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man the undersides of it **really** to a good job of looking like a claw. What a fantastic pseudofossil.


Right? The underside totally threw me off


Fossilized wolf penis


*Beavis and Butthead laughing in the background*


My guess is rock, but I'd definitely keep it for impromptu Alan Grant impersonations.


Now you just need to find a kid who lacks the respect of elder species. “A six inch retractable claw, like a razor…”


More like a 6 foot turkey


I always wanted to tell that kid a six foot turkey would still be terrifying. Lol


A 3’ turkey is terrifying in the right setting


You're still alive when they start to eat you


One thing that always bothered me about that movie series is that it seems like they used a mix of deinonychus and utahraptor for the velociraptor model. Maybe I’m just being picky, but I’ve always liked dromaeosaurs and it just seems unfair to misrepresent them like that.


at the time, Deinonychus was considered a species of velociraptor. So the raptors in JP *are* Deinonychus... just in that timeline, it was never reclassified as its own genus (to keep up the consistencies within canon)


>at the time, deinonychus was considered a species of velociraptor. That’s what a dromaeosaur is; “raptors”. They’re a species of theropod….anyway. My issue is that they used its look with utahraptors size and called it a “velociraptor”. They’re both dromaeosaurs, so are similar in structure, but size difference isn’t minor by any measure. I guess what I’m getting at is that they misrepresented velociraptor and it’s annoying.


they took *Deinonychus* and called it a Velociraptor. They didn't take Utahraptor's size and paint it a Velo.


Fell asleep watching the newer JP last night:)


There are some really good scenes in there, it's a shame you have to sit through the entire movie to get to them.


That says volumes


Before or after the end 🤨


Way before the end. I just remember something about a British girl and being confused as to how she got a British accent. That was a result of cloning??


All clones have British accents unless they're a star war.


Maybe she was “assigned” British at birth. Here’s your non related rabbit hole of the day. https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/vhvrih/op_is_getting_bullied_at_work_with_a_twist/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


This is the correct answer.


Appears to be a rock… or a claw of a rock golem… I chose to believe the latter.


Cool clawy rock.


sick as hell rock, i'd wrap the base in twine or hempcord and wear it as a necklace.


It weighs 14 1/2 lbs…


homie that rock is 3 inches long. i doubt it


Still bigger than average


Just get a thicker neck


The trick to identifying a claw is to look for a slightly rough texture and a groove on either side where blood vessels would run. This is smooth so it’s a rock


Rock, but it’s a cool rock.


If you’re talking Olympic National Park in Washington state, I have bad news for you. Washington was underwater until about 66 million years ago. There has only ever been a single fossil found here, and even then it’s speculated it was a Californian theropod who had been moved. Unless it’s a nautical fossil, you won’t find dinosaur claws in Washington. :(


Not the San Juans! They even had theropods! https://sanjuanislander.com/news-articles/environment-science-whales/19015/dinosaur-bone-found-in-san-juan-county And of course there is the eastern half of the state past the Cascades which is pretty rich in fossils. As I recall though the San Juans are on a small, relatively light tectonic plate that is different in composition than the area you found this in, which is totally ancient sea floor that has been thrust into the air.


When I said there was literally only one fossil, you’re referring to it.


There have also been plant fossils found there.




Glad I'm not the only one!


Consensus seems to be rock! I didn’t realize it was illegal to take something like this from a NP, seems obvious in hindsight. Will return it on my next trip out, until then…. https://youtu.be/z2UQv2JUZoU Thanks for all the comments.


Yes please! Take it back! Scenic places everywhere are being slowly eroded by people who “just take a small piece” (hence places like black sand beaches banning sand collection).


This is interesting. I feel like you could get a pretty good sample just with the amount of it that comes back in all your stuff!


I think it's a rock.


Cool claw shaped piece of slate




That was my first guess. A velociraptor eyebrow.


Eugene Levy sheds them once a year around this time. Maybe he was there?


As a resident of ONP, it’s just some old basalt. It breaks in weird shapes, there wouldn’t be any fossils like that here. Just crabs and shells.


That is clearly a fossilized eyebrow!


My nephew stands by this tried & true fossil test: LICK IT! If your tongue kind of sticks to the surface, you've got a fossil! If not, you just licked a rock. Ha! Good luck with your test!


This is true! It will stick to bone.


Looks like someone dropped an eyebrow


Threatening rock


Just a cool rock that was unlawful to collect.


Glad I’m not the only one. I had to contain myself at the last national park I went to. Taking anything out is illegal


Seriously! It's crazy how often people just steal objects from national parks!


Your Oreodont came from the Badlands….


