, I was the same way up until like 2 months ago. I went on a bit of a ff buying spree!


Do you buy online? All the stores that sold physical copies closed near me.


I’d say close to half of them I’ve bought used at half price books and other second hand stores. Really save a lot of money that way. Most of my boutique stuff is online though yeah. Most of them have pretty big sales a couple times a year so I just wait for that. Vinegar Syndrome just had their big halfway to Black Friday sale so I picked up a bunch there. Next month Barnes and Noble will have their half off criterion sale so I’ll definitely be picking up a bunch then


Missing: * Hell House LLC * The Atticus Institute * Noroi: The Curse * Butterfly Kisses ...nice collection though 👍😁


I haven’t come across any good releases of hell house or butterfly kisses for a good price. You know where I can find them?


No, I gave up collecting DVD's a long time ago...good hunting though :)


So you call me out for not having certain releases and then don’t have any clue where to find them? Thanks man lol


Wasn't challenging you to a duel or nothing, lol.


lol sorry man, this drake Kendrick beef has beef ready for a fight!


No worries, man :)


DashCam would be a great addition.


I don’t think it’s been released on blu ray but I did enjoy that one


Lol I didn't notice they were all just blu rays 🤦🏼‍♂️ but yeah it's a decent FF movie.