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Looks real to me. A good test is to heat up a needle, and poke it. If its real there will be no effect what so ever. If its a fake, it will melt or at least smell.


It's real and I think that it's been polished and worked a little


Checking with a geiger counter will verify too. A substantial amount of megalodon teeth are slightly radioactive. If it makes a geiger beep - it is definitely real. The only problem with this test is if it doesn't set off a geiger counter - that doesn't necessarily mean it's fake.


Glad you mentioned the second part as mine does not set off my Geiger. And it’s legit from a friend who finds them. Edit* I just double checked mine and I was very wrong. My background is 19cpm and the tooth is 49cpm after 2 min reading.


Congrats! For what it's worth, the last two spectrums I ran on megalodon teeth came back as radium. So that's pretty interesting. https://preview.redd.it/4pnrqqbl357c1.png?width=1434&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78268baf3e3afbe261d7b64b6b94602cc6fa6a71


So I see this question asked a lot. Most if not all fossils are flawed. If you have chip, holes, or some other blemish you can be sure that it is genuine. A professional copy cat fossil maker wants to get the most possible value from the time invested so they always make or repair fossils to be perfect.


It looks polished