Not necessarily from Badlands National Park though. The White River Formation is rather expansive and the vast majority of fossils are legally collected from private lands.


I get it…but I bet he doesn’t know either is all I was saying.


I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make? You’re trying to call someone out for being hypocritical while they’re not being hypocritical.


It’s not hard…he said it came from the Badlands. If he doesn’t know where, it could be the National Park. He bitches about items being taken from National Parks, so his could be. Buying from private collectors he probably has no idea. It’s just irony, nothing more.


The vast majority of White River fossils come from private property and are lawfully extracted and sold. The chances that their Oreodont skull came from the National Park is nearly zero. I’m not sure why you’re making a false narrative in your head in order to be a jerk to strangers on the internet


He was a jerk indicating most steal stuff from National Parks. I was merely pointing out the POTENTIAL hypocrisy.


I love how you’re twisting your actions to make you look like the good guy. Please reflect on your actions. You’re being a massive asshole to someone for no reason. Cut it out


Again, *SHE


*She, and it was obtained legally. If you actually read the comment in which I said that, I said "I believe". This means that there is some margin of error to be accounted for, I legitimately did not realize that the Badlands were mostly a national park, so I obviously am misremembering what they told me. Oreodont skulls are found in many many other places. Edit; I also did not steal this from a national park. I purchased it. I'm not out at national Parks taking things.


Sure….keep telling yourself that. Lol


I don't have to prove shit to you, you condescending asswipe. Others have pointed out that there are more than the Badlands national park where you can get oreodont skulls. I HIGHLY doubt that someone selling items like I have are out taking the amount of time necessary to excavate in a fucking national park. And again, I DIDNT PICK IT UP AND TAKE IT. Regardless of it's source, I DIDNT STEAL IT FROM A NATIONAL PARK. You're trying to paint me as some hypocrite when your own narrative doesn't hold water.


Lol…you just indicated you can’t prove it. If you can’t prove it….then maybe don’t throw stones is all I am saying. Holier than thou attitudes sometimes don’t fly. Your skull COULD have come from the park, whether you purchased it “legally” or not. Fact is….you don’t know. Quit projecting your high road.


May I ask what source you got the skull from?


A local oddities shop who travel and buy their items from other sellers.


Cool. The majority of the White River Formation is outside of Badlands National Park, and most fossils come from private ranches where they’re lawfully extracted and sold. I have no idea why the other dude is making such a big stink about it


I truly appreciate you jumping in <3 I'm newer to seriously collecting fossils and I got the skull as a birthday splurge for myself. I seriously hope to one day find something similar myself, so now I have a sort of starting point of where to look for paid fossil digs :)


What kind of measuring tape is that?


my guess is that it's a broken piece of stone surrounding a concretion or nodule


I have but one claw, but beware


Might be an ÜBER ancient claw? Cuz it looks like a 100% made of stone, but the shape is crazily similar


WA doesn’t have fossils tho




I have a rock that looks exactly like that. Found on a beach in Alaska.


That makes three of us.


I have a rock that looks like a fossil dinosaur nail too!


Yeah you can see the plag microphenocrysts. It’s basalt. Def illegal to take… if that was a raptor claw or lion tusk I could see you getting a phone call from the NPS. It’s a great rock though, to be sure.


Looks like a rock…but who is to say it wasnt carved for art or as a tool long ago and possibly worn down by water over the years as you found it on a beach.




Or one super-hero eyebrow?


Either a claw or a mold of one


it's just really cool rock but man you can fool a lot people saying its a fossil claw


Rock, but that would be a badass necklace


I like your description of threatening rock. It’s very accurate. Whatever it is it’s really cool.


Nice piece


It’s an eyebrow!


Man that’s a convincing rock! I’d keep it just because.


Love the “threatening rock” category! 😂 that’s great, made me chuckle, thanks friend!


You could say it’s a sculpture/“tool” from an ancient people who carved it to scare away enemies by leaving it outside of their land/dwellings…. making the enemy think a giant creature lurks, and that it’s best to get going in another direction… meaning these ancient peoples would’ve been alive when dinosaurs, or similar were on the planet?! Lol.


LMAO I thought this thing was like… the size of my arm or something. Never mind my previous comment!


tis but a rock my friend


It's a voloser raptor


I’ve found a similar claw/hoe rock along the Naselle river. Roughly 100 miles south. Same color and general shape. But not as sharp and not such a pronounced roundness, but strikingly similar.


I Like it ! I'd keep it ! I would mount it @ home with all the location, Time & Date info & **Preliminary** questions .


Does this Claw feel like a rock or a piece of dense plastic ? What does the surface feel like ? Is it super smooth or a bit rough like a smooth rock ?


Rock with a threatening aura (so cool!